DigitalBlastingOhmmeters ModelsBO-01,BO-02,BO-03 Features
DigitalBlastingOhmmeters ModelsBO-01,BO-02,BO-03 Features
DigitalBlastingOhmmeters TechnicalDatasheet ModelsBO-01,BO-02,BO-03 Features The Ohmmeters show the blasting circuit resistance on a large liquid crystal display, which is easily read in both daylight and poor lighting underground. � Certificates of approval for BO-01 and BO-02: GME No. CT2, CIE No. RT1. � Certificates of approval for BO-03: GME No.CT8. � Operation � � � Connect the blasting wire to the two terminals and press the power button. The LCD will display the resistance of the blasting circuit. SABS approved and safe for testing electric initiators at the work face. Permission to do so must be obtained from the DMR and all MHSA regulations must be adhered to. The unit is powered by a replaceable PP3 9V Zinc Carbon battery and is capable of 200 continuous hours use on the BO-01 and BO-02 and 20 hours NoticeandMaintenance � � � � All service work to be performed by authorised AEC Electronics personnel only. Approved for use in fiery mines. Ohmmeter should only be opened to replace PP3 9V Zinc Carbon battery. Exposure to temperatures above 60°C will cause Specifications UnitDimensions 102mm ApprovalCertificates BO-01andBO-02: GMENo.CT2,CIENo.RT1. BO-03: GMENoCT8. MaximumOutput Current BO-01andBO-02:lessthan1.5mA. BO-03:lessthan4mA. Range BO-01:0-1999Ω (incrementsof1Ω). BO-02:0-199.9Ω (incrementsof0.1Ω). BO-03:autoswitchonandautoranging:0-199.9Ω and0-1999Ω. Accuracy Betterthan0.5%. Battery Type PP39VZincCarbon. Capacity BO-01andBO-02:200hourscontinuoususe. BO-03:20hoursofcontinuoususe. ReplacewhendisplayshowsLOBAT. 32mm Construction Solidstatecircuitryencapsulatedinsiliconerubber. UnitDimensions 102mmx72mmx32mm. UnitMass 0.24kg. TemperatureRange -5°Cto45°C. 72mm WarningandDisclaimer Theinformationandrecommendationsinthisdocumentareprovidedforreferencepurposesonlyandshouldnotbeconstruedasadviceto covereveryapplicationoftheproductorvariationofconditionsunderwhichtheproductmaybeused. AECElectronics(Pty)Ltd P.O.Box958,KemptonPark,1620,South Africa Tel:+2711975-1643Fax:+2711975-1680
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