Document 6576163
Document 6576163
Knights Hi-Lites KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS PO BOX 93 SILVER LAKE MN 55381 MOTHER CABRINI COUNCIL NUMBER 1841 Holy Family Parish Published Monthly October 2014 Volume 10 Issue 14 COMING EVENTS Silver Lake MN KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS BIRTHDAYS October 21 - SL KC Meeting 7:00 p.m. 25 - Fall 4th Degree Exemplification ~ Shakopee 31 - Paper Drive (call Ray 327-3115 to volunteer) November 1 - Memorial Mass for Deceased Members 4:00 p.m. 3 - 4th Degree Meeting ~ Silver Lake 7:30 p.m. 14-16 - State Special Olympics Bowling 18 - SL KC Meeting 7:00 p.m. Grand Knight’s Message Brother Knights, Thank You to everyone who helped out at our Church Bazaar. Once again everyone helping made it another successful year. I really hope everyone enjoyed themselves. If anyone has even a spare hour to give, call Ray Bandas and sign up to help at the paper trailer at the end of this month. Once again this money all goes back to the community. The reason we went from three paper drives down to two drives is because we could use more volunteers. It would be a shame to see this go away. I believe we will fill a semi load of paper and cardboard again. Finally, fall is the shortest season of the year. Don’t let it slip away without taking in all of its beauty that you can. When I was young, I grew up on a farm. The harvest time, very busy to say the least, holds some of my favorite memories. The scenery outside a tractor window and the peacefulness are second to none. I also remember how a family works as one to get the job done. Please be Safe. Hope to see everyone at our meeting. Thank You for all your support Grand Knight Paul Davis 320-327-3196 Wish these Knights good tidings on their special day and keep them in your prayers for many more birthdays. OCTOBER 3 - Steve Dennison 3 - Daniel Giehtbrock 3 - Steve Nowak 3 - Craig Stibal 5 - Robert Penas 16 - Leonard Wozniak 17 - Brian Fehrenbach 17 - Charles A. Ardolf 18 - Rodney Weiers 23 - Melvin Nowak 26 - Fr. Bob Mraz 26 - Ronald Penas 29 - Barney Nowak 30 - James Lawrence NOVEMBER 1 - Pete Swartzer 2 - Thomas Radtke 6 - Joshua Kieser 6 - Anthony Lhotka 7 - David Horejsi 8 - Paul Anderle, Jr. 9 - Kenneth Posusta 10 - Robert Vacek 12 - Matthew Kaczmarek 13 - Larry Ardolf 15 - Daniel E. Nowak 16 - Douglas Wosmek 21 - Mark Mallak 21 - Kevin Ruzicka 23 - Edwin LaMott 23 - Ronald Shimanski 24 - Raymond Pavlish 24 - Jesse Posusta 25 - Russell Mickolichek 26 - Donald Miskovsky 30 - Clarence Juncewski October Family of the Month Ray & Sharon Bandas October Knight of the Month Dan Giehtbrock October Lunch Committee Chairman: Ron Miskosky OPPORTUNITY AVAILABLE -- We are in need of a Deputy Grand Knight. Please pray about this and see if you can serve our council in this capacity. Contact any of our trustees to learn more about this opportunity. Workers: Mark Mallak, Alan, Larry, Ronald, & Russell Mickolichek, & Harvey Mikolichek Knight’s Humor Column Q: Mary’s father has 5 daughters – Nana, Nene, Nini, Nono. What is the fifth daughters name? A: If you answered Nunu, you are wrong. It’s Mary! Q: In a one-story pink house, there was a pink person, a pink cat, a pink fish, a pink computer, a pink chair, a pink table, a pink telephone, a pink shower – everything was pink! What color were the stairs? A: There weren’t any stairs, it was a one story house! Q: What word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it? A: Short Paper Drive October 31st & November 1st Keep saving your clean paper & cardboard All proceeds benefit SL Ambulance, SL Fire Department, & SL Winter Festival Call Ray Bandas 327-3113 to volunteer to help Q: What occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment and never in one thousand years? A: The letter M Q: Take away my first letter, and I still sound the same. Take away my last letter, I still sound the same. Even take away my letter in the middle, I will still sound the same. I am a five letter word. What am I? A: EMPTY Q: What has hands but can not clap? A: A clock Q: What can you catch but not throw? A: A cold. Your 2014 Dues of $20 may be paid any time. Pay at our next meeting or by mailing your dues to: Financial Secretary Ron Penas - 17253 Kale Ave - Glencoe MN 55336 A sympathy card was sent to Ben Lewandowski. A get well card was sent to Floyd Goranowski. If you know of anyone who should receive a get well or sympathy card, please contact Ron Penas at 320-327-2242. We Stand Strong on Ethical Ground Field Agent Michael Cruser 320-420-7961 Some people believe that ethics in business is a contradiction in terms. They