Document 6577522


Document 6577522
OISEC o n n e c t
Exploring career options
5:00 pm–5:30 pm • OISE Library
konrad glogowski
Director, Research and Knowledge Mobilization, Pathways to Education Canada
OISE PhD, 2008
Breakout panels • 5:45 pm–7:00 pm
Comm u ni ty Dev e lo pm e n t , So c ial In n o v at io n an d Te c h n o lo gy •
Roo m 5- 240
Moderator | Cristina Jaimungal, PhD student SJE & CIDE
Sandra Downey | Director, Business Development & Communications, Big Brothers Big
Sisters of Toronto
Ryan Burwell | Education Lead, 21 Toys, Centre for Social Innovation
Shelly Evangelista | Senior Business Analyst, Corporate IT, eHealth Ontario
Ushnish Sengupta | PhD candidate OISE and former president, Free Geek Toronto
Con s u l ti ng , HR a n d O r g an izat io n al De v e lo pme n t • Ro o m 1 1-164
Moderator | Maha El Hindawy, MEd student, LHAE
Silvia Gonzalez Zamora | Analytics Director, Deloitte
Aaron Laurito | Human Resources Manager, General Mills, Canada
Haesun Moon | Program Director, Executive Coaching Program, University of Toronto
Mary Ann Archer | Partner, Nxknowledge Corporation
Edu c a ti o na l R e s e ar c h an d Kn o w le dge Mo bilizat io n • Ro o m 5-250
Moderator | Robyn Read, PhD student LHAE
Zahra Bhanji | Director, Research, International Initiatives & Knowledge Mobilization,
Konrad Glogowski | Director, Research & Knowledge Mobilization, Pathways to
Education Canada
Kelly Warmington | Knowledge Translation and Exchange Specialist, Hospital for Sick
Michelle Goldberg | Reseacher, Pinpoint Research/ Instructor, OISE
Gove rn m e n t , E d u c at i on al an d U n iv e rsit y Admin ist rat io n • R oom
Moderator | Cindy Sinclair, PhD candidate SJE & Workplace Learning
Leigh Eagles | Senior Policy Advisor, Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities
Chris Garbutt | Assistant Director, Communications and Public Affairs,
University of Toronto Scarbourough
Glen Matadeen | Career Consultant and Managing Director of The School of Career
Advancement Inc
Erika Bailey | International Transition Advisor, Centre for International Experience,
U of T
Jeff Myers | Global Sales, Canadian International Student Services
Networking reception • 7:00 pm–7:30 pm • Nexus Lounge • 12-130
RSVP: Please include your preferred
panel session.
Sincere thanks to our Keynote Speaker and Panelists
and a special thank you to Dean Julia O'Sullivan for her continued support.
Organized by:
Maha El Hindawy, Cristina Jaimungal, Mary MacDonell and Cindy Sinclair