Read full article in our latest issue


Read full article in our latest issue
Volume 5 Edition 23
8 September 2014
Hamba Vangeli
... says
to Mbete
Nandi Mngoma
at the wedding
of Malusi
Gigaba and
at the Durban
resh from disrupting parliamentary proceedings,
Economic Freedom Fighters were at it again – this time
EFF chief whip Floyd Shivambu
defiantly challenging the Speaker of the National Assembly, saying unlike God, she was fallible.
The comment came after Baleka
Mbete had given a stern warning to
EFF MPs when she opened Tuesday’s
sitting by addressing the chaos that
erupted almost two weeks ago when
EFF MPs demanded that President
Jacob Zuma pay back money for
Nkandla. This led to cancellation of
parliamentary proceedings for that
“As Members (of Parliament)
will remember, the refusal of the
members of the EFF to abide by the
directions and rulings of the chair led
to the early adjournment of proceedings and the question session was not
completed,” said Mbete.
She added: “At the time, I opted for
a lessor sanction which was to order
the members to leave the House.
I cannot but strongly condemn the
disruption of the proceedings in the
chamber,” she said after confirming
that she would not call on the House
to suspend the EFF MPs from parliament.
Mbete said she will leave the matter
to Parliament’s Powers and Privileges
Committee to investigate further.
Despite being told they were off
the hook for now, as soon as Mbete
completed her statement, the defiant
Shivambu rose to object, ignoring
Mbete’s protestations that she had
not intended to open the matter for
“How is the committee going to
investigate when you are making
conclusive remarks in this house?” he
“You are not God you can’t say
things and say it’s final. You’re a
speaker who must be questioned
when you’re making wrong statements here. We don’t agree with all
those observations that you have
made here.
The majority are wrong.”
Shivambu indicated to the House
that in the past weeks EFF MPs had
received letters of intent of suspension of which informed them that the
matter was now under investigation.
Mbete’s change of mind of not going ahead with the suspension came
after the party threatened to launch a
legal challenge in the high court after
she requested individuals EFF MPs to
give reasons why they should not be
Edition 23.indd 1
10/24/2014 7:51:54 AM
Uplifting Star
Volume 5 Edition 23
WISDOM: Arch Bishop Shadrack
Makhamba preaching at his congregation during Church service on in
Philippi Cape Town.
Photo by Lulekwa MMbadamane
A case of a 36-year-old
Khayelitsha pastor accused of
rape has been postponed to
October 31.
Pastor Themba Dumisani
Matibela, also known as Pastor
T.D Matibela, is facing six counts
of rape. His arrest came after
allegations of rape were levelled
against him. His accusers
include women aged18 and 23,
who are members of the choir
of Matibela’s church, the Living
Word Tabernacle Church.
Both girls claims Matibela
used to provide for their poor
families in exchange for sleeping
with them. It was revealed in
court that the 23-year-old got
pregnant and Matibela forced
her to give the child up for adoption. Matibela is currently out on
a R5 000 bail. Only few members
of his church came out to support him. It was mostly young
girls, who kept shouting “all
is well” and swearing at those
they perceived to be against
their pastor. He appeared briefly
before Magistrate Gary Haremse
and the case was postponed.
Haremse told the court that
Matibela was facing very serious
allegations, and that it would be
fair to give the State time to collect all the evidence it could get.
Defence lawyer Sabelo Noxaka
asked the case to be postponed
for the last time but Haremse
refused. Matibela’s wife Unathi,
who has been supporting her
husband since the trial began,
showed her support again on
Friday. She tried to prevent
journalists from taking pictures
of her husband.
In the meantime, Matibela
has opened another church on
an open space in Eesterivier. He
said former church members
were behind the allegations.
He claimed they were using the
two girls to kick him out of his
elson Sebati is a
Broad-Based Black
Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) guru.
Management, Business DevelHe also boasts 10 years of exopment, Training Coordination,
perience in recruitment, talent
People Management, Business
acquisition, career transitioning
Transaction/Joint-Venture Broand on-boarding, with a specific
kering, New Venture Creation/
focus on Information TechnoloDevelopment Advisory and
gy (IT) and Executive skills.
