T October 2014 Men’s Probus Club of Grand Bend & Area #53


T October 2014 Men’s Probus Club of Grand Bend & Area #53
Official Monthly Newsletter of the
Men’s Probus Club of Grand Bend & Area #53
October 2014
Editor: Lee McCutcheon leemccutcheon@ezlink.ca 519 238-1433
“To stimulate thought, interest and participation in activities at a time in life when it is easy to become complacent and self-centered.”
2014-2015 Executive Committee
Past President
Bob Cook
519 243-1986
Gary Pollard
519 238-8476
1st Vice-President Bob Radtke
519 293-8038
2 Vice-President Dave Hudgel
519 982-3399
Doug Procter
Brian Johnson
519 236-7057
2014-2015 Committee Chairs
Club Ext./Liaison Cam Taylor
Club Greeter
Norm Harris
519 238-5390
Ken Reidy
David Boyle
Tony Corke
Keith Harvey
Member’s Corner Terry Fadelle
Member Support
Cam Taylor
Jim De Zorzi
Bert Albertson
Jim Southcott
Special Events
Paul Zavitz
September Milestones
Jim Redman (Sep 4)
Gerry Kading (Sep 11)
Bob Putherbough (Sep 11) 76
Bill Putherbough (Sep 11) 76
Bob Laidlaw (Sep 5)
Lynn LaRouche (Sep 11) 71
Lee McCutcheon (Sep 17) 70
Robert Taylor (Sep 22) 69
Donna & Jack Southcott (Sep 25)
Marlene & Bill Brenner (Sep 26)
Marnie & Gary Pollard (Sep 8)
Pat & Gerry Kading (Sep 14)
Susan & Gary Dykes (Sep 6)
Cairn & Sid Huff (Sep 9)
Anna & Glenn Hogan (Sep 15)
Dinah & Cam Taylor (Sep 10)
Heather & Tom Stewart (Sep 2)
Louanna & Dave Hudgel (Sep 24)
If you are celebrating a significant event,
please let us know so we can share the good news.
We have to celebrate the good times in life because
we have more than our fair share of the others.
Probus #53, since 1995
Highlights of September 16, 2014
oday’s meeting opened with an a cappella version of O’ Canada led by
Frank and Doug.
 Gordon Mackay introduced our guest
speaker, Alistair MacKenzie whose topic was
Resource Protection in a Pressure Cooker: Pinery
Provincial Park.
Alistair is a Wildlife Biologist and Naturalist with a
BSc. degree in Wildlife Biology from U of G and a
MSc. degree in Spatial Ecology from U of T. He is
currently Natural Heritage Education and Resource
Management supervisor at Pinery Provincial Park.
Pinery Provincial Park was established in 1957 and opened in 1959. It has
750,000 annual visits and has 1,000 campsites. On a busy weekend, there
are 8,000-10,000 campers. The Pinery is now
part of Ontario Parks, whereas it was
formerly part of MNR. Now 88% of revenue
comes from user fees.
 The Pinery has extremely rare and
fragile Oak Savanna and Coastal Dune
Ecosystems with extraordinary biodiversity –
over 800 vascular plants, over 300 bird
species. It has 10 km of sandy beach.
 Alistair explained how the sand dunes
are formed by sand carried by the water
from the area south of Point Clark and then
blown inland in the Grand Bend and Pinery
area, mostly in the winter. He went on to
talk about the importance of the marram
grasses in the formation of the dunes.
Alistair also spoke of some of the
rare species such as the five-lined
skink found in the park and in the
Old Ausable Channel as well as the
powerful species such as deer and
coyotes whose population needs to
be controlled. Fires are also a
natural part of an ecosystem and
help to control unwanted species
and help others to
 Hank Winters
thanked Alistair
and presented him
with the usual
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Ref.: http://www.probus.org
Official Newsletter of the Men’s PROBUS Club of Grand Bend & Area #53
October 2014
Thanksgiving: Monday, October 13, 2014
Members’ Corner
President’s Comments
 Today’s meeting marks the introduction of the 50/50 draw to pay for the free
lunch in October.
 We have agreed to pair with the ladies
Probus club to purchase a wreath from the
Legion at a total cost of $85.
 We also agreed to help the Legion by
having a poppy donation box at our meetings in September and October.
In Attendance Today
 Gordon Mackay said he was delighted to see Sherwood
Eddy, Bill Harvey and Ron Hunt able join us today. Each
of them has faced medical challenges recently.
 Bert Albertson is ill today with the flu.
50/50 Draw
 Brian Cox won $84.50 from today’s 50/50 draw.
Story Time (you had to be there)
 Frank Loscombe told a story about an auto accident on a
county road involving a female and a male driver; and
something about the lady offering him a drink of wine.
Bob Laidlaw entertained the question of nationality as he
reviewed the results of an internet survey which showed:
 Canadians 2 to 3 times/mo
 Japanese 2 to 3 times/year
Fred Willert (offered to read jokes) told the story of a
distraught farmer peddling peaches when a very attractive
and lovely lady answered the door. He dried his eyes and
wiped his nose as he explained:
 “the drought took my corn,
 “my beans were lost in a flood,
 “a tornado took my barn, and
 something about losing all of his peaches
District Director - Jim De Zorzi
Jim brought greetings from PROBUS Canada President
Maureen Irving.
He noted that there are now 234 PROBUS clubs in Canada and Jim is expecting to visit the 24 clubs in our District.
