Stefanus Jasin Assistant Professor of Technology and Operations
Stefanus Jasin Assistant Professor of Technology and Operations
Stefanus Jasin Assistant Professor of Technology and Operations Last updated October 23, 2014 Stephen M. Ross School of Business University of Michigan 701 Tappan St, Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Office: R5310 Phone: 734-764-2305 Research Interests Methodology: Stochastic and asymptotic analysis, dynamic/data-driven/real-time optimization. Current application areas: Dynamic pricing and revenue management, inventory control, assortment optimization, e-tail fulfillment. Educations Stanford University (2005 – 2011) PhD in Computational Mathematics and Engineering MS in Computational Mathematics and Engineering MS in Statistics University of California at Berkeley (2003 – 2005) BA in Mathematics Accepted/Published Research Papers 1. S. Jasin. 2014. Reoptimization and Self-Adjusting Price Control for Network Revenue Management. Operations Research, Vol. 62, No. 5 (Sept. 2014), pp. 1168-1178. 2. S. Jasin and S. Kumar. 2013. Analysis of Deterministic LP-based Heuristics for Network Revenue Management. Operations Research, Vol. 61, No. 6 (Dec. 2013), pp. 1312-1320. 3. S. Jasin and S. Kumar. 2012. A Re-solving Heuristic with Bounded Revenue Loss for Network Revenue Management with Customer Choice. Mathematics of Operations Research, Vol. 37, No. 2 (May 2012), pp. 313-345. Papers under Review/Revision 1. S. Jasin. On the Impact of Re-solving, Re-estimating, and Rationing an LP-based Control for Network Revenue Management with Unknown Demand Parameters. Under 3rd round review in Operations Research. 2. Qi (George) Chen, S. Jasin, I. Duenyas. Real-time Dynamic Pricing with Minimal and Flexible Price Adjustments. Under 3rd round review in Management Science. 3. Yanzhe (Murray) Lei, S. Jasin, A. Sinha. Near-Optimal Bisection Search for Nonparametric Dynamic Pricing with Inventory Constraint. Under 1st round review in Mathematics of Operations Research. 4. S. Jasin, A. Sinha. LP-based Artificial Dependency for E-tail Order Fulfillment. Under 2nd revision for Operations Research. Papers in Writing 1. Qi (George) Chen, S. Jasin, I. Duenyas. Improving the Bound: Adaptive Parametric and Nonparametric Multiproduct Pricing with Self-Adjusting Control. Research in Progress 1. (with Lai Wei and Roman Kapuscinsky) E-tail fulfillment with delay. 2. (with Phil Kaminsky and Hyun Soo Ahn) Inventory control of orphan drugs. 3. (with Boying Liu and Hyun Soo Ahn) Approximation scheme for general customer choice model. 4. (with Huaiyu Zhou) Nonstationary dynamic pricing. 5. (with Yan Huang and Puneet Manchanda) Gaming project. 6. (with Yanzhe Lei and Amitabh Sinha) Dynamic personalized pricing. Presentations 1. Real-time dynamic pricing with minimal and flexible price adjustments. OM Tepper Seminar 2014 (May 2) at Tepper School of Business, CMU. 2. Real-time dynamic pricing with minimal and flexible price adjustments. Applied Probability Society Conference 2013 (July 15 – 17) at Costa Rica. 3. Real-time dynamic pricing with minimal and flexible price adjustments. INFORMS RMPS Conference 2013 (June 6 – 7) at Georgia Institute of Technology. 4. Self-adjusting price control for network revenue management. INFORMS Annual Meeting 2012 (Oct. 1417) at Phoenix, AZ. 5. A class of “error-shrinking” heuristics for network revenue management. INFORMS Annual Meeting 2011 (Nov. 13-16) at Charlotte, NC. 6. A class of “error-shrinking” heuristics for network revenue management. INFORMS RMPS Conference 2011 (June 23-24) at Columbia University. 7. Implementing deterministic LP-based heuristics in network revenue management. INFORMS Annual Meeting 2010 (Nov. 7-10) at Austin, TX. 8. Analysis of re-solving heuristics for network revenue management. INFORMS RMPS Conference 2010 (June 16-18) at Cornell University. 9. Repeated re-solving in network revenue management. INFORMS Annual Meeting 2009 (Oct. 11-14) at San Diego, CA. 10. Periodic re-solving in network revenue management. INFORMS RMPS Conference 2009 (June 22-23) at Northwestern University. Teachings TO 301 (Winter 2013, 2014). Business Statistics and Management Science. OMS 899 (Winter 2012). PhD Seminar in Revenue Management. Service and Professional Activities Reviewer for Management Science, Operations Research, MS&OM, and POMS. Session chair at INFORMS Annual Meeting 2014. Session chair at INFORMS Annual Meeting 2013. Co-chair a session at INFORMS Annual Meeting 2011. Co-advised 6 MAP projects (Winter 2012). Co-advised 2 Tauber projects (Summer 2014). Co-advised 1 Tauber project (Summer 2013). Co-advised 1 Tauber project (Summer 2012). Participated in new PhD students recruiting (2012-2013). Students Supervised 1. Qi (George) Chen (2011 – present), co-advised with Izak Duenyas. 2. Murray (Yanzhe) Lei (2012 – present), co-advised with Amitabh Sinha. 3. Lai Wei (2013 – present), co-advised with Roman Kapuscinsky.