Document 6577460


Document 6577460
26 October 2014
Last Sunday after Trinity
THIS WEEK at St Peter’s Wolvercote and
All Saints’ Wytham
At the end of the 10am service at St Peter’s today, we will be thanking the knitters for Missions to
Seafarers. Do look at all the knitted items in the Link before Valerie Barnish sends them off.
Sunday Services
8am Holy Communion
10am Parish Communion
12 noon Holy Communion (1662)
Everyone is invited to join us for
coffee after the 10am service
A loop system operates in church
Usual Weekday Services
Holy Communion: Weds at 7pm
Morning Prayer: is said in church
Mon - Fri at 9am (except Bank Holidays)
Sunday Services
9.30am Parish Communion (1662)
(on 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays)
9.30am Morning Prayer (1662)
(on 2nd and 4th Sundays)
If you pay UK tax and would like
your gift to be included in our
Gift Aid scheme (which enables us
to reclaim an extra 25p in
every £1), please put it into one of
the Gift Aid envelopes in the pews.
(Please remember to include
your name & address.)
Vicar: Revd Dr Mark Butchers
01865 515640
Monday is usually his day off
Curate: Revd Viv Bridges
01865 558705
Please try to avoid contacting Viv
on Thurs and Fri.
Revd Dr Rob Gilbert
01865 276070
Please send notices for this side to
Caroline Pepys by
6pm Tuesday
Mon 27 October, 2.30pm The Open Fellowship Group meets in the Old School Room (see below)
Sun 2 November, 10am All Saints’ and All Souls’ service at St Peter’s;
3.30pm Cutteslowe Service in the Pavilion, with tea and cake;
4.30pm All Souls’ Evensong at All Saints’ Wytham, with the Oxford Bach Choir;
6.30pm Service of Remembrance and Thanksgiving for bereaved families at St Peter’s.
Tues 4 November, 7.30pm Shaping our Vision meeting for local community groups in St Peter’s.
Sun 9 November, Remembrance Sunday The 10am service at St Peter’s will be shorter in order
to finish in time for the Act of Remembrance at 10.50am around the War Memorial in the
churchyard. 12 noon Act of Remembrance at Wytham War Memorial.
Fri 14 November Barn Dance with live band and caller in the Village Hall, organised by St Peter’s
and Wolvercote Baptist Church. Tickets £5 from Diana Clews (558982).
Fri 21 November, 7.30pm An evening of Music and Poetry in St Peter’s to mark the 100th
anniversary of WW1. Free entry – retiring collection in aid of the British Legion Poppy Appeal and
St Peter’s Organ Appeal.
SHAPING OUR VISION Please remember to return your questionnaires by the end of October.
So far we’ve had 50 questionnaires from 180 households on our Family Roll. We need more!
We’d like 90. This is important, as it will set the agenda for our mission and ministry at both
St Peter’s and Wolvercote Baptist Church for the next few years. We need to hear what God is
saying to you and through you about the life and work of the church in Wolvercote. Please take
the time (20 minutes?) to respond.
ALL SOULS We will be marking All Souls this year during the 10am service on Sunday
2 November. If you would like someone who has died remembered in the service, please print
their name(s) on one of the slips and put it in the box at the back of St Peter’s.
OPEN FELLOWSHIP GROUP Monday 27 October, 2.30pm, St Peter's Old School Room
Revd. Martin Henig will give a talk entitled "Putting Animals on the Agenda of the Christian
Church". Martin is Vice-President of the Anglican Society for the Welfare of Animals (ASWA).
As usual, there will be plenty of time for discussion, followed by tea. Everyone is very
welcome. Margaret Williams
AUTUMN QUIET DAY Saturday 8 November, Cherwell Centre, 10am - 4pm A day exploring some
of the ways in which we may recognise God's presence in our lives. Cost will be less than £20 (it
will depend on how many people come); pay on the day. Viv, Samantha Stayte and Shona Shaw
will be leading the day: please let one of us know as soon as possible if you would like to come.
STEWARDSHIP OF TIME AND TALENTS Thank you to all those people who returned the Time and
Talents form. We are grateful to all those who already do as much as they can, and to those who
have offered more help. If you still have a form to fill in and return we shall be grateful to receive
it. Viv and Mark
RETIRING COLLECTION Thank you to everyone who gave money last week in aid of North Oxford
Action Against Homelessness (NOAAH). We raised a total of £294.87 to boost their funds.
MAGAZINES PLEASE Our children will be producing collages for our next Family Service on the
theme of 'treasure'. We would be very grateful for glossy magazines with lots of pictures. Please
leave them on the table in the Link or pass them to Jess Richmond.
'And All Angels' A book of poems by Margaret Fulford. She is selling these in aid of Us (previously
USPG). There are some copies by the South Door. Viv
CAR FOR SALE Renault Clio Automatic c.60,000 miles on clock. Born on 1993 but lovingly
nurtured. Full service documentation for my 12 years of ownership. MOT till end of October
2015. Available end of November £400 o.n.o. Valerie Barnish (554045)
When you have read PARTNERSHIP LINK, please pass your copy to a neighbour or friend who
might be interested in the announcements.