Duncan Christian Reformed Church October 26, 2014 Gerrit Benjamin


Duncan Christian Reformed Church October 26, 2014 Gerrit Benjamin
Duncan Christian Reformed Church
930 Trunk Road, Duncan, British Columbia,
October 26, 2014
Gerrit Benjamin
Walt Vanderwerf, Pastor
Henry Vanderschaaf,
Leader of Congregational Life
Office: 250 748-2122
Church Hall: 250 748-2109
Fax: 250 748-2365
Office E-mail:
Church Website:www.duncancrc.org
Child-care for infants to 3 year old
children is located in the wing to
the right of the sanctuary.
Sunday school for children 3 years
through to grade 3: they are dismissed part way through the service and return during the service.
Prayer room is staffed before and
after the morning service.
Hearing Assistance is available upon request from the usher.
10 am Worship Service
7 pm Worship Service
Enter in Silence
Song: Sing Praise and Bless the Lord
#591 (Red Hymnal)
Song: Lord Jesus Christ
Song: God of Wonders
Welcome/God's Greeting
Song: How Great Is Our God
Song: Hosanna
Song: Majesty
Reading from Psalm 116:1-9
Song: I Love the Lord, For He has Heard
My Voice #116:1,2
Baptism of Gerrit Benjamin Krol
Reading: Psalm 116:12,13
Song: I Love the Lord, For He Has Heard
My Voice #116:4
Song: Indescribable
Children's Message
Reading from God’s Word
Old Testament: Isaiah 55
Song: Alleluia #639
Prayer for the Offering
Offering: Church Ministries
Song: Your Great Name
New Testament: John 13:31-35
Song: Your Word, O Lord
Congregational Prayer
Prayer of Petition
Song: Hear Our Prayer O Lord #624
Pastor Walt Vanderwerf will bring the
Message “How We Often Deal With
Hurt“ from Ephesians 4:17-32 (pg 1821)
Prayers of Thanks
Song: In the Lord I’ll Be Ever Thankful
#357 (Red Hymnal)
Song: Jesu, Jesu, Fill Us with Your Love
#299 (Red Hymnal)
Song: Multiply Your Love
Benediction from Numbers 6:24-26
Song: Mighty To Save
Song: Psalm 134 Come Bless the Lord
with One Accord
Song: Praise God from Whom All
Blessings Flow #638
Deacons will collect the Offering for
Home Missions as you leave the
sanctuary in silence.
ministry and providing much needed financial resources for missionaries of Home Missions. Home Missions appreciates your
prayers, support and encouragement to help
meet this goal. For more information, go to
Church Family
Praise the Lord! Everything went really well.
The medical staff sedated Frank a lot and the
local lasted a very long time. He slept a
lot on Monday, had no pain and no bleeding.
He was discharged on Tuesday. So things are
good so far. Thanks for all your prayers.
Frank and Margaret.
This evening: Last month’s first Taize-style
prayer service was well received by those who
attended. Comments like, “reverent,” “Christian” and sensing the Presence of God, were
made following it. If you haven’t had the opportunity to attend such, tonight we’ll host
our second one. Prayers in quiet, silence,
song, Scripture read aloud, prayers of intercession spoken aloud: these are what we can
The offering for Home Missions will be collected at the end of the service by the Deacons at the back of the church.
Gert W returned home this week, for which
we give thanks.
Quite a few of us are dealing with aches and
pains, personal crises, adjusting to new
homes, challenged by raising children of all
ages. May God give wisdom, grace, and a
deepening awareness that we are not alone.
Birthdays this week
Monday, October 27: Margie V
Sunday, November 2: Ron S
Next Sunday, November 2
Please pray for our shut-ins
Joanna DV - Cerwydden
Grada R - Cairnsmore
Dorothy V
The offering next Sunday morning is for
World Renew World Hunger & Church Ministries.
The offering in the evening is for King’s College.
Worship Services Today
Today we complete the message series on
forgiving one another.
Next month we move to a series from Luke
12, the obstacles that keep us from fully
knowing the realities of God’s kingdom
which is breaking into the earth. Next week,
Luke 12:13-21; Jesus warns how possessions
can keep out the fruit of God’s reign.
This morning we witness and celebrate the
baptism of Gerrit Benjamin, son of Deen and
Tamara K.
The offering this morning is for Church Ministries.
The offering in the evening is for Home
Gifts received for this evening’s offering will
go towards helping to develop campus ministries, starting new churches, training up lead
ers, growing small groups and Coffee Break
Gifts & Tithes
Church Ministries
Cow. Basket Society
CRWM Sheila Dykstra
DCS Tuition Relief
World Renew:Free a Family 3,344.20
This week we mark Reformation by remembering our
reformed identity and celebrating the ways God continues to work in the church today. We are always
reforming, imagining new ways to share the old story. This week, pray for wisdom and energy to infuse
Home Missions' church planters, campus ministers,
regional leaders, and other ministry partners engaged in the exhausting and exciting work of sharing
the good news of God's grace. To pray by name for
ministry partners in your area, visit crhm.org.
“Blaze, Spirit, Blaze
Join us for our Sunday Morning ignite gatherings from 8:30-9:30 am (coffee is
ready at 8:20) in the Fireside Room.
BC Classis Meeting Minutes
There are a few copies of the minutes of the Classis meeting held October 7th & 8th, 2014 on
the Welcome Table in the Foyer.
