Document 6575635


Document 6575635
Oc:oaER. NorrErraBER2Ol 4
:k }n$li*ef* .4rtCIr*, Es6*btl# tu l &*2. t? ffi€s
$ftEt, MirsEsr,Wellington5022.Tcl:(M) 38S.??33
willbe heldat
Saturday15th andSunday16s November
at 13amto 4pm
Our patronCeliaWad+Srorynwillopen the function
on Friday14r, Ncvemberat 6pm.
Tesubmitpai*tingsycu mustbea fullypaidup member
Fouror mcrepaantangs
maybe submitted.
Han$ng Fee:$4,OSper painting$p ts a total of $16.OO.
Pfeaseno*.' Snly cash or fftnos will be acceoted.
Unframedartryorlsfor our racksrvouldbe welcome.
Pleeseplece*ame af arffsemffium a*d priceon the backsand list
Paintingsta be deliveredte RitaA*qus $ I CamTh*rsday I 3ttrNovember2O14
Be prepard ta take all wrappingmeterialsawayrith you, otherwisemakespecial
arraftgementsry ringingslymgiaph: 3gg 3925, or at the clubrooms.
ArtCommissioncn paintingssoldlYillb€ 15%. Art*orks that havesold:payoutby Bank
transfer, Youmay be requiredto providebankingdetailsto Treasurer:Ph:9344.823
Entryformsandyourentryfee shouldbe receiyedat the clubroomsno later
than Friday?th lrlovember
NZAcademyol FineArts {newbeginnings)
Repcrt by le*ny Jcrda* tc tlre t/VellingtonArt Club
Trvo other artists and 1 spaket* office lranagir Marc Pettis and businessmanagerBob
Clarke at the .{cademy abaul t}re nerv develcpmentstakiag place at present.
Over tht last fe:*"yearsarlists lule been frustrated disappointedand left wondering what has
been going *n. I have spokent* rn*ey **ist rvha h*ve felt this way, sameas myself.
The Academy is in deep finaacial situati*n dae ta l*csing sa many working artists over the
last few ye*rs - their s*bs hetpedthe Acr:demyta keep ruening. Bob has come up with fresh
businessideas a*d has already startedtc bri*g l:s1ryrevsrlue into the Academy. The cost of
post-ouls is one reasonrve have not received notificatioas atrout up and coming exhibitions.
Good l{erystoAlltrtiss
Bob Clsrk has been bro*ght i* t* averhat:l the businessside cf the Academy and great
changesare in Fr*cessright naw. B*b *nd Marc Pettie are working together to connect with
all artists. They l*ve us, wa*t t* t*lk and hear frcm us and sharetheir ideas for making the
Academy rvsr* f*r the Artjsl, This is ths arti:ts" Academy: they want us back and displaying
our r+'orksin ths art exhibitians,
A table and *hairs have been set up wit* art tnaks and _1'au
are all welcome to come and meet
with Bob *nd M*rc" have a cctTee,sh*re yc*r thc*ghts- y*ur frustrations and ideasand hear
what new ste-Fs;Irc king taken. Bcb and Marc *'&nt t* rneet and hear r,vhatvou have to sav.
What's hapni:gf
E* tfte Gallerf
The shop hss been re-stocked,is full of art and is selling well, bringing in good revenue.
The dawnstai* gallery Light Space is naw cpen lbr grsups of artists who wish to exhibit in
this areaal a rsst of $1500 for tr+'at'eeks. {a possibility for the Wellington Art Club in the
fut*re? Vfe c*teld all talk together ssme rn*re abcut this.l Eon't give up on this ideajust yet!
Let's get crea[ive and tcss ar*und a fbrs ideassf h*w this cauld work for us so that we can
exhibit in the Ac*derny. A gr*up *f l*FelsenArtists exhibiting in the Light Space areaat
presenlare pa3'irlgand running rheir ar*'* exhitlition and alher groups are choosingto exhibit
here as r''e11.The plan is to keep this area full and bringing in revenue.
