B ulletin t he


B ulletin t he
Sunday 2
Club Day
Tuesday 23
Bridge 10:30 am
Comm Svcs
10:30 am
Thursday Friday Saturday 5
Office Closed
10:30 am
Garden 1:30
Cult.Aff. 5:00pm Office Closed
Potluck 7:00 Show
Board 10:30am
Bridge 10:30 am
Wednesday Bunco 7:00 pm
Mah Jongg
1:00 - 4:00 pm
Mah Jongg
1:00 - 4:00 pm
Mah Jongg
1:00 - 4:00 pm
WWC Knitters
1:00 pm
Mah Jongg
1:00 - 4:00 pm
B.Y.O.B Friday
Zumba 10:15
Nutcracker 10-12,4:00-6:00 pm
Bridge9:30 am
Zumba 10:15
Bridge 9:30 am
Zumba 10:15
Book Review 1:00
Office Closed
Office Closed
President Dorothy E.Curran,1st Vice President (Special Interest Groups) Dorothy Packer,
2nd Vice President (Finance) Arlene Johnson, 3rd Vice President (Ways & Means) Suzan Murphy,
Secretary Becky Ruthven, Treasurer Barbara Szefc,Directors: Communications Josephine Calcagni,
Community Service Nancy Saipe, Membership Susan Hricik, Parliamentary Advisor Fortuna Mangieri,
Grounds Janette Duchnicki, Program Rose Jordan, Rentals Susan Loselle, Curio Cottage Jerilyn Deveau,
Yankee Doodle Fair TBD, Past President Mary Lee Clayton
Office Manager Colleen Fenton, Resident Manager Dora Sweet
Office Phone #203-227-4240
Office Hours M-F 9:00 am-12 Noon and 1:00 pm -4:00pm
President’s Letter
October Club Day was a tasty launch to autumn and Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Many of our ladies are donating or assisting Leah Scherzer
with Necessities Bags. The 50-50 Raffle proceeds--doubled by generous winner, Lorraine Feliciano, who returned her winnings to the pot--benefited
the cause. Taking the baton from Audrey Rabinowitz, Vivian Rosenberg led a WWC group in the annual “Making Strides Against Breast Cancer”
Walk. Fun programs included Club Day speaker, Paul Piorek, the Channel 12 Weatherman, and the Garden Department’s free and entertaining
presentation of the work of 20th century Landcape Designer, Beatrix Ferrand.
Now, as we turn to November, we are launching the season of Gathering and Giving. Here’s how WWC members can have fun while benefiting
the larger community...First, contact Suzan Murphy to help and/or buy tickets (for yourself and your favorite little prima ballerinas) to our Sat. Nov.
29 Nutcracker Tea Fundraiser, right in our Auditorium. Also--on the GATHERING side, continue to check out our Special Interest Groups and
add these dates to your personal calendar: Wed. Oct. 29 (last day to reserve your Nov. 3 Club Day seat); Wed. Nov. 5 at 10 am, Yankee Doodle
Fair Planning Meeting; Thurs. Nov. 6, 10-12, Nutcracker Tea Meeting and then 6-8pm (bring scissors!) Nutcracker Snowflake Making Workshop
(wine provided); Fri. Nov. 7, 4-6 BYOB Friday, Mon. Nov. 10, Cultural Affairs Potluck and Script-in-Hand event. On the GIVING side, make a
donation of food or funds to our Food Closet, and consider a year-end tax-deductible check to the non-profit WWC. Recruiting a new member or
remembering the WWC in your estate planning are other year-end ways to help.
AND...here’s a tried and true WWC insider’s Hostess Tip for the Holidays! Are you expecting an influx of guests for a special party or dinner? Short
of glassware, serving platters or dessert plates? Make a visit to the Curio Cottage to stock up for a fraction of retail cost. Then, when the holidays are
over, don’t worry about long-term storage at home...Just donate the gently used glasses, plates and platters BACK to the Curio Cottage. A true WINWIN-WIN! ;)
Dorothy E. Curran, President, 203.246.0543
PS--Just learned at press-time that OUR Gerry Munce, age 92, has passed away. Sue Mahar reports that she and Gerry, close friends for 59
years, with kids the same age, joined the WWC together 27 years ago and devoted themselves to Community Services, including the Canal
Park Luncheon (husband, Howard Munce did the signs). They co-founded then co-chaired RSVP Knitters for 21 years. Gerry also enjoyed
Book Review and assisted Eileen Petropoulos with our Club History, and Howard designed graphics for our WWC Centennial.
Since no public Memorial Service is planned, our WWC will celebrate Gerry’s Life with a “WWC Memories Book.” Page 1 (after the
Dedication) goes to Sue. We’ll let it circulate for a month in the WWC so everyone has a chance at it, then deliver it to the family before their
planned gathering on Saturday after Thanksgiving. Sue says that Thanksgiving DAY is Howard’s 99th Birthday.
