Bible study lesson: 9am to 11 am Evangelical Church Mbabane


Bible study lesson: 9am to 11 am Evangelical Church Mbabane
Bible study lesson: 9am to 11 am
Evangelical Church Mbabane
Presentation by Rev. J.S. Msane
 The story Jesus told about His kingdom (Mat. 13: 31-32;
Lk 13:18-21) is that of growth and expansion.
 Jesus wants and demands for a kingdom that is
 It may start small but it should not remain small.
 This should be the purpose of a kingdom minded
church (we should be building a growing church that
will gradually take over this world for Him).
A. Kingdom:
 A country ruled by a king or queen (Oxford
 The kingdom of God in Scripture is the all-embracing
program of God’s divine salvation history.
 Involved in the term “kingdom” are both the royal
dignity of a king, and the territory in which this
kingship is exercised.
B. Church:
 The church of Jesus Christ is not the building or the
structure, but the PEOPLE.
 His church is comprised of the called-out people.
Those that have been transformed, genuinely saved
from sin.
 The church is both local and universal.
C. Kingdom minded church:
 These are people who have accepted the Lordship of
Christ in their personal lives, represent Christ, live for
Christ, obey Christ and seek to bring the kingdom of
Christ into every heart in the locality.
Three kinds of churches
Churches who are building their own kingdom.
2. Churches who are building their own kingdom and
that of God.
3. Churches who are building the kingdom of God only.
Marks of a church which is building
its own kingdom
Humanistic Preaching:
 Moral and motivational talks that leave out the
fundamental truth of the gospel have become the
order of the day.
 Sin is not being mentioned, lest the people become
 People must be kept happy and the service enjoyable.
Marks of a church which is building
its own kingdom
2. Success and Breakthrough:
 There is overemphasis on physical and financial
success to the detriment of spiritual riches.
 The programmes are geared towards getting ahead
financially and physically to the detriment of your
spiritual life.
Marks of a church which is building
its own kingdom
3. Reliance on Transfer Growth:
 Many of these so called ‘churches’ are not meant for
sinners that truly want to know the Lord and get to
 Rather, they are targeted towards those who are
already Christians.
Marks of a kingdom minded church
In a kingdom minded church, these are the visible marks
that you must look for and which are very crucial to His
1. The kingdom minded church is founded upon Christ
and preaches Christ (Mat. 16:18; 28:19-20).
2. It is composed of people who radically devoted to
Christ (Acts 2:42)
Marks of a kingdom minded
3. It is composed of people who live out their faith
within the shadows of the gates of hell.
 They are in the world but not of the world.
 They shine as light and sweeten as salt in the earth
(Mat 5: 13-16).
 They deny self and carry their cross daily to follow
Christ their Lord and saviour (Mat 11: 28-29).
Marks of a kingdom minded
4. It is composed of people who are irrevocably
committed to each other; Christ Himself says, “By this
shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have
love one to another” (John 13:35).
 True and genuine love that becomes contagious is
evident in a kingdom minded church.
Marks of a kingdom minded
5. It is a Mission-minded church; no church can be said
to be kingdom minded if the Great Commission of our
Lord is not taken seriously (Mat. 28:19-20; Mk. 16: 15).
 It must be a going church.
 The Great Commission does not become the Great
 Soul winning is taken as the number of one business of
the church and every effort is made to bring people to
the saving knowledge of Christ.
Marks of a kingdom minded
6. It is composed of people who are committed to prayer
and intercession; “It is written, my house shall be called
the house of prayer” (Matthew 21:13).
7. It is a biblically sound church.
 The Word of God is non negotiable in a kingdom
minded church.
Marks of a kingdom minded
8. It consciously encourages the discovery of gifts, talents
and ministries of members and allows them to function
(Eph. 4:16)
9. It embarks on leadership development (2 Tim. 2:2).