Let's keep a$ Dpeil mind al the l#ellingta* Arl Club. Gather your thoughts and let's talk
togetlrerabar:t this possibility. Let's keep very positive as rvorking artists. The Wellington
Art Ch$ has s+me w'onderfsl wark tc sh*w the w*rld.
C+mmiseion Rates at fie Aca&rnf
The ccmmission ratesfor wcrks s*ld thrcugh the shop are 40% for non-members,33o/ofor
meffibers. F*r rentals *f Light Spaeewe rva*ld discussthis on a case-by-casebasis.
The Gallery main entrancearca will b€ kept opn and the Jlorv-throughareato the downstairs
Light Spare gallery will have art srarks hanglng and fbr sale at all tjmes, even during the set-up
of new exhibjtions" This meansthe Acadsmy gallery is never closedbut constantlyopen with
through ascersto the public, rvith paintings fcr sale.
The Academy will k a living and Herking e*ibiticn
Bob is warking ca finding spns*rship fr*m ccmpaniesand businessesor other avenues,
benet'actarslvho, on their death, may beqmst maney t* the Academy.
The possibilig' of businessfirnctions being held in the Academy facility, while around the
walls artists hang their works. freeing up artists' costs. Paintings are in the publics' eye, or
companieswha rvill pay outriglrt fur an art space,freeing ccsts, again for the artists.The
future possibitity is hnding a spcnsorrvho will suppart an artist to do further study overseas.
What the Hemy
*eeG at Pl€sere
We a*d artists to rrtumta tlre Acaderny.
Yolunteers to help rvith receiving paintings for exhibitions and taking down and
pac.kagingart works after exhibitions.
Help rvith office u'crkl New s1'stemsare being set up to gathernew and fresh
inf*rm$i*a ab**t arrists. artists' lv*rk needingta be returned; new exhibition
infbrmatian; the devel*pme*t of a yearly calendars* artists are made aware of what is
ccmi*g rlp syer the *ext l2 m*nths. And Iats mare!
Maaylands make light *ark. lt-anytrae *ould like to join a group of volunteers
grviag ons moming a mcnth tarrards helprng,*"e could grow a team of people from
the l#ellinglnn Art Club and *'ark togetherat the Academy.
Goming llg:
Artists' end *f ye*r exhibiticn: *Arf cx The \Yh*rf'6th
painting n*rr".
December2A14. Let's start
Any trtxm?r?/.rr.;ri*tlerest,coniat:IJ*.nnvJ*rdan Ph: 386.2891
It is with sad*essthat we n*te ttre p*ssi*g *fthe lafe Rosemtry Mawby. Rosemarywas a Life Member
of the Wellingta:r ,4rr CIub, an artist cf *hve aysrage talelt and fiiend of many of our members who
remsmtler hsr fsr hsr kindusss and gmsrasity. fihs had fluctuaring health for some trme and her death
was followd a slcrt tirne lats{ by thar of hsr husband Ji:n, "Rosemary deservedthe title of Life
Membor", said Presidsnt Olyrnpia Osb*rne. "She contributed sc much to our club over the years."
Clympit's Ck*t
Spring has arrived and we are all l**king f*rwa'd fo our Spring Art Exhibition in the atrium at Rita
ArtgrrsRetire*e.:rt Village. I kr:orr *re Tuesdry group are pai*ting towards it, hope all members are
as well - it is au: arvn 'Art Shaw' We ar* s+ pleasedoff pafr*$ Celia Wade- Brown will be available
to ope$ cur 3f !4 Sp*ng Exhibitica.
Linda Smith is warki*g hard wifh adyartising witl assistaace*om Charlotte Hird and there will be
plenty of flyers lbr sach and every ose cfus to deliver aroulld orr areas.Margo Boock has advertising
planned a*d ig will be interestirlg to seewhat p*ster ftlls **t *f ttre DomPost that week. The club will
be maliing a do*atio* of $350 t* the Rita Ang:rs Retireme*t Yillage charity of the year.
