WEEKLY PLAN LIST - Friday, October 24, 2014 www.bxofsf.com
WEEKLY PLAN LIST - Friday, October 24, 2014 www.bxofsf.com
THE SAN FRANCISCO BUILDERS EXCHANGE - TELEPHONE (415) 282-8220. FAX (415) 821-0363 WEEKLY PLAN LIST - Friday, October 24, 2014 (All project listed are available in the Planroom unless otherwise noted). To view plans online go to; www.bxofsf.com Bid Date Plan # Bid Time Location 10/24/2014 437 3:00 PM NAPA Plan Name CSI Divisions / Job Description # of Addenda Plans SOUTH NAPA EARTHQUAKE - WATER LEAK The Work generally consists of trench paving at various locations within the City of EXCAVATION PAVING PROJECT (ONLINE ONLY) Napa due to earthquake related water main breaks, including mobilization, temporary traffic control, construction area signs, temporary pavement delineation, dust control, hot mix asphalt. Online Available for viewing ONLINE ONLY!!! 10/27/2014 426 2:00 PM RODEO COMPREHENSIVE WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN NEAR TERM IMPROVEMENTS - SEWER YEAR 1 IMPROVEMENTS (ONLINE ONLY) Div 1-3, 5 & 15. Project consists of pipebursting rehabilitation of 2,400 lineal feet of 4 6-inch VCP sewer with same size or larger diameter HDPE SDR17 pipe; open-cut replacement of 2,400 lineal feet of 6, 8, 10, and 15-inch VCP or PVC sewer with larger diameter PVC SDR-26 sewer; open cut installation of 1,600 lineal feet of 6, 8, and 12-inch PVC SDR-26 sewer; replacement of 19 existing manholes with new manholes; installation of 14 new manholes; replacement and or reconnection of approximately 110 building laterals; abandonment of approximately 1,700 lineal feet of 6 and 8-inch VCP sewer; traffic control, SWPPP requirements, and miscellaneous surface restoration work. This Project is available for viewing ONLINE ONLY!!! Page 1 of 25 Online Bid Date Plan # Bid Time Location 10/28/2014 212 11:00 AM BOULDER CREEK # of Addenda Plans Plan Name CSI Divisions / Job Description REGIONAL WATER SYSTEM EMERGENCY INTERTIES NO. 2, 3 & 4 7 The Work covered under this Contract shall include the furnishing of all labor, materials, tools, equipment and performing all work for the installation of approximately 985 linear feet of 8-inch ductile iron potable water pipeline along Skypark Drive and Lockewood Lane and crossing Mount Hermon Road; Approximately 1,500 linear feet of 12-inch HDPE potable water pipeline along a storage tank access road; Approximately 14,700 linear feet of 12-inch ductile iron potable water pipeline along Graham Hill Road, Summit Avenue, Roaring Camp Road, East Zayante Road and West Zayante Road; Approximately 420 linear feet of 12-inch steel potable water pipeline attached to the Conference Road Bridge; A 350gpm pump station adjacent to Skypark Drive near the intersection with Mt. Hermon Road; and a 700-gpm pump station adjacent to Summit Avenue near the intersection with Graham Hill Road. Planroom & Online PLEASE NOTE: A hardcopy of 17x11" drawings are available for viewing at the San Francisco Builders Exchange. 114 12:00 PM CITRUS HEIGHTS SAM'S CLUB #4799-200 REMODEL Div 1-3, 5-11, 13 & 15-16. The Project consists of the construction to remodel an existing open 131,320 sq. ft. store. Trades include aspalt overlay, striping, demolition, concrete, polished concrete, structural and miscelleneous steel, rough carpentry, finish carpentry/millwork, FRP, insulation, EIFS, metal roofing, roofing, sheet metal, caulking, doors/frames/hardware, steel studs and drywall, tile, acoustical ceilings, resilient flooring, painting, restroom accessories, vertical barrier net system, fire sprinklers, plumbing, HVAC, EMS, refrigeration and electrical. 1 Planroom & Online 405 2:00 PM UNION CITY WHIPPLE ROAD PAVEMENT REHABILITATION PROJECT (ONLINE ONLY) See specifications for complete Scope of Work. 3 Online Questions concerning the Project, based on the bid package, must be submitted by fax to (510) 489-9468, or by email to: mrenk@ci.union-city.ca.us to Michael Renk or phone (510) 675-5303 at least five (5) working days before the time specified for bid opening. Available ONLINE ONLY!!! 432 2:00 PM ORINDA CAMINO PABLO PAVEMENT REHABILITATION PROJECT (ONLINE ONLY) Project consists of pavement rehabilitation, including base repairs, cold planing, asphalt pavement, HMA overlay, concrete improvements, traffic signal modifications and striping. Available for viewing ONLINE ONLY!!! Page 2 of 25 Online Bid Date Plan # Bid Time Location 10/28/2014 436 2:00 PM VARIOUS Plan Name CSI Divisions / Job Description # of Addenda Plans REPLACE GLASS PANELS AT COLISEUM, SAN Div 1-2 & 8. The Contractor shall provide all labor, equipment, materials and LEANDRO, BAY FAIR AND SOUTH HAYWARD services required for replacing nontempered glass panels with tempered glass ai STATIONS PLATFORMS - BART (ONLINE ONLY) the platform level at the BART Coliseum, San Leandro, Bay Fair and South Hayward Stations as specified in the contract requirements, Drawings and Specifications. Online This Project is available for viewing ONLINE ONLY!!! 458 2:00 PM MARTINEZ NEW GENERATOR AT 2530 ARNOLD DRIVE, MARTINEZ (ONLINE ONLY) The Work includes the installation of a new emergency power generator and associated work at an existing office building that will be occupied during construction. 