More recently, he worked
“I am as sharp as a tack,
for a market leading proenthusiastic as hell and an
vider of Enterprise and
authority on Enterprise
Supplier Development
Development + Supplier
(ESD) solutions across
Development (ESD).
Africa, Raizcorp.
I can help your company
Currently, he operconfirm its position as a
ates as an Entrepreneur,
socially and economically
Professional Empowresponsible corporate
ered Advisor (Pr
citizen through a
EAd), Certified
seamless solution
to Enterprise
Development +
and EnterSupplier Developprise Develment (ESD) that
opment and
will not only
feed into your
Developbusiness stratment (ESD)
egy & provide
the requisite
with over
10 years
points, but
will meaningexperience in
fully contribute
specialist ICT Retowards sustainNELSON SEBATI
cruitment, Resource
able and impactful
ment (ESD) is a strategic move
socio-economic change in the
by government to facilitate and
communities that it operates
support National Development
and the country at large.”
“The overall objective is to
Sebati is a also qualified
strengthen the capacity and
career strategist and job search
capabilities of black-owned
coach. He is also a certified
enterprises in order for them to
BBBEE Champion and BBBEE
be integrated into the mainHe studied Entrepreneurstream supply chain of larger
ship at Wits
corporates and
ensure symbiSchool, Law at
otic relations.
The end
at School
result is the
of Business
creation of
The overall objective is more
among other
to strengthen the caqualifications.
that strengthen
pacity and capabilities local procureHe is currently a member
and a
of black-owned enter- ment
of the YBSA,
more inclusive
BMF, REC-UK, prises.
and represenAPSO, CSSA,
tative South
African economy,” says Sebati.
In recent times, Sebati
On his work at the Black
explained that, “In terms of
Management Forum (BMF),
Broad-Based Black Economic
Sebati comments, “My role is
Empowerment (B-BBEE) the
to co-ordinate training and
consolidation of the Preferdevelopment opportunities for
ential Procurement (PP) and
individual members and corpoEnterprise Development (ED)
rate member representatives via
elements of the scorecard to
educational service providers
create a single element called
such as business schools and
Enterprise Supplier Developother professional institutions.”
Hamba Vangeli
Edition 23.indd 2
The Uplifting Star is Published by Uplifting Star (PTY) LTD
Address: 28A Bluemountain Bay, Radar Road, West Beach 7441
Cell: 082 795 4389, Tel: 021 554 0476
Printed by CTP
Uplifting Star subscribes to the Southern African
Press Code that subscribes to news that is truthful,
accurate, fair and balanced.
If we do not live upto the code, please contact the
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10/24/2014 7:49:13 AM
Uplifting Star
Volume 5 Edition 23
Rich Motsepes give out
moola to Khayelitsha
t was all ululations and
clapping of hands in
Khayelitsha on Wednesday when the chairperson
of Motsepe Foundation,
Patrice Motsepe and his
wife Precious Moloi-Motsepe graced the township
to see how the R6 million
they donated to the area
was spent.
Just minutes after he arrived, residents started to lodge
complaints and also accused the
Motsepe Foundation Committee, chaired by Derick Mtsolo, of
not being available and visible.
Residents said it was hard to get
hold of the committee. Motsepe
understand is that we have no
donated R12 million to Khayelitpower over who gets the money,
sha and Mitchell’s Plain, each
we only deal with administratownship received R6 million
tion,” he said.
in an attempt
He said
to get rid of
there were
poverty and un12 students
who received
The money
bursaries from
was donated
the Motsepe
in June last
year and it was At least R73 500 was
and there were
expected to be
people who
going to be spent on
spent in one
were still going
year. Howevto be funded
four students.
er, a number
by the Motsepe
of residents
Foundation. “I
who applied claimed they never
think it is time we stopped these
received any money. Mtsolo
allegations. You are all welcome
said they were used to such
to ask Motsepe and he will tell
allegations. “What people don’t
you that we don’t have access to
SIGNING: Patrice Motsepe and his wife Precious Moloi-Motsepe.
the money,” he added.
