
Term 4 Week 3
In God ..... living, loving, learning together
23 October 2014
You shall love the Lord your God
and your neighbour as yourself. Matthew 22:39
Kinder 2015 Orientation Day
Kinder 2015 Orientation Day
Year 3 Parish Mass 12.30pm
28-30 Band Tour
CSIRO Performance
School Fete
ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE NEW PRINCIPAL - You will have received the
information that Mrs Susan Guilfoyle who comes from Holy Family School, East
Granville is the new Principal of The Assumption School. I welcome Susan and
hope you embrace the change for 2015. The appointment of our new Assistant
Principal and REC will take place in the coming weeks.
National Athletics representative,
Jacinta Windsor. Jacinta was selected
due to her outstanding performance at
the NSW PSSA Championships when
All Saints’ Day
she placed 3rd in the 100m final. She
Melbourne Cup Dress-up Fundraiser will now run for NSW at the Nationals
Year 2 Penance Assumption Church in the 100m and Girls’ Relay events.
The Nationals will be held in Tasma11
Remembrance Day Liturgy
nia. The Windsor family will encounter
P&F Meeting 7.30pm
a large bill to get Jacinta there, so in
P&F Golf Day
the weeks ahead we will have a fund18
Diocesan Summer Trials
raising day. We are proud of you Jacin25
K & Year 1 Parish Mass 12.30pm
ta. Well done!
2015 Captains’ speeches
MIGHTY MINDS - Selected students
P&F Disco
competed in the Mighty Minds TournaNational Athletics Carnival - Tasmania ment today. This is a wonderful oppor-
tunity to do battle with the brain.
Jacinta Windsor
KINDER 2015 ORIENTATION for students will take place tomorrow and next
Monday. We welcome all our new families and our 2015 intake. This is an exciting
time for these little ones and we will make every endeavour to make the transition as smooth as possible.
BAND TOUR - Best of luck to all the Band members attending the 2014 Tour. Next Tuesday they will travel to Sydney for a
musical 3 days. They will stay at St Joseph’s College, Hunters’ Hill on Tuesday and Wednesday nights and visit Villa Maria Primary School and Crown Street Primary School where they will participate in workshops and give a short concert. On Thursday,
Band members will have a fun time in the city before heading home.
The Band will also be performing at our Twilight Fete on Friday 31 October. They will play a short bracket from 4.15 pm. We
look forward to hearing them entertain the crowd on that day.
COMMONWEALTH BANK VISIT will take place on Thursday next week for Years 5 and 6. This is to encourage students to
save and how explain banking works.
DIOCESAN PRINCIPALS’ MEETING is next Thursday and Friday in Bathurst.
PRAYERS for Marie Clayton who had an operation this week. We hope all went well and best wishes from all of us.
SCHOOL FEES audit is in progress and those parents who have not met this payment will be contacted. Direct debits will continue until 21 November 2014.
TWILIGHT FETE 31 OCTOBER 4pm to 8pm - Please see the back page of this newsletter to find ways to support this school
Peter Nugent Principal
Congratulations to Student of the Week winners in Week 3: Cody Hall 4DR and Asher Burke KH
Congratulations to Best Worker winners in Week 3: Georgia Lynch 4DR and Anneque Moad KH
A: 192 Mitre Street Bathurst NSW 2795 P: 02 6331 3444 F: 02 6331 8056 E: W:
My Last Chapters At Assumption: My Reflections
Chapter 1: The 70’s
I began my
teaching career
at The Assumption
School in 1975
Sunday, 26 Oct 2014: Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary with my treasured KinderTime - Year A
garten class.
Gospel Matthew 22:34-40
My first PrinA reading from the holy Gospel according to Matcipal was Sisthew
ter Bernadine,
You shall love the Lord your God and your neighKath English
bour as yourself.
and I am forevWhen the Pharisees heard that Jesus had silenced
er grateful that
the Sadducees they got together and, to disconcert
she employed
him, one of them put a question, ‘Master, which is
the greatest commandment of the law?’ Jesus said, me as a first year, straight from Catholic Teachers’ College in North Sydney. Miss Ryan was so excited to be teaching these fine young pupils and
‘You must love the Lord your God with all your
in September, 1976, many pupils attended her wedding in Assumption
heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.
