James Hargest College Meetings / Practices 2014 Daily Notices Where
James Hargest College Meetings / Practices 2014 Daily Notices Where
Raapa, 22 Whiringa-ā-nuku 2014 Wednesday, 22 October 2014 James Hargest College 2014 Daily Notices Meetings / Practices Year 11-13 Where Year 11 and 12 Physics Students When Year 11-13 (LDP) Any students that will be taking Physics in 2015 and are interested in going to E-week at University of Canterbury in January 2015, see Mr du Preez in the Science office. Year 9 -13 Writing Group E13 Wed 15 Oct (KSN) Full group attendance on Wednesday lunchtime. If you have made promo posters, please bring them to me ASAP!!!!!! Additional meeting Thursday lunchtime. Year 9 -13 Inter-house Competition Year 9 -13 (WH) Fast 5 Netball Come and sign-up in the gym Foyer to represent your house in this Action packed version of netball. Games will be played in Gym 3 at interval and lunchtime each day, short quick fire games loads of fun. Teams will be selected once entry has closed on Wednesday lunchtime. Year 9&10 Saffron Volleyball Year 9&10 (JHN) Saffron Volleyball Game is at 4.00pm on Wednesday Yr 9-13 Sports Japan Exchange Information Evening Library Today 7:30pm andInterested Culture students and their families are encouraged to attend the Japan Exchange Information (LTR) Evening on Wednesday the 22nd of October. The meeting will be held in the Library from 7:30pm, and will include information about next year's exchange to Kumagaya. Application forms will be available at the meeting. Yr 9-13 Sports Concert Band Yr 9-13 Sports and Culture andThere Culture is NO Concert Band rehearsal this Wednesday because the Jazz Bands will be practising (ST) instead :D :D :D GO JHC JAZZ this Friday !!!! :D :D :D General Notices Helpers Class: 9MMY Helpers (KOT) Year 11-13 (DCN) Wednesday: Jordan Gerken, Robert Greer, Brian Grigg Thursday: Chloe Hewitt, Georgia Hill, Anna Kura Friday: Caitlin Lawson, Kynan MacAskill-Reid, Michael Mapp Year 11-13 HPSU Meet at the main office at 1.40pm to go to Paintball, remember a change of gear. Year 11-13 HPSU 2015 Year 11-13 (DCN) HPSU 2015 – applications are open to senior students for next year’s course. Information and application forms can be collected from the main office. See Mr Carstensen if you have any queries. Year 11-13 Library Books Year 11-13 (KAM) The last day for issuing library books to Year 11 to 13 students will be Friday 24th October and all books need to be returned by Wednesday 29th October. Year 11-13 Community Southland College - OPEN DAY Year 11-13 (APR) 23 October 2014 between 10am-2pm, 4th Floor Menzies Building, The Crescent, Invercargill 22/10/2014 8:25 am Raapa, 22 Whiringa-ā-nuku 2014 Wednesday, 22 October 2014 James Hargest College 2014 Daily Notices Year 11-13 Y11 Maths Excellence Tutorial Year 11-13 (BF) Year 11-13 (TL) Year 11-13 (JRD) Year 11-13 (DC) Year 9 -13 (BJ) Excellence tutorial on 'Geometry' Wednesday 22nd Period 5 in N3 Year 11-13 Science Tutorials Today Lunchtime: 13 Chem in B12 13 Ag/Hort in E6 Period 5: 12 & 13 Chem in B12 After School : 13 Bio in B9 Before school tomorrow 12Chem in B8 Chem Schol in B12 Year 11-13 Year 12 Maths Excellence class in E4 at 2pm today. Tutorial for others in E5 period 5. Year 11-13 Mrs Cowie's 11HPE Class Period 3 today p[lease go to E15. Year 9 -13 JAZZ FEST Jazz Fest this Friday night - 7.00pm at the Ascot Hotel. Big prizes to be won - $800.00 for best group, $500.00 for second. Good luck to our musicians preparing for this Year 9 -13 Canteen Bandanas Year 9 -13 (KOT) For ssale $2 each, get them from Hannah, Beka and Alex at Intervals and lunch in the canteen - wear them on Friday to show your support!!!!! Year 9 -13 Volleyball Year 9 -13 (KD) Volleyball draw is up for this week. Please check. Senior Zinc and Tangerine have two games each. Junior Boys have duty before your game. Junior Girls have duty after their game. Duty requires the whole team to be there. See your manager of any issues. Year 9 -13 Canteen today Year 9 -13 (KOT) Sushi available, you can get a milkshake for just $2 and the return of Baby Bell Mince Pies Year 9&10 10 JHN Track Cycling Year 9&10 (JBA) Yr 9-13 Sports and Culture (DCN) Get changed and meet the bus at 1.50pm today for Track Cycling Yr 9-13 Sports Kel Meninga andGame Culture3 Thursday lunchtime Yr 9-13 Sports Summer Hockey Yr 9-13 Sports and Culture (RW) andHockey Culture Southland is running a Summer Hockey competition. There are two grades (Competitive and Social). Teams of 6. The cost per team is $120. Get your friends together and register the team online. Team entries close on the 31st of October. See the Hockey Southland website for details. 22/10/2014 8:25 am Raapa, 22 Whiringa-ā-nuku 2014 Wednesday, 22 October 2014 James Hargest College 2014 Daily Notices Yr 9-13 Sports BLUES Yr 9-13 Sports and Culture (DC) andThe Culture list of Blues recipients is now up on the Hall windows and in the gym. This includes the awards for coaching and officials. Please check the list carefully and see Mrs Cowie with any issues as soon as possible. There will be a meeting for ALL recipients in G3 THURSDAY INTERVAL. Full attendance please. Yr 9-13 Sports Touch Yr 9-13 Sports and Culture (CWN) andDraw Culture is up outside E10, Please check all members can play and let Miss Wilson know if your team can't be there. Fingers crossed for a game this week. Yr 9-13 Sports Orphans Aid Yr 9-13 Sports and Culture (KOT) andREMINDER Culture - please hand in your Orphans Aid money and form to Leigh at the beginning of interval at student admin ASAP. Please hand in your form even if you didn't complete the challenge. Yr9&10 Yr9&10 Sports and Culture (TA) Basketball - Hoops Group Sports and Year 9 & 10 Basketball players interested in coaching with Kevin Braswell in November & December see Mrs Anderson or Mrs Cowie in gym office. 22/10/2014 8:25 am
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