think that in order to be profitable, a company and its leaders must abandon morality and embrace the dark, greedy side that they see so often in the news and in movies. At the Knights of Columbus, we know this isn’t true. A business can be both ethical and successful. We are. As a Catholic organization, we understand the value and importance of our core beliefs and the original mission of Venerable Father Michael J. McGivney. In fact, much of the strength and financial security we provide to members and their families can be attributed to our ethical, moral standards. More than 96 percent of Knights who buy our life insurance keep it year in and year out. The Order takes this commitment to our members very seriously. This means carefully planning when it comes time to invest. Our professional staff researches all transactions to insure that they fall in line with Catholic values. If a transaction makes them uncomfortable, they don’t make it. “We exclude any company engaged in activity that conflicts with Catholic moral teaching: companies directly involved in abortion, contraception, human cloning, embryonic stem cell research, for-profit health care that pays for any of these, or pornography,” said Supreme Knight Carl Anderson. “There are many companies in the pharmaceutical and communications industries that would undoubtedly provide excellent returns for us, but which are not in our portfolio because they engage in research and development or programming in ways that violate the sanctity or dignity of human life.” In the end, the Knights of Columbus investment strategy is motivated by morality, not money. Yet, each year we remain profitable, increase our assets, and stay dedicated to this vision that will keep the Order financially sound for generations to come. “Faithful Catholics have choices when buying life insurance,” said the Supreme Knight. “But they know that at the Knights of Columbus their policy is supplied by an insurer that shares their moral and ethical values and is guided in all of its investment and sales practices by those values.” Contact me today to learn more about our products.. Support our Advertisers with your Business First Community Bank A Full Service Bank 320-395-2515 Lester Prairie Each depositor insured to $250,000 320-327-3191 EQUAL HOUSING LENDER Member F.D.I.C. Silver Lake FDIC Federal Deposit Insurance AUTO & TRUCK REPAIR Joe Kaczmarek Silver Lake MN 701 Hwy 7 - 320-327-2516 See Your Ad Here and Help Support the Good Works that the Knights of Columbus DISTINCTIVE DENTAL SERVICES, P.A. Michael J. Thoennes, DDS and Associates Winsted Dental Office 485-4344 131 Main Avenue West - PO Box 599 Winsted, MN 55395 CHEVROLET CHEVROLET BUICK Howard Lake Dental 543-2233 612 8th Ave - PO Box 664 Howard Lake, MN 55349 Cokato Motor Sales BUICK 14075 US Hwy 12 SW - Cokato MN 55321 Cokato: 320-286-2441 Toll Free: 888-485-4807 Harlan’s Auto Repair Electronic Service & Installation Duane Wawrzyniak Owner 216 Grove Ave NE PO Box 190 Silver Lake MN 55381-0190 MN Lic #TS00228 320-327-2742 K & K Storage 512 Lake Ave ~ SL 320-327-0123 Gerald Kasella & Frank Kaczmarek AUTO and TRUCK Repairing and Overhauling Most Major Motor Clubs HARLAN WAWRZYNIAK, PROP. Silver Lake, MN 327-2255 Septic Tank Pumping and Sewer and Drain Cleaning Pete Swartzer 216 Center St. 327-2753 Silver Lake, MN Shimanski Orchard ~ Ron 327-0112 Silver Lake, MN Home Grown Apples Aug. - Nov. Silver lake legion club Available for Meetings and Private Occasions Open: Mon. thru Sat. 320-327-2404 FRANCIS J. EGGERT - 320-485-3880 ATTORNEY AT LAW WINSTED, MN 55395 Support our Advertisers with your Business Edina Realty Maresh Funeral Home Silver Lake, Minnesota 55381 Jeanne Ray Kevin Chilson - Owner Realtor, RSA ~ Hutchinson MN Telephone (320) 327-2417 320-583-7184 Silver Lake Municipal Liquors JEAN'S FLORAL 320-327-2777 327-2242 Flowers for all Occasions * Funerals * Weddings * Prom Anniversaries * Birthdays * Fresh & Silk Flowers*Large Plant Selection*Dish Gardens 200 W Main Street Silver Lake, MN 55381 Owner/Operator Jean Penas (Peni & Lori) K of C Shirt Order Form ~ Navy Blue, Poly/Cotton Blend, Heavy Weight Polo Shirt with Embroidered Logo, Council Name, & Your Name (no extra charge) $24 each (make checks payable to K of C 1841) -----------------------------------Name you want to appear on your shirt under our logo (please print clearly) ______________________________ -----------------------------------Size you want (circle one): S M L XL XXL XXXL -----------------------------------Send $24 check and completed order blank to: Bob Penas * PO Box 271 * Silver Lake MN 55381-0271