Decoupled Line System + Coherent Terminal Optics Link Design & Commissioning


Decoupled Line System + Coherent Terminal Optics Link Design & Commissioning
Decoupled Line System +
Coherent Terminal Optics
Link Design & Commissioning
ECOC 2014 Workshop on “Can we still
trust our test protocols?”
Vijay Vusirikala, Valey Kamalov, Vinayak
Dangui & Tad Hofmeister
● Architecture : Decoupled Line Systems and Terminal coherent optics
Terrestrial and Subsea
● Design, specification and commissioning of a decoupled system
Link Budget Tables
● Evolution of test protocols from static to dynamic optical layer
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Decoupled Line System and Coherent Optics - Terrestrial
Vendor A
Vendor A
Vendor B
Vendor B
Terminal Optics
Open Line System (OLS)
Terminal Optics
Amps, Mux/demux, ROADM, Gain equalizer
Best-of-breed technologies
No vendor lock-in
Coherent optics makes this decoupling a lot easier compared to dispersion managed plants for
non-coherent optics
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Decoupling Wet Plant from Dry Plant SLTE Submarine Systems
Vendor A
Vendor A
Vendor B
Vendor B
Mux, WSS, Upgrade
couplers, Noise
loading, Monitoring
Dry Plant
Repeaters, Branching Units, Gain
Open Wet Plant
Different expertise needed for wet plant (marine operations, cabling, repeaters) vs. dry plant
(coherent modems)
Faster time to market and better pricing using terrestrial driven coherent optics
Refresh cycles and longevity are different between wet plant and dry plant
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Transitioning from Coupled Systems to Decoupled Systems
Coupled / Closed Line System
Decoupled / Open Line System
System Design:
System Design:
Cost-optimized to close the link for a
specific transponder type / generation
Optimized for maximizing OSNR
Terrestrial - Raman, NF optimized amps
Subsea - Shorter repeater spacing,
Higher repeater power, ULL fibers
System Commissioning:
System Commissioning:
Q based commissioning with validation
of margin
OSNR commissioning for line system +
validation of Q for transponders
Link / Power Budget:
Link / Power Budget:
B2B OSNR performance with Q
penalties for aging, loading,
transmission penalties
Link / Power Budget:
Hybrid OSNR / Q based
power budget tables
SNR / OSNR based power
budget tables with Q
thresholds and penalties
mapped to SNR
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Link / Power Budget Table for Decoupled Line Systems Thoughts
Ideal Approach ?
Currently Used Methodology
SNR / OSNR based power budget tables
Baseline OSNR from simulation or
measurement (factor in line system aging)
Map nonlinear impairments and penalties
to effective OSNR reduction
Derive link margin in OSNR relative to
required Rx OSNR (for specific modulation
format / vendor)
Hybrid OSNR / Q based power budget tables
Baseline OSNR from simulation or
measurement (factor in line system aging)
Extract expected Q from B2B measurement
for that baseline OSNR
Factor in Q propagation penalties,
transponder aging, time variation, loading,
manufacturing variations etc.
Derive margin by comparing to FEC limit
Cleaner decoupling of line system and terminal
optics in a multi-vendor scenario
Enables ability to generate real time OSNR &
power budget tables for dynamic optical layer
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OSNR-Based Link Budgeting
Mapping as per back-to-back
Q penalties:
dependent on exact
link details
OSNR penalties: can
be expressed as
absolute noise
NL penalty has
simple scaling vs.
launch power in the
perturbative regime
Launch OSNR
Link ASE
Mapping as per back-to-back
Received OSNR
Final OSNR
Link Margin
Minimum OSNR
Extra Margin
Required OSNR
Mapping as per distorted Q vs. OSNR
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OSNR Commissioning for New Subsea Systems
Average, Tilt and Gain Shape
Gain shape
Wavelength (nm)
Average OSNR : Goal is to maximize this (till nonlinear roll-off) by efficient cable plant engineering (low loss
fiber, large core fiber, shorter repeater spacing, higher power repeaters).
Tilt: Some pre-tilt is needed to compensate for ageing effects (additional loss due to fiber repairs). Trade-off
between Q performance penalty from high tilt vs. future proofing for cable repairs
Gain shape ripple: Manufacturing variations and imperfect equalization from preset
equalizers. Goal is to
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Decoupled Systems - Evolution
● Real-time, In-service OSNR
Are interferometric techniques practical, stable and accurate?
Loading channel based measurement is feasible but becomes impractical at
high link load
● Coherent transponders - Enhanced diagnostics
Electrical SNR
Self electrical noise loading to generate Q vs. SNR curve
● Real-time power budget table to determine which link can close at which
modulation format
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Transition from Static to Dynamic optical layer
● Value
Optical restoration for system availability improvement
Faster service provisioning and response to demand variability
● Necessary hardware:
Coherent Transponders with flexible modulation support
Flexible client layer
● Real-time Power Budget Tables
Ability to combine information about coherent transponders and link OSNR
to determine which paths close and at which modulation format
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