Document 6574923
Document 6574923
H OCTO 24TH OBER 2014 2 FROM THE PRIN NCIPAL Farew well to the Class of 2014 4 This week w we farew welled the Class of 2014 who completed d their final we eek of formal classes. A nuumber of spec cial events we ere run which allowed the sschool to cele ebrate their ac chievements a and farewell them t in an ap ppropriate waay. The Affirm mation Assemb bly last W ttheir last day of classes, the t students ddressed in modified m uniforrm and Friday commenced the farewell events. On Wednesday, nted their fina al student-run assembly. On O Thursday evening, our Year 12 students, parentts and staff attended a one of the presen signatu ure events of each school year, the Vale edictory Dinne er. During the e evening Hen nry Fox (Yearr 11) and our 2014 Valedicctorians Kyle Bennett, B Hanna ah Patterson and Tom Pen ndlebury gave wonderful sp peeches. The Class of 20144 clearly succeeded in deve eloping positive e and producttive relationships with their teachers. t The e teachers des scribed them as a a lovely grooup with whom m to work. are a diverse community off learners. The ere are many students who o are highly abble and highly y motivated learners. The Cllass of 2014 a There are also stud dents who wo orked very harrd to overcom me significant challenges, whether w they were caused by health, pe ersonal circumstances, learn ning or extern nal factors. On ne of the disti nguishing qua alities of their cohort is thatt, while there are a wide ra ange of talents s and abilities, they are partiicularly supportive of one an nother. ghout their sch hooling, there have been contributions b by many teach hers who have e all helped too lead their lea arning journeyy. They Throug formed d very special relationshipss with their Ye ear 12 teache ers and tutors who have go one beyond too support them m. This suppo ort was obvious in the time e and effort devoted to fee edback and a dvice through hout the year. We acknow wledge and thank the outsttanding contrib bution and sup pport from Mrss Chelsea Poh hlner the Year 12 coordinato or. Their group g has bee en described as a an eclectic year level witth many individ duals and with h many colourrful characters s. Many have unique interes sts and person nalities. Despiite this, the Class of 2014 h has been des scribed as very cohesive annd supportive of each otherr. They have been b a great e example of cele ebrating and finding f strengtth in personal diversity. The Class C of 2014 has been a major contrib butor to the cco-curricular programme p in n the school. Pleasingly th hey maintaine ed their involve ement during Year 12. The e cohort included many tallented musicians with stud dents perform ing regularly in many band ds and ensem mbles. They ma ade major con ntributions to the cast of ma ny productions over the yea ars. Their cohort c include es many talentted athletes in n Athletics, Ne etball, Equesttrian, Badminton, Soccer, C Cycling and Fo ootball among g many others.. It was wonderful to see Badminton, B Ne etball and Socccer teams wiith significant numbers of Y Year 12 stude ents representing the school each weeken nd and in ICCE ES teams. The Class of 2014 has demonstrrated great co ommitment to leadership as s an opportun nity to serve aand help othe ers. They chan nnelled ve energy into running very successful ev vents includin ng Valentines Day, Concert Under the Sttars, and the Amnesty Slee ep Out. creativ The Le eavers Fund is commission ning a beautifful screen, de esigned by loc cal Aboriginal artists, for thhe Copulos area. Collectively the Leaverrs Fund and S SRC raised $13,000 which will w support ch harity groups including: Motor Neurone D Disease, UNICEF Syria, Give me 5 for Kids, Cancer Cou uncil, Compasssion Australia a, The Gift (Kyyabram) and th he Zaidee Fou undation. cognise and th hank SRC rep presentatives, House Capta ains and Prefe ects for their le eadership andd work. We also acknowled dge our We rec wonde erful School Captains Emma Black and Aaron A Bhat. T The year levell has demonstrated excelleent leadership, but the whole year level’s support of inittiatives has be een outstandin ng. We tha ank the Classs of 2014 for their t wonderfu ul legacy and wish them happiness and fulfilment knoowing that the ey will make a great contrib bution to the qu uality of our so ociety. er Ulterius Sempe Mr Mark Torriero Princip pal torrierom@ Ph: 03) 5821‐8155 Fax: 03) 5 5821‐9337 http://hom COMING EVENTS SPSSA State Athletics – Lakeside Oval Melbourne World Challenge 2016 Launch for Parents – Founders Hall 28/10 Voice Concert – Founders Hall 29/10-21/11 VCE Unit 3 and 4 Exams 29/10 Last day for Unit 2 work submissions Year 8 Maths TIMSS, GTT, JAC and AHZ classes Rev Tim Costello presentation for all Year 10 and 11 Psychology students 30/10 Parents and Friends meeting 7:00pm to 9:00pm 31/10 Last day for Semester 2 work submissions (Year 10 Class) No scheduled assembly today Unit 2 and 4 S and N results due in Community Outreach Programme - Mooroopna PS 03/11 Mid Term Break – No students 04/11 Melbourne Cup Day – No students 05/11-07/11 Year 11 Exams 06/11 Years 8 – 12 2015 New Families Information Night – Founders Hall Foyer 07/11 Year 10 Exams Community Outreach Programme – Mooroopna PS 27/10 DUE DATES Please note that the following deadlines may not include ALL due dates for subject work. They are indicative only and may also change due to special circumstances. 