Xiaoyuan “Charles” Li
Xiaoyuan “Charles” Li
Xiaoyuan “Charles” Li PhD Candidate Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering Princeton University Princeton, NJ 08544 Phone: Email: Office: Website: +1 (609) 433-6209 xl4@princeton.edu E422, Engineering-Quad http://scholar.princeton.edu/xl4/ RESEARCH INTEREST • Atmospheric aerosol-climate interaction: o Radiative effects of atmospheric aerosols. o Black carbon internal mixing from fossil fuel and biomass burning. o Perturbation of aerosols on atmospheric energy balance in East Asia. • Renewable energy development: o Renewable energy resource in the context of climate change and air pollution. • Air pollution: o Tropospheric ozone pollution. o Haze in China. EDUCATION PhD Candidate, Civil and Environmental Engineering Princeton University, Princeton NJ Master of Arts, Civil and Environmental Engineering Princeton University, Princeton NJ Bachelor of Science, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, College of Physics Peking University, Beijing, China 09/2012-Present 09/2014 09/2008-07/2012 RESEARCH EXPERIENCE Assistant Researcher, Princeton University 09/2012-Present Advisor: Prof. Denise Mauzerall, joint in Civil and Environmental Engineering and the Woodrow Wilson School. Project I: Characterizing the radiative effects of black carbon internal mixing. (Finished) • Quantified a significant missing effect from the mixing of multiple aerosol species on global warming. • Developed a conceptual and hierarchical modeling framework of atmospheric radiative transfer process. • Presentation to be given at the American Geophysical Union Conference on 19 December 2014. • Publication in preparation to Geophysical Research Letters. Project II: Effective radiative forcing of black carbon due to internal mixing. (Ongoing) • Implementing a full internal mixing between black carbon, sulfate and organic carbon in a climate model. • To compare the magnitude of effective radiative forcing of black carbon with different internal mixing schemes and external mixing. Project III: Future renewable energy resource in China. (Ongoing) • To quantify the resource potential of wind and solar energy and its geographical distribution in the future may significantly vary from today due to climate change and air pollution mitigation in China. • Coordinating inter-departmental collaborations between Electrical Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, and the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory. Project IV: Risk of scaling up renewable energy on regional climate. (Future) • Large-scale installation of solar panels will significantly adjust surface albedo, surface energy balance and hydrological cycle. • It is important to understand the risk of regional climate impact against benefit of global climate mitigation. Senior Thesis Project, Peking University 09/2011-07/2012 Advisor: Prof. Junfeng Liu, College of Urban and Environmental Sciences Project: Effects of Tans-Eurasian Transport of Air Pollutants on Surface Ozone Concentrations over Western China. • Mitigation of anthropogenic emissions from Europe, the Indian Subcontinent and the Middle East will benefit public health and agricultural productivity in Western China. • Conducted sensitivity study using atmospheric chemistry model. • Publication accepted and forthcoming in Journal of Geophysical Research –Atmosphere. TEACHING EXPERIENCE Assistant Instructor, Princeton University CEE334/WWS452 Global Environmental Issues 09/2014-Present FELLOWSHIPS & HONORS The Gordon Y.S. Wu Fellowships In Engineering Advanced Individual in Social Work Advanced Individual in Student Organization 2012 2010 2009 SKILLS/INTERESTS Modeling: Radiative Transfer Model, Atmospheric Chemistry Model (MOZART-4), and Climate Model (GFDL-AM3) Programming: C, Fortran, Bash/C Shell in Linux/Unix, Python, NCL, and IDL Software: Matlab, Excel, Adobe Illustrator, and Corel Draw PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS Student Member, American Geophysical Union Public Relationship, Princeton University China Energy Group Volunteer in Public Relationship, Sino-American Pharmaceutical Professionals Association 2013-Present 2014-Present 2014-Present UNIVERSITY ORGANIZATIONS Public Relationship, Princeton University China Energy Group Culture Chair, Association of Chinese Students and Scholars at Princeton University 2014-Present 2012-2013 CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS “Conceptually characterizing the radiative effects of black carbon internal mixing” Poster presentation, the 2014 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 12/19/2014 PUBLICATIONS Xiaoyuan Li, Junfeng Liu, Denise L. Mauzerall, Louisa K. Emmons, Stacy Walters, Larry W. Horowitz, and Shu Tao. Effects of trans-Eurasian transport of air pollutants on surface ozone concentrations over Western China, Journal of Geophysical Research –Atmosphere (Accepted). Xiaoyuan Li, Yi Ming, Denise L. Mauzerall. Characterizing the radiative effects of black carbon internal mixing (In Progress).