Motsepe said at least R73 500
was going to be spent on four
students, who excelled academically, this year.
Motsepe appealed to residents to be patient. He said they
would be challenges but people
needed to work together. “You
know I’m so proud and honoured to see
some of
these students,” he
urged people
must continue applying.
He pledged
to donate
more money.
But not all residents were
A woman who only identified
herself as MaDlamini, said lots
needed to be clarified.
“We want to know where the
money went to. I’m sure these
students didn’t take all the six
million,” she said.
gives birth
on road
Johannesburg – A 25-year-old
woman is recovering in hospital
after giving birth to a baby girl on
the side of the road in Randburg
after allegedly being turned away
from a clinic on Thursday.
Business director Ryan Frey told
News24 he was driving from his
office at about 09:30 on Thursday
when he saw the woman, named
Phindile, on the pavement on her
knees. “When I stopped to inspect
what was going on, to my shock
the woman was in labour,” said
Frey. Phindile, a domestic worker
in Randburg, claimed that clinic
employees told her that they did
not deal with births and told her to
go to a hospital.
The woman gave birth to a baby
girl who was one month premature. “The little girl was covered in
dirt and grass, she was not crying
but was breathing and her little
fingers were moving,” Frey said.
Frey said he contacted one of his
employees who brought a first-aid
Others who had also seen what
was happening stopped to help.
If News24 users would like to
make donations for Phindile and
her baby, named Chantal, they
can contact Frey’s business, TT3
Repairs at 011 792 5293.
Women take
centre stage
Women in Leadership (WIL) is the
brainchild of the women’s ministry at
Rapha Fellowship Centre.
Lady Bishop Nosandi Dlamini is the
president of this ministry. She has a heart
to develop, train, motivate and teach
women who are in leadership, the art to
lead men or to lead alongside with them.
This is an annual event which started in
Edition 23.indd 3
In these seminars, the Lady Bishop
covers topics such as character development, servant-hood and innovative
The target is women leaders from the
corporate, business, church and those
who have their own organisations. The
2014 WIL seminar was held at Rapha
Fellowship Centre in Makhaza at the old
score building.
10/24/2014 7:49:35 AM
Uplifting Star
STYLE: Lindiwe Zulu at
the wedding of Malusi
Gigaba and Nomachule
in Durban.
Volume 5 Edition 23
TRADITION: The traditional wedding of Malusi
Gigaba and Nomachule Mngoma in Mandeni.
STYLING: Basetsana Kumalo, Minnie Dlamini and Johanna Mokoki
at the wedding of Malusi Gigaba and Nomachule in Durban
Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma arrive
at the White House for a group
dinner hosted by US President
Barack Obama.
Photographs by GCIS
BEAUTIFUL: Nandi Mngoma at the wedding of
Malusi Gigaba and Nomachule at the Durban
Botanical gardens.
MATRIMONY: The wedding of Malusi
Gigaba and Nomachule at the Durban
Botanical gardens
Kodwa and his
Edition 23.indd 4
David Tlale at
the wedding
of Malusi
Gigaba and
at the Durban
10/24/2014 7:49:46 AM
Volume 5 Edition 23
Uplifting Star
Send us pictures of your corporate
events, end of year functions, private
events, engagement parties, weddings,
birthday parties, anniversary parties,
sports events and launch parties to
MTV AWARDS: Wiz Khalifa
and Amber Rose pose at the
2014 MTV Music Video Awards.
SINGING IN UNION: Oomakoti beVangeli come out
blazing singing for their
leader Pastor Vuyisa Mlotywa in Philippi on Saturday.
Photo by Zuiksa Jika Jaka
MTV AWARDS: Singer Nicki
Minaj arrives at the 2014 MTV
Music Video Awards in Inglewood, California.