28/10 10/11 Year 10 PreMethods – Chapter 10 and 2 combined test 8C Humanities – Middle Ages Test GTT KMD TEACHING AND LEARNING NEWS Preparing for exams As we head for end of year examinations for students in Years 9-11, it is clear that a focus on study technique and problem solving strategies is essential. Students have been discussing such techniques with their teachers in preparation for exams. Why do we have exams? Exams provide teachers with information about a student’s knowledge and understanding of the course that may not be available through other forms of assessment. They can test: Ability to recall and apply theory. Knowledge of the content area. Critical thinking and problem solving skills. Communication skills in the absence of aids like word processors. Ability to work alone and under pressure. The authenticity of student’s work. There are advantages for students personally in learning how to perform well in exams. There will be situations in their personal and professional life when they'll need to perform an important task in a limited time that is under pressure. Tips for reducing stress during exams Revise your teacher’s advice about the content of the exam and what types of questions you will be asked. Set aside sessions to revise for each topic that teachers have advised you to study. Draw up a study planner so that you give some study time to each subject. Fill in known activities so you can plan your study time around those. Remember – lots of short sessions work better than one long session the night before the exam. Start now! You need to ensure a balance of activities (eg. study, part time job, sport, household chores, and leisure). Your life should include activities from each area but not necessarily for the same amount of time. It would be appropriate to reduce time spent on leisure for example for the next few weeks until your exams are over. Set yourself some reasonable study goals eg. 20 minute sessions of concentrated study. How many do you need for each subject? What to do during reading time: Read the instructions on the front page Start reading any long answer section (your brain has longer to think about the answers while you work through multiple choice or short answer sections). Read multiple choice or short answer questions Check how many marks are allocated to each question (spend longer on those worth more marks) Decide which question to start with (usually pick an easy one) Remember: Use all the time you have allocated. Keep working – teachers can only give marks for answers you produce. If you do finish early – re-read each question and make sure your answer does actually answer the question asked. Did you answer all parts? Best wishes to all students sitting exams. Mrs Debbie Moore Director of Teaching and Learning ENROLMENTS 2015-2016 Currently we are conducting enrolment interviews for 2015 and it is likely there will be waiting lists at a number of year levels. If it is possible that current students will not be returning to Goulburn Valley Grammar School next year, we would be pleased to hear from parents so that we can finalise our enrolments for 2015. Parents may discuss this matter confidentially with Pam Wallace. Parents are reminded that it is a requirement of the business that a term’s notice be given before a student is withdrawn from the school. Also this is just an early reminder that families with siblings wishing to come to the school in 2016 are requested to notify us by October 2014 to ensure sibling priority entry. Mrs Pam Wallace Registrar VOICE CONCERT DATE TUESDAY, 28TH OCTOBER The 2014 Voice Concert will be held on Tuesday 28th October in the Foyer of Founders Hall. This concert was rescheduled from September and all Voice (singing) students can prepare themselves for their concert on the above date. Mr Shane McDonald Director of Co-Curricular nks to fitting tribute for the departinng year level. Sincere than o assisted in n the all the many staff and sstudents who specially Mrs Pam prreparation for both of thesse events, es Po ogue in the De evelopment O Office. Th he VCE Eng glish Examinnation is on Wednesday 29th October comme encing at 9:000 am. Studen nts are encourraged to o be at school by 8:45am. I wish w each of you y the best oof luck for the busy time ahe ead. I ho ope that you u walk awayy from your final examin nation kn nowing that yo ou could not hhave done any y more. Please e feel fre ee to conta act me at school by phone or e-mail e (p if you have e any querie es or co oncerns. Mrs Chelsea Po ohlner ear 12 Coordinator Ye TRA AINEES SHIP 2015 Goullburn Valley G Grammar Scho ool is again lo ooking to emplloy trainees in 2015. Ideally, the students would be finishiing Yearr 12 this year. The traineesh hips are a parttnership with tthe The Apprenticesh hip Factory, with the Tra ainee aiming to comp plete a Certificate II in Com mmunity Activity Programme es, or Educational Su upport. The trrainees work closely with an Apprrenticeship Fa actory mentorr as well as a representatiive from the education nal provider th hroughout the year. The Trainees repo ort to the Dep puty Principal and Directorr of curricular Prog grammes. The e position is full time. Wh ilst Co-c the traineeships are predomiinately linked d to the Spo ort, door Educatio on and Camp ps Programmes there are e a Outd wide e variety of scchool