SAINT PETER EVANGELICAL Lutheran church 4843 Southport – Supply Road SE


SAINT PETER EVANGELICAL Lutheran church 4843 Southport – Supply Road SE
Lutheran church
4843 Southport – Supply Road SE
Southport, North Carolina 28461
Church Office Phone 910-457-5604
The Rev. David P Nelson, Pastor
Submission Deadline Thursday 9:30 a.m.
Carolyn Gallo, Administrative Assistant
Judy Morehouse, Administrative Assistant
Jane Boberg, Director of Music
Dale Giannatasio, Accompanist
Vicki Carlson, RN, Parish Nurse
October 26, 2014
reformation Sunday
On Reformation Sunday we celebrate the heart of our faith: the gospel of Christ—the good
news—that makes us free! We pray that the Holy Spirit would continue to unite the church
in its proclamation and witness to the world. In the waters of baptism we are made one
body; we pray for the day that all Christians will also be one at the Lord’s table.
Jesus speaks of truth and freedom as spiritual realities known through his word. He
reveals the truth that sets people free from sin.
Sunday, October 26, 2014
The Chancel Flowers are given to the glory of God by Lee and Regina Steeneck in memory
of their uncle, Winkie Fields.
The Sanctuary Candle is given to the glory of God.
Bible Study schedule
Bible Study Sunday, October 26, 9:45 a.m.
Thursday Evening Bible Study, October 30, 7:00 p.m.
Women’s Bible Study, Friday, October 31, 8:30 a.m.
Patty and John Schroeder would like to thank Pastor and the members of Saint
Peter for their prayers, cards, kind words, hugs, and other kindnesses during the
recent tragic death of our great granddaughter, Emmalynn. The overwhelming
support from so many eased the burden. We are so glad to be a part of such a
caring church family.
In deepest sympathy
Our sympathy is extended to Ron and Karen Wedekind as they grieve the loss of
Karen’s father and Ron’s mother. Ron and Karen will travel to Iowa for the funeral
service of Karen’s father. A memorial service will be held for Ron’s mother, Elsa
Wedekind, on Saturday, November 1, at 2:00 p.m. at Spring Arbor of Wilmington,
809 John D. Barry Drive, Wilmington. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that
any donation be made to Lutheran World Relief.
On Saturday, November 15, a One Day Retreat here at Saint Peter is being offered to
explore types of prayer. Give yourself a gift before the hectic holidays to “Come Away and
Pray.” Look for the flyer in the Narthex.
The shoebox ministry
Operation Christmas child
This year, the Outreach Committee is again sponsoring Operation Christmas Child, The
Shoebox Ministry. This wonderful program is part of the Samaritan’s Purse ministry led by
Franklin Graham. You can help by packing one or more of the plastic shoeboxes provided
by the committee and/or donating money to cover shipping and costs of the plastic
shoeboxes. The cost for shipping each box is $7.00.
Pick up the plastic shoeboxes at the church in the Narthex. Suggestions for items to include
in the boxes are school supplies, small toys, and personal hygiene items. Each box should
also include a $7.00 donation to cover the cost of shipping the box. Checks are to be made
payable to Saint Peter Lutheran Church with “Shoebox” in the memo line of the check or
you can make the check payable to Samaritan’s Purse with a note on the memo line that
the donation is for Operation Christmas Child. You can also make a donation online at
Please take as many boxes as you can fill. The boxes must be returned to the church by
November 16. Call Linda Voegtlin at 253-7281 if you have questions. Thank you.
Thursday night dinner
October 30, 5:30 p.m.
Please join us for dinner, but sign up in the Fellowship Hall to help us plan. The sign-up
sheet is on a bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall. Donations will go towards Pastor
Dave’s Discretionary Fund. In the past these funds have been used to help with people’s
needs. Thank you for your assistance. We appreciate your generosity.
shepherding ministry
The Shepherding Ministry will be celebrating its one year anniversary on
Saturday, November 1 at 11:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall
Brunch will be served as our “Thank You to the Saint Peter Shepherds”
Please plan to attend
walk to fight hunger
The Southport Oak Island Interchurch Fellowship Walk is November 2, stepping off at
Franklin Square Park at 2:00 p.m. Please plan to walk the three miles in support of those in
need of food and help with utilities. Beyond that you can make a contribution at the church
in the narthex. All funds received help people in our community. Your support is most
encouraged at this time. Checks and cash will be accepted.
sacred journey: encountering the spirit
ladies sacred circle
The Sacred Circle is an ancient form of gathering to share stories, experiences and faith and
to find greater depth in your relationship with other sisters on the journey. The sacred
circle is built upon the experience of “Heart Listening.” We have started a new season of
the sacred circle and will meet again on October 31, 2014, at 10:30 a.m. at SAINT
PETER LUTHERAN CHURCH in the Fellowship Hall (NOTE the location change).
