Document 6577127


Document 6577127
October 26th, 2014
30th Sunday of Ordinary Time
St. Thomas More Catholic Church
10205 N FM 620, Ausn, TX 78726
MAIN: 512-258-1161 FAX: 512-258-8812
From Our Pastor
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
If you are to love your neighbor as
yourself, consider some small random act of
kindness and do this for another. Pay some
poron toward the bill of the person in line
behind you. Water your neighbor’s grass (probably while
doing your own). In small delights, great changes are made
to one’s frame of mind. Next, consider the quesons you
ask. Are you seeking to silence a person or to affirm their
opinion? In respecng the gi6s of the person in your
presence, you allow the dignity God places in each person
to be honored and therefore learn to love God more in the
life created.
Blessings upon all of you - Fr. Isidore
Upcoming Mass Readings
30th Sunday of Ordinary Time (October 26th):
Exodus 22:20-26; 1 Thessalonians 1:5c-10; MaDhew 22:34-40
All Souls Day (November 2nd):
Wisdom 3:1-9; Romans 5:5-11 or Romans 6:3-9; John 6:37-40
For daily Mass Readings, please visit:
Mass Inten'ons for the Week
5:00 p.m. Shirley Oliver
7:30 a.m. Earline Mitchon
9:00 a.m. Robert Wolf
10:45 a.m. Ruth Kleihege
12:30 p.m. For the Parish
5:00 p.m. Special Intenon of Margaret Zahani
Mon. Oct 27th
8:30 a.m. Special Intenon of the Ronk Family
Tues. Oct 28th
8:30 a.m. Eilene Rodgers
Wed. Oct 29th
8:30 a.m. Robert Crowley
6:30 p.m. Pa5y Necker
Thurs. Oct 30th 8:30 a.m. Jeanne Walco5
Fri. Oct 31st
8:30 a.m. Carl Sandy Savino
Sat. Nov. 1st
10:00 a.m. For the Parish—All Saints Day
5:00 p.m. Timothy Elkins
Please note that due to unexpected circumstances where a priest
is not available, a scheduled Mass may be a Communion Service
instead. Mass 'mes for other parishes (including those outside of
the Aus'n Diocese) can be found at: www.mass'
Sat. Oct 25th
Sun. Oct 26th
Table of Contents
Prayers & Mass Intenons 2
Liturgy & Sacraments 3
Religious Educaon 4
Adult Faith Formaon 5
Parish Informaon 6
Weekly Calendar 7
Social Outreach 8
Pastoral Care 9
Staff Contact Informaon 10
Anne Allen
Jim Babka
John Berkel
Barbara Easter
Robert Eyler
Jennifer Geary
David Hale
Theresa Harper
Sue Hynes
Anne5e Johnson
Ron Kostelecky
Brianna Vogel
Devon Vogel
Please pray for the spiritual, mental and
physical needs of our parish, especially for
those listed above were recently added to
our bullen prayer list. To add a Mass
Inten'on or someone to the Prayer List
please contact the Parish Office at 512258-1161. Those on the bullen prayer
list will be listed for 60 days in the
bullen and in our Prayer Intenon Book
in the church.
STM Prayer Line: There is a group of
parish volunteers who take me to pray
for those who are suffering from physical,
mental or spiritual pain. They share a
prayer list through e-mail. To join this
ministry, call Heather at 512-343-6170.
Liturgical & Sacramental Ministries
Director: Deacon Steve Pent
512-258-1161, ext.225
Bap'sm for Children
Teagan Stone Burch
Giana Marie Maniccia
Nicolas Anthony Maniccia
Cohen Reid Marn
Claire Linh Vu
Blake Leon Wisdom
All Saints Day
A Mass will be celebrated on Saturday, November
1st at 10:00 a.m. Since this feast day falls on
Saturday, it is NOT a Holy Day of Obligaon, but we
invite everyone to aDend this morning Mass.