related duties d in whic ch the trainee e is expe ected to be invvolved. The successful app plicant will asssist Goullburn Valleyy Grammar School Pro ogrammes a and Depa artments inclu ng with Sporrt and Physiccal uding assistin Educ cation classe es, Year Level Camps and Academ mic Depa artments. nts must be enthusiastic, e be prepared to Interrested studen work k closely with staff and stud dents, be welll organised a and show w initiative. A brief expresssion of interes st, and resum me, shou uld be forwarded to me by email e by the 14th Novembe er. Interviewss will be cond ducted after tthe Yearr 12 exams co onclude. Mr Leon McLeod Depu uty Principal WORLD W D VISION N– RE EV TIM C COSTEL LLO On Wednesday y 29th Octobeer Tim Coste ello will be viisiting GVGS and spe eaking in the Library to all Year 11 students be etween 10:00 0 am and 111:00 am. Bec cause of our long standing and strong committment to World Vision, we have be een chosen to t host this exciting even nt. Along with w a pe erformance by y World Visioon artist Levi McGrath, Tim m will prresent a spee ech to our stu dents. This speech will, in part, re ecognise the achievements a of GVGS over the years, in its involvement with the 40 Hoour Famine. He H will also speak s bout the capacity of young people to create change in n their ab co ommunities. Tim T is a wonnderful prese enter with a deep kn nowledge on a host of issuees and the ability to motivate e and en nergise his audience. a Wee are indeed d, fortunate to t be offfered this opp portunity whichh promises to o be inspiration nal to ou ur Year 11 students. y Mrs Mary Bayly Ye ear 11 Coordinator YEA AR 12 MATTER M RS Wed dnesday was the last day of classes fo or our Class of 2014 4. The studen nts celebrated d this milestone in a positiive manner and the h highlight of the day, the Fin nal Assemblyy in Perio od 6 which wa as enjoyed byy students, sttaff, parents a and friends. On Thurssday night GV VGS acknowledged the ye ear level at the Va aledictory Dinner which was held at Easttbank. The e evening was a wonderful success and d a ICE PRESENTATION – YEAR 10, 11 AND 12 As advertised in previous Friday Newsletters, this week the senior school students attended a presentation from Word and Mouth on the drug ice. Three speakers presented information to the students. Jim Gow from Word and Mouth covered the toxic, everyday chemicals which are mixed up to produce ice and the devastating impact they have on the body and brain when ingested. Dean Lloyd Police Liaison Officer spoke about the problems faced in our local region, the addictive nature of ice and the costs to individuals, families and the community. Finally, students received a firsthand account from Kara a mother of two who struggled with a son with ice addiction for years. She spoke of the impact on her son, her daughter and the family unit. Students also viewed a number of video presentations made by different government bodies to educate and alert people to the problems associated with ice. To facilitate further discussion at home and give parents and other family members information about ice, a number of links are attached to this article. You may have also seen Four Corners on Monday night which covered the devastating impact of ice on country communities such as ours. If not, it can be viewed on the ABC iview link. Ms Trish Lawless Director of Students The key to successful trading is quickly listing Wanted and For Sale ads, and then the system immediately starts sending out Ad Match emails. GVGS has paid an annual subscription fee to enable all GVGS families to access this service free of charge. To access the Sustainability School Shop a link is provided from the school website. or you can simply use the URL: Please note: In 2015, Year 8-10 Humanities will be using a new text. It is a combined Geography / History text book published by Oxford University Press. If you decide to try and purchase this text second hand please ensure that you purchase the correct version by matching the ISBN. To assist you with this, we have provided the text book details below: Year 8, 2015 Humanities text: Oxford Big Ideas Geography/History 8 AC Student Book + obook/Assess. ISBN 9780195590203 Year 9, 2015 Humanities text: Oxford Big Ideas Geography/History 9 AC Student Book + obook/Assess. ISBN 9780195522167 Year 10, 2015 Humanities text: Oxford Big Ideas Geography/History 10 AC Student Book + obook/Assess. ISBN 9780195522204 If you have any queries please contact the school or the Sustainable School Shop: 1300 683 337 Mr Leon McLeod Deputy Principal BOOK COLLECTION FOR 2015 YEAR 8 TO 12 STUDENTS PRIMARY DIVISIONAL ATHLETICS Please note the cut-off date has now passed to hand in hard copies of the booklists. Families who haven’t already ordered their books will now need to complete orders online at – passcode FAYY or you can access the booklists via the GVGS website Last Friday 17th October, nine of our best GVGS Year 5 and 6 athletes travelled to Epping, to compete in the Regional Stage of the Primary Athletics Carnival. To get to this Regional Stage, our athletes managed to qualify through Zone and Divisional stages against some of the best Primary athletes in the Goulburn Valley. Goulburn Valley Grammar School Book List orders will be available for collection from the Gymnasium on: Outstanding performances from Sophia Varley (Yr5) and Ryan Coburn (Yr6) allowed them to progress through to State Level in Melbourne next Monday 27th October. Sophia st Varley dominated her two events placing 1 in Discus and nd nd 2 in Shot Put whilst Ryan Coburn came 2 in a competitive Triple Jump event. Some other excellent displays came from Year 6s Taryn Cameron, who came 3rd in Triple Jump, and rd Kate Adams who came 3 in her 1500m. Year 5s Sophie Kamenjarin also finished 3rd in an extremely close Hurdles event, whilst Lilia Tennant topped off a fine year of distance th running placing 4 in her 1500m event. Monday 10th November between 8:30am to 12:30pm Tuesday 11th November between 2:00pm to 6:00pm For convenience, the Pelican Shoppe will also be open on the same days and hours as listed above. Mr Leon McLeod Deputy Principal SUSTAINABLE SCHOOL SHOP SECOND HAND BOOKS GVGS will again be utilising the Sustainable School Shop for families to trade second hand books online. A user guide is attached to the newsletter. This website is a useful resource if you are looking to sell or buy second hand textbooks. The system automatically matches buyers with sellers. Congratulations to all the Primary Athletes who made it to the Regional Stage. We wish Ryan and Sophia all the very best for their events at State Level. Mr Nick Sneyd Trainee LIIBRARY Y BYTES S Thro oughout the ye ear we have had h the pleasu ure of having tthe Yearr 12 Tutorials situated here h in the Library. The ese stude ents have be een a delight and I have e watched th heir grow wth over the year as theyy became res sponsible you ung adultts. I wish them m all the best for f their future es and good lu uck as th hey enter the n next stage of their t lives. girl with a grea at boyfriend aand three verry close girlfrriends who do everyth hing togetherr. They talk, they t get read dy for pa arties, they sh hop - they alsso bully and harass those e they de eem ‘geeky’ or o below them m on the social register. On the fa ateful last day, the girls attennd a party thro own by Kent, whom w the girls consider dorky annd who has a crush on Sam. hrough a series of disappoointments on the night the e girls Th jump into Laure en’s car - but Lauren is not totally capab ble of a accident occcurs. This is s where Sam’’s life drriving - and an an nd death strug ggle transpiress and her life ‘flashes beforre her ey yes’. But unlik ke the trumpetting of angels and seeing all a the wo onderful things Sam has doone in her life e, she sees herself bu ullying others s and walkinng through flames f - nott the ca aptivating end to her life thaat she had ima agined. Sam dies d on nly to awaken n in the mornning, but not the t morning of o the ne ext day, the morning of the dday she dies. he now has to o relive that daay, knowing it’’s outcome…sseven Sh tim mes. Does Sa am alter thingss that happen on that fatefu ul day to o change the outcome o and perhaps in the process beccome a better person? uitable for Yea ar 9 upward Su Re eviewed by Mrs Jodie Keaddy New N Book:: Chainani, Som man – The Sch chool for Good d and Evil. A world without princes, has oone best frien nd and one tru ue love, choos se your ever aafter… De elaney, Traviis – The Ultim mate Truth. Uncovering U the truth is hard d. Accepting it is impossible. Hautma an, Pete – T The Cydonian Pyramid. Sccience fiction thriller and parrt of the “Klaattu Diskos” trilo ogy. Harry, Pip – Heaad of the River. R Olymp pians, supersttar siblings Leeni and Cristia an Popescu arre set to row Harley H Gramm mar to victory in the Head of o the River. arratt, Laura – Louder tthan Words. A Ja moving and heartwarmingg story abo out siblings and the e power of worrds. hie – The C Crystal Heart. A deftly Masson, Soph oven tale of warring w kingdooms and the redeeming wo po ower of love. Mussi, Sarah – R Riot. A thoug ght-provoking read about th he future suffeering of teenag gers. Boo ok Review w: Beffore I Fall By Lauren n Oliver I have som me questions s for you. Wh hat would you do if you kn new it was yo our last day on n earth? And what would yyou do to chan nge things, if you could, so o it was not your last day d on eartth? haps you wou uld Perplexing isn’t it? Perh at street in fro ont avoid walking across tha of that carr, not eat thatt tuna sandwiich and choke on a bone or o dive into th hat ut checking th he depth? So o is river withou the story off Samantha Kingston’s K life, or should I sa ay death. This s is an emotivve, fast paced novel, w written in the first person. Sam S is a popu ular Nieman, Chris stie – As Staars Fall. An intricate love story ab bout nature, grief and frienddship. O’rourke, Tim – F Flashes. Cha arley sees crimes before they hhappen, but will w anyone e her? believe mith, Jennifer E – The Geoography of Yo ou and Me. Sm A sweet story of o summer lovve and the com mplications that go with the power of fatee. Ms Janette Burns Library Coordinator PE ELICAN SHOPP PE Our trading t hours during the terrm are:Monday 8.30 am to 11 1.30 am Tues sday 1 pm to 4 pm Wed dnesday 1 pm to 4 pm Thurrsday 1 pm to 5 pm Frida ay Closed ABOVE AN ND BEY YOND In Above and Beyond B we enndeavor to ac cknowledge stu udents chievements both in school andd outside schoo ol. Please let uss know ac off your child’s ac chievements soo that we can acknowledge a th hem in Ab bove and Beyon nd ull range of ssummer stockk is on hand in the Peliccan A fu Shop ppe at all tiimes. Garme ents purchase ed through