3 Online This Project is available for viewing ONLINE ONLY!!! 491 2:00 PM ALAMEDA COUNTY CALTRANS 04-4A3424 REPLACE GORE SIGNS WITH OVERHEAD SIGNS (ONLINE ONLY) Replace gore signs with overhead signs in Alameda County at various locations. The Contractor must have either a Class A License or any combination of the following Class C Licenses which constitutes a majority of the work: C-10, C-12, C31. 1 Online 494 2:00 PM DANVILLE 2014/15 PAVEMENT REHABILITATION PROJECT Project includes preparatory tree trimming; storm drain inlet relocation; removal and 1 (ONLINE ONLY) replacement of existing storm drain pipe; removal and replacement of existing Portland Cement concrete curb, sidewalk, curb ramp and valley gutter; subdrain installation; removal and replacement of existing asphalt concrete pavement (digouts); pavement cold planning; intsllation of paving mat; installation of asphalt concrete overlay; removal and replacement of asphalt concrete speed lumps; removal and replacement new traffic loop detectors; adjusting to grade of survey monument castings; water valve castings; storm drain and sanitary sewer manhole covers and other utility lids; removal and replacement of existing paving striping and markers; traffic control. Online Available for viewing ONLINE ONLY!!! Available for viewing ONLINE ONLY!!! 91-94 2:00 PM SAN FRANCISCO JAMES LICK MIDDLE SCHOOL MODERNIZATION Div 1-3, 5-12 & 14-17. Project is generally described as school modernization which includes, but is not limited to, construction of two elevators, replacement of toilet rooms, renovation of classrooms, offices, and other interior spaces, partial replacement of windows, doors, plumbing, mechanical, electrical, lighting, fire alarm, new fire sprinklers, structural shear walls and foundation work, exterior improvement to play yard, ramps, stairs, metal work, some exterior painting and repair, fencing, roof equipment and patching, and hazardous materials abatement as described in Appendix A of the Contract Documents. Page 3 of 25 1 Planroom & Online Bid Date Plan # Bid Time Location # of Addenda Plans Plan Name CSI Divisions / Job Description 2 Trades include water pollution control, traffic control, clearing and grubbing, earthwork, roadway excavation (F), subgrade stabilization, stabilization fabric, class 2 aggregate base, slurry seal, asphalt concrete surface, concrete curb, pump station addition concrete slab foundation, concrete apron, median curb, chain link fence, gates, removal of existing fence and gate, asphalt concrete dike, generator building concrete slab foundation, precast drainage structures, storm drain, pump station water pipe and appurtenances, 100 HP booster pump, pump station building addition and roof, miscellaneous electrical work, motor control center, PG&E meter and main switchboard, antenna mast assembly and 230kw generator set. 10/29/2014 131 2:00 PM SANTA ROSA WATER PUMP STATION 3 MODIFICATIONS 408 2:00 PM BODEGA BAY BODEGA BAY AQUACULTURE REROOF FOR UC Div 1-2, 6-7 & 22. Provide all labor, materials, equipment, tools, transportation, DAVIS (ONLINE ONLY) insurance and services to remove the top layer existing Hypalon roofing material and prepare the existing built-up roofing substrate to receive the new roofing application; patch and repair with like materials any dryrotted existing roof decking encountered; install sloping underlayment on low flat roof section, sloping to existing roof drains; and reroof with a new fleece backed TPO roofing system, approximately 15,825 sq. ft. Planroom & Online 1 Online The Project consists of the removal and replacement of approximately 1,400 linear 1 feet of existing sidewalk/pedestrian facilities and driveways at two locations (Shell Avenue and Alhambra Valley Road) within the City of Martinez. The necessary site work includes, but is not limited to, traffic control, utility adjustments, site demolition and preparation, tree removal, tree installation, earthwork, retaining