Roses for All Souls
Would you like to remember a loved
one with a special rose to be
displayed around the altar on All
Souls Day? If so, feel free to pick up
and fill out an envelope a6er Mass
during the upcoming weeks. We will
celebrate All Souls Day at all
weekend Masses on November 1st &
2nd. Your loved one’s name will also be displayed on
a banner in the narthex of the Church during the
month of November. The suggested donaon is $5.
All Souls Day commemorates all the dearly departed
with readings that are from those in the Funeral Rite
of the Catholic Church. They are beauful readings,
and can be found on page 2.
At the 9:00 and 10:45 a.m. Masses on November 2nd,
the Music Ministry will be doing 2 selecons from
RuDer's Requiem. First will be a prelude, Lux Aeterna,
which translates to Eternal Light. It's from the funeral
rite. At the end of Communion they will do a lovely
seKng of Psalm 23, also from the Requiem, for Choir,
Oboe and Piano. The rest of the music will be very
familiar: “Be Not Afraid,” “Here I Am, Lord,” “I Am the
Bread of Life” and “On Eagle's Wings.” The prelude
will start about 8 minutes before Mass, so come
Once again we will have Memorial Walls in the back
of the church during November. You are welcome to
add the names and/or photos (non-returnable) of
deceased family and friends to our walls to be prayed
for by our St. Thomas More faith family.
Our parish has a two step process designed to help
parents understand the sacrament of bapsm and to
support them in their role of helping their child to
fully live the gi6s received in bapsm. Bapsms are
celebrated each Sunday at 2:00 p.m.
Step One: Parents must meet with one of our clergy.
To schedule an appointment, please contact Theresa
Roberge at the parish office at 512-258-1161 or
Step Two: Both parents and godparents aDend a
Bapsm Class. Classes are held at STM on the first
Sunday of each month at 2:00 p.m. Parents can
schedule a me to parcipate in the class during their
meeng with a priest or deacon.
Voca'ons Awareness Week
November 3rd to 9th is the annual week-long
celebraon of the Catholic Church in the United
States dedicated to promote vocaons to the
priesthood, diaconate and consecrated life through
prayer and educaon, and to renew our prayers and
support for those who are considering one of these
parcular vocaons. If you are or you know someone
who is considering religious vocaons, please contact
Upcoming Liturgical Trainings
A5en'on new and returning Liturgical Ministers, our
fall training sessions have begun. Please plan on
aDending one of these upcoming training sessions
that pertain to the ministry you serve in:
Altar Servers:
• November 6th from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. in the church.
• November 8th from 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. in the church.
• November 15th from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. in the church.
Hospitality Ministers:
• October 28th from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. in the church.
• October 30th from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. in the church;
• November 8th from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. in the church.
Religious Educa'on
RE Director: Cynthia Jordan
512-258-1944, ext. 222
Teen Confirma'on
Confirma'on Orienta'on Sessions will be on October
28th in Brennan Auditorium and October 29th in the
church, both at 7:00 p.m. The Confirmaon teen and a
parent must aend one of the sessions and aDend on
the same night. Requirements for Confirma'on are:
Child aDended 8th grade RE or Life Teen last year.
Child aDends Sunday Mass on a weekly basis.
Child is registered in Life Teen program.
RE has a copy of the child’s Bapsmal cerficate.
For more informaon, please contact Cynthia Jordan.
Middle School (grades 6-8)
Our condolences and prayers for the family of Laurel
Clements, our Wednesday 1st grade teacher, who
passed away last week. She is survived by her
husband, David, and 3 children (kindergarten, second
and third). May her soul and the souls of all the
faithfully departed rest in peace.
Older Student Sacrament Program
On Monday, November 3rd we will have a Makeup
Orientaon Meeng for those parents who missed
our earlier October meeng. Please join us in Brennan
Auditorium at 6:30 p.m. This program is for children in
grades 3rd to 8th who have not received the
sacraments of Bapsm or Reconciliaon or First
Communion. For more informaon, please contact
Cynthia Jordan.
Coordinator: Andrea Cochran 512-258-1944
ext. 226
E-mail –
Teacher Needed: We are in need of a 6th grade
teacher for our 5:00 p.m. Sunday class. Please
contact Andrea if you can help.