Please bring a special item that has a story that you might like to share. All are welcome!
meditative yoga at saint peter: sacred time
Every Monday at 10:30 a.m., we offer Meditative Yoga in the sanctuary. We are so
blessed to have Ellie Hill as our instructor. Ella is a master yoga teacher and has been
providing the class here at Saint Peter for the past 6 years. Ella has done extensive training
at Duke in the area of senior yoga and gears this class for that purpose as well as sacred
practice. It is a low key, relaxing format. Ella’s energy and humor make this class one of
the best in the Southport area. Ella will be teaching at Duke this year as well. All are
welcome! Please bring a mat or blanket with you. A free will love offering is accepted.
Hope to see you there. Class resumes on October 27.
save the date – fall cleanup
Mark your calendars for Saturday, OCTOBER 25, beginning at 9:00 a.m.
A sign-up sheet is in the Fellowship Hall. Lunch will be provided.
Equipment and Supplies Needed
Cleaning products for glass and wood
Rags, sponges
Chain Saw
Paint Brushes
Hammer and nails
Hand Saw
Lawn trash bags
Pruning tools
The Property Committee
On Sunday, November 16, a group of congregations of the Southport-Oak Island InterChurch Fellowship will once again participate in the 6 th Annual Pumpkin Bread Fundraiser for
the Food Pantry. This event has raised over $22,500 for the Pantry in the past five years!
In order for the sale to be successful again this year, more bakers will be needed to serve
our growing congregation. If you like to bake, please sign up on the orange poster on the
Outreach bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall – or call or e-mail Carol Schutt at 253-4392 or A very simple recipe and guidelines will be provided. AND, for those of
you who will be out of town on November 16, the bread can even be baked in advance and
refrigerated or frozen.
2014 All Saints Mission Endowment Fund Offering
Sunday, November 2
Saint Peter’s annual All Saints Mission Endowment Fund collection will take place on
Sunday, November 2. You will find designation slips in your church mailbox. Envelopes for
the collection are in your envelope box (date November 16) or you may use the special
collection envelopes in the pews. Please enclose the designation slip in the envelope with
your offering.
Your gift to the Mission Endowment Fund will create a permanent memorial and allow the
fund to support the mission work of the church. This year we were able to distribute more
than $4,000 from Fund earnings in support of mission activities. As the Fund continues to
grow, so will our potential opportunities for increased mission support.
Thank you for your continuing generous support to the Fund.
new member sponsors
The Evangelism Team celebrates the end of the second year of our Sponsor Ministry for new
members who are joining Saint Peter. Couples or singles are invited to become a sponsor
for ONE year to continue to support upcoming new members. We will have another new
member class in November, so we are now looking for another group of sponsors. Pastor
Dave conducts an informational meeting about sponsor responsibilities. It is a rewarding
ministry and we hope you will become a sponsor. If you are interested, please call the
church office at 457-6039 or Donna Godbout at 253-9664.
Donna Godbout
Fellowship committee news
The Fellowship Committee needs your help. The coffee hours for both services are our main
weekly “fellowship” gathering. It takes many “HELPING HANDS” to make this fellowship
function from week to week. Your help is needed to bring snacks to share (and help cleanup) at the coffee hours. There is a sign-up sheet for each service on the Fellowship Bulletin
Board in the Fellowship Hall. Pick a week and sign up! Any questions? Call Paula Minges at
Helpers are needed for Sunday, October 26th. Please sign up in Fellowship Hall. Helpers
are asked to assist in moving residents from and to their rooms. We leave the church
immediately following the early worship service.
The service lasts no more than 30 minutes; it starts at 10:15 AM and is finished before
11:00 AM.