WOMEN OF GOD: Pastor’s
wife Ninih Zondi and Nontutuzelo Luphuwana of the Langa
Baptist Church.
MTV AWARDS: Singers Jordin
Sparks and Jason Derulo arrive
at the 2014 MTV Music Video
Awards in Inglewood, California.
Edition 23.indd 5
GIRLS IN ACTION: Ruth Totwana, Thula Nomnganga, Mpho
Motlhamme and Andiswa Mbontsi at the Women’s celebration event in Langa.
10/24/2014 7:50:04 AM
Uplifting Star
Tutu defends Madonsela
Parliament - The House of Chaos
As I sat quietly in the National Assembly media section,
I watched in disbelief as the
chaotic scenes unfolded right in
front of me.
The words “Pay back the
money” vibrated throughout
the assembly. EFF MPs were
expressing their dissatisfaction
with President Jacob Zuma’s
reply to the Nkandla issue.
Julius led the charge as the
decorum of the House flew out
of the window. Speaker Baleka
Mbete’s warning fell on deaf
ears as EFF MPs openly defied
her. EFF MPs were aided and
abetted by their supporters in
the public gallery.
As the chaos ensued, the
President was safely escorted
out of House. The public gallery
was cleared, but EFF supporters
remained stubborn and refused
to leave. So did EFF MPs. Even
journalists were ordered to
leave. Parliament’s protocol
officers, police and even some
parliamentary staff tried to
chase journalists out of the
assembly but journos stood
their ground. Reporters said
they were not going anywhere
as they were there to report
in the name of public interest.
Eventually, the media was
not chased out but allowed to
report and tell it like is.
The provincial police commissioner tried and failed to
negotiate with EFF MPs, who
blatantly refused to leave the
chamber. Then the public order
police were seen entering the
building, with some people
anticipating more drama.
Parliament had turned into
something of a Hollywood movie, I tell you.
Unfortunately or fortunately,
no dramatic scenes between
EFF MPs and riot police were
forthcoming. After a long
period of chaos, some sanity
prevailed as calm was restored.
An announcement was made
that MPs must go back inside.
The school-like alarm, which
informs MPs that it’s time to
go back to the assembly, rang.
Security was tight as they
checked MPs’ access cards
before they got back in. Police
officers were now stationed at
all entrances. I decided to go
back to the House and see if
they were going to continue.
I got back to my seat. I noticed the House was no longer
full like before and the President seemed to be missing in
action. The Speaker announced
Number One had left and the
House would adjourn for the
I quickly went out and followed EFF members outside as
they made their way to their
Floyd Shivambu, Malema,
Andile Mngxitama and Mbuyiseni Ndlozi led the way with a
song and dance. Victory was
theirs… they had brought the
House down with their chaos!
Parliamentary committee
demands answers from Fifa
Parliament’s Portfolio Committee on Sports wants the international soccer body Fifa to brief
them on their investigation into
match-fixing, a global scandal
which implicates South Africa.
This follows Sports Minister
Fikile Mbalula briefing the committee on the matter. Mbalula told
the Committee that government
was still waiting to hear from FIFA
regarding the probe. South Africa
was fingered in the
global match-fixing
scandal because of a
damning allegation
that the Bafana
BafanaWorld Cup
warm-up games were
Mbalula said that
there was also no
time frame indicating
as to when the investigation will
conclude. “I won’t lie before the
Committee and say I did get some
brief from Fifa and say there are
timeframes. There are none. It’s an
open-ended process.”
The minister told the committee
that the matter is entirely in the
hands of Fifa and there was nothing that government could do to
speed up the process because any
government intervention could be
construed as interference. “The
process is in the hands of FIFA to
conclude and it’s only on the basis
Edition 23.indd 6
Volume 5 Edition 23
of that conclusion we’ll make a
determination,” said Mbalula.
The committee’s chairman
Beauty Dlulane said they would ask
the National Assembly Speaker
Baleka Mbete to grant them permission to ask Fifa to appear before the committee. “We’ll write to
the speaker requesting to compel
FIFA to come report back
to us,” she added.