walls, P.C.C. sidewalks, driveways, curb and gutter, A. C. paving, ADA curb ramps, and miscellaneous items of work as specified and required by the Contract Documents. Online Available for viewing ONLINE ONLY!!! 414 2:00 PM MARTINEZ ALHAMBRA VALLEY ROAD SIDEWALK GAP CLOSURE (C2007) AND SHELL AVENUE PEDESTRIAN/BICYCLE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (C2008) - ONLINE ONLY Available for viewing ONLINE ONLY!!! 466 2:00 PM SANTA CLARA COUNTY CALTRANS 04-272044 REHABILITATE PCC & AC Rehabilitate PCC and AC pavements, upgrade guardrails and signs in Santa Clara PAVEMENTS, UPGRADE GUARDRAILS & SIGNS County in Cupertino and Los Altos from Tantau Avenue Overcrossing to Foothill (ONLINE ONLY) Expressway Undercrossing. The Contractor must have either a Class A License or one of the following Class C Licenses: C-8, C-12. This Project is available for viewing ONLINE ONLY!!! Page 4 of 25 1 Online Bid Date Plan # Bid Time Location 10/29/2014 468 2:00 PM GILROY Plan Name CSI Divisions / Job Description # of Addenda Plans CALTRANS 04-4C2004 COLD PLANE & OVERLAY, Project includes cold plane and overlay, pedestrian ramp, replace loop detector in PEDESTRIAN RAMP, REPLACE LOOP Santa Clara County in and near Gilroy at various locations from Route 101/152 DETECTOR (ONLINE ONLY) Interchange to Route 152/156 Interchange. The Contractor must have either a Class A License or any combination of the following Class C Licenses which constitutes a majority of the work: C-12, C-10. Online This Project is available for viewing ONLINE ONLY!!! 406 2:30 PM SAN PABLO DAVIS PARK PLAY AREA RENOVATION (ONLINE This bid shall cover the furnishing of all labor, material, equipment, mechanical ONLY) workmanship, transportation and services which are required for: Replacement and installation of a new play structure and surfacing at Davis Park. 1 Online Available for viewing ONLINE ONLY!!! 245 3:00 PM SEBASTOPO L SEBASTOPOL COMMUNITY CULTURAL CENTER Div 1, 3, 6-10 & 16. Trades include cast-in-place concrete; interior architectural OFFICE REMODEL woodwork; joint sealants; aluminum windows; door hardware; glazing; ceramic tile; painting; sheet vinyl; door mat; microflex structures; toilet accessories; drinking fountain; lighting; and electrical. Planroom & Online Please direct all questions regarding the project Plans and specifications in writing to the Architect, Alexis Persinger, with Persinger Architects and Associates, 5875 Ross Branch Road, Sebastopol, CA 95472, (707) 887-0700. Questions regarding other contract provisions, bonding, and insurance may be addressed to Susan Kelly, Engineering Director, at (707) 823-2151. 10/30/2014 215 1:30 PM SAN RAFAEL SLUDGE THICKENING SYSTEM REPLACEMENT Div 1-3, 5, 7, 9-11, 13 & 15-16. Project consists of demolishing the existing Dissolved Air Flotation Thickeners (DAFT's) and associated equipment and piping; Furnish and install two (2) Rotary Drum Thickeners; Furnish and install piping, conduits, and other structural, mechanical, electrical, seismic, and instrumentation/control equipment systems needed to provide a complete, functional installation; Provide control integration of new equipment into the existing Treatment Plant process control system; and test completed system to ensure proper operation. Contact Brian Thomas, Engineering Manager, at (415) 459-1455, Ext. 121 with any questions. Page 5 of 25 2 Planroom & Online Bid Date Plan # Bid Time Location Plan Name CSI Divisions / Job Description # of Addenda Plans 10/30/2014 145 2:00 PM DAVIS CNPRC CAGE WASH FACILITY AT UC DAVIS Div 1, 3, 7, 9, 22-23, 26 & 31-33. Provide all labor, materials, equipment, tools, transportation, insurance, and services required to install approximately 100 ft of roof mounted steam and condensate piping, 400 ft of underground steam and condensate piping, and general tenant improvements to an unimproved bay of the CNPRC Shop Building for the purpose of serving a future cage wash machine. Site work shall include excavation, installation of underground piping, poured in place insulation and patching of asphalt roadway. Tenant improvements to the 2,200 sq. ft. open bay shall include concrete slab, concrete flatwork, plumbing, steam fitting, electrical, HVAC and architectural sheet metal improvements. Work will be performed within the California National Primate Center and shall require health screenings for all workers. 244 2:00 PM SANTA CRUZ MORAN PUMP STATION UPGRADE The Moran Pump Station Upgrade project will provide for removal of the existing shaft driven pumps and installation of new 3 new pumps, concrete bases, valves and associated piping, etc. Planroom & Online 1 Planroom & Online Contact Marcella Bailey, Project Mgr, at (831) 454-2803 with any questions. 