We extend our sympathy to Karen Eickhoff on the death of her Father. Our sympathies to the family of Nancy Mason, a long-time member of the WWC.
Gerry Munce, another long-time member of the WWC, passed away on Oct 18. Our condolences to her husband, Howard and family. Her daughter Mary
asks that donations be made to the WWC Scholarship Fund in Gerry’s memory. Dorothy Packer, 1st VP, dmpacker@aol.com 203-227-7769
Community Service is off to a great start. Thank you to Vivian Rosenberg, Janette Duchnicki , and Jeannette Tewey from the Garden Club for
supplying the beautiful flowers for Club Day. The next Community Services meeting is on Monday November 24th and 10:30. Thanks to Leah
Scherzer for conducting the pillow making Necessities Drive and to Audrey Rabinowitz for organizing The Making Strides Against Breast Cancer
Walk. Nancy Saipe, ncsaipe@aol.com, 203-454-0033
Join us Monday November 3rd for Club Day, hosted by The WWC Board, organized by Dorothy Packer. Please make sure you make a reservation
by 1 PM Wednesday before Club Day. If you would like to be on the Permanent Lunch list please call the office at 203 227-4240. Lunch is $20.00.
Plan to arrive by 11:30 AM to enjoy....
Chicken Pot Pie; Escarole Salad, Pears, Dried Cranberries & Herb Vinaigrette; 8 grain dinner rolls; Canadian Butter Tart w/Pecans & Raisins.
If you have a serious food allergy or are a vegetarian, please let me know. If you need to cancel a reservation, please do so by 1 PM Wednesday before
Club Day to avoid being charged.
Dorothy Packer, 1st VP, dmpacker@aol.com 203-227-7769
Our guest speaker, PAM ARCIERO, performs for film, television and theater, notably as a principal puppeteer with Sesame Street and Between the
Lions, performing numerous characters, most notably Grundgetta Grouch and Leona Lion, respectively. Rose Jordan, Program Chairperson
Our book for November is Round House by Louise Erdrich. We will meet in the club house living room at one on Thursday November 20th. Lee
Mennitt, leemennitt@gmail.com, 203-523-0904.
HOSTESSES: TBD !!!! Please sign up on the list in the foyer. This helps us in the set-up planning.Thanks you to all the ladies that made
Bunco possible in October while I was away. I hope you all had a good time...If you haven’t played Bunco yet, please come and join in the fun.No
experience necessary!!! Wendy McKeon,222-0038, XWAMX50@aol.com
Come gather to chat and socialize in the WWC Kitchen on Friday, Nov. 5, 4 pm to 6 pm.Bring small bites to share and something to sip on.Nice,
casual way to meet NEW MEMBERS and catch up with others. Hope to see you! Dorothy Curran, DorothyECurran@aol.com, 203.246.0543
We are getting some wonderful holiday decorations, and great gift items, also. So as you begin your holiday preparations, stop by the Cottage as
your first stop shopping spot. There are many plates, good for cookie swaps and pot luck dinners, baskets of all kinds, lots of fun serving pieces,
some even good for hostess gifts. And as always, we always need new volunteers and new donations...a great way to “re-gift”. Karen Eickhoff,203454-3889, kayrog@optonline.net
It is time to think of the holidays and those less fortunate. There are many little ones and teenagers who are neglected, abused or considered “at risk.”
We will have our traditional drive for donations of NEW, UNWRAPPED gifts, checks and gift cards. Please bring yours to the Westport Woman’s
Club no later than December 8th Club Day. (The Connection collects the toys the second week of December). We also will accept gift wrap rolls
or packages, ribbons and/or bows. During November, any time you are at the WWC, look for the Children’s Connection gifts and wraps drop box
outside the office by the grandfather clock . Prefer Cash? Please make your tax-deductible check payable to “The Children’s Connection” and give it
to Colleen in the office. Please be sure to include your check name, address and a reference to the WWC in the memo line.What to give? Favorite
Requests: Infant toys and clothing; Fisher-Price, Playskool and similar sturdy toys; Dolls--all sizes; Disney items; balls of all types; toy trucks; remote
control cars and batteries; sports equipment; hand-held video games and batteries; Walkmans, small radios and batteries.We must not forget the
older children. Gift certificates to Kohl’s, Target, Bob’s and Old Navy are good gifts. Sweatshirts, sweaters, hats, cosmetics, organizers and manicure
kits are also appreciated by the older kids. These items must be new. Thank you in advance for your generosity.Diana Zaslow, Deezaslow@aol.com,
YOU’RE INVITED! Here are 2 EASY, local, inexpensive and FUN Monday EVENING Cultural Affairs events:
5 pm Potluck Supper Buffet in our Clubhouse Kitchen, followed by --7 pm Script in Hand Reading at the Westport Country Playhouse
Nov. 10: Trying, by Joanna McClelland Glass --Dec. 15: The Mousetrap, by Agatha Christie
How to RSVP for either Nov. 10, Dec. 15 or both: 1) BOOK YOUR SEATS: CALL the Westport Country Playhouse directly to buy your tickets
(203.227.4177) and ask to join “The Westport Woman’s Club group in the ORCHESTRA SEATS” (or use the tickets you’ve already bought).