tthe Pelic can Shoppe w will comply with h the school uniform policy. ents are welco ome to visit the shop during g opening hou urs. Pare Alterrnatively stude ents may visiit the shop on o a school d day durin ng shop ope ening hours and be fitte ed by staff. A down nloadable ord der form is available fro om the scho ool webs site, via the uniform tab,, which enab bles parents to spec cify the garme ent(s) which need n to be pu urchased and to calcu ulate the paym ment amount. ment optionss include Cash, Cheq que, EFTPO OS, Paym Masttercard and VISA. Shou uld you have any queriies regarding the purcchase of uniform or the sale e of second ha and orm please contact us by :unifo ne 5821 9959 or Phon Ema ail to pelicansh Mrs Sally Young, Ms Kerrie Sweeney, Mrs Rika Beetton Pelic can Shoppe TUCKS SHOP th Monday 27 October Mandy Deveny D Help Nee eded Tues sday 28th Octo ober Help nee eded Help nee eded dnesday 29th O October Wed Jenny Stammers Help nee eded Thurrsday 30th Octtober Dyanne Dillon D Michelle Smith Help nee eded Frida ay 31st Octobe er Lisa Dean n Carolyn Gale G Help Nee eded Good d bye and goo od luck to all th he year 12s with w your exam ms. Could parents ple ease remind th heir children that t if they ha ave any food allergiess and are ord dering their lu unch to put tthe allerg gy sticker thatt we supply on n to their lunch h order bag. With the warmer w weather more students will be bringing fo ood from home. If you u have a sala ad you would d like put in tthe fridge remember to o drop it into the t tuck shop when you arriive chool. It mustt be in a plastic container, with your nam me at Sc on it, i and NO glass please e. Also remember all foo ods requiring heating need to be left at the tu uck shop befo ore scho ool or at recesss. No glass please. The Tuck shop is open fro om 8:00am every mornin ng. Stud dents are welccome to com me in and purrchase drinks,, a toastted sandwich or fruit, and ca an order their lunch. Mrs Marlene Rutherford Tuck kshop Manage er En ngineers Austtralia, Goulbu rn Valley Matth/Science Aw wards we ere presented d on Thursdayy 16th October at a ceremo ony at Th he Connection n. Year 11 stuudent Samuel Press receive ed the Ph hysics Prize that t included a certificate and a book vou ucher. Sa amuel had presented an exxcellent applic cation detailin ng his ac cademic and sporting ach ievements, work w experience at en ngineering firm ms and co-currricular activities. Many scchools fro om across th he Goulburn Valley enjoye ed the inform mation prrovided about studying enggineering at University. U Afte er the fo ormalities, exp perienced Enngineers from the region were av vailable to ans swer questionns on their varried and intere esting prrofession. Well W Done Sam m. Mithma Ekanay yake, who playyed violin with h other instrum mental students in the Orchestra Victoria worrkshop during g the econd term sc chool holidayss, was one of four studentss from se the region who was selected to play in a co ombined conccert in ber 26th and 27th. the Melbourne Town Hall on Septemb Mithma also plays p Second Violin in the e Goulburn Valley V oncert Orches stra. Co Well W done Mithm ma. CO OMMUN NITY NE EWS Th hese notices are e distributed ass a community service. s These events e arre not run or sp ponsored by Gooulburn Valley Grammar G Schoo ol and pa arents should co ontact the organnisers directly fo or further inform mation. Sha arpen You ur Pencils, Kids! Ca alling all budd ding artists in tthe Goulburn Valley to join wellkn nown Victoria an author-illusstrator, Adam m Wallace, for f a ca artooning work kshop. Learn how to draw an amazing range r off animals and characters aand chat to Adam A about his h 35 bo ooks! his workshop is FREE but pplaces are stric ctly limited so book Th yo our spot now! When: W Saturday 25th Octobeer Tiime: 11:00am Where: W Collins Booksellers S Shepparton 26 62 Maude Stre eet To o Book - Call 03 5822 26799 or email subject=Adam m%20 Wallace%20Wo W orkshop World Vision Event in Shepparton with Tim Costello Tim Costello will be in Shepparton on Wednesday 29th October 7:00pm (doors open at 6:30 pm) at the Encounter Christian Church 155 Verney Road Shepparton. Cost at the door $5.00. No RSVP required. The evening will feature special presentations from Vison Artists, comedian Michael Connell and social justice singer/songwriter Levi McGrath. Please visit the following website for more information about World Vison. RJ Shield Chess Tournament Yarrawonga A Tournament for Everyone Come along for a fun day of competition chess, whether you’re an established player or a novice, this is the tournament for you. Learn new skills, meet new friends and even gain a chess ranking, or better the one you have. Age divisions, under 8’s, under 10’s, under 12’s, under 14’s and open (14yrs to adult) Trophies awarded in all age divisions. An additional trophy is award to the best girl in each division. Certificates are awarded to each player, ranging from participation to high distinction. Please register online at click on ENTER. Any difficulties call Karen 0437176769 and I will be happy to help. th When: Sunday 26 October Time: 12:45pm to 5:00pm Yarrawonga College Prep-12, Secondary Campus Senior Study Centre, Pinnegar St Entrance Cost: $20.00 per player Mooroopna Education and Activity Centre Inc Monday to Friday Exercise programmes to suit any age and fitness level Every Tuesday