A Huge Thank You goes to Kim Hoover, Kris'
Biedermann, Chuck Higdon, Robert Ayala, Sharon
Reyes, and Ken Dalton for chaperoning last
weekend’s Middle School Retreat. We had 110
Middle Schoolers aDend and we had a great me.
Thank You also to the volunteers that helped
decorate and chaperone for the Luau Party.
SWAG T-shirts will be on sale for $10 before and
a6er class me.
We need a name for our program. Have an idea
rolling in your brain? Submit your entry for a chance
of winning a prize plus bragging rights.
Life Teen (grades 9-12)
Coordinator: Logan Mayes 512-258-1944 ext. 226
E-mail –
The Fall Retreat is November 7th to 9th at Camp of
the Hills. Make plans now to aDend and contact
Logan if you need more details.
• PARENTS—We Need Your Help on Sundays with
our pizza pick up and serving. Can you please help
us? You can sign up at:
Elementary (grades 1-5)
Coordinator: Mary Kubala 512-258-1944 ext. 221
E-mail –
Teacher Needed: We are looking for a 1st Grade
Teacher on Wednesdays from 4:00 to 5:15 p.m.
You will teach with a partner and preparaon &
materials will be provided by the RE Staff. Please
contact Mary if you are interested.
Fall Informa'on Sessions for parents of prospecve
students are scheduled for November 14th and
December 5th from 8:30 to 10:00 a.m. To reserve a
spot for this parent only event, please contact Ellen
Vento in the Admission Office at 512-244-4825 or
The Diviners
St. Dominic Savio Catholic High School Theatre Department presents a one-act version of “The Diviners”
by Jim Leonard, Jr. The performance will be at the St.
Vincent de Paul PAC on Saturday, November 1st at
8:00 p.m. The ending is tragic, so please consider the
ages and personalies of younger children you may
bring to the performance. Admission is FREE.
Adult Faith Forma'on
Director: Dawn Rouen
512-258-1944, ext. 235
The next Parish Book Fair will be a6er all Masses on
November 1st & 2nd in the Family Center. There will
be new tles from Catholic Publishers for all
members of the family! Preschool sales will be on
November 4th & 5th by RE recepon desk from 9:00
to 10:30 a.m. and 12:30 to 2:00 p.m.
One Book One Parish
The STM Library Ministry invites
you to join others in sharing and
camaraderie at one of two
discussion sessions as we explore
the bestseller “What Good is
God? In Search of a Faith That
Maers” by Philip Yancey. Our
second sessions will be in the STM
Library on Tuesday, October 28th
from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.
Books are available in the STM Gi6 Shop, your
favorite book vendor or can be downloaded on your
personal device. Join us even if you haven't finished
reading the book!
Basic Catholic Teachings
Got quesons about what we believe as Catholics?
Want a refresher? Basic Catholic Teachings is for you!
Our fall sessions meet on Wednesdays from 7:00 to
9:00 p.m. in Brennan Auditorium. For more
informaon, please visit our webpage at:
Interested in Becoming Catholic?
Are you interested in finding out more about how
Catholics live their faith? The Rite of Chris'an
Ini'a'on of Adults (RCIA) is a process to explore
these and other faith issues for those who may be
considering becoming a Catholic. You can start this
process any me during the year. For more details,
contact Debra at 512-258-1161, ext. 214.
Why do I need a savior?
“We know that in everything God works for good with
those who love him, who are called according to his
purpose.” - Romans 8:28
God invites all of us to new life through Jesus.
What helps me stay open to the healing gi.s of God’s
love and mercy?
For full reflecons visit:
Upcoming Events at Eagle’s
Wings Retreat Center
“Spirituality of Simplicity” on November 4th: Come
and join us from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. as we
discover new ways to balance our lives and fill our
days with light, laughter and peace which will allow
us to run the race of life at a more meaningful
speed. Our presenter is Cheryl Maxwell who is the
Director of the Office of Worship and Secretariat
Director for Formaon and Spirituality at the Diocese
of Ausn. The cost is $35 which includes lunch. For
registraon, visit: or call 512-715-0017.