Donna Woods, Chairperson
Wilmington symphonic winds
Saint Peter music lovers are invited to attend this concert on Sunday, November 2, at
7:30 p.m., in Keenan Auditorium on the campus of UNCW. Our own George Boberg, along
with local musicians John Kelso and Julie Sloop, will be performing with the group. Tickets
are available from Jane Boberg and are $10 for adults and $5 for those age 65+.
join thrivent in the fight to end alzheimer’s
Alzheimer’s disease is the sixth-leading cause of death in the United States. We are fighting
to stop it – and we are asking you to join us. We are participating in the 2014 Alzheimer’s
Association Walk to End Alzheimer’s, the nation’s largest event to raise awareness and
funds to fight Alzheimer’s. By joining our team, Thrivent Financial–Cape Fear River
Chapter, you can help end this epidemic and show your support for the more than 5.4
million individuals currently living with the disease.
WHEN: Saturday, November 8, 2014 at 9:00 a.m. (Registration begins at 8:00 a.m.)
WHERE: Mayfaire Town Center Event Lawn, 6835 Conservation Way, Wilmington, NC
We are walking because we have so many friends that have had this disease affect their
lives. It would mean so much to have you join us as a member of our team for this year’s
walk. Funds raised by supporters of our team will be supplemented up to $1000 by Thrivent
JOIN our team. Visit this link:
To contribute: Click on the Green “Donate to My Team” to enter credit card information.
To join and walk and collect funds: Click Green “Join My Team” and fill out the requested
information. You can download a Contribution Form to collect from friends and turn in the
money at the walk. Use the team name: Thrivent Financial-Cape Fear River Chapter as
requested. Join us and make a difference.
sisters rejoicing together
Women of the ELCA South Coastal Fall Conference Gathering
The Women of the ELCA Fall Conference Gathering will be held at Kure Memorial Lutheran
Church on Saturday, November 8, 2014.
Our Gathering registration/opening will being at 9:30 a.m. and our Program will begin at
10:00 a.m. Refreshments will be served during registration and lunch will be served
directly following our Program by our Sisters in KMLC. Cost will be $7.00 for lunch.
Several Offerings will be received:
Regular Offering:
Lily Pad Heaven
In-Kind Offering:
Items for a local food pantry
Pennies Offering:
2014 – Leadership Legacy
Christine Bohr Anderson Scholarship: Not only in memory of someone deceased, but
also can be in honor of a living woman.
Checks for all giving should be payable to NC SWO Women of the ELCA.
Our Conference Gatherings are a wonderful way to fellowship with women from neighboring
churches and form new friendships. Child care is available if needed. Come join us as we
gather as the Women of the ELCA!
Contact Lois Beddard, 278-4242 –, if you want to sign up and attend.
October 26
8:30 am
Tom Echter
11:00 a.m.
November 2
8:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
Irene Hennessey
Randy Huth
Joe Mazzei
Fred Strickert
Lay Assistant Gloria Strickert
Rik Zawadzki
Vicki Carlson
Rik Zawadzki
Beth Nelson
Nick Giannatasio
Larry Capriotti
Martha Keating
Shelvy Pasour
Jan Hartlaub
Ray Hartlaub
Ken Corrao
Paul Murphy
Shirley Murphy
Jerry Cassel
Jay Keeley
Joe Mazzei
Nancy Mazzei
Gloria Foss
Mary Ann Van Meter
Rod Grow
Jo Grow
Bill Hogue
Paul Murphy
Judy Huffman
Wayne Huffman
Allan Doelp
Nancy Doelp
Irene Hennessey
Penny Krueger
Robert Dungan
Sharon Dungan
Dottie Capriotti
Steve Schultz
Nancy Mazzei
Hank Rapp
Eric Langslet
Rob Schutt
Sandra Reibert
Bob Loukas