He reminded us that March is National PROBUS month
and that we should form a committee to help promote
our club during the month of March 2015.
A new club recently formed in Hanover sponsored by
the Kincardine Probus club.
Probus #53, since 1995
“Every now and then you come across a joke that is SO good that it just has
to be shared. Unfortunately this is NOT one of those times!” - ED
-----------------------------------He was a mediocre conductor of a mediocre orchestra. He had been having problems with the basses; they were
the least professional of his musicians.
It was the last performance of the season, Beethoven's 9th Symphony, which required extra effort from the
basses at the end.
Earlier that evening, he found the basses celebrating
one of their birthdays by passing a bottle around.
As he was about to cue the basses, he knocked over
his music stand. The sheet music scattered.
As he stood in front of his orchestra, his worst fear
was realized;
 it was the bottom of the 9th,
 no score, and
 the basses were loaded.
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Ref.: http://www.probus.org
Official Newsletter of the Men’s PROBUS Club of Grand Bend & Area #53
October 2014
the Bend
Committee Reports
Trea$urer’$ Report: Cam Taylor
 In today’s (and his final) Trea$urer$ report Cam indicated
that we have a bank balance of $2,019.88.
 He is looking forward to his new PROBUS role with ‘Slice
of Life’ and ‘Who Am I?’
Community Events
Membership: Tony Corke
 Tony indicated that 83 members are paid up.
Program: Bert Albertson
 In October, Dr. Tide. Topic: Hearing.
Autumn Indulgence
 Cam Taylor reminded us of Autumn Indulgence, a Rotary
fundraiser, on Sept. 20.
Special Events: Paul Zavitz
 Paul Zavitz is taking a list of people interested in making
an Oct. 23 trip to the Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield
Village in Michigan. It appears now that car pooling will
replace the bus trip that Paul was planning.
Terry Fox Run
 Bill Metcalfe noted that the Toronto Island Terry Fox Run
had raised $20,000 for cancer research; and he thanked
members for their support.
Facilities: Ken Reidy
 Ken reported 63 in attendance today.
 Our October meeting will have our annual Octoberfest
luncheon at the GB Legion; and we will have cake for
those > 80 years.
Seaforth Harmony Kings
 Hank plugged the Seaforth Harmony Kings annual show
on Oct. 4. It’s an original musical western comedy called
“Cow Patti”
and Hank failed to mention that
he is “Killer” in the skit. Tickets are a bargain at $15.
South Africa
 Peter Twynstra thanked those who had help load the 6 containers that have been sent abroad this year and noted that
tools of all kinds could be donated to help fill containers that
are being loaded on October 4 and 17.
Bob’s last meeting as President
started with very low attendance.
Probus Woodworking Group
 Our PROBUS woodworking group is visiting Hoffmeyer’s
Mill in Sebringville on Thurs. Sept. 18. Anyone is welcome to join in on the group’s activities.
Paraprosdokian: a figure of speech in which the latter part of a
sentence or phrase is surprising or unexpected in a way that causes
the reader or listener to reframe or reinterpret the first part.
 A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory.
Annual General Meeting (AGM)
The following are the results of today’s AGM:
 MOTION by Cam Taylor, seconded by Bill Metcalfe, to
accept the budget as circulated. Carried
 MOTION by Gordon Mackay, seconded by Al Otton, to
accept the slate of officers as presented at the September
meeting. Carried. Gordon took a moment to thank the
Management team.
 President Bob noted that the president is only a spokesman
for the Management Team and he thanked the members
individually before turning over the gavel to Gary Pollard,
our 2014 - 2015 President.
Probus #53, since 1995
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 You do not need a parachute to skydive. You only need a
parachute to skydive twice.
 The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some
good ideas!
 Always borrow money from a pessimist. He won't expect it
Punsters: Gordon Mackay, Douglas Procter, William Welch & William Metcalfe
This is another
fine mess you’ve
gotten us into!
Ref.: http://www.probus.org
Official Newsletter of the Men’s PROBUS Club of Grand Bend & Area #53
October 2014
Probus #53, since 1995
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Ref.: http://www.probus.org
Official Newsletter of the Men’s PROBUS Club of Grand Bend & Area #53
October 2014
Calendar of Events
(Please mark your calendars now)
Blessed are those who can give without remembering and take without forgetting.
Every morning is the dawn of a new error.
September 16, 2014
Oct 21
Time: 10:00 a.m.
Topic: Hearing
Speaker: Dr. Tide
Time: 12:00
Nov 18
Time: 10:00 a.m.
Topic: Investment for Old Age
Speaker: Nancy Stark
Dec 04
Christmas Party (date yet to be confirmed)
Dec 16
Time: 10:00 a.m.
Topic: Trip to Russia
Speaker: Hank Winters
Jan 20/’15
Time: 10:00 a.m.
Topic: TBA
Speaker: TBA
Feb 17/’15
Time: 10:00 a.m.
Topic: TBA
Speaker: TBA
Quotable Quotes
“Advice is what we ask for
when we already know the answer
but wish we didn't.”
-- Erica Jong
If you know someone
who is not yet a member
who would enjoy the fellowship of the
Men's’ Probus Club of Grand Bend & Area,
please invite him to our next meeting.
Probus #53, since 1995
ONE LINERS: Frustration is trying to find your glasses without your glasses.
Management Team
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On the Lighter Side/ Herman
Ref.: http://www.probus.org