• “unBEARable Fun Run” on December
6th: Join us for our first annual 5K Fun
Run for all ages. We will start at 9:30
a.m. Walk or run our 5K trail with fun
pit stops. Olympic Silver Medalist Leo
Manzano will speak and run with the
parcipants. Prizes and an a6er party
will round out the morning. You also have the
opportunity to sponsor Msgr. Elmer Holtman. The
early registraon fee (before November 15th) is $35.
Parish Registra'on Event
Whether you’re NEW to St. Thomas More or have
been here awhile, we invite you to formally register in
the parish at the next Welcome and Registraon
Event. It lasts about one hour and light refreshments
are served.
Mark your calendar for November 2nd or January
11th at 12:30 p.m. in the Parish Acvity Center.
To RSVP or for more informa'on, please contact the
parish office at 512-258-1161. Child care is provided.
Please below for details.
For informa'on about volunteering for our Nursery
or for child care reserva'ons, contact Kelli Merchant
at 512-258-2055 or For
child care, contact Kelli at least 3 days before your
event. The Nursery webpage is:
“Where your treasure is,
there your heart will be also.”
Contribuons for the week of Oct. 19th: ..... .$39,345.38
Amount needed for weekly expenses: .......... .$52,500.00
Monthly St. Vincent de Paul Collecon: ......... .$6,683.39
Watch your mail for a leDer about this year’s Catholic Service Appeal from Bishop Joe Vasquez.
That leDer will include a pledge/contribuon envelope, which you can use in place of the pledge
appeal that will be done at all weekend Masses on November 8th and 9th. More informaon is
also available at: hDp://
Schedule of Parish Events
for the upcoming Week
The schedule below lists events that all parishioners are
generally invited to. For a more complete schedule,
including ministry team meengs and ongoing events,
please contact your ministry leader, use our online space
calendar at hDp:// or view
the outdoor bullen boards on campus. To reserve your
parish event, contact Debra Lohrstorfer at 512-2581161, ext. 214 or
Event Name................................ Time ..................... Loca'on
Sunday, Oct. 26th—30th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Coffee & Donuts ........................ 8:00 am to Noon.. Family Center
RCIA Sessions (CC) ...................... 9:30 to 11:30 am ..... Life House
Bapsms ...................................... 2:00 to 3:00 pm ............Church
Monday, Oct. 27th
Grief Support Session ................ 7:00 to 8:30 pm ..... STM Library
Prayer & Life Workshop ............ 7:00 to 9:00 pm ...... Room #213
Tuesday, Oct. 28th
Men’s Scripture Share ............... 6:30 to 7:15 am ..... STM Room
Stretching Toward Christ Yoga . 9:15 to 10:15 am .... Room #213
Financial Peace University (CC) ..... 6:45 to 8:30 pm ...... Room #213
Confirmaon Orientaon Mtg. 7:00 to 9:00 pm ... Brennan Aud.
Contemplave Prayer ................ 7:00 to 8:30 pm .. Chelsea House
Hospitality Minister Training .... 7:00 to 8:30 pm ............Church
One Book, One Parish ................ 7:00 to 8:30 pm ............ Library
Rosary Prayer Group .................. 7:00 to 8:00 pm .......STM Room
Wednesday, Oct. 29th
Discovering Christ (CC) .............. 9:30 am to Noon...... Life House
New Adventures Respite ........... 10:00 am to 2:00 pm ........ PAC
Basic Catholic Teachings............ 7:00 to 9:00 pm ....... Life House
Confirmaon Orientaon Mtg. 7:00 to 9:00 pm ............Church
Thursday, Oct. 30th
“That Man is You” Men’s Group ... 6:00 to 7:30 am ............... PAC
Stretching Toward Christ Yoga . 9:15 to 10:15 am .... Room #213
Discovering Christ (CC) .............. 6:45 to 9:15 pm ............... PAC
Lector Training ............................ 7:00 to 9:00 pm ............Church
Saturday, Nov. 1st
Discovering Christ Retreat ........ 9:00 am to 3:00 pm . Brennan A.