311 2:00 PM MARIN COUNTY 435 2:00 PM SAN RAMON NEW ARV VAULT MAINTENANCE PROJECT Div 1-3, 9 & 15. Trades include excavation and backfill, surface restoration, cast-inplace concrete, painting and pipework. CITYWIDE SCHOOL CROSSING ENHANCEMENT The work consists, in general, of enhancement of crosswalks with pedestrian PROJECT (ONLINE ONLY) activated in-pavement warning lights and installation of overhead signal heads and poles at the locations designated on the Plans. Related items of work include, but are not limited to, construction signage; removal and installation of signs and posts; installation of LED enhanced signs and pedestrian pushbuttons on poles; installation of controllers; pull boxes, conduit, and wiring; removal of pole and signal heads; installation of pedestrian barricades; removal of existing striping; placement of new striping; and all other work necessary for a complete project in accordance with the Plans and Specifications. Planroom & Online Online Available for viewing ONLINE ONLY!!! 438 2:00 PM SANTA ROSA KING ST SEWER AND WATER IMPROVEMENTS - See Specifications for complete Scope of Work. Project is available for viewing PHASE 2 (ONLINE ONLY) ONLINE ONLY!!! Page 6 of 25 Online Bid Date Plan # Bid Time Location 10/30/2014 439 2:00 PM CUPERTINO Plan Name CSI Divisions / Job Description HYDE MIDDLE SCHOOL INTERIM HOUSING PROJECT (ONLINE ONLY) The Project consists of providing all material, labor, equipment, and apparatus, whether specifically mentioned or not, necessary to relocate storage sheds and fence post and fabric, provide and install a new transformer and distribution panel, install all low voltage wiring for Power, Fire Alarm, Clock\Bell Paging, Intercom Phone, Data, and install new fence posts and fabric for the New Interim Housing Portables at Hyde Middle School. # of Addenda Plans Online Available for viewing ONLINE ONLY!!! 442 2:00 PM SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO TURBO BLOWER #2 AT WATER QUALITY CONTROL PLANT (ONLINE ONLY) Project consists of fabricating, assembling, testing and delivering of a 300 to 335 horsepower high speed motor driven turbo blower system, including specified spare parts and providing field testing and start-up services. Online Available for viewing ONLINE ONLY!!! 800 2:00 PM MILPITAS MCCARTHY BLVD. LIGHTING & LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS PHASE I Project includes demolition, lighting, refurbish existing fence/sign, paving, planting, irrigation, water pollution control and traffic control. 433 3:00 PM SAN JOSE 7458 - POLICE ADMINISTRATION AND Furnish all labor, materials, tools, equipment, supervision, storage, coordination and COMMUNICATION BUILDINGS (PAB/C) CHILLER any other associated resources necessary to design, furnish and install (including REPLACEMENTS - ONLINE ONLY any required demolition of existing systems), new cooling systems and all appurtenances necessary to meet the requirements set forth in Attachment 6: Project Definition Manual: Basis of Design of these Specifications for the PAB/C Chiller Replacements Project. Trades include plumbing, HVAC, testing, adjusting and balancing and electrical work. 1 Planroom & Online Online Contact Jim Wilson, Project Manager, at (408) 535-8441 with any questions. Available for viewing ONLINE ONLY!!! 434 3:00 PM SAN JOSE 7585 - DEMOLITION OF KELLEY HOUSE (ONLINE Trades include materials disposal, hazmat protection procedures, back fill and ONLY) demolition. Online Contact Raj Verma, Project Manager, at (408) 535-8443 with any questions. Available for viewing ONLINE ONLY!!! 61 3:00 PM CUPERTINO MILLER MIDDLE SCHOOL INTERIM HOUSING PORTABLES Page 7 of 25 The Project consists of providing all material, labor, equipment, and apparatus, whether specifically mentioned or not, necessary to relocate storage sheds and fence post and fabric, install new fire suppression line and hydrant, provide and install a new transformer and distribution panel, install all low voltage wiring for power, fire alarm, clock/bell paging, intercom phone, data, install new fence posts and fabric, and miscellaneous site work for the New Interim Housing Portables at Miller Middle School. 