CONTENTS Model No. :
CONTENTS Model No. :
Page Specification for Transducer Revision No. Model No. : SPT-1210A-K3575 Drawing No. 2/10 1.2 OEM3575 CONTENTS 1. Scope 2. General 3. Electrical and Acoustic Characteristics. 4. Reliability Test 5. Measurement Block Diagram &Response curve 6. Structure 7. Dimensions !" 8. Packing #$ 9. Revision %&' Ningbo Kepo Electronics Co.,Ltd. Page Specification for Transducer Revision No. Model No. : SPT-1210A-K3575 Drawing No. 3/10 1.2 OEM3575 1. Scope This product specification is applied to the piezoelectric sounder in alarm systems.Please contact us when using this product for any other applications than described in the above. 6789:;<=>?@ABCD;EFGHIJKLMNO?@;APQRS TU;<VDWXAYZ[\]^_F` 2. General 2.1 Out-Diameter: 12x12 mm () 12x12 mm 2.2 Height : 3.0 mm *+ 3.0 mm 2.3 Weight: 0.7 g ,- 0.7 . 2.4 Operating Temperature range: -40/+850 without loss of function 123+ -40/+850 2.5 Store Temperature range: -40/+850 without loss of function 453+ -40/+850 3. Electrical and Acoustic Characteristics. Test condition : 15 ~ 35 0, 25% ~ 85% RH, 860~1060 mbar 15/35 0, 25%/85%RH , 860 /1060mbar Items a Specification 78 1 Rated Voltage = 3Vp-p Square Wave 2 Max.Allowable Voltage = 20Vp-p Square Wave 3 Rated Frequency 5 Min.Sound Pressure Level = Capacitance at 100Hz - at 100Hz) 6 Case Material/Color 4 Ningbo Kepo Electronics Co.,Ltd. 4.0KHz 75dB at 4.0KHz/3Vp-p Square Wave/10cm 16000pF± 30% LCPBLACK Page Specification for Transducer Model No. : SPT-1210A-K3575 Revision No. 4/10 1.2 Drawing No. OEM3575 4. Reliability Test After test(1~9item), the transducr S.P.L . difference shall be within ± 10dB, and the appearance not exist any change to be harmful to normal operation(e.g. cracks,rusts,damages and especially distortion). EaA?@O=456E ± 10dB 7A(8945:P9;<=> ?=@A=4BCDE . Item 1 High Temperature Test *3 Low Temperature Test 2 &3 Humidity Test 3 4 )' Thermal Shock Test *+, Specification After being placed in a chamber with +85± 2 for 240h and then being placed in natural condition for 2h, sounder shall be measured. RTU< +85± 2 0 240AEC =!"# 2A$%First being placed in a chamber with -40± 2 for 240h, then being placed in natural condtion for 2h, sounder shall be measured. RTU< -40± 2 0 240AEC !"# 2A$%- = After being placed in a chamber with 90 to 95%R.H. at +40± for 2 h and then being placed in natural condition for 2h , sounder shall be measured. RTU<'+( 90-95%R.H A3+( 40± 2 0H 2 AEC =!"# 2A$%After being worked in a chamber at +85 for 1 hour, then sounder shall be placed in a chamber at -40 for 1 hour(1 cycle is the below diagram). After 6 above cycles, sounder shall be measured after being placed in natural condition for 1 hour. RTU<85± 2 0HA-12 1ARTU <-40± 2 0HA.12 1A/0 6123AEC =!"# 1A$%20 Sec. +85 -40 1 hour 5 Vibration Resistance FO 1 hour Sounder shall be measured after being applied vibration of amplitude of 1.5mm with 10 to30Hz band of vibration frequency to each of 3 perpendicular directions for 2 hour. FG( 1.5mmA( 10-30Hz AH1IJKLMNFO 2A $%- . Ningbo Kepo Electronics Co.,Ltd. Specification for Transducer Page 5/10 1.2 Revision No. Model No. : SPT-1210A-K3575 Drawing No. OEM3575 4. Reliability Test Item 6 7 Drop Test Specification Sounder packed in the carton are dropped in six direction from the height of 80cm to the concrete floor. PQ PQ*+ cm,61IJLMRPQSTUVA$% -. W Lead terminals are immersed in rosin for 5 seconds and the immersed in solder bath of +230± 5° C for 3± 0.5 seconds. Solderability WXYZ[ 5\A.Y230± 5° CO]^H 3± 0.5\A _`'a OW . Recommendable reflow soldering condition is as follows. Note 1; It is requested that reflow soldering should be executed after heat of product goes down to normal temperature. Note 2; Peak reflow temperature of 260 0, with a maximum duration of 60 sec. between 220 0 and 260 0 8 Reflow Soldering W Pad Tensile Strength Test Condition,In the pad direction,push the buzzer for 10 sec.with tensile strength of 1.0kg,Refer to the following. ; kg+=@\P!N . 9 Pad Test WX+ Ningbo Kepo Electronics Co.,Ltd. Page 6/10 Revision No. 1.2 OEM3575 Specification for Transducer Model No. : SPT-1210A-K3575 Drawing No. 5. Measurement Block Diagram & Response curve =?@ piezoelectric sounder P FP Sound meter MIC : ND10 BLCJU MIC : ND10 S.P.L. or equivalent S.G. : DF1010 F@LCJU S.G. : DF1010 Oscillater or equivalent Ningbo Kepo Electronics Co.,Ltd. Page Specification for Transducer Model No. : SPT-1210A-K3575 Revision No. 7/10 1.2 Drawing No. OEM3575 6. Structure 2 1 No. weld silce WX Case Part Name 2 1 LCPBLACK Q'TY - Material Ningbo Kepo Electronics Co.,Ltd. Remarks Page Specification for Transducer Revision No. Model No. : SPT-1210A-K3575 Drawing No. 8/10 1.2 OEM3575 7. Dimensions RECOMMENDED SMD FOOT PATTERN Sound Emitting Hole ( ) XXXX / >>>KEPO>>> 1210 XXXX FIRST ANGLE PROJECTION UNIT : mm Tolerance : ± 0.2 Ningbo Kepo Electronics Co.,Ltd. Page Specification for Transducer Model No. : SPT-1210A-K3575 Revision No. 9/10 1.2 Drawing No. OEM3575 8. Packing >>>KEPO>>> 1210 XXXX >>>KEPO>>> 1210 XXXX NINGBO KEPO ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD. QTY: 1000Pcs SIZE:330 x30 x330mm N.W.: 0.6KG G.W.: 0.95KG QTY: 10000Pcs SIZE:350x450x350mm N.W.: 6KG G.W.: 10.5KG QC PASS !"RoHS!"#!"$"<(#$ Ningbo Kepo Electronics Co.,Ltd.