All Saints Mass ............................ 10:00 am......................Church
Library Book Fair ......................... A6er 5:00 pm Mass .... Family C.
(CC) - Child care available—see page 6 for details.
Please join our community in the Family
Center for Coffee & Donuts following
our morning Masses.
Don’t let our donuts run out.
We need a NEW LEADER for
the Coffee & Donuts Ministry.
If you are interested, please
contact Joe Steichen at
YAH Lunch Bunch
The Young At Heart (YAH) Ministry is sponsoring a
Luncheon at Blue Corn Harvest Grill (Whitestone
Boulevard, Cedar Park, next to IHOP) on Wednesday,
October 29th at 11:30 a.m. ALL parishioners 55+ are
invited and encouraged to aDend. Come and meet
new friends, eat a good lunch, and have a lot of fun.
Please RSVP to Mary Ann Pacocha at 512-383-5858 or
A5en'on Professional Catholics
The Catholic Business Network will hold its next
meeng on November 5th at St. William Catholic
Church in Round Rock from 7:30 to 9:00 a.m. All
Catholic Business Professionals are invited to aDend
and network in an effort to form trusted relaonships
based on Catholic values. The topic at our meeng
this month is End Of Life Issues.
To RSVP, please e-mail
To register or for more informa'on, please
visit: hDp://
Upcoming MOSAiC Events
Please note the upcoming November events for the
Mothers of School-Aged Children (MOSAiC) Ministry:
• Thursday, November 6th - Our monthly meeng
from 9:30 to 11:45 a.m. in Brennan Auditorium.
Kathryn Whitaker joins us to talk about
“Motherhood and our Vocaon.” Join us for lunch
following at Noon at an area restaurant. Nursery
care is available—see page 6 for details. For more
informaon, please contact Alexandra Goff at
• Tuesday, November 18th - MOSAiC Mom’s Night
Out at Painng With a Twist. For more details,
please contact Maida Ference at
Healing the Whole Person
In a world full of brokenness, Christ has come to offer
us new life. Consider aDending an outstanding retreat
of healing from November 7th to 9th at St. Helen’s in
Georgetown. Enter into the heart, face the pains and
wounds within, and allow Christ's divine love to bring
the healing we ardently desire. Please register no
later than October 26th at
Eucharis'c Adora'on
Exposion and Adoraon of the
Blessed Sacrament is every day of
the week from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00
p.m. in the Fisher House. To sign
up for an Adoraon me, please
webpage at:
Social Outreach
Coordinator: Theresa Stephens
512-258-1161, ext. 256
Catholic Social Teaching Corner
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time
This Sunday, Jesus tells us of the greatest commandment. He urges us to follow the commandment to
love our Lord, God, with all our Heart, soul, and mind
and to love our neighbor as ourselves. This kind of
love requires us to give of our whole selves holding
nothing back in our relaonship with God. When God
tells us in the first reading to not oppress an alien, He
is direcng us to the kind of love for our neighbor that
we should possess. Our concept of neighbor has
grown from the person next door to a people globally
next door. We are called to a global, social love. “Light
is shed on the principle of solidarity by the primacy of
love, the disnguishing mark of Christ’s disciples. Love
of God and love of neighbor have become one: in the
least of the brethren we find Jesus himself, and in Jesus we find God.” (#15) Are we holding back anything
in our relaonship with God through our neighbor? Who is the neighbor we are called to love right
now? Is it a homeless person, an immigrant, or someone who is shut-in and homebound? How will we
show concrete love for them?
Catholic Chari'es
Every day Catholic Charies of
Central Texas is caring for
children, strengthening families
and welcoming the stranger
through its many programs.
