Howard Sanborn, Ph.D.


Howard Sanborn, Ph.D.
Howard Sanborn, Ph.D.
433 Scott Shipp Hall
Department of International Studies
Virginia Military Institute
Lexington, VA 24450
O: 540-464-7762
F: 540-464-7763
Ph.D. in Political Science, University of Iowa
Fields: Comparative Politics-East Asia
American Government, Political Methodology
M.A. in Political Science, University of Iowa
B.A. in Politics, Washington and Lee University
May 2009
May 2004
June 2001
Additional Training
Intensive Chinese Language Program
East China Normal University, Shanghai, CHINA
Summer 2005
Associate Professor, Virginia Military Institute
August 2014 − present
Faculty Leader, VMI Study Abroad in East Asia
Summer 2010 − present
Director, VMI ePortfolio Project
2013 SCHEV Innovation in Higher Education
August 2012 − July 2014
Assistant Professor, Virginia Military Institute
August 2008 − July 2014
2014 Jackson-Hope Prize for Excellence in
Published Scholarly Work
2012 Thomas Jefferson Teaching Award
2012 Wilbur S. Hinman, Jr ‘26 Research Award
August 2007 − May 2008
August 2007 − May 2008
April 2007 − June 2007
Adjunct Professor, Coe College
Adjunct Professor, Mt. Mercy College
Adjunct Professor, Cornell College
Articles, Book Chapters, and Conference Proceedings
“Creativity and Reflection through Multi-modal Learning: Measuring Creative Expression in Student ePortfolios” (With Jenny Ramirez) in Capturing Creativity Through
Creative Teaching, Adele Flood and Kathryn Coleman, eds. Forthcoming.
“The Effects of Change in Software on the Composition of and Reflection in Student
ePortfolios,” in New Media, Knowledge Practices and Multi-literacies. Alex Chan, Rose
Fong, Kar-wai Tong, Heidi Fung, Wendy Chan, Vincent Hung, Mike Chui, and Albert
Chan, eds. Forthcoming.
“Response to ’Framing Unauthorized Immigrants: The Effects of Labels on Evaluations’ ” (With Benjamin R. Knoll and David P. Redlawsk). Psychological Reports:
Sociocultural Issues in Psychology. Forthcoming.
“Learning Democracy: Education and the Fall of Authoritarian Regimes” (With Clayton L. Thyne). 2014. British Journal of Political Science 44 (4): 773-797.
“Framing Labels and Immigration Policy Attitudes in the Iowa Caucuses.” (With
Benjamin R. Knoll and David P. Redlawsk). 2011. Political Behavior 33 (3): 433-454.
“Developing Attachments to New Institutions: Multi-Level Models of Opinion Formation in Post-Communist Europe.” (With Gerhard Loewenberg and William Mishler).
2010. European Political Science Review 2 (3): 475-494.
“The Effects of Australian Ballot Rules on Constituent Spending and Committee Assignments in the U.S. House, 1885-1901.” 2008. (With Peverill Squire, Jill Wittrock,
Stephen Nemeth, and Brian Disarro). Political Research Quarterly 61 (3): 434-444.
Op-eds and Other Publications
“Travels in China by Roland Barthes.” Book Review. ASIANetwork Exchange: A
Journal for Asian Studies in the Liberal Arts. Forthcoming.
“David Laitin.” 2014. The Encyclopedia of Political Thought. John Wiley & Sons::
“Elinor Ostrom.” 2014. The Encyclopedia of Political Thought. John Wiley & Sons:
“Hong Kong Protests: Hong Kong’s sophisticated citizenry demands democracy.”
Richmond Times-Dispatch, 2 October 2014.
“Educating those who will overthrow you” (With Clayton L. Thyne). Washington
Post: The Monkey Cage, 29 September 2014.
“Future Impact of Death of bin Laden.” The Hill, 4 May 2011.
“College Experts Anticipate Obama’s Inaugural Address.” Richmond Times-Dispatch,
18 January 2009.
Under Review
“Citizen Participation in Asia: The Determinants of Democratic Action.” Revise and
Resubmit at Journal of Elections, Public Opinion, and Parties
“ePortfolios and Reflective Learning in Global Education” (With Christina McDonald
and Ken Koons). Revise and Resubmit at International Journal of ePortfolio
Working Papers
“Divided We Stand? The Separation of Powers, Democratic Responsibility, and Counterterrorism” (With Dennis Foster and Benjamin Kleinerman).