The match-fixing
allegations, which
first surfaced in 2011,
led to the suspension
of several SAFA officials,
including its former
president Kirsten
Nematandani. The
suspensions were
later lifted. Mbalula said Fifa had
written a letter that notified the
government of their intention of
instituting a match-fixing probe
two years ago. President Jacob
Zuma had given them a go-ahead.
Bafana fixtures against Colombia, Guatemala, Thailand and
Bulgaria were all placed under
investigation following the revelation that a company linked to the
infamous match-fixer Wilson Raj
Perumal, Football4U, was contracted to appoint match officials
for those games.
Maligning the public protector
besmirches not only the ruling party,
but the entire country.
So says Nobel Peace Award laureate Archbishop Emeritus Desmond
Tutu. “We are proud that South Africa has an Office of the Public Protector,” Tutu and his daughter said
in a joint statement. “The contempt
being shown to the public protector
by the ruling party underlines the
slippery moral slope South Africa
has descended since the days of hope
and promise under President Nelson
Madonsela and the African National Congress have been locked in
a war of words following the leaking
of a letter she had written to President Jacob Zuma over his response
to her report on the upgrades to
his Nkandla home. In her scathing
letter, she reportedly cautioned him
that he was second-guessing her
recommendations that he repay part
of the money spent on features unrelated to security, such as a swimming
pool, cattle kraal, amphitheatre, and
visitors’ centre.
In his reply to Madonsela’s report
on Nkandla, Zuma indicated that
Police Minister Nkosinathi Nhleko
should determine if he should repay
any of the money. The Tutus said
the creation of a public protector in
the new South Africa reflected the
country’s evolutionary progress as
a nation. South Africa now had a
public protector whose job it was
to investigate any conduct in state
affairs or the public administration
where impropriety or prejudice was
suspected or alleged.
“Accountability is not just a word.
It is a foundation stone for good
leadership, responsibility, trust,
justice and respect,” they said. When
Mandela was called to appear before
the Pretoria High Court to defend a
decision to investigate alleged graft
and racism in South African rugby,
many people thought he would
fend off the summons on technical
grounds. “But he chose to appear in
court to demonstrate his accountability to the rule of law and administration of justice. If the ruling party
has issues with the process the public
protector has followed in respect of
the investigation into the hideous
public spending on improvements
to President Zuma’s accommodation
in Nkandla, or with the findings, its
obligation is to approach the courts
for a remedy,” they said.
The pair applauded Madonsela’s
courage and called her a woman of
integrity who served her country
without fear or favour. “We, humbly,
suggest that all South Africans take
pride in a job well done, and let Thuli
Madonsela get on.”
SA not cutting
ties with Israel
– Ramaphosa
eputy President Cyril Ramaphosa has
reiterated that the
country has no intention
to suspend its diplomatic
relations with Israel, which
has been heavily criticised
for its use of “disproportionate force” in Gaza.
Ramaphosa, answering
questions in the National
Council of Provinces, told MPs
that “maintaining diplomatic
relations with Israel allows our
country to continue to engage
with Israel on issues of mutual
interest, including
the Israeli-Palestinian conflict”.
He added: “The
government of
South Africa has
its unequivocal
and strongest
condemnation of
Israeli against Palestinians in
Gaza to the government of the
State of Israel. We have done
this through a number of measures,” he said.
A number of local organisations have been calling on
South Africa to cut all ties with
Israel. But the Deputy President
said the country would lose its
leverage to mediate in the Middle East if it heeded calls to cut
ties. He explained that the ties
enabled President Jacob Zuma
to deploy two special envoys,
led by former minister
Zola Skweyiya and deputy
minister Aziz Pahad, to
the Middle East for talks
with both sides to the
Israel-Hamas conflict.
A long-term ceasefire
has been reached between
Israel and Palestinian
militants in the Gaza
Strip. The truce,
ending a
seven weeks
of fighting
that has
Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa.
Photo by Siyabulela Duda
South Africa wanted
to see a permanent
settlement coming
out of Gaza.
left more than 2,200 people mostly Palestinians - dead, was
brokered by Egypt.