2 Planroom & Online Bid Date Plan # Bid Time Location 10/31/2014 106-107 11:00 AM LINCOLN # of Addenda Plans Plan Name CSI Divisions / Job Description LINCOLN CA STAKE MEETINGHOUSE NEW CONSTRUCTION Div 1, 3-12, 14, 21-23, 26-28 & 31-33. Ground up 24,811 sq. ft. Meeting House for 1 the LDS on a 5-acre newly developed site. The Scope will include earthwork, utilities, paving, concrete flat work, landscaping, structural concrete, masonry, structural steel, carpentry, casework, thermal insulation, roofing, doors, windows, drywall, floor coverings, specialties, athletic equipment, baptismal, plumbing, HVAC and electrical. Planroom & Online PLEASE NOTE: Many of the major trades require a pre-qualification process for Subcontractors, which will be announced by addendum prior to bid date. 11/4/2014 229 12:00 PM MENLO PARK INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERING B136 AND BSY PUMP STATION COOLING SYSTEM This posting is for the addition of a Cooling System at Building 136 and at the Beam Switch Yard Pump Station. Planroom & Online 447 10:00 AM MARIN COUNTY MMWD SOUTH PIPELINE REPLACEMENT PROJECT (ONLINE ONLY) Div 1-3, 9 & 18. This Contract is for furnishing labor and equipment for the installation of 6,020 feet of 12-, 8-, 6- and 4-inch welded steel and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe with valves, fittings and appurtenances. The work to be done is located in San Anselmo, Ross, Tiburon and Belvedere within the County of Marin, California. Online Trades include earthwork, asphaltic concrete paving and resurfacing, cathodic protection magnesium anodes, distribution piping system, concrete, field applied tape coating systems and environmental protection. Contact Jake Miller, Project Engineer, at (415) 945-1580. Available for viewing ONLINE ONLY!!! 488 10:30 AM SAN FRANCISCO PORT SECURITY FENCES PHASE 4 (ONLINE ONLY) The proposed Work will consist of installation of fences at: (1) Piers 94/96, (2) Piers 2 48/50, and (3) Roundhouse. Online For more information, contact the Project Engineer, Ken Chu, PE at 415-274-0593. Available for viewing ONLINE ONLY!!! 464 2:00 PM BERKELEY NEW SANITARY SEWER REHABILITATION - PARKER The Work to be done consists, in general, of rehabilitation and construction of STREET (BAYER HEALTHCARE EASEMENT) approximately 963 linear feet of 10-inch diameter sanitary sewer, construction of ONLINE ONLY manholes, manhole rehabilitation, excavation, replacement of approximately 135 linear feet of 4-inch and 6-inch diameter sewer laterals and related work. Available for viewing ONLINE ONLY!!! Page 8 of 25 Online Bid Date 11/4/2014 Plan # Bid Time Location 87 2:00 PM STOCKTON # of Addenda Plans Plan Name CSI Divisions / Job Description ELEVATOR ALTERATIONS PROJECT AT SAN JOAQUIN DELTA COLLEGE 1 Div 1, 5, 7-9 & 14-16. The Project was reviewed and approved by the Division of State Architect (DSA) and it consists of: Repair and renovation of 10 elevators including HVAC, fire alarm and hardware upgrades; maintenance of all elevators included in this project during the construction phase and as more specifically defined in the elevator specifications. There is also an additive alternate for an extended (5 year) maintenance contract after the completion of this Project, but this will not be a part of the basis of award. Planroom & Online Technical and general questions must be submitted in writing no later than 3:00 PM on Monday, October 27, 2014, to Darrin Cline by email at: dcline@kitchell.com, with a courtesy copy to Maria G. Bernardino, Director of Purchasing and Contracts, at: mbernardino@deltacollege.edu 11/5/2014 448 10:00 AM SAN ANSELMO 2014-2015 ELDA DRIVE TANK COATING PROJECT - MMWD (ONLINE ONLY) Div 1, 9, 13 & 18. This Contract is for furnishing all necessary and required materials, equipment and labor for completing tank modifications and preparing surfaces and applying protective coatings to all interior and exterior surfaces of one (1) 150,000 gallon, 32 ft. diameter, 28 ft. high welded steel water storage tank - Elda Drive Tank. Online Contact Gary Andersen, Project Engineer, at (415) 945-1581 with any questions. Available for viewing ONLINE ONLY!!! 19 12:00 PM SACRAMENT NEW NEIGHBORHOOD MARKET #6530-00 TAKEOVER Div 1-11, 13 & 15-16. Project consists of tenant improvements for an existing O AND TENANT IMPROVEMENTS 51,879 sq. ft. building, TRADES NEEDED: erosion control, special testing, grading, striping/signage, tactile warning systems, demolition, concrete, concrete polishing, masonry, miscellaneous structural steel, metal framing, carpentry, millwork, FRP, insulation, stucco/EIFS, architectural sheet metal, caulking/sealants, doors, glazing, drywall, ceramic tile, acoustic ceilings, flooring, painting, toilet accessories, metal canopy, seismic protection, sub metering, fire sprinklers, plumbing, HVAC and electrical. Page 9 of 25 2 Planroom & Online Bid Date 11/5/2014 Plan # Bid