Family News & Notes REMEMBER IN PRAYER Joyce Simmons


Family News & Notes REMEMBER IN PRAYER Joyce Simmons
Joyce Simmons has been transferred to hospice care.
Cora Epperson is at Bap st Desoto room 947.
Faye Williams is consul ng with a team of doctors for future treatment.
June Belew is at home recovering from back surgery.
Billy Garre is home under the care of his grandson.
Richard & Marcia Fraley celebrated their 50 year wedding anniversary.
SHUT-INS: Linda Arwood, Valeria Canada, Evelyn Fowler, Marie Gray, Irmagene Hall, Ka e
Howard, Virginia LaCaze, Dot McEwen, Rick and Dorinda Murphy, Pauline Payne, Ruby Davis,
Catherine Parker, Bob Weathers, Ann Woodson HEALTH ISSUES: Robert BenneB, Donyell
Buckingham, Ruby Dickerson, Bill Newport, Banks Ready, KiBy Ussery, LaTonya Wiggins FAMILY:
Sue Archer, Sidney Carey, Tom Childress, Charles Hester, Ron Crutchfield, Bill Dixon, Helen
Evans, Tam Griffin, Madie Hunsucker, Ka e Culley, Ka e JarreB, Wanda Jenkins, Jesse Jones,
Allyson Kelly, Sam Townsley,
Now I would remind you, brothers, of the gospel I preached to
you, which you received, in which you stand,
and by which you are being saved, if you hold fast to the word I
preached to you-- unless you believed in vain.
For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received:
that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures,
that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in
accordance with the Scriptures,5 and that he appeared to Cephas,
then to the twelve.
1 Corinthians 15:1—4
In this one powerful passage Paul defines the gospel:
The central content of the gospel is the death and resurrec on of
Jesus Christ.
The center of Paul’s preaching was the gospel.
The gospel is the means of our salva on.
The gospel is of first importance.
The crucifixion is aBested by both the Old Testament Scriptures
and the burial.
The resurrec on is aBested by both the witness of the Old
Testament Scriptures and the New Testament Apostles.
Our sympathy is extended to Karen and Jake Brigman in the passing of her
husband, Steve Brigman.
There will be free flu shots offered at Bap st Desoto, tomorrow from 4-6PM.
Please use the north entrance.
There will be a wedding shower for Tiffany France, bride-elect of Ben Brownfield
Sunday, November 2, in the lobby at 3:00PM. They are registered at Target and
The Ladies Fall Brunch will be Saturday, November 8 at 10AM. The theme is, “Let
Us Be Thankful.” Ladies, please bring your favorite brunch dish. For any addi onal
informa on, please see Be y Hill.
Sunday Conference call:
To listen to our Sunday morning service live,
call 1-877-380-7755 followed by 4651356
Sunday, November 9, following the AM service, The Teacher’s Apprecia?on
Luncheon and Workshop will be held in the FLC. All Children’s Educa on Ministry Teachers and their families are invited to aBend. Following lunch, teachers are encouraged to stay and par cipate in the workshop which will conclude at 3:30. Please RSVP to the office by Wednesday, November 5 if you
plan to aBend.
Thursday school students and parents will have a picnic in the park Thursday,
November 13, immediately following school.
Converts (people who have switched religions) who say they share their faith
at least weekly: 29 percent.
Those who adhere to the faith of their childhood who say they share their
faith at least weekly: 20 percent.
This Saturday, November 1, is our Family
Harvest. It will begin at 3PM with play
me, arts and cra6s, hayrides and fun
snacks for the children. We ask that any
children ages 3-9 bring a small/medium
size pumpkin to decorate with fall
themes. At 5PM our chili cook-off contest
will begin. Bring your best recipe—judges
will award the top two winners with a $25
gi6 card from Chili’s. A6er everyone has
had a great meal we will move outside to
start a bonfire. Bring lawn chairs, blankets, and other items for this warm gathering. Please make plans to aBend this
event. For addi onal informa on please
contact Ma hew Crowe.
10:00 (0-24 mos) Nancy Cole, Maggie
Ramsey, Heather Moon
(2 years) Lauren Brady, Judy Kuntz
5:00 PM: Lou Thomas
10:00 (0-24 mos) Shelia Butler,
Kimberly Beard, Kendall Billingsley
(2 years) Lauren Brady, Judy Kuntz
5:00 PM: Dawn Ales
Ladies, if you received a postcard to volunteer in the Nursery, please fill that out ASAP
and turn into the office. The more volunteers we have the less you have to work. YOUTHNEWS
Today at 4PM we will have an informa on mee ng for all students in grades
10-12 for the 2015 El Salvador Mission Trip. We will meet in the teen room.
Next Sunday, November 2, we will have our area wide teen devo onal in
Oxford. If you plan to go you need to let Jared know. We will meet at the
building at 4:30PM and be back around 9PM.
Over low
Overflow will be November 21—23. This retreat is just for high school students and the cost is $65. We will be at Camp Lake Stevens in Oxford this
year. The focus of the retreat is on helping our high school students grow in
their faith and giving them the tools necessary to con nue that growth a6er
high school and the youth group. If you plan to go, please see Jared.
You honor us with your presence and your willingness to join us in
worshipping God today. An aBended nursery for 0-24 months is available in the foyer, 2 year olds meet in room 5. Children ages 3-5 will be
dismissed a6er the Lord’s Supper for Children’s Church. Hearing assistance is available at the sound booth.
Your Body Is a Temple of the Holy Spirit
1 Corinthians 6:19-20
If you are a member of the Church of Christ and are looking for a
place to worship and serve, please consider placing yourself under the
oversight of our shepherds and becoming part of our family in serving
the Lord.
If you are not a member of a church and would like to learn more
about the Church of Christ, we would be honored to answer any quesons you may have. Please fill out an ivory visitor’s card and drop it in
the offering plate. If you would be interested in a home Bible study
please call Derek McNamara at 662-349-3600.
Dr. Derek McNamara
Senior Minister
Antoine e Jones
Ma hew Crowe
Associate Minister
Alan Underwood
Minister of Children’s Educa?on
Jared McCormick
Youth Minister
Raynee Randolph
Office Hours:
Mon-Thur: 8AM-12PM and 15PM
Fri: 8am-12PM and 1-4PM
Phone: (662) 349-3600
Vol. 3 No. 41
October 26, 2014
Singing - Dan Beard
2 “We Praise Thee Oh God”
Welcome - Derek McNamara
555 “Seek Ye First”
700 “More Love To Thee Oh Christ”
Prayer - Ron Massey
662 “All To Jesus I Surrender ”
The Lord’s Supper and Offering
Michael Davis
1014 “Jesus Loves Me”
959 “Just A Li le Talk With Jesus”
Message - Derek McNamara
Your Body Is a Temple of the Holy Spirit
1 Corinthians 6:19-20
Invita?on Song: 902 “Nothing But The Blood”
Shepherd’s Prayer - Jimmy Eddlemon
Phil Anderson
Marty Brownfield
David Butler
Randy Denton
Jimmy Eddlemon
Tim Mobley
Gordon Schmi ou
Jerry Winstead
Sunday Offering
Weekly Budget
A endance:
Bible Class
Morning Assembly
Midweek Class
Bible Class
Morning Assembly
Evening Assembly
Bible Class
9:00 AM
10:00 AM
5:00 PM
7:00 PM
1700 Goodman Rd. E • Southaven, MS 38671