There have been various
pro-Palestine protests and calls
for the end of Gaza conflict,
expulsion of Israel’s ambassador to South Africa and a
boycotting of pro-Israeli stores
in the country. Ramaphosa said
government believed that violence would not bring a solution
and that a ceasefire agreement
reached would pave the way for
talks. “It is our conviction that
there will be no military solution to the current challenges
facing Israel and Palestine.
Only a negotiated settlement
will bring about a lasting endurable solution to the problems
facing the Middle East’
He said South Africa wanted
to see a permanent settlement
coming out of Gaza.He stated
that out country’s1994 democratic negotiated settlement
could be used as a case in point
to see the power that negotiations have. “South Africa has
developed a particular DNA
when it comes to settling conflicts, and that DNA is conflicts
are settled through negotiation;
by people sitting around one
table to find a solution. This is
what has brought us where we
are” he added
10/24/2014 7:50:06 AM
Uplifting Star
Volume 5 Edition 23
oday I will be writing
about the importance
of education and the
critical role it plays in empowering citizens to better
their lives.
There are millions of people
living in poverty in the country.
This is largely
unemployment is so high.
Currently 5.2 million in South
Africa do not have a job.
The Western Cape Government
is committed to reducing unemployment in the province.
This is because we know one of
the best indicators of opportunity is whether people are able to
access jobs.
But we also know that providing quality education is one of the
most important steps to be able
to access a job.
Our provincial government
will be spending just over R52
billion over the next three years
on education.
We have, and will continue to
concentrate on improving academic performance in language
and mathematics and the National Senior Certificate (NSC), as
well as to reduce the number of
underperforming schools in the
We have made progress in all
these areas over the past five
In 2013, we had a record number of 40 558 learners passing
the NSC and 19 477 learners who
qualified for Bachelor Degree
This year, the Western Cape
Government has set a target of 43
000 passes out of the 49 165 full
time learners who have registered
for their matric exams.
We also aim to increase the
number of learners with bachelor
passes because we know that.
Tertiary education provides
young people with a greater
chance of finding a decent job.
However, one of our biggest
concerns is still the high number of learners dropping out of
This often happens between
grades 10 and 12 when learners
find that their school work becomes more difficult.
Even more worrying is that
some schools encourage weaker learners to drop out before
they reach matric because this
positively improves the school’s
pass rate.
The result is that thousands of young people are
left without a proper
education and no
prospect of finding a
job and improving
their lives.
We do not
allow this practice in the Western
In addition to providing
Cape, instead we are committed
academic assistance these
to keeping our learners in school
programmes also deal with
for 12 year in order to ensure
other important issues such as
that every child is provided with
reducing drug and alcohol abuse,
a quality education and matricuHIV/Aids infections, sexual
lates with good marks.
abuse and teenage pregnancy and
We have introduced a range
provides workshops on dealing
of interventions to achieve this
with conflict and, peer pressure
including holiday programmes
as well as courses on leadership
to help prepare learners for their
and debating.
viding training programmes to
Teachers also have an opteachers in order to improve their
portunity to improve on their
subject knowledge and teaching
skills through the Cape Teaching
and Leadership Institute proSome of these programmes
Some of the seminars that have
already been provided and will
continue to take place –include
This programme will provide
“Reading and Writing” Conferadditional support for our Grade
ences which assists teachers in
12 learners
improving their
particularly in
teaching methschools where
ods in these
learners are
struggling in
While our
specific subgovernment is
doing everyLearners must also
These subthing we can
jects include
to improve edmake use of every
Mathematucation in the
resource made available province, we
ics, Physical
do this
to them and must work cannot
on our own.
Life Sciences,
Accounting and
must play their
part, most
importantly parents must take
responsibility for the safety and
development of their children.
It is important that we keep
They must provide the necesour children, safe and off the
sary support to their children at
streets during the school holiday
home and ensure they have a safe
and quiet environment to study.