Tuesday Prayer 7 pm at the Church
We will pray together this Tuesday at 7 pm at the church. Everyone is welcome and see you
Ladies Society "Forward in Faith" this Wednesday 10 am
Lesson 3 How to Be a Rock from Matthew 16. Closing Devotions by Ann Renema.
Dear friends and supporters
Greetings from Ontario! I look forward to returning to Nigeria in two weeks time. I appreciate
your continued prayers and support! Sheila Dykstra
There are a few copies of Sheila’s Newsletter on the Welcome Table in the Foyer.
Blog: www.sheiladykstra.blogspot.com Email: sdykstra@crcna.org
Would you like to receive newsletter updates directly? Email me!
Gospel Study
Gospel study has moved on to Matthew 5-7, the greatest sermon Jesus ever gave. Anyone is welcome to join us. We normally meet the second Wednesday of the month. Next: November 12.
Pastors and Elders
Submitted by a CRC Prayer Chain
If you need to contact Pastor Walt, Henry or
your elder their numbers are below.
Prayer Request from Dan and Marilyn Wilson
Missionaries who are in the areas that are
being attacked by ISIS are asking to be showered in prayer. ISIS has taken over the town
they are in. He said ISIS is systematically going house to house to all the Christians and
asking the children to denounce Jesus. He
said so far not one child has. And so far all
have consequently been killed. But not the
parents. The UN has withdrawn and the missionaries are on their own. They are determined to stick it out for the sake of the
families - even if it means their own deaths.
They are very afraid, have no idea how to
even begin ministering to these families who
have seen their children martyred. Yet he
says he knows God has called them for some
reason to be His voice and hands at this
place at this time. Even so, they are begging
for prayers for courage to live out their vocation in such dire circumstances. And like the
children, accept martyrdom if they are called
to do so. These brave parents instilled such a
fervent faith in their children that they chose
martyrdom. Please surround them in their
loss with your prayers for hope and perseverance.
Walt Vanderwerf 250-748-2122
Leader of Congregational Life
Henry Vanderschaaf 250-748-2122
Renee dB
Affie D
Don G
Wies K
Marius P
James vH
Sandy V
Rijk V
Bill W
The bulletin and weekly sermons can be
found on our website, www.duncancrc.org
(Weekly sermons will soon be up and
running again).
On Facebook our church name is “Duncan
Christian Reformed”
Please save the following
USED STAMPS (don't trim them) - for the
Cancer Society
CAMPBELL's SOUP LABELS - for Union Gospel Mission
Christian School
CANADIAN TIRE MONEY - for Duncan Christian School
Please place them in my mailslot or in the
library...THANK YOU for all the support in
the past....Anneke Wikkerink
The website for the Christian Reformed
Church of North America is crcna.org
Phone Lists
The updated phone lists are kept in the office
beside the photocopier.
Please submit any changes in contact
information (including addresses) to the
office whenever there is an update.
This Week’s Schedule
Serving This Week
October 26
Driver: Gerald W
Hall Monitor: Gerald W
Nursery: Danielle or Joel, Janice
Ushers: Raymond W, Matt B
Deacons: Andrew, Dustin, Joel, Will
Greeters: Jim & Darlene B
Leading Elder: Wies K
Welcome Table: Joanne B
Prayer Room: Christine K, Marg V
Worship Team:
AM: Matt, John S, Sonya, John, Ellen
PM: James, John, Ellen
Coffee Servers: Ralph & Audrey V, Ynze &
Betsy G, Nettie vW
Sunday School:
3-4 yr: Jen T, Laurisa W
K-Gr.1&2: Danielle D, Breanna W
Gr.3,4,5: Anita & Mason C
Ignite 8:30-9:30am (coffee is ready at
8:20) in the Fireside Room
Baptism of Gerrit Benjamin, son of
Deen & Tamara Krol
Tues GEMS Regular Mtg
Tues YDC 7 pm
Tues Prayer this week 7 pm
Ladies Society 10 am
Thurs Coffee Break Ladies Bible Study 9:30
- 11:30 am. Nursery: Trudy, Jenny
Future Dates
Nov 2 Ignite 8:30-9:30am (coffee is ready at
8:20) in the Fireside Room
Nov 2 2 pm service at SunRidge
Nov 3 Full Council Mtg
Nov 12 Next Gospel Study
Nov 24 Fall Congregational Meeting 7 pm
Serving Next Week
Church Notes
November 2
Driver: Inze G
Hall Monitor: Mike K
Nursery: Josie or Andrew, Jenny, Eric
Ushers: Jerry K, Adam K
Deacons: Norm, Andrew, Benjamin, Jared
Greeters: Sherry V, Lena P
Leading Elder: Marius P
Welcome Table: Estherina B
Prayer Room: Dianne L
Worship Team:
AM: Matt, Sony, Margie, Joel
PM: Matt, Margie
Coffee Servers: Norm & Estherina B, Chris &
Henrietta G, Cindy W
Sunday School:
3-4 yr: Alanna W, Morgan N
K-Gr.1&2: Brenda Vds, Nettie vW
Gr.3,4,5: Joyce P, Georrie A
Church Doors
On Sunday mornings would the last person
in the church make sure that all the doors
have been closed (and locked).
Whenever you have an event at the church
also make sure the doors are locked after you
leave (and monitor the doors during your
event since others may enter the church
while doors are unlocked).
When washing the plastic glasses make sure
another tray is on top so the glasses don’t
float during the wash cycle.