Deepening Your Life


Deepening Your Life
(Please refer to our website for more updates.)
Alpha: How can I
resist evil?
Venue: YMCA Orchard
Dates: 29 Oct (Wed)
Time: 7pm - 9.30pm
Dinner is included.
Registration is free! Register at the venue
on the date itself or pre-register online
at .
For enquiries email
for Volunteer
This role is responsible for the overall aspects
of Volunteer Management from developing
policies and framework, assessing manpower
capacity and capability to recruitment,
selection, induction, training and
managing of all volunteers.
You are also required to do the following:
- Develop job descriptions and
produce the Volunteers’ Manual - Design the Volunteer Management System for
tracking, trending, and documentation capability - Serve as the overall coordinator of various
ministries and project teams’ volunteer needs
Applicants should either be
a church or CG member.
For enquiries and submission of resume,
email by 9 Nov 2014.
Flower Offering
Today’s flower offering is sponsored by
Joshua Lee and Alice Tok in celebration and
thanksgiving for their 25th Wedding Anniversary.
Thank You
Children’s Fest
Praise God for the passion and commitment of
403 Covenant EFC volunteers who served at the
New Life Children’s Fest! An estimated total of
5,330 participants (including 500 volunteers)
came together to celebrate Children’s Day in
Bukit Panjang and Woodlands. Thank you for
demonstrating God’s love in the community and
for being the face and hands of Covenant EFC!
KidzCamp Registration
Calling all Pr 1 – Pr 6 children! Register with a
pre-believing friend to enjoy a three-day funfilled event in character development activities,
team building games, creative crafts, and prizes.
Volunteers are needed too.
Sign up at the foyer today!
Event Dates: 27 – 29 Nov (Thu - Sat)
Time: 8.30am – 5pm
Venue: WDL Centre
Free transport from BPJ Centre will be provided.
Camp Fee: S$20.00
Children’s registration ends on 2 Nov.
Prayer & Praise
To clasp the hands in prayer is the beginning of an
uprising against the disorder of this world.- Karl Barth
God wants to change our world and He often
does it in answer to our prayers! Get your CGs
ready and hear the testimonies of those who
shine for the Lord in their workplace. Bring your
children ages 7-12 along so they can also learn
to pray at the concurrent children’s segment.
Date: 31 Oct (Fri)
Time: 8pm
Venue: WDL Centre
See you there!
ACKCentre: 2 Kallang Avenue, #10-26, CT HUB, Singapore 339407
WOODLANDS 26 October 2014
SERVICE LEADER Ps Ivan Ho • worship low Wei Shing and Mavis Low
Memory Verse
No one has
ever seen God;
if we love
one another,
God abides in us
and his love is
perfected in us.
1 John 4:12 (ESV)
Deepening Your Life
Ps Adrian Chan, Director of Equipping
Two thousand years ago, Jesus told
everyone, “If anyone would come after
Me, let him deny himself and take up his
cross daily and follow Me. For whoever
would save his life will lose it, but whoever
loses his life for My sake will save it. For
what does it profit a man if he gains the
whole world and loses or forfeits himself?”
(Luke 9:23-25).
soar. We have seen how God has graciously
strengthened Covenanters to brave through
storms and trials as they cultivate their
inner lives and ground themselves in lifetransforming personal disciplines through
IDT. God wants to strengthen you too!
IDT aims to provide a learning support
environment conducive for both younger
and older adults. For the younger adults
(many having grown up in Singapore’s
Jesus is still telling us the same thing today.
modern educational regimes), there will be
As you read these verses, do you sense a
more cooperative-based and practice-based
longing within you to follow Him to a deeper
learning to grow a heart anchored
discipleship life? If you do, know
deep in the Lord, grounded
that this longing within you is
in Biblical thinking and in
a gift from the Lord. Your
Do you sense a longing
compassion as they live in
right response to this
within you to follow Him to
a deeper discipleship life?
an increasingly complicated
longing is your gift to Him.
If you do, know that this
world. For the older adults
longing within you is a gift
In Covenant EFC,
who would like to keep
from the Lord. Your right
Intentional Discipleship
response to this longing is
maturing and multiplying
Training (IDT) is a way to
your gift to Him.
spiritually, and to say as
support you in discipleship.
Apostle Paul did, “I have run the
It is more than just a
race, I have fought the good fight, I
programme. Just like Breakthrough
have kept the faith”, there will be learning
Weekends, IDT is a “God-thing”. It is
approaches that recognise their longer and
a blessed life-transforming pilgrimage
wider experiences and life journeys.
amongst Covenanters who want to keep
We look forward to the time when Covenant
growing in spiritual maturity.
EFC will have a large alumni base of
For the upcoming intake of IDT Level 2,
IDT-experienced Christ-mastered men and
we have a training team comprised of our
women across the generations who are
senior pastors, pastoral and ministry staff,
distinct as salt and influencing as light
and lay leaders who want to cheer you on in
in this dark world, bearing the Gospel, the
your faith journey. Through the training, we
Hope of the world, to Singapore and beyond.
aim to help you grow stronger as a KingdomJesus says, “Follow Me.” Will you train
oriented, Word-centred, Spirit-empowered
yourself in discipleship and follow Him?
disciple with deep roots and strong wings to
This Week’s Sermon Outline
Last Week’s Sermon Summary
• Sermon:
kay yeo
Scripture: 3 John 1-4 • Sermon: Ps Edmund Wong
Eternal Investment
We live in an age of massive deception and darkness. Day by day, we are bombarded by millions of lies.
Deception is the devil’s number one weapon against us. Satan is the Father of lies. He is the accuser of the
brethren day and night. If he can get us to believe in a lie, then he is in full control of us. We are enslaved to that
What Gives Discipling Others Its Proper Focus
1. That the prosperity of their souls must be our greatest concern (vv. 1-2).
“… it goes well with your soul.” – v. 2
deception. We then become our own greatest demon.
Main Points
Two Critical Actions:
A. Be Spiritually Alert (vv. 7-8)
Two words stand out in v. 8 to fight against the power of deception: “WATCH YOURSELVES!” It carries the idea of
intense prudence, care, and watchfulness.
Two aspects to watch out for:
1. V. 8 That you may not lose what we have worked for: In principle, we are to be careful not to lose what have
been gained previously. Application: Think about your spiritual life, career, marriage.
2. V. 8 Watch yourselves, so that you may not lose what we have worked for, but may win a FULL REWARD: The
emphasis here is not just the potential of rewards but the potential of a FULL REWARD. There is an eternal
2. That the testimony of their walk will be our greatest joy (vv 3-4).
“I have no greater joy….” – v. 4
prize-giving ceremony that awaits the faithful servants of God. See 2Co 5:10; Rev 11:18; 22:12; 1Co 3:13.
B. Be Steadfastly Abiding (vv. 9-13)
To counter deception and falsehood, we have to be steadfastly abide in two aspects:
1. Abide in the Teaching of Christ: John warns us that it is easy to run ahead and deviate from the fundamentals
that has been taught by Christ or about Christ.
Application: How certain are you of your salvation?
Our discipleship vehicles: Breakthrough Weekends and Intentional Discipleship Training
2. Abide in the Community of Christ : Stay away from false teachers and bad company.
Application: Join a Covenant Group.
What lies have you bought in your life?
Next Week’s Sermon Speakers
2 November - Rev Tan Kay Kiong (BPJ) and Rev Dr Chua Chung Kai (WDL)
For more details, please go to
WDL Centre