Art group 10:00am to 12:00pm. Gold coin donation includes most materials. Community meals $5.00 two courses 12:00pm. Bookings are essential. Every Wednesday Night exercise classes Circuit after Work 5:40pm and Stretch n Flex 6:40pm $6.00 Contact MEAC 5825 1774 for information on these activities and any other queries on our courses. Community Kitchen Garden You are invited to be a part of your Community Kitchen Garden. Cooking Demonstrations, sample fresh produce, prepare easy healthy recipes. Fun for all ages, Learn clever gardening tips; win some great prizes, Chilli Eating Competition. Where: Shepparton Maude Street Mall Planting Day When: Saturday 8th Nov 2014 at 10:00am A 2014 Greater Shepparton City Council Community Leadership Program Community Project Schools, groups, individuals, families, any culture, all abilities are all welcome to be a part of this amazing garden. Please ARRIVE BETWEEN 12.30pm to 12.45pm so we can register names and start the tournament at 1.00pm. There are only fifty places available so get in early and don’t miss out. For more information about the planting day or to register as a volunteer please call Jodi Campbell on 0448 103 176. Coffee, tea, cold drinks and snacks are available for purchase on the day. Greater Shepparton City Council’s Community Leadership Program is a five month pilot program aimed at developing active and engaged community members who wish to increase their leadership potential and influence in the community. This tournament is run by Chess Kids Australia in conjunction with YCP-12 Community Workshop, all proceeds, after costs, will be donated to the workshop for materials and supplies. RJ Shield Finals Qualifiers from our school are: Dinal Amarasinghe 22 Linal Amarasinghe 15 When: Sunday, 30th November 2014 Time: 1:00pm–5:30pm Cost: Qualified players $30.00 Wildcard entries $55.00 Enter at Or go to tornello chess and search RJ Shield Finals 2014. Novice tournament If you have not qualified but would still like to compete this is the tournament for you!!! Cost: $30.00 Where and When: Held same day and time. Community Leadership Program In addition to regular workshop sessions, the Community Leadership participants are undertaking a community project to enable them to the opportunity to apply what they are learning in the course content. Collectively the participants are working on five different projects, each with fantastic benefits to the Greater Shepparton community. If you have any questions about the program, please contact me on 5832 9467 or Career News 2014 October 24th 1. Careers in Food Science and Nutrition Nutritionists and Dietitians work with people: to improve their health and wellbeing through diet and lifestyle; with people who have health conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure that can be improved by changes to their diet; with people who experience anorexia/bulimia; with people in hospitals, community centres, schools etc. Home Economics/Food Technology Teachers: teach students to cook nutritious meals in schools and to have an understanding of food safety. Food Safety Officers: investigate complaints about food safety and ensure shops, restaurants and food processors follow health regulations. Food Scientists are responsible for: making food tastier, healthier, and safer for people; inventing new foods and flavours and studying how consumers like them; studying how packaging preserves food after it has been processed; sustainable agricultural food processing; influencing people’s eating behaviours so they are more healthy; improving the health of people by influencing what they eat through marketing. You can study vocational and higher education courses in these career areas. To find Victorian courses visit For NSW courses visit Nutrition: to become a Nutritionist you can undertake the following courses: Associate Nutritionist- you must complete a three year undergraduate degree with a major in nutrition or equivalent. Registered Nutritionist: you must complete the Associate Nutritionist requirements and have three years of subsequent nutritionrelated experience or formal study. Dietetics: you must study a course approved by the Dietitians Association of Australia. You can study a four year approved Undergraduate Degree or a Bachelor Degree with an approved Masters Degree such as Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics at Monash University, Master of Dietetics at Deakin University or Master of Nutrition and Dietetics at University of Canberra. Home Economics/Food Technology Teaching: you can study to teach Home Economics and Food Technology at the primary and secondary school level at universities such as Edith Cowan University, Victoria University and Charles Sturt University. Food safety: you can study courses such as Environmental Health and Public Health at Australian Catholic University, Deakin University and Swinburne University. Food science: you can study Food Science at the vocational and higher education level at University of Melbourne, Victoria University, William Angliss, Deakin University, RMIT, Federation University and Swinburne University. You should consider studying mathematics, biology, food technology, chemistry, physical education, health and human development and/ or VET hospitality. Possible careers include: Nutritionist Laboratory analysis Quality assurance Quality control Food policy