We wiII have EFTPCS finm tlre begirr*ing *f,tlre exhibiticn week so we're requestingthat hanging fees
are paid by cash or EFTPOS - ro cft*ques plcaso. Paynent *an be made when delivering artwork on
Thursday moming or anytime that rv**keed.
JudeManhst$as r"olunteetedtc be ssJ lr*asurer a:rdwe re sa grateful to haveher in our
$oup. Thanks
to Dave shaw- *ur outgoing treasurer f+r all the h*urs 1r* gav* to the club.
Jenny Jordan's arficle is interesting and *.e appreciafethat she and Mary Mitchell attendeda meeting
at the Acaden:y. I have baen i*fen*ed ef *ajor *ha:rges f*r the better happening there. I gave up my
subscriptian E*ng aga. I cauld*"t f*th*m the *'eird themss end wording. Nor did I appreciatebeing
rejectectar the time I w'*sted s*bmitting. GaaclnessfiIe. or:r sg4es and likes differ for each and every
As I rushsd i* *n tfte last day lo s€€$e NZAFA "Flcra and Faur:a'"fut Exhibition, it was nice seeing
the ald style A*aderny therg an the *'harl. The presentatisn rvas tops and it was good to observe a few
red dots on a aumber of our msmbels' artworks. Congratulaiicas to those who sold.
Eric's portrait n'arkshcp cn August ?-?dr+'asa success.The club appreciatesEric's time spenttutoring
working gfctrF memhers fhr*trgfu.:ut *ra y.emand fcr opening the clubroons daily.
The year is slip,pingaway fast a*d our Clsists*as parfy ta e$d cffa colourful and arry year will be hetd
on Seturday 6* Escember. S* rn*rk ya*r calendar f*r a time cf fine wine, good food and happy chat
whils {llxis Aadsrsor: tun:s up dre musir tc Roclc& Rrlil ur:til rve turn into "Pumpkin" cottage and the
neigihtrcurss|:tr* us lrorne. K*e,ppra;ti+itrg'?orba's" dan** Clris.
Happy painting to all, from me
ftlanaArts SseietyExhibitien,Labourweekend
As we *re **t to* f*r frem eachottrer Sfu** Art$ S*€ietya*d lTettiagton Art Club are sharing notices
ir thdr *spcttivr rsskfters ts pubtitis* thrir exhibitions.
Mana Arts S+$€y are holdir:g their anq.ral l-al*ur Weele*d Extribiticn from Saturday 25n to Monday
2l'October ar r*eir clubrocms in Ptisrn:ertc:lDamain- The erhibjricn will run from l0.00am to 4.00pm
each day and all rxcrhs are for sale- There rryil1aiss be a rafte for lllo works of art by club members
Margaret Brt>r'/Er
€tii t4 winner afthe Gr>rdcnBr*r*r *r*-ard*t the watere*lour NZ exhibition) and Jill Sutton
(20!-f winner *f the peaple's choice award at the Frie*ds olpatakc Art Awards).
I)irectians: TaEe the left-harel e-xitrf the Felmers r**rtclab**t a* SHl .Turn at the first left hand exit and
then rlght at *re bridge-!ustby *re Pals:ers car park and :*-_e
are on l}re lell as you enter the Domain.
ROSTEF-Sr gilt3tTt3il
Duringthe hoursof publicviewing,mindingthe exhibition
will be for periodsas
folfows:l8ern- 12 noon, 12 nson- 2 p*,
2pm 4pm
Pleaseadd y+*r *ame tc the rosterfist at the efubr*cm or phcneClyrnpiaOsborne,388 3825 to volunteer
yourmindingtirfies.Pleasenotethat we are e*eouragingtsrumembersto volunteerto mind eachsession.
It makesfor easiershar;figof respcnsibitities,
especiailyif tfrereare SALESI
Pfeaseplacethis form and entryfee in an envelopelabelled Rita AngusExhibitionEnW
in the box marked Extlrbifbnfntrbs no later ttran Friday7th November.Theform will
be usedf*r picturelabellingand cataloguelisting.
?i: {{}.1j31ttt.it3{$ Frnail: dalesweenel,