Time Location 431 2:00 PM FAIRFIELD # of Addenda Plans Plan Name CSI Divisions / Job Description UTILITY INFRASTRUCTURE UPGRADE (ENERGY) HVAC/EMS EFFICIENCY PROJECT ASBESTOS ABATEMENT (ONLINE ONLY) The Work under this Contract will be in 2 phases. First Phase (Buildings 800 & 1500) will be performed during Winter break of 2014 and Second Phase (Buildings 100, 500, 700, 1400, 1600 & 1700) will be performed during Summer of 2015 which includes, but not limited to, the removal of existing HVAC unit at Building 1600, Dry Wall, TSI/Duct Seam Tape, Lead, Gypsum Board Ceiling, and 2’x4’ False Ceiling Panels. Demolition, removal, and disposal of all asbestos containing materials detailed in the Asbestos Abatement Specifications for Solano Community College, and as indicated on HMS front end documents, and HMS and Kleinfelder Reports. All Work to be performed is under a single Prime Contract. Online Available for viewing ONLINE ONLY!!! 450 2:00 PM SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY CALTRANS 05-1A7004 CONSTRUCT SOLDIER PILE RETAINING WALL (ONLINE ONLY) Construct soldier pile retaining wall in San Luis Obispo County about 19 miles north 1 of San Simeon from 0.7 mile to 1.0 mile north of Ragged Point Viaduct. The Contractor must have either a Class A License or any combination of the following Class C Licenses which constitutes a majority of the work: C-12, C-61D09. Online This Project is available for viewing ONLINE ONLY!!! 455 2:00 PM MILL VALLEY NEW CALTRANS 04-2G8704 CONSTRUCT SOIL NAIL WALL, ADDITIONAL SHOULDER, AND GUARDRAIL (ONLINE ONLY) Construct soil nail wall, additional shoulder and guardrail in Marin County in Mill Valley at 0.1 mile east of Maple Street. The Contractor must have either a Class A License or any combination of the following Class C Licenses which constitutes a majority of the work: C-12, C-61D06. Online Available for viewing ONLINE ONLY!!! 484 2:00 PM MOUNTAIN VIEW 1 2012-2013 MISCELLANEOUS WATER AND The Work to be performed under this Contract includes the replacement of water SEWER MAIN REPLACEMENTS (ONLINE ONLY) and sanitary sewer mains. Contract work includes abandonment or removal of existing facilities, replacement of new pipelines by both open trench and pipe bursting methods, replacement of water service line and sewer lateral, reconnection to existing pipelines, sidewalk, and other miscellenous work. Online This Project is available for viewing ONLINE ONLY!!! 444 2:30 PM SAN FRANCISCO VARIOUS LOCATIONS PAVEMENT PRESERVATION FY 2014-2015 NO. 2 (ONLINE ONLY) Div 1 & 32. The Work is located on various streets thoughout San Francisco and consists of pavement preservation using Type 2 and Type 3 micro-surfacing, traffic routing, temporary pavement markings and all associated work. Contact Ramon Kong, Project Manager, at (415) 554-8280 with any questions. Available for viewing ONLINE ONLY!!! Page 10 of 25 Online Bid Date 11/5/2014 Plan # Bid Time Location 446 2:30 PM SAN FRANCISCO # of Addenda Plans Plan Name CSI Divisions / Job Description PROPOSITION K CURB RAMPS FISCAL YEAR 2013-2014 (ONLINE ONLY) Div 1 & 31-33. The Work is located at various intersections in San Francisco, California and consists of curb ramp construction, sewer replacement, traffic routing and striping, and all associated work. Online Contact Amy Lam, Project Manager, at (415) 437-7048 with any questions. Available for viewing ONLINE ONLY!!! 11/6/2014 248 10:00 AM VALLEJO BLUE ROCK SPRINGS GOLF COURSE-CART BARN PROJECT 1 Project consists of design, plan review process, procurement, fabrication, and construction of a metal building system including all associated ventilation, electrical, signage, doors, and hardware as specified in the Plans and Specifications. Planroom & Online Contact Roland Rojas, Asst Maint Superintendent/Facilities, at (707) 548-4557, or by email at: rrojas@ci.vallejo.ca.us with any questions. 128 2:00 PM BURLINGAME NEW VILLAGE PARK RESTROOM REPLACEMENT 2014-15 Project consists of the removal of existing wood-framed toilet building and replacement with new concrete masonry unit toilet building consisting of two single occupant toilet rooms, a storage room and utility room. Planroom & Online 20 2:00 PM SAN RAFAEL NEW TERRA LINDA POOL HOUSE RENOVATION PROJECT The existing restrooms and locker rooms are to be renovated; A new meeting room is to be added; Mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems are to be upgraded; and a new fire sprinkler system will be installed as a deferred submittal. Planroom & Online 400 2:00 PM OAKLAND THIS PROJECT IS A REBID!!! REPLACEMENT OF EMBARCADERO BRIDGE