officer Consumer enquiries Food safety officer Dietitian Research Health promotion Marketing Sensory analysis Teaching Product development For further information on careers in Food Science and Nutrition visit the following websites: Nutrition Australia Dietitians Association of Australia Home Economics Victoria Food Science, CSIRO Food Safety 2. The Victorian Transport Association The VTA can assist you to secure a cadetship in logistics. “Logistics involves the integration of information, transport and handling of these materials to meet customer needs”. You must be at least 18 years old, have completed Year 12 and either have or be close to obtaining your driver’s license. For more information visit 3. Hydrographic Surveying Hydrography is a spatial science involving the charting and mapping of the topographic features of water. The Surveying and Spatial Sciences Institute and the Royal Institution of Australia (RiAus) have produced a video about careers in this industry. The video ‘Hydrography as a Career’ is available on YouTube 4. Work Experience at Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium Applications for the 2015 work experience programme open on 20th October. Only a small number of students are accepted each year. For information on how to apply visit 5. Diploma Courses at La Trobe University Want to ‘try’ a course at university, but not ready to commit to a degree? La Trobe University is offering the following diploma courses which will give you credit for the first year of selected bachelor degrees: Diploma of Arts – all regional campuses Diploma of Business – all regional campuses Diploma of Health Sciences – Bendigo campus Applications are made direct to the University. For more information visit 6. Careers in Radiation Science Radiation oncology is the treatment of cancer using radiation therapy. ‘A Career in Radiation Oncology’ has just released a range of resources for students who are interested in careers in radiation oncology, radiation therapy, and radiation oncology medical physics. Resources include videos, pathway charts, university course information and patient pathways. For information visit 7. Creative Arts Industries at Victoria University (VU) VU’s Bachelor of Creative Arts Industries is popular with students who have a flair for the creative arts and want industry experience in a creative field. Students can focus on creative writing, digital media, performance studies, visual arts or music. To explore the course visit 8. VU’s Bachelor of Community Development Allows students to develop programmes and initiatives that meet the changing needs of society with the option to do fieldwork placements in local settings such as community centres and NGOs or overseas in countries such as Thailand, India, Mexico and Timor-Leste. Students can specialise in one of three areas: International Development, Australasian or Sports. For more information visit 9. Changes to Law at the Australian National University (ANU) From 2015 the Bachelor of Laws will be offered as an embedded Honors programme. Students will be able to undertake the degree as a single degree or as part of a flexible double degree. In addition to an enhanced focus on research, the new programme will equip students with a broader range of skills, a stronger foundation for postgraduate study, and will reflect the research-intensive status of ANU. For more information please visit 10. Engineering or Computing Australian National University has developed a new special admissions scheme for students who may not achieve the ATAR of 90 required for direct admission into Engineering, Software Engineering or Advanced Computing. The new scheme enables students to demonstrate aptitude, motivation and interest in these disciplines. Students will need to obtain an ATAR between 80 and 89.95 to be considered. Applications are due by 3rd November. Please visit for more information. 11. NMIT is now Melbourne Polytechnic Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE (NMIT) offers vocational and higher education courses and is a popular choice for many students. There are 13 campuses across Victoria. NMIT will be progressively rebranded to Melbourne Polytechnic and continue to offer flexible learning pathways and a wide range of course options. Please visit 12. Dookie Agricultural Science Experience Rural and regional students in Year 9 and 10 who have a passion for agriculture can participate in hands-on workshops including science activities in the laboratory and paddock, plus learn how important Agricultural Science is to current world issues. th th Where: Dookie College, University of Melbourne (accommodation included).When: 26 – 28 November 2014. Cost is $150.00. For information and to apply before 1st November visit 13. Bachelor of Arts (International Studies) at RMIT Learn on the job through overseas internships and develop professional skills in international relations, cultural communications, diplomacy, business and humanitarian policy. From policy making in China to community development in South America, graduates of International Studies at RMIT land upon a range of dynamic careers across the globe. View the following video 14. Women in Information Technology Scholarship Calling all IT girls! Monash University is offering 50 x $6000 scholarships to girls who enrol in an IT course in 2015. You don’t need to apply for the scholarship as your application will be assessed based on your ATAR. For information about Monash IT courses visit 15. Education at Swinburne University From 2015 Swinburne will be introducing the four-year Bachelor of Secondary Education at the Hawthorn campus. Students will be able to study the Bachelor as a single degree or combine it with a Bachelor of Arts, Business or Science. For more information visit 16. Scholarships for high achievers at Swinburne University The following three scholarships are for high achievers. Students must be in Year 12 and receive an offer for an approved course in 2015 at Swinburne. Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarships are guaranteed to students who achieve an ATAR of 95 or above. Recipients will receive $5000 per annum for the normal duration of their chosen course. Dean’s Scholarships: for students with a minimum ATAR score of 90. Applicants are ranked on order of academic merit. Recipients will receive $2500 per annum for the normal duration of their chosen course. George Swinburne Scholarships: require a minimum ATAR of 85 for a student to be considered and also consider extracurricular and community activity in determining the award. Recipients will receive $1000 per annum for the normal duration of their chosen course. 17. Scholarships at William Angliss The institute offers courses in areas such as events, tourism, hospitality, foods, travel and resorts. If you are planning to enrol in a th th course in 2015, vocational course scholarships are due by 15 November and higher education courses by 9 March 2015. William Angliss offers VCAL for secondary students and also VET subjects. For information visit Mrs Debra Block Careers Counsellor 2016 2 T Tour of Eu urope e: Itally, Ge erman ny, Austri A a EX P RE S SI O N OF I N T E R EST The best trips arre well planned. Hence, we w have alre ady started our o planning for the 20166 GVGS Tour of Europe. We are proposing a tour to Europ pe during the e Easter 201 16 school ho olidays (Thu ursday 24th M March – Sund day 10th April) and we are seekking expressions of intere est from stud dents (Year 10 1 and 11 in 2016) who aare interested d in diverse cultu ural experien nces, languag ge, music, art, and historry (well… fas shion, food and cars too) . The tour wiill take us fro om Rom me, through S Siena, Pisa, Florence, Ve enice, Innsbrruck, Bolzano o and Neusc chwanstein C Castle, to Sallzburg and Vien nna. We propose to sspend Easterr in Rome an nd experiencce its ancientt monuments s and the Vattican, and attend the torcch-lit proc cession of Via ia Crucis, from the Coloss seum to Pala atine Hill as well w as the Easter E Vigil aat the Saint Peter’s P Basilicca pres sided over byy the Pope. A tour of this natture will provvide an unforgettable exp perience for our o students and we hopee enhance th heir motivatio on to conttinue to be in nformed Austtralians with a wide know wledge of diverse cultures s and our claassical herita age. If yo ou are interessted in this to our, please re eturn the tea ar-off slip below or speak or email Mrss Bihun [Gen nevieve.Bihu] and d/or Dr von G Güttner [Darrius.Guttner@]. If therre is sufficien nt interrest, an inforrmation session will be arrranged at th he school durring Term 1, 2015 to pressent our idea as, itinerary and a costt. _____ __________ ___________ ___________ __________ ___________ _____________________ ______ TOUR R OF EURO OPE 2016 – E EXPRESSIO ON OF INTER REST (GMB//DVG) dent name: _ ___________ ___________ ______ Stud ase circle: Plea Definite ely intereste ed Yea ar Level: ____ ___________ _________ Possiblly interested d ent name, email and mo obile phone number: n ____ ___________ ___________ _____________________ ___________ ____ Pare Simply • Register on the Sustainable School Shop website - • An annual subscription to this service has been kindly provided by Goulburn Valley Grammar School Buy and Sell second-hand Textbooks second-hand textbook trading system • List Wanted & For Sale Ads (Browsers tell each other what they require and what they have to sell). • The school’s booklists are loaded into the system to make the Ad listing process easy, fast and accurate. • Assistance is provided to accurately price items. • Our Ad Matching service shows you - Exactly the right items to buy - Who has the most items you need - The cheapest items • Buyers contact Sellers, and arrange where and when to transact. • Excellent email and telephone helplines are provided: 1300 683 337 Also Buy & Sell Pricing Guide • Calculators • Like New 70% • Sporting items • Excellent 60% • Musical items • Very Good 50% • Electronics & DVD’s • Good 40% • Stationery • And lots more ABN 55 114 136 211 helpful tips • Be patient many new items are listed each day • Listing Wanted and For Sale Ads gets results • Our unique Ad Matching Service shows you who to transact with, and will save you lots of time • Be realistic when pricing items • Telephoning sellers provides a quicker response as many people do not regularly check their emails • Pre-arrange who to transact with if your items are still being used and write the availability date in your Ad • Respect other browsers and remember to Delist your Ads promptly when no longer needed • Meet somewhere convenient to transact, don’t make special trips and just fit it in to your normal activities
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