“The Effects of Elections and Parties on the Number of Domestic Terrorist Incidents”
(With Stephen Nemeth)
“Bicameralism and Election Timing in Australia”
Conference Presentations (since 2010)
“Democracy Support and Attachment to Legislative Institutions in East Asia.” Paper
presented at the annual meeting of the Western Political Science Association, April
2014, Seattle, WA.
“Assessing the Effects of Veto Players on Terrorist Group Activities” (With Stephen
Nemeth). Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Western Political Science
Association, April 2014, Seattle, WA.
“Reflections on using ePortfolio to teach Asian Studies: Reports from the Humanities
and the Social Sciences” (With Jenny Ramirez). Presentation to the annual meeting
of the East-West Center’s Asian Studies Development Program, March 2014, Houston,
“ePortfolios and Reflective Learning in Global Education: Recent Research Across
Disciplines” (With Ken Koons and Christina McDonald). Paper presented at the
annual meeting of the American Association of Colleges and Universities, January
2013, Atlanta, GA..
“The Successes (and Challenges) of Using ePortfolios to Teach About Asia: Reports
from the Humanities and Social Sciences” (with Jenny Ramirez). Presentation to the
annual meeting of the Association for Authentic, Experiential, and Evidence-Based
Learning, July 2013, Boston, MA.
“Re-imagining Teaching and Learning Across Disciplines through ePortfolios.” (with
Christina McDonald and Ken Koons). Paper presented at the annual meeting of the
American Association of Colleges and Universities, January 2013, Atlanta, GA.
“Education and Democratization: How Levels of Schooling Leads to the Failure of
Authoritarian Regimes” (with Clayton L. Thyne). Paper presented at the annual
meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, April 2012, Chicago, IL.
“Participation in Asia: Differences Across Regime Type.” Paper presented at the
annual meeting of the Western Political Science Association, March 2012, Portland,
“ePortfolio: Reflection as Development and Synthesis.” Presentation to the annual
meeting of the American Political Science AssociationTeaching and Learning Conference, February 2012, Washington, D.C.
“Points of Contention and Cooperation in the U.S. and P.R.C. Approaches to Development in Africa.” Presentation to the The Eagle and the Dragon in Africa: Stability and
Economic Development in sub-Saharan Africa conference, November 2011, Lexington,
“Learning Democracy: Education and the Fall of Authoritarian Regimes.” (With
Clayton L. Thyne). Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwest Political
Science Association, March 2011, Chicago, IL.
“Institutions and Terror: The Role of Veto Players in Conditioning the Number of
Domestic Terrorist Incidents.” (With Stephen Nemeth). Paper presented at the annual
meeting of the International Studies Association, March 2011, Montreal, Canada.
“Political Participation in Taiwan, 2001-2006.” Paper presented at the annual meeting
of the Southeast Conference of the Association for Asian Studies. January 2011. Chapel
Hill, NC.
“Legislature and Regime Support in Taiwan.” Paper presented at the annual meeting
of the Southern Political Science Association. January 2011, New Orleans, LA.
“Bicameralism and Election Timing: A Comparison of the United Kingdom to Australia.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Western Political Science Association, April 2010, San Francisco, CA.
“Attitudes toward Legislatures in Asia.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the
Midwest Political Science Association, April 2010, Chicago, IL.
Introduction to International Studies (VMI)
Introduction to Political Science (Coe College)
Comparative Politics
Introductory Comparative Politics (VMI, Mt. Mercy)
Politics in East Asia (VMI): Civilization and Cultures Designation
Politics in China (VMI): Civilization and Cultures Designation
Comparative Political Economy (VMI): Writing-Intensive and
Civilization and Cultures Designation
Democracy and Elections (VMI): Writing-Intensive Designation
Political and Economic Reform in Modern China (VMI)
American Government
Introductory American Government (VMI, Mt. Mercy, Coe College)
American Democracy and the Election of a President (with Louis Blair, VMI)
Iowa Caucuses and the Media (with Joe Sheller, Mt. Mercy College)
International Relations
International Political Economy (Cornell College)
Research Methods and Design (Mt. Mercy College)
Service and
Program Committee Membership
Association for Authentic, Experiential, and Evidence-based Learning (AAEEBL) annual meeting, July 2014, Boston, MA
The Eagle and the Dragon in Africa, November 2011, Lexington, VA
Journal Referee
American Political Science Review, Journal of Politics, Virginia Social Science Journal, American Journal of Political Science, Political Psychology, African Security,
British Journal of Political Science
Conference Chair
“Socioeconomic Development and Democratization,” annual meeting of the Midwest
Political Science Association, March 2011, Chicago, IL.
