CALL FOR SPONSORSHIP The Collaborative Age: Integration Across Disciplines


CALL FOR SPONSORSHIP The Collaborative Age: Integration Across Disciplines
The Collaborative Age:
Integration Across Disciplines
42nd Annual Conference of the
State Society on Aging of New York
Artist:Peter Wang-Hing Wong, Sirovich Senior Center, Tempera on paper. Photographer:Jaime Permuth.
Wednesday, October 22 – Friday, October 24, 2014
Fordham University Lincoln Center Campus
113 West 60th Street 10023
About State Society on Aging of New York (SSANY)
The State Society on Aging of New York (SSANY) is an interdisciplinary
membership society; we bring together individuals and groups from health,
government, educational and community settings committed to improving
the quality of life for older New Yorkers through education, research,
service, and advocacy. For more information, visit our website at
Conference Opportunities
Take advantage of an outstanding opportunity to be part of our aging network.
At the SSANY meeting, you can meet with professionals, organizations and
businesses from across New York State. Each year SSANY’s annual meeting
has approximately 250 attendees representing educators, health care
professionals, researchers and state and national representatives. In addition,
there are:
 Sponsorship Opportunities
 Program Advertising Opportunities
 Exhibitor Opportunities
Conference Location & Lodging
Fordham University will host the State Society on Aging of New York
Conference Wednesday, October 22 through Friday, October 24, 2014 at its
Lincoln Center Campus, 113 West 60 th Street, New York, NY 10023.
For lodging information, please visit the SSA website at
Platinum Sponsor: $2,500 & Up
Silver Sponsor: $1,000
Sponsor identified as the host of an event at the
Complimentary exhibitor space
Complimentary full-page ad* in the Conference
Program (see below*)
Listed in program as a platinum-level sponsor
2 full complimentary conference registrations
Complimentary exhibitor space
Complimentary half-page ad* in the Conference
Program (see below*)
 Listed in program as a silver-level sponsor
 Complimentary single day registration
Gold Sponsor: $1,500
Complimentary exhibitor space
Complimentary full-page ad* in the Conference
Program (see below*)
Listed in program as a gold-level sponsor
1 full complimentary conference registration
Bronze Sponsor: $500
Complimentary half-page ad* in the Conference
Program (see below*)
Listed in program as a bronze-level sponsor
Friends & Supporters: $250 - $499
Listed in program as a Friend and Supporter
advertisements should be black and white, camera-ready, and sized to the following dimensions:
Full Page - 7.5” w x 10” h
1/2 Page - 7.25” w x 4 5/8” h
Silver- and Bronze-level sponsors can upgrade their ads to full page for an additional $____
For questions, please contact a member of the SSA Planning & Development Committee:
Janna Heyman, PhD
(914) 367-3030
Kareem Reeves
(646) 447-6191
------------------------------------------------------------Sponsorship Form
Sponsorship Level: __________________
Contact Person: ______________________________________
Organization Name: ______________________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________________________
Phone: ______________________
Please mail (1) check payable to SSA, (2) the Sponsorship Form and (3) hard-copy of your ad to:
Karen Dybing
Fordham University Graduate School of Social Service
400 Westchester Avenue, West Harrison, NY 10604
In addition, please email the ad in MS Word, jpeg or pdf to Karen Dybing at
Deadline: Submissions must be postmarked no later than September 30, 2014
SSA is offering advertising space in the program book of the 42ND Annual Conference. Current organizational
members of SSA are entitled to a free quarter-page ad. However the advertisement needs to be submitted along
with this form to be included in the program. SSA members will receive a discounted advertising rate if the ad
is upgraded to a larger size. Program measures 8.5” x 11”.
SSA Organizational Member
SSA Individual Member
Full Page
(7.5” w x 10” h)
1/2 Page
(7.25” w x 4 5/8” h)
$ 75
1/4 Page
(3.5” w x 4 5/8” h)
$ 75
Note: Platinum and Gold Sponsors receive a complimentary full-page ad.
Silver and Bronze Sponsors receive a complimentary half-page ad.
All advertisements should be black and white, camera-ready, and sized to the dimensions selected above.
For questions, please contact a member of the SSA Planning & Development Committee:
Janna Heyman, PhD
(914) 367-3030
Kareem Reeves
(646) 447-6191
------------------------------------------------------------Advertiser Form
Contact Person: ____________________________________________________________________________
Organization Name: ________________________________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________________________________
Phone: ______________________
Ad Size:
Full Page
7.5” w x 10”
_____ Half Page
7.25” w x 4 5/8” h
_____ Quarter Page
3.5” w x 4 5/8” h
Please mail (1) check payable to SSA, (2) the Advertiser Form and (3) a hard-copy of the advertisement to:
Karen Dybing
Fordham University Graduate School of Social Service
400 Westchester Avenue, West Harrison, NY 10604.
In addition, please email the ad in MS Word, jpeg or pdf to Karen Dybing at
Deadline: Submissions must be postmarked no later than September 30, 2014
42nd Annual Conference of the State Society on Aging of New York
Wednesday, October 22 – Friday, October 24, 2014
Wednesday, October 22nd
Thursday, October 23rd
Exhibit Hours
10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Full Conference Exhibit table
6-foot x 30-inch Exhibitor table draped with black
linen & two chairs
Two Days
One Day
Note: Platinum, Gold and Silver Sponsors receive complimentary exhibitor space.
Membership is not required to exhibit
For questions, please contact a member of the SSA Planning & Development Committee:
Janna Heyman, PhD
(914) 367-3030
Kareem Reeves
(646) 447-6191
------------------------------------------------------------Exhibitor Form
Contact Person: _______________________________________________________________________________
Organization Name: ____________________________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Phone: ______________________
Both 10/22 and 10/23
_____ 10/22 only
Please mail (1) check payable to SSA and (2) the Exhibitor Form to:
Karen Dybing
Fordham University Graduate School of Social Service
400 Westchester Avenue, West Harrison, NY 10604
Deadline: Submissions must be postmarked no later than September 30, 2014
_____ 10/23 only
For more information, please visit our SSA website at