A number of other government
Learners must also make use of
institutions and organisations
every resource made available to
have partnered with the Western
them and must work hard.
Cape Government to provide a
Ensuring our children are
range of holiday programmes.
provided with a quality education
These include: The City of Cape
and excel at a school level must
Town, the Cape Town Metro
be everyone’s top priority.
Police, the South African Police
This is the only way we will
Service, the Goliath Dance Acadgrow the economy, create jobs
emy, Brainwave Projects and the
and reduce poverty in the provFynbos Consultancy, amongst
I wish the matric class of 2014
all of the very best for the upcoming exams.
God Bless you,
Helen Zille
Premier of the Western Cape
Premier Helen Zille
No Ebola cases reported in SA
Johannesburg – There are no Ebola cases reported or confirmed in
South Africa, the health department
said on Friday.
The total number of cases in the
current outbreak of Ebola in Guinea,
Liberia, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone
has risen to 3 069 probable and
confirmed cases, while there have
been 1 552 deaths. “The outbreak
continues to accelerate.
More than 40% of the total number of cases have occurred within
the past 21 days,” health department spokesperson Popo Maja said.
“However, most cases are concentrated in only a few localities. The
Edition 23.indd 7
overall death rate is 52%. It ranges
from 42% in Sierra Leone to 66% in
A separate Ebola outbreak, not related to the one in West Africa, was
laboratory confirmed on Tuesday by
the Democratic Republic of Congo.
It was also detailed in a separate
edition of the Disease Outbreak
News of the World Health Organisation (WHO).
“A detailed analysis by (the) WHO
of exactly where transmission is
occurring – by district level – and of
time trends is ongoing,” Maja said.
He added: “Preliminary results show
that cases are still concentrated -
62% of all reported cases since the
beginning of the outbreak - in the
epicentre of the outbreak in Guinea,
Liberia, and Sierra Leone, where
cases continue to rise.”
The WHO and its partner
organisations were on the ground
establishing Ebola treatment centres, and strengthening capacity for
laboratory testing, contact tracing,
social mobilisation, safe burials, and
non-Ebola healthcare.
“The WHO continues to monitor
for reports of rumoured or suspected cases from countries around the
world and systematic verification of
these cases is ongoing,” Maja said.
10/24/2014 7:50:16 AM
Hamba Vangeli
Volume 5 Edition 23
For more information
contact us on
082 795 4389 or email
8 September 2014
Praises Jesus
debut album
ew in the Gospel
scene, KwaMashu
Praises Jesus “KPJ”
is a force to be reckoned
The 13-member group, from
KwaMashu was formed in
KwaMashu township, Durban,
KwaZulu-Natal in 2012. Several
months later, the members met
and are now celebrating their
first offering, titled “Prayer for
Our nation”.
Edition 23.indd 8
The members were handpicked by a number of Key
Gospel Music giants from South
This resulted into a mixture
of vocalists from various sets
of experiences and some choir
members have performed internationally. According to the
founder, Bheki Ntshingila, this
recording was a life-changing
KPJ comprises singers from
different backgrounds and they
have cumulatively, more than 10
years as professional singers.
Their music is a mixture of
traditional, contemporary and
modern Gospel Music and appeals to all ages.
Songs like Nguwe “It is You”
and uJes’uyangenelela (Jesus
will always intervene) talks
about the Power of God and His
Gospel fanatics can jam and
dance to the Afro-RnB tune
“Ebenezer”, another praise and
thanks giving song.
The album is released under
Kingdom Victory (PTY) LTD.
The album will be available in
music stores nationwide soon.
The choir’s executive producer
Bheki Ntshingila has been bless-
ed to work with numerous gospel
giants on the album including
producers and composers such
as Sipho Mbhele, Angel Dateh
Zondo, James Langa of Avante,
Wake Mahlobo, Ntokozo Ngongoma and Zamo Cele.
“The idea is to bring change in
the community, nurturing talent
through music. This project will
be a springboard for similar
projects in all provinces.”
10/24/2014 7:50:31 AM