GUIDELINES FOR THE UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH EQUIPMENT GRANTS AND NHMRC EQUIPMENT GRANTS SCHEMES 2014 CLOSING DATE: 5PM FRIDAY 21st NOVEMBER 2014 The University of Sydney Collaborative Research Equipment Grants and the NHMRC Equipment Grants Schemes are now open for applications. Funding is available to support total or partial cost of equipment. Applications may be made for equipment to be purchased in 2015. Applications for the University of Sydney scheme may be up to $200,000 for one item of equipment or a complete system or facility. If the item is valued at more than $200,000 the application will still be considered but only up to $200,000 will be provided. Applications for the NHMRC scheme will be considered within the following 2 categories of funding: Category 1 - $75,001 – $200,000 (excl. GST) for one item of equipment or a complete system or facility. If the item is valued at more than $200,000 the application will still be considered but only $200,000 will be provided; Category 2 - $10,000 - $75,000 (excl. GST) for one item of equipment or a complete system or facility. If the item is valued at more than $75,000 the application will still be considered but only up to $75,000 will be provided. Selection Criteria Applications will be assessed and ranked on the basis of scientific merit, taking into consideration factors including: The equipment (whether it is high-end or workhorse) should enable the highest quality research. The degree of alignment of the proposal with the research strategies of SPARCs, Faculties and the University. Collaborative gain and increase in critical mass to be achieved through the use of the equipment. E.g.: multi-user equipment which crosses disciplines, research groups and departments. Details of availability of related or alternative equipment within the Institution and/affiliated research area, and why new equipment is required. Arrangements for access and sustainable operation of the equipment, including payment of maintenance contracts, if relevant. The degree to which the proposal leverages funding secured from other sources, particularly external. Justification and nature of the use of the equipment as well as the relative amount of time the equipment will be used by each named investigator. The Track Record of each named Chief Investigator as reflected in competitive grant funding, refereed publications (best 10 relevant papers in the past 5 years), contributions to post-graduate research training and any other relevant measures. Limit of 2 pages per chief investigator. Selection Committee and Time-line Applications will be considered by a working group of the Research Infrastructure Sub-Committee of the SEG Research Committee, with broad representation from the key faculties. The committee will review the applications against the selection criteria and need for the equipment addressing the strategic needs of SPARCs, Faculties and the University. Time-line Applications Open Applications Close Committee Meeting Outcomes Announced 13th October 2014 21st November 2014 16th December 2014 19th December 2014 Eligibility The Chief Investigator A (CIA) must be a member of the academic staff of the University, and on the payroll of the University or have been formally appointed according to established processes for conjoint or clinical appointments for Local Health Districts or associated research institutions. Emeritus and Honorary Appointees are not eligible to apply for funding. The CIA must have all their research productivity (e.g.: grant applications, postgraduate research supervision, publications) submitted through and administered by the University of Sydney There will be a maximum of five CIs per application. Applicants can be named as a CIA on one application only in each category; Applicants can be named as a Chief Investigator only on two applications regardless of the category i.e. can only be on 2 applications in total. If there is more than 1 application from a research precinct/grouping and/or School/Faculty then the applications must be ranked by that group in priority order NHMRC Specific - The CIA must have held a grant from the NHMRC or any other agency specified in the list of Australian Competitive Grants Register during 2014 (or award is granted commencing 2015). NOTE: if the above criteria are not satisfied, the entire application may be excluded as ineligible. Submission Process Applications must be made using the application template provided. One electronic copy of the full application including quotes, as a single pdf file, should be sent to the following email address: A completed and signed Research Proposal Clearance Form must be submitted with the application. Conditions of Award • Equipment purchased with grant funds will be owned by the University and listed on the University’s Asset Register; however affiliated institutions may have unfettered use of such equipment. • University purchasing policy must be strictly adhered to – details of University Purchasing Policy is available at • Grant must be fully spent by 31ST JULY 2015 • All necessary ethics clearances and other approvals must be in place before commencing research projects using the relevant equipment.
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