Learn more about the mission
of Catholic Charies of Central
Texas and find out how to get
semimonthly CC101 Lunch-and-Learn Sessions. Learn
about the CCCTX goal of “Providing Help - Creang
Hope” for individuals who are experiencing crisis
pregnancies or personal financial crises, as well as
individuals and families with low incomes who are in
need of immigraon legal services.
Upcoming dates are November 5th and 19th. For
more informaon, please visit:,
or contact Annie Chavez, CCCTX Associate Director of
The annual St. Vincent de Paul Food Drive is being
held in November. We will be distribung grocery
bags to our parishioners for them to contribute food
items that will be distributed to needy families at
We will be distribung bags a6er all weekend Masses
on November 8th & 9th and 15th &16th. Bags can be
returned on November 15th & 16th and 22nd & 23rd.
We will be distribung the food to the needy on the
23rd if you would like to help. Stop by the PAC
between 6:00 a.m. and Noon!
MLF Thanksgiving Dinner
Each Thanksgiving the STM Mobile Loaves & Fishes
Ministry provides an opportunity for parishioners to
share their own family recipes and tradions with
area families in need. We lovingly prepare 60 “homecooked” meals that include a turkey, stuffing, holiday
side dishes, dessert and more. We are in need of
various home-cooked meals and volunteers to pack
and deliver meals to families. To volunteer or donate,
sign up at: hDp://
This is a great opportunity to gather as a family, with
friends or as a ministry to share your "home
cooked" recipes with those in need. “Wherever two or
more are gathered in my name, there I am with
them.” - MaDhew 18:20
You can also help out Mobile Loaves
& Fishes and the Eagle’s Wings
Retreat Center by having your
Thanksgiving meal turkey smoked by
the STM Men’s Club on Thanksgiving
Eve. Please bring your FULLY THAWED turkey to the
Parish Acvity Center on Wednesday, November 26th
from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. Your fully smoked bird must be
picked up between 6:00 and 9:00 a.m. on
Thanksgiving morning. The cost is $20 per turkey and
ALL money raised will go to these two charies.
Pastoral Care
Coordinator: Theresa Stephens
512-258-1161, ext. 256
Respect Life News
October is Respect Life Month.
Remember to donate any spare
pocket change to your Baby Bank
and help foster a greater respect for
the sancty of life. Return your filled
Baby Bank to weekend Masses on
November 1st & 2nd. “The Gospel
of life is at the heart of Jesus’ message. Everyone has
an obligaon to serve life.” - Pope John Paul II.
Project Rachel is a compassionate and confidenal
ministry that helps women and men suffering
emoonally and spiritually from the trauma of
aboron. Project Rachel retreats are offered
throughout the year. Register confidenally at (877)
932-2732 or
For more informaon about pro-life acvies at St.
Thomas More or to join the Respect Life Ministry,
at or Sue Hynes at
? Struggling ?
Respect Life News
Abor'on Facility Closure: For many
years, the St. Thomas More Respect
Life Ministry has met on the 2nd
and last Saturdays of the month to
pray outside the aboron facility at
9805 Anderson Mill Road. We are
happy to announce that this facility
no longer performs aborons and we will no longer
hold prayer vigils there.
Rosary Making Class: Prayer is the most wonderful
gi6 you can give someone. Join us on Saturday,
November 15th from 9:00 a.m. to Noon at the
Diocesan Pastoral Center (6225 Hwy. 290 East) to
learn how to make a rosary. The cost of the class is $5
per person. Register to aDend by calling 512-9492486 or e-mail
Please pray for and try to promote a greater respect
for all human life.
These Ministries Can HELP
Dealing with a difficult life transion?
The Stephen Ministry pairs you with a person trained in confidenal listening to
help walk with you through those significant transion mes in your life. If you or
someone you know is hurng, feeling forgoDen then they can benefit from a compassionate and spiritual support of a Stephen Minister.
Do you have a need
for counsel?
The Family Counseling and Family Life Office of the Diocese of Ausn offer coun- Bri5any Holan
seling for children, adolescents, and adults.
