live & work A place to in Melbourne’s thriving west OCTOBER 2014
live & work A place to in Melbourne’s thriving west OCTOBER 2014
MT ATKINSON AND TARNEIT PLAINS PRECINCT STRUCTURE PLANS LANDOWNER UPDATE (CONCEPT PLAN) OCTOBER 2014 A place to live & work in Melbourne’s thriving west The Metropolitan Planning Authority has commenced preparation of the Mt Atkinson Precinct Structure Plan (PSP) and the Tarneit Plains PSP, in consultation with Melton City Council. These PSPs will establish the future layout for a proposed new community of 15,000 – 20,000 residents, and for a business and industrial precinct which will form part of the emerging ‘Western Industrial Node’. The PSPs will identify the future location for: • residential, business and industrial uses; • new town centre/s and neighbourhood centre/s; and • new community infrastructure, parks, green corridors and waterways. These will be supported by a network of major roads, public transport, footpaths and cycle networks CONCEPT PLAN AND NEXT STEPS Staff at the MPA held an information session for landowners within the PSP areas on 16th September 2014, with Melton City Council officers assisting with enquiries. The session included display of a ‘concept plan’ (copy overleaf). Background reports are currently being developed, regarding Aboriginal and post-contact heritage; future infrastructure servicing; land and buffer requirements; biodiversity; drainage and water supply; community infrastructure; and commercial and industrial land review. These will inform development of a ‘Future Urban Structure’ plan for consultation with landowners in 2015 and a development contributions plan to fund local infrastructure when land is developed. For more information please contact: Metropolitan Planning Authority Martina Johnson Structure Planning Manager t. 9651 9600 Stephanie Harder Senior Structure Planner t. 9651 9600 Melton City Council Lucy Anderson Senior Structure Planner t. 9747 7200 Tim Sergiacomi Strategic Planner & Urban Designer t. 9747 7200 MT ATKINSON AND TARNEIT PLAINS PRECINCT STRUCTURE PLAN OCTOBER 2014 1099 Rockbank PSP Neale Ro Wes te rn F wy Rai lwa y Greigs Ro ad Sinclair Road ad Existing Public Acquisition Overlay to be removed as no longer required Rockbank Sheahan Ro ad pr op os ed rea Neighbourhood Centre May include: • Convenience shops • Community Centre • Ovals lign me nt o fG rei gs Ro Mt. Atkinson Activity Centre May include: • Shops • Offices • Community Centre • Higher Density Residential • Opportunities for transit interchange under investigation ad Troups Road 1082 Mt. Atkinson Mt. Atkinson Ro ad Nature Reserve Riding Bo Hopkins Road (to be widened on east side) Neighbourhood Centre May include: • Shops • Primary school • Community Centre • Ovals undary Ro ad Riding Bounda ry Road Skele re ton C Gas Pipeli ne 1:20,000 @ A3 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 Draft Concept Plan for Consultation Mt Atkinson & Tarneit Plains Precinct Structure Plan subject to revision Middle Road Gas Pipeline Future Electricity Terminal Station (required area to be confirmed) 100m blast zone buffer 571m Gas buffer 500m quarry buff er 571m Gas ek 1085 Tarneit Plains Local Convenience Shops Boral Quarry and hub significance of state significant precinct areas residential business (no residential) employment power easement conservation area waterways / waterbodies parks future outer metropolitan ring road railway reserve western freeway arterial road connector roads dry stone walls public acquisition overlay (PAO)
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