

St. Christopher’s
Episcopal Church
October 23, 2014
The Rev. Peter K. Ackerman
703-451-1088, ext. 1 or
Sunday, October 26 – The Twentieth
Sunday after Pentecost
7:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist
9:15 a.m. Sunday School for All Ages
10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist (Nursery is Provided)
11:45 a.m. Fellowship and Refreshment
12:00 p.m. Flower Guild Committee Meeting-Christmas Flower
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Servers’ Schedule for October
26, 2014
7:30 Jacob Farrar
(C) Grace Belisle
(S) Creighton Dunlap
(T) Bebe Dunlap
Altar Guild
Pam Branstetter, Nina Miller and
Debbie Frear
Pam Osborn
Lynn Knox and Mary Rietman
Communion Bread
Flower Guild
Lay Eucharistic
& Lectors
Chapel Prayer
P.A.T. (Pastoral
Assistant Team)
Diane Jones and June Hoffman
(CB) Lynn Knox
(L) Helen Spence
(PB) Stan Spence
(CB1) Helen Spence
(CB2) Carroll Hill
(L1) Gaye Evans
(L2) Christina Manning
Betty Carper
Lynn Knox and Jennifer Guernsey
Ruth Meagher
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Jennifer Guernsey for Niki
Team 4: Richard Sellers, Barbara
Usher Guild
Christy, Richard Downie, and
Andrea Meloni
John Olsen and Lynn Knox
Vestry Person of the Mary Johnson
Ref. & Fellowship
Deuteronomy 34:1-12
Psalm 90:1-6, 13-17
1 Thessalonians 2:1-8
Matthew 22:34-46
*** If you cannot serve as scheduled, please be sure to switch
with someone else.
Monday, October 27
10:00 a.m. Alcoholics Anonymous
Tuesday, October 28
2:00 p.m. Book Discussion Group/Library
7:30 p.m. S.A. Anonymous Meeting
Wednesday, October 29
9:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist
:30 p.m. Adult Choir Rehearsal
7:30 p.m. Gamblers Anonymous Meeting
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Thursday, October 30
10:00 a.m. Women’s Discussion Group
7:30 p.m. S. A. Anonymous 12 Step Program
Friday, October 31
5:00 p.m. S. A. Anonymous 12 Step Program
Saturday, November 1
5:00 p.m. S. A. Anonymous 12 Step Program
8:30 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous
Sunday, November 2 – All Saints’
Sunday; Daylight Saving Time ends
7:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist
9:15 a.m. Sunday School for All Ages
10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist (Nursery is Provided)
11:45 a.m. Fellowship and Refreshment
12:00 p.m. Sr. EYC Youth Group
What’s your favorite thing about St.
Christopher’s? How does it help you in your daily
walk with Christ? Our hope is that you will find many reasons
to support mission and ministry at our church as we Walk the
Way together.
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Lector Workshop, November 16th, from
Noon to 1:30 in the Fellowship Hall
Seminarian Jennifer Southall will lead a short interactive
workshop for all current lectors and anyone interested in joining,
or just curious about, this important ministry. Jennifer will share
tips on reading Scripture learned through Virginia Seminary’s
Oral Interpretation of Scripture course, required to help
seminarians “bear effective witness of God’s Word . . . with
passion, authority, and authenticity.” Pizza will be provided!
“Decisions: How to Make the Right
Choice,” is the topic for discussion for the upcoming Men's
Group meeting. The group will meet Saturday, October 25 at 8
a.m. in the auditorium for fellowship, breakfast and our
continuing discussion of "The Man in the Mirror." All men of
St. Christopher’s are welcome to join us. For more information,
contact Mike Snyder at mike_snyder24k@yahoo.com or Bob
Hall at bobhall01@gmail.com.
The Flower Guild will meet in the Library
on Sunday, October 26 at 12:00 noon. We will
plan our Christmas decorations by choosing the kind of flowers
and colors of flowers. There will be a sign-up sheet for you to
choose what you would like to decorate. Bring your beverage
and treat to the meeting. The planning meeting is open to
anyone who would like to decorate the church for Christmas.
See you there. June Hoffman and Ruth York.
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Sycamore Row: New Book Selection for
The Book Discussion Group will discuss John Grisham's
Sycamore Row on October 28 at 2 pm in the church library.
Everyone is welcome. For more information, contact Christine
Meloni or Janet Bush. Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad will
be discussed on November 18.
All Saints Concert will be held on
Saturday, November 1, 2014 at 7:00p.m.
Saint Christopher's will host its annual All Saints Concert. The
program will include choral works by Rutter, Dvorak, Phillips,
and Durufle as well as others. Joe Gabalski, our organist and
choirmaster will perform organ works by Bach, Locklair and
Widor. A free will offering will be taken to benefit Saint
Christopher's participation in the Hypothermia Program.
St. Christopher’s Outreach Garden 2014
The Outreach Garden ended its 2014 productivity October 19.
The harvest total was 422 pounds. The primary vegetables
produced were tomatoes at more than 300 pounds, sweet
peppers at 30 pounds, jalapenos at 16 pounds, and green beans
at 46 pounds. The total harvested in 2013 was 107 pounds, so
2014 was an amazing year. We planted two varieties of sweet
peppers and three of tomatoes, keeping track of the length of
time for harvest and the weight. Although there were clear
"winners", we'll continue to plant more than one variety of these
so we aren’t too reliant on just one. Zucchini and cucumbers
were disappointing this year as they both developed mildew, so
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we'll try mildew resistant seeds next year. Tomato sauce made
from the tomatoes which weren't good enough to give to ECHO
participants will be sold after the 10:30 service Sunday, October
26 with proceeds used to support the garden. We've been very
fortunate with some donations already, which helped us
purchase tomato cages and wire for beans.
Plans for 2015 are underway as we hope to meet with someone
from the extension service before planting next year to get
advice on best use of the plot, as well as other advice, and meet
with Lucinda Marvin, the ECHO food coordinator, to make sure
ECHO and St. Christopher’s are working towards the same goal.
For those who want to be involved with this fun and productive
outreach activity, please contact Marifran Bustion, 703-4550878 or mbustion@ybp.com.
Introducing “Teenie Weenie Greenie,” a
product of St. Christopher’s new
Environmental Stewardship Committee:
Our parishioner, Elaine Sevy, invites interested members of St.
Christopher's to join her starting a St. Christopher’s
Environmental Stewardship Committee, as suggested by the
Diocese of Virginia, and as being done by other parishes. The
“Teenie Weenie Greenie” will be monthly suggestions,
published in this E-pistle, that you can use in your homes and
offices to help save you money and help the environment in the
process. Look for the first of these in our next edition of this
newsletter! For now, if you are interested in being a part of this
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committee please contact Elaine at
Yorkiemum.sevy95@gmail.com,or 703-901-5612.
Preschool Prattle
Occasionally our preschool outreach has some special news, a
teacher to introduce, or other tidbit to share. Fr. Peter
encourages you to watch this space in future issues of the
E-pistle for those times when such news comes forth!
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