OVER LAKE MERRITT CHANNEL - REBID (ONLINE ONLY) The proposed Work consists, in general, of the bridge replacement. Said work consists of, but is not limited to, bridge removal, structural excavation and backfill, grading, structural concrete, furnishing and driving cast-in-drilled hole concrete piles, reinforcement steel and miscellaneous metal work, new restroom building, environmental protection, traffic control and other work specifically shown on the Plans or included in the Specifications and these Special Provisions. For more information, contact Nader Rabahat, Project Manager, at (510) 238-6605. Available for viewing ONLINE ONLY!!! (Previously scheduled bid date was 5/22/14. Old Plan #494) Page 11 of 25 1 Online Bid Date 11/6/2014 Plan # Bid Time Location 421 2:00 PM OAKLAND # of Addenda Plans Plan Name CSI Divisions / Job Description THE REHABILITATION OF SANITARY SEWERS AT LAKESIDE PARK PUMP STATION (ONLINE ONLY) The proposed Work consists, in general, of the removal of existing sanitary sewer pumps, excavation, dewatering, shoring and installation of a pre-engineered and pre-fabricated complete pump station system with associated electrical and alarm systems, install precast holding tank, and other items of work stated in the Special Provisions and the Project Plans or as required for a fully functional sanitary sewer pump station. 1 Online 1 THE REHABILITATION OF SANITARY SEWERS IN The proposed Work consists, in general, of rehabilitating approximately 2,953 THE AREA BOUNDED BY PARK, BOULEVARD, linear feet of existing 6” diameter sewer pipes and approximately 13,774 linear feet HOLLYWOOD AVE, SUNNYHILLS ROAD AND of existing 8” diameter sewer pipes by pipe-expanding method; rehabilitating sewer BRIGHTON AVE (SUBBASIN 54-16) - ONLINE structures; reconnecting house connection sewers; rehabilitating house connections ONLY sewers, and other related works as indicated on the Plans and Specifications. Online Contact Gunawan Santoso, PE (Project Manager) at 510-238-7260, or by email at: gsantoso@oaklandnet.com with any questions. Available for viewing ONLINE ONLY!!! 422 2:00 PM OAKLAND Contact David Ng, Project Manager, at (510) 238-7267, or by email at: dng@oaklandnet.com with any questions. Available for viewing ONLINE ONLY!!! 467 2:00 PM NEW JOB ORDER CONTRACT, ELECTRICAL (C-10 SAN A Job Order Contract is an indefinite quantity contract pursuant to which the San FRANCISCO LICENSE), SAN FRANCISCO, PENINSULA, AND Francisco Public Utilities Commission may accomplish a series of projects with a EAST BAY CONTRACT NOS. JOC-52 AND JOC-53 single, competitively bid contract awarded before the projects are identified. (ONLINE ONLY) Contractors bid an adjustment factor to pre-set unit prices. Work is accomplished by issuing task orders to the successful contractor during the two year term of the contract. Page 12 of 25 Online Bid Date 11/6/2014 Plan # Bid Time Location 74-76 2:00 PM LOS ALTOS # of Addenda Plans Plan Name CSI Divisions / Job Description FOOTHILL COLLEGE LIBRARY AND LEARNING CENTER RENOVATION (LEASE/LEASEBACK PROJECT) Div 1-3, 5-12, 14, 21-23, 25-28 & 31-33. This Project will be constructed utilizing multiple trade contractors, each working under a separate Contract with Kitchell CEM, who is the Lease/Lease Back Contractor for the new library modernization at Foothill College. 1 Planroom & Online 1 Planroom The Following is a list of various trade bid packages: Trade Bid Package 00 44 01:Demolition Trade Bid Package 00 44 02:Misc Trades Trade Bid Package 00 44 03:Roofing Trade Bid Package 00 44 04:Doors & Hardware Trade Bid Package 00 44 05:Glazing Trade Bid Package 00 44 06:Painting Trade Bid Package 00 44 07:Framing, Insulation & GWB Trade Bid package 00 44 08: Flooring Trade Bid Package 00 44 09:Acoustical Trade Bid Package 00 44 10:Mechanical, Plumbing & Fire Sprinkler Trade Bid Package 00 44 11:Electrical Trade Bid Package 00 44 12:Landscaping NOTE: Bidders must be prequalified to submit a bid to Kitchell. The Prequalification Application must be submiited to Kitchell no later than September 30, 2014. 