This is the greatest and the first commandment. The Church.
second resembles it: you must love your neighbour The School
as yourself. On these two commandments hang the was one
stream at this
whole Law, and the Prophets also.’
Reflection: In today’s Gospel Jesus does not prom- time, plus Sister Helena
ise us that the love of God and neighbour is going
to cost us nothing. Jesus’ law of love involves sac- Grant had a
rifice for us individually and as a nation. May this
Family Group,
Eucharist see in us a change of heart that enables
our faith to act justly toward all people everywhere. made up of
several clasMay our goodness and hospitality mirror on earth
ses. K-2 clasthe welcome we hope to enjoy from Jesus, Mary
ses were in
and Joseph in the kingdom which is promised to
present rooms
all, irrespective of where any of us has been born.
up to Toilets
next to the
Prayers are requested for the families of Dorothy
Learning CenConnors, a previous parent and Ben Winslett, a
tre. The Staff Room was a tiny room behind the current Boys’ Toilets near
former pupil. Their funerals were held this week.
Kindergarten. Years 3-4 were in the Uniform Pool and Years 5-6 were unMay Dorothy and Ben rest in peace and may eterder the Church and Convent. There were only girls in the Primary Grades
nal light shine upon them.
as the boys went to All Hallows, opposite St Philomena’s.
Dates for your Diary:
The P&F was very vibrant. The members built the school hall for assemFarewell Assembly for Peter, Di and me: Tuesday, blies, as well as a tuckshop; (perpendicular to the current hall and in the
9th December at 1.30pm in Assumption Hall. Eve- vicinity of our stage.) P&F started a stall at the Show and the Car Races,
ryone is welcome.
had Progressive Dinners and Bingo. At some stage they collected 11 000
Melbourne Cup - Carnival Dress-up Fundraiser
empty beer bottles.
for the Missions: 4 November 2014. Come dressed Mons McNamee was a financial whiz and kept on encouraging us to make
in a Cup theme for a gold coin donation to the Mis- money and Stage 2 (present Years 1, 2 and 3 classrooms) of the school
Therese Hooper REC opened debt free. I used to run the cake stall for the Fete with a competition for the school children. The cakes would then be sold by auction. Bingo, Dances and Sacramental Parties were held here too.
Therese Hooper REC
It was an honour to be an official at NSW PSSA Athletics
last week. I was one of the Judges, so I had a bird’s eye view
of all track events. I was so proud of these athletes:
Hannah Short in 200m with a time of 29.59
Jack Lynch in 200m with a time of 29
Hope Coombes in 800m with a time of 2.48.94
Jacinta Windsor in 100m with a time of 13.27
Relay of Molly McCrossin, Hannah Short, Fleur Sykes and
Jacinta Windsor: 4th in NSW with a time of 55.74, (.07 seconds behind 3rd place). What a remarkable achievement!
National Selection - Jacinta is in lane 3 in the above photo.
It is with great excitement that we have Jacinta Windsor who
has qualified for the School Sport Australia National Athletics Carnival in Tasmania from 27th November to 1st December. She will compete at Penguin, on the north coast of Tasmania, where she will meet with representatives from all
States and Territories in 12 years 100m and will be a member
of the NSW Relay Team. This will be an amazing experience
for Jacinta. Her goal in 2014 was to make an individual event
at PSSA. She has gone to a higher, more elite level and she
simply wishes to do her best there.
Jacinta joins some Assumption students who have already
made State Teams: Haylee Lepaio, Sam Robertson and Jesse
Therese Hooper Athletics
On Friday 17th October,
two teams represented
Assumption at the Bathurst Primary Schools’
Tennis Tournament. The
day began with 26 teams
representing a number of
Primary Schools in Bathurst which presented a
huge task for our players.
Assumption 2 consisting
of Sam Cantrill, Harrison
Noonan, Angus Peck and
Joe Langfield, played in
Division 2 and throughout
the day represented Assumption with pride, played their best, and had fun in the
competitive atmosphere. Ethan Cusick, Tyson Newton, Molly McCrossin and Hannah Short played as Assumption 1 in
Division 1 and were faced with the massive task of 7 matches over the course of the day. They played some incredible
tennis and at the end of the day emerged as the number 1
team bringing home the trophy. All 8 players supported each
other throughout the day and had great fun playing competitive tennis against the other Primary Schools in Bathurst.
Mr Gibson Sport’s Coordinator
This Tuesday, 21st October, 13 students went
with me to St Philomena’s for the NSW Junior Chess League Gala
Day. All teams played
very well all day and
should be very proud of
themselves. They showed
great sportsmanship and
everyone enjoyed the
day. Assumption A only
missed out on 3rd place
by a few points!! Well
done to all these students
who represented our
school and get practising
for more events like this one next year.
Photo: James Daunt and Joshua Batchelor
Mrs Cusick
Students On The Track
Students from Years 4 and 5 recently attended the V8 Supercars
Supercheap Auto Bathurst 1000. Some of the highlights of the
day included watching the Aussie Racing Car Series, checking
out the action in the Pits, viewing the RAAF Roulettes high in the
sky, attending the Driver Autograph Signing Session and generally soaking up the atmosphere on the track.
It was a lot of fun to see the cars and the drivers. The Roulettes
were cool and we got to walk around the track. Maddison Feenan
I went to the Junior Press Conference and got to ask Scott Pye a
question about who he thought was the most competitive racer on
the big day. He said Garth Tander!
Shakira Martins-Baillie
It was educational and entertaining to have a look behind the
scenes of race day. I went to the Junior Press Conference where
we got to ask questions of the drivers. Oliver McLandsborough
If you are unable to attend please notify Beth: 04 2732 5949
Tue 28 Oct
Kayleen Stephen
Wed 29 Oct
Thu 30 Oct
Fri 31 Oct
Maree Giuliano
Anna Roberts
Yolanda Faulkner Janette Collins
Rachel Goddard
Only 8 sleeps to our School Fete on Friday 31 October, 4-8pm!
Have you brought in donations for some of the stalls?
Preloved clothes – drop into Kindergarten class
Blocks of chocolate (all sizes of flat chocolate blocks) drop into Office
Bottles for the Mystery Brown Bag stall – drop into year 5 or Office
Teachers Jar stall - jars filled with all sorts of treats, new hairclips,
toys, erasers, lollies
 Sold raffle tickets – drop into Office
Please LIKE AND SHARE our facebook page:
Calling all Cake Bakers - we need CAKES for the fete! Whether you bake
early (& freeze) or bake late on the date. We’d love you to donate a delicious cake..., or cakes, cupcakes, muffins, biscuits, slices ... Any questions
please email:
LOOKING FOR A HELPING HAND… to set up the fete marquees, assist on
a stall for an hour or two or speeding up the pack-up on the night. If you
are able to lend a helping hand, or have any questions please call Karyn
on: 0427 887 149 or email:
Mothers & Daughters is a three-week course to
help mothers and daughters understand and deal
with the changes that take place during puberty
and adolescence.
Topics include:
 Physical, psychological and emotional changes
that take place during puberty and adolescence
 How to communicate about these changes
 Self-esteem and body image
 Relaxation strategies for mothers and daughters
 Bullying and cyber-bullying
Dates: 5th, 12th, 19th Nov (3 consecutive Wednesdays)
Time: 5.15pm – 7.15pm. A light supper will be
Venue: Central West Women’s Health Centre,
20 William Street, Bathurst
Cost: $80 per pair (concession $50)
To Register: Ph. 6331 4133 or email Heather