2) Then let me or Colleen know: a) that you HAVE BOUGHT your seats (yes, spouses or friends are welcome) AND b) whether or not you’re
coming to the Potluck Supper Buffet. Dorothy E. Curran, Cultural Affairs Chairperson, DorothyECurran@aol.com, 203.246.0543
On November 11th at 1:30 p.m. the Garden Dept. will hold a craft workshop to make things to sell at the Holiday Boutique. Suggested crafts
are: stamped gift tags, small terrariums, small boxwoods, etc. On November 21st we will Deck the Halls from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. The early
date is so the house will be “dressed” for the festive Nutcracker Performance on November 29th. Mark your calendars for the dates of our Holiday
workshops - December 2nd, 3rd and 4th, from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Order forms for swags, wreaths, boxwood trees, etc. are available on a
WWC website link and in the garden department mail slot in the office. Jerilyn Deveau, 203-372-2920, jerilyndeveau@yahoo.com
Gourmet Group will meet on Tuesday November 18th at 11:30 am in the Club House. Our cooks this month are Priscilla Christianson, Arlene
Johnson and Barbara Hart. Full details of the luncheon will be emailed to all members. Please let us know if you would like to join our mailing list
or attend one of our meetings. Lisa Allison, 203-227-9563, liallison@optonline.net, Barbara Gladnick, 203-854-0424, bagladnick@optonline.net.
To boost demand for rentals, your Board and Finance Committee have approved the proposed Ceiling Renovation Project for the Auditorium/
Banquet Room. Between Dec. 15 and the end of January, the room will be CLOSED so that the current tiles, ceiling, lights, sprinklers, HVAC and
speakers can be removed and attractive new coffered tiles, LED recessed and cove lighting, new and smaller white sprinklers and HVAC vents can
be installed, along with a ceiling soffit above the stage front to house spotlights and an overhead projector. Speakers will be flush to the ceiling. All
should be done by February Club Day! Dorothy Curran, Acting House Director 203.246.0543
As you know, we usually have our luncheons on the fourth Tuesday of the month. But the fourth Tuesdays in both November and December
fall two days before gastronomical Holidays. Therefore, we are combining November and December for a Festive Holiday Luncheon on Tuesday,
December 9. Please see your December Bulletin for full details. Bobbie Herman, 203-255-1577, sangazure1@aol.com
Mah Jongg meets every Wednesday from 1:00 pm-4:00 in the living room. Please call Diana Zaslow if you are interested in playing.
Diana Zaslow, 203-227-1346, deezaslow@aol.com
Good conversations and cheer were shared at our Fall “Meet ‘n Greet” reception for new and prospective members. Good to meet more
NEW members Marsha Darmory, Nancy Hallas and Barbara Stemmer at this gathering. Thank you to all those who attended and participated. We welcomed the following new member at the evening reception and also at our October Luncheon. When next at WWC
please also greet these ladies who have just joined: JoAnn Lindwall, Maria Fraioli, and Laura Wang. Susan Hricik, 203-226-1372, susanswhim@yahoo.com
Tournament Bridge meets the month of November on Mondays: November 10, 17, and 24th.
The second session began on October 27th and continues through November and ends on December 8th. Remember we begin playing at 10:30 a.m. and break for lunch (which we bring) and hot water is provided for tea and coffee. We welcome newcomers. Anyone
interested in playing regularly or substituting, please give us a call. We always need substitutes. We look forward to seeing you.Tommie
Ross, 203-227-2444, Helen Doxtator, 203-221-7934
Nutcracker Meeting - Clubhouse - November 6th, 10:00 - 12:00 - Updates and Snowflake Workshop Bring scissors and a smile.
Nutcracker Snowflake Workshop - Clubhouse -November 6th, 6:00 - 8:00 pm -Bring scissors - We will have the wine...
Chair: Suzan Murphy
Westport Woman’s Club members have been knitting since 1991 for a variety of local organizations. We make hats, scarves, mittens and
other items for children in Norwalk and Bridgeport. All levels of knitters are welcome. We are happy to teach beginners. Our next meeting will be Wednesday, November 18th, at 1:00 downstairs in the dining room. Please note that this is not our usual 4th Wednesday
because of Thanksgiving. Joan Miller, mmiller@optonline.net , 203-226-7036
I am looking forward to another season of Zumba. We will continue to meet on Thursdays with a new time: 10:15-11:15. The fee is
$40 for the month whether there are four or five Thursdays. Classes will start Sept 4th. Please make checks out to Jill Franke. Walk-ins
are $12.00. For further information please contact me. Leah Scherzer, Chair, Zumba; 203-226-3042, leahsart@aol.com
44 Imperial Ave
Westport, CT 06880