Altar Guild
Mary Page
Dottie Capriotti
Regina Baldwin
Patti Kelly
Child Care
Noel Dusanenko
Sandy Huth
Beth Nelson
Brenda Orrison
Noel Dusanenko
Sandy Huth
Beth Nelson
Brenda Orrison
Saint Peter Financial Summary
YTD Jan-September
Positive Cash Flow
Complete Financial Reports
Posted in Office Corridor
Sunday 10/26/2014
8:30 a.m. Worship Service
9:45 a.m. Childrens’ Sunday School
9:45 a.m. Bible Study
10:00 a.m. Choir Rehearsal
11:00 a.m. Worship Service
Dosher Nursing Home Service
Monday 10/27/2014
10:00 a.m. Blood Drive
10:30 a.m. Meditative Yoga
5:00 p.m. Sea Notes (S/FH)
Tuesday 10/28/2014
7:00 p.m. Guitar Group
Wednesday 10/29/2014
6:30 p.m. Choir Rehearsal
Thursday 10/30/2014
4:00 p.m. Spiritual Renewal (CR)
5:30 p.m. Thursday Night Dinner(FH)
7:00 p.m. Bible Study (CR)
Friday 10/31/2014
8:30 a.m. Women’s Bible Study(CR)
10:30 a.m. Sacred Circle (FH)
Saturday 11/01/2014
11:00 a.m. Shepherd Brunch (FH/K)
Members: Charmelee Boehm, Judy Bowers, Ken Bowman, Noel Chisholm, Ralph Ditch, Marguerite
Doerr, Earl Dye, David Ford, Twylla Ford, Marvin Fullwood, Evie Loukas, Barbara Nowell, Chris
Page, Bill Petterson, Dick Polity, Wally Profis, Larry Rentch, Tony Rizzo, Nelda Roush, Connie Sloop,
Bill Sraver, Eldon Stoehr, Mia Voparil, Warner, Ann Marie Weigeshoff
Military: Peter Anderson, Christopher Archer, Brandon Arnold, C.J. Buscagilia, Gordon Carey,
Pamela Cole, Kyle Dugas, Matthew Foss, John Garr, Cory Graeber, Charles Graifer, Clay Huffman,
Scott Johnson, Edward Jones, James Lewis, Scott Orr, John Rusch
Students: Donielle Coloeonni, Seth Hardcastle, Felicia Merritt, Catherine Nguyen, Jonathon Nguyen,
Stephen Seeber, Alyce Vest, Parker Vest, Brandon Whiting
Friends and Families: Mary Kelly Andrews, Lee Lee Baird, Joe Bales, Bill Baldino, Marcia Bastik,
Robert Bastik, Davis Beaube, Blake Biffle and Family, Aiden Brown, Diane Brown, Kenny Bryant,
Sally Burner, Roco Cillo, Joe Cleary, A W Clemmons, Molly Cooley, Coptic Christian Church in Egypt,
Americus Crawford, Sr., Leanor Cunningham, Terry D’Amico, Claire Davis, Irene Dieck, Steve Dillon,
Glen Doelp, Jeff and Linda Doelp, Bill Doolan, Mark Dowd, Aleza Epstein, Daryl Erdman, Durwood
Fisher and family, Family of Patty and John Schroeder, Fred Fratto, Suzanne George, Kevin Gillooly,
Cristine Hall, Anna Hardcastle, Luke Hardcastle, Barbara Hardin, Dick Hayes, Kara Hazelton, David
Hirst, Dot Hoerr, Jeff, Joan Hough, Matt Howey, Phyllis James, Laura Johnson, Katherine, Kim
Kuchler, Barbara and John Lawter, Walter Lester, Tori Loukas, Pastor Vernon Lucky, Patty McArn,
Don McCord, Carolyn McTague, Madeline, Alex Mazzei, Leslie Miller, Reverend Roger Miller, Jeff
Moynihan, Courtney Norris, Karen Occhiogrosso, Tara Orrison, Ray Pace, William Parker, People of
Palestine and Israel, Tom Pedersen, Jimmie Perryman, Sandy Perryman, Jean Petrakovitz, Tom
Polukak, Caryl Portney, Linda Pratt, Michael R, Brian Railo, Rebecca (infant), Gary Reibert, Renate,
Connie Rice, Louise Rivenbark, Jennifer Roach, Charles Roush, Jr., Genevieve Salas, Maggie Samides,
Jay Smith, Christine Steele, Marlene Stumpf, Joe Sviatko, Dana and Suzanne Swain, Anna Swiney,
Mike Tedder, Roscoe Thigpen, Suzanne Vacirca, Pastor Gary Weant, David Weber, David Weber Sr.,
Mark Weber, Elsa Wedekind, Pastor Gary Weant, Sue Wescott, Adeline Wolfe, the world, Sonya
The Apache People – Lexi, Hannah, Kimberly, Anika, Debra, Veldon, Angela, Rudy, Victoria, Josh,
Wayne, Cheryl, Billie, Brody, Shania, Rhonda, Peter, Ronnie, Russell, Cody, Vanesa, Denzell, Michelle,
Tara, Billy, Dorcas, Monica, Sean, June, Mabel and family