Our New Adventures Respite Program provides acvies for people with any Anne Rodriguez
Are you a caregiver
form of demena and meets weekly on Wednesday starng at 10:00 a.m. in the Par- 512-918-8580
for someone with de- ish Acvity Center.
Dana Brown
Out of work?
Come to an upcoming Job Seekers meeng. The mission of Job Seekers is to find
GOD in our job search and be a landing place offering fellowship, networking and support to each other. Our ministry meengs are on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Thursday evenings from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. in Room #104.
Can’t pay your bills?
Contact the St. Vincent de Paul Society (SVdP) at our parish. SVdP is a worldwide STM Office
Volunteer Catholic Lay Organizaon, which visits poor and needy in their homes.
Need help with preparing meals?
Contact our Good Samaritan Meal Ministry. They have an amazing team of ready 480-788-6325
and willing volunteers for parishioners who are temporarily unable to cook due to stmcooks@
injury or illness.
Struggling with an
Contact ADAM (Alcohol and Drug Assistance Ministry). All calls are ABSOLUTELY
CONFIDENTIAL. At our parish Alcoholics Anonymous meengs are held on Mondays and Fridays at 7:00 p.m. in the Chelsea House. Al-Anon meengs are held Mondays from Noon to 1:00 p.m. at the Chelsea House. The Al-Anon Informaon Center
can be called from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday.
Al-Anon Info.
Staff Contact Phone Numbers
Administra've Staff Contacts
Religious Educa'on Staff
Accountant & Benefits Dir. ........ Laurie O’Beirne .......... Ext. 212
Accountant Assistant................. Julie Hormuth ............ Ext. 232
Bridal Coordinator ..................... Terry Wilkes ............... Ext. 335
Business Administrator ............. Dave Montoya ........... Ext. 231
Communicaons Director ......... Steve Kliman .............. Ext. 211
Custodial & Events Coord.. ........ David Lohrstorfer ....... Ext. 282
Facilies Manager ..................... J. W. Green ................ Ext. 234
Liturgy Director ......................... Steve Pent .................. Ext. 225
Music Directors ......................... Ren MacNary ............. Ext. 219
Karen Lawson ............ Ext. 237
Outreach Coordinator ............... Theresa Stephens ...... Ext. 256
Parish Receponist .................... Theresa Roberge ........ Ext. 100
Parish Secretary ........................ Debra Lohrstorfer ...... Ext. 214
STM Gi6 Shop ............................ AntoneDe Haecker .... Ext. 312
Stewardship & Membership ..... Roba DaKlo ............... Ext. 229
Nursery Coordinator ................. Kelli Merchant . 512-258-2055
Director. .................................... Cynthia Jordan ........... Ext. 222
Assistant Director ...................... Johanna Isburgh ........ Ext. 220
Receponist .............................. Jill Goeters ................. Ext. 236
Sunday School Coordinator....... Danielle White ........... Ext. 227
Elementary School Coordinator Mary Kubala .............. Ext. 221
Middle School Coordinator. ...... Andrea Cochran ......... Ext. 228
Life Teen Coordinator ............... Logan Mayes ............. Ext. 226
Confirmaon Coordinator ......... Cynthia Klaer-Jordan . Ext. 222
Director of Adult Faith .............. Dawn Rouen .............. Ext. 235
Stretching Towards Christ
Thank You Sponsors!
Join us for a spiritual pracce that encourages
listening to your body along with gentle movements
that focus on flexibility and balance. Stretching
Toward Christ is offered on Tuesday & Thursday
mornings from 9:15 to 10:15 a.m. in Room 213, on
the second floor of the RE building.
This bullen is furnished to the parish without charge.
The adversements that appear completely defray all
publishing costs with which the parish would
otherwise be burdened. Please patronize these
sponsors when you can as a thank you for their kind
A5en'on Local Business Owners: If you would like to
adverse in this bullen, please contact Brian
Schroeder at 512-680-0623.
For more informa'on, please contact Regina Moser
at 512-258-3723 or
Preschool Staff
Director. ..................................... Cindy Acosta
Assistant Director ...................... Chris Wenz