“China, the United States, and Asian Hegemony,” annual meeting of the Midwest
Political Science Association, April 2010, Chicago, IL.
Conference Discussant
“How the World Views China: Elites and Mass Opinions about its Rise,” annual
meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, March 2011, Chicago, IL.
“China Rising?” annual meeting of the International Studies Association, March 2011,
Montreal, QC.
“Elections and Voting,” annual meeting of the Southern Political Science Association,
January 2011, New Orleans, LA.
“US-East Asian Relations,” annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, April 2010, Chicago, IL.
“Candidate Traits and Voting Behavior,” annual meeting of the Western Political Science Association, April 2010, San Francisco, IL.
“The System for Electing U.S. Presidents,” annual meeting of the Midwest Political
Science Association, April 2009, Chicago, IL.
“Electoral System Change and Reform,” annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, April 2008, Chicago, IL.
“The Influence of Economics and Approval on Voting,” annual meeting of the Southern
Political Science Association, January 2008, New Orleans, LA.
Service at VMI
Omicron Delta Kappa - VMI Circle (Secretary)
Cyber Security Committee
Friends of Preston Library Board
Professional Development Committee
Academic Technology Committee
Core Mathematics Review Ad Hoc Committee (Chair)
Job Search Committee (Comparative Politics)
Job Search Committee (Head of Miller Academic Center)
Core Curriculum Oversight Committee
• History and Cultures (Civilization and Cultures classes)
Spring 2012
Summer 2011
• Critical and Creative Thinking (Capstone classes)
• Communication (Writing-intensive classes)
Faculty Development Committee
2010-2013, 2014-present
Awards, Grants and Scholarships
Jackson-Hope Prize for Excellence in Published Scholarly Work
awarded to two VMI faculty members for outstanding publications
over the past year
May 2014
Grant-in-Aid of Research
(Elections and Parties in Asia)
VMI Research Committee
State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV)
Innovation in Higher Education, 3rd edition
for the VMI ePortfolio Project, as a program in a Virginia institution
of higher education that will “lead to more college graduates, greater
employability, and a strong economy for the future of all Virginians”
March 2013
Thomas Jefferson Teaching Award
a junior member of the VMI faculty whose character and teaching
reflect those qualities which are essential to the positive advancement
of mankind
May 2012
Wilbur S. Hinman, Jr ‘26 Research Award
for excellence in stimulating, encouraging, and conducting research
with Cadet Robert Earle, for his project:
“The Application of Single Transferable Vote in Local Scottish Elections”
May 2012
Grant-in-Aid of Research
(Legislature Support in Asia)
VMI Research Committee
Summer 2012
Faculty Development Grant, Chinese Language Study
VMI Faculty Development Committee
Spring 2011
Grant-in-Aid of Research
(Electoral System Change Research in Taiwan)
VMI Research Committee
Summer 2010
Summer Language Scholarship
Stanley-University of Iowa Support Organization
Summer 2005
Department of Political Science Travel Grant
University of Iowa
Graduate College Tuition Scholarship
University of Iowa
American Political Science Association, Midwest Political Science Association, Southern Political Science Association, Western Political Science Association, International
Studies Association, Southeastern Conference of the Association for Asian Studies,
American Association of Chinese Studies, Omicron Delta Kappa, Pi Sigma Alpha
English(native) Chinese(basic)
Gerhard Loewenberg, Ph.D.
Director of Comparative Legislative Research Center
Professor Emeritus, UI Foundation Distinguished Professor
Department of Political Science
University of Iowa
336 Schaeffer Hall
Iowa City, Iowa 52242
William T. Mishler, Ph.D.
Editor, Journal of Politics
Professor of Political Science
Department of Political Science
University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ 85721
David P. Redlawsk, Ph.D.
Director, Eagleton Center for Public Interest Polling
Professor of Political Science
Rutgers University
191 Ryders Lane
New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8557
James J. Hentz, Ph.D.
Department Head and Professor,
Department of International Studies and
Political Science
Virginia Military Institute
429 Scott Shipp Hall
Lexington, VA 24450
This document last updated on 22 October 2014