986 2:00 PM SAN MATEO REGIONAL GROUNDWATER STORAGE AND RECOVERY THIS PROJECT WILL NOT BE POSTED ONLINE PER OWNER'S REQUEST. JOB SITE & BID DOCUMENTS ARE SECURITY SENSITIVE!!! PLEASE NOTE: This Contract requires bidder pre-qualification by the SFPUC. Div 1-3, 5-11, 13 & 15-16. The objective of this Project is to drill, install, and construct 13 groundwater well facilities, including site preparation; clearing/grubbing and grading; various work on existing groundwater wells; building foundations, temporary shoring and retaining walls; new pumps, motors and related appurtenances; ventilation system; trenching and pipeline and conduit construction; cathodic protection system; chemical treatment equipment, tanks and pumping systems; electrical power distribution systems, SCADA and I&C control systems; perimeter security fence; security monitoring and control systems; final grading and drainage; landscape and irrigation systems; sanitary and storm drain piping and connections to municipal systems; paving and various other site improvements; construct approximately 7,100 feet of 8-inch and 12-inch diameter ductile iron water transmission pipeline. The Work is to be performed in San Mateo, California. The Engineer's Estimate is approximately between $47 to $50 million. The Contract will be awarded to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder. Page 13 of 25 Bid Date Plan # Bid Time Location 11/10/2014 463 11:30 AM COTATI Plan Name CSI Divisions / Job Description NEW 2014 PAVEMENT MAINTENANCE PROJECT (ONLINE ONLY) # of Addenda Plans The Work consists of digout, crack seal and associated re-striping on local city streets. Online This Project is available for viewing ONLINE ONLY!!! 449 2:00 PM CONCORD FARM BUREAU ROAD SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL PROJECT (ONLINE ONLY) The Work to be done, in general, consists of mobilization, traffic control, storm water pollution control, open trench construction of storm drain, street pavement, concrete curb and gutter construction, concrete sidewalk construction, concrete ADA ramp construction, tree removal, potholing of existing utilities, traffic striping and markings, street lighting, landscape and irrigation construction and all other work as shown on the Plans and as specified in these Special Provisions. Online Available for viewing ONLINE ONLY!!! 931 11/11/2014 110-111 2:00 PM MOUNTAIN VIEW 2 LIGHT RAIL EFFICIENCY PROJECT: MOUNTAIN Div 1-3, 10, 26 & 31-34. The Project will add a second light rail track over a VIEW PHASE 2 - VTA distance of approximately 3,000 feet, including closure and removal of the existing Evelyn Light Rail Station, installation of light rail support systems, and modifications to the municipal drain system. 10:00 AM GREENFIELD MAGNOLIA PLACE SENIOR APARTMENTS SPECIFICATIONS ARE ON THE FLOOR PLANS!!! Project consists of the construction of a 32-unit, 26,220 sq. ft. building complete with architectural, civil, electrical, landscaping, plumbing, mechanical and structural trades. Page 14 of 25 Planroom & Online Planroom & Online Bid Date Plan # Bid Time Location 11/12/2014 210-211 1:30 PM CASTRO VALLEY, ALAMO AND LAFAYETTE Plan Name CSI Divisions / Job Description # of Addenda Plans EDEN RESERVOIR REPLACEMENT AND ROUND Div 1-3, 5, 7-9, 13, 22, 26-28, 31-33, 40 & 43. Work includes the following: HILL RESERVOIR REHABILITATION - EBMUD 1). At Eden Reservoir: Perform earthwork; install District-furnished 0.28 million gallon bolted steel temporary tank, foundation, related piping, and appurtenances; demolish existing 1.6-MG welded steel Eden Reservoir including the exterior wooden architectural screen; construct two, 0.45 million gallon welded steel reservoirs with aluminum geodesic dome roofs, foundations, piping, valve structures, coatings, and appurtenances; disassemble and store 0.28 million gallon bolted steel temporary tank, restore temporary tank site, pave reservoir site, install irrigation and landscaping, install fencing and perform related work as specified in the Contract Documents at Eden Reservoir, located near the intersection of Coolidge Court and Summerglen Place in Castro Valley (Unincorporated Alameda County), California. Planroom & Online 2). At Round Hill Reservoir: Construct radio communication towers and related cable and conduit; perform earthwork; provide and install 0.16 million gallon bolted steel temporary tank, foundation, piping, and appurtenances; remove exterior wooden architectural screen from existing Round Hill Reservoir; abrasive blast and recoat tank interior; low-pressure water clean, prime and top coat tank exterior; disassemble and store 0.16 million gallon bolted steel temporary tank, pave reservoir site, install fencing; and perform related work as specified in the Contract Documents at Round Hill Reservoir, located between 574 and 582 Oakshire Place in Alamo (Unincorporated Contra Costa County), California. 3). At Hink No. 2 Reservoir: Disassemble 0.28-MG bolted steel temporary tank, deliver to Eden Reservoir, remove and replace fencing, restore site, and perform related work as specified in the Contract Documents at Hