Document 6573414


Document 6573414
Jan. 7, ‘19365 ‘
‘ “ Filed F‘e'bQzo, ‘1935
,2 Sheets-Sheet 1
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1 2,021,101
Patented Jan. 7,1936 ‘1 ‘
noLLEn snaps
Herman K. Keller and Wilfred G. Dery
Amsterdam, N. Y.
Application (February so, 1935, Serial No. 1.425
1 ‘Claim.
(01. 155-11)
This invention relates to improvements in roller rotate the shaft 9 and the strap will be rolled
shades, the general object of the invention being vupon the shaft I2 and this moving of the shaft 9
to improve the devices shown in a patent granted will be communicated by the gears to the shaft I
to, us on October 16, 1934, No. 1,976,884 and‘ and as the shaft 8 rotates in an opposite direc-,
Patent No, 1,917,449 dated July, 11, 1933 granted tion from the‘shaft I, the slats and chains will 5
be rolled upon the drum 4. A spring I: is con
to Herman H. Koller.
' ‘ ‘
j “
This invention also consists in certain other nected with the upper slat and tends to hold the
features'of construction and in the combination same in open position and if desired springs simi
and arrangement of several parts, ‘to be herein lar to It can be associated with the other slats.
A frame I! composed of a pair of vertical bars 10
after fully described, illustrated In the‘accom
Hpanying drawings and speci?cally pointed out in I and a lower cross piece I! is supported for swing
the appended claim.
‘ ing movement from the members I by the links H
In describing the invention in detail, reference
will be had to the accompanying drawings where
15 in like characters denote like or corresponding,
parts throughout the several views,‘ and in which:
Fig. 1 is a fragmentary front1 view‘ of the 111-‘ ‘
vention with parts broken away.
the bars engaging the free edges of the slats and
said‘frame is actuatedby an arcuate-shaped lever ‘1 ‘
I8 having its inner end pivoted to the cross piece 15
I6, part of the lever passing through a hole in
the stationary lower slat ‘I’ and through a ‘guide;
I9, on the window sill, the edges of the lever Ia.
. Fig. 2 is a vertical sectional viewthrough Fig. 1.‘. [being notched so that the'guide willhold the ‘
Fig. 3 is a fragmentary elevation showing how lever in adjusted position and the slots or notches go ’
the spring for holding a slat in raisedposition, is‘ in the member ‘I’ will fit over the lever when
I 25
‘Fig. 4 is a. fragmentary perspective‘ view show
ing how the chain engages a channel guide.‘
Fig. 5 is aperspective view of one ofthe slats.
Fig. 6 is a‘transverse sectional view‘through the
upper rolled end of a slat, and the channel guide‘
and the chain with the rod in‘ elevation.
-In these drawings, the numeral I indicates" a
I‘ ‘30 pair of vertically arranged channel members suit-é
ably placed in the side members, of a window
frame or the like ‘andfthe numeral! indicates a
pair of supporting plates which may contact or be
formed with the upper ends 'of'the ‘bights of the
the blind is in lowered position. Thus by pulling
outwardly the lever I I, ‘the frame I B will be,
lowered and as part of the frame bears ‘against
the slats, this'movement of‘ the frame will lower as
the slats to closed or partly closed position.
It’ is thought from the foregoing description ‘
that the advantages and novel features of thein- @ ‘
vention will be readily apparent.
- It is to be understood that changes may be‘ao _
‘made in the construction and in the combination
and arrangement of the several parts provided
that suchvchangesfall within the scope of the ,
membersl and these plates may also besupported ' .
We claim:
in the upperportion ofya window frame against
In‘a shade structure of the class described, a
the side members thereof. These plates rotat
transversely arranged shaft‘rotatably supported,‘
drums on the shaft adjacent the ends thereof, a
ably support a shaft 3 ,‘which has a drum 4 at
, tached to‘each end, part thereof. and a chain , chain having‘one end connected to each drum,
Sis connected to eachdrum, the chain operate arcuate-shaped slats. a rod connected to one edge 40
ing in theguide members I as more clearly > of each‘ slat, the ends of the rods being connected‘ ‘ I
shown in Fig. 4. These chains have the vertically >_ to spaced‘links of the chains, guideways for the
spaced rods ,6 attached to certain links thereof chains, a second shaft rotatably supported, gears ‘
and ‘each rod supportsa slat 'I‘which may have its connecting the two shaftstogether, and a strap‘
.45 upper‘ edge rolled as‘shown at I aroundthe ‘rod. ‘connected to the‘ second shaft and so wound on 45 '
. Each slat is of slightly arcuate shape with‘its the second shaft that a pull upon the strap will
‘ I concave face uppermost, when thelslats‘ are in :cause the gears-to rotate the ?rst shaft in an
open position so that the slats ‘can readily be opposite direction from the second shaft to wind
rolled upon the drumsjwith the“ chains. The the chains and slats upon the drums, a frame
second shaft 9 is rotatably supported by the plates
‘ 2 ‘in front‘ and ‘slightly below the shaft 3 and
these two shafts are connected, together adjacent
having portions contacting‘thefree edges of the 50
slats,“means for supporting the frame for swing
ing movement, and a manually-operated lever
connected to the lower "end of‘ the frame for
connected with ‘the shaft‘ 9 and its other end is, swinging the frame and holding it in‘ adjusted ,
Y55 connected to, a spring roller I2 at the‘ lower end position.
one end by the gears. III. A strap _II has one end '
1 of
I I is
pulled upon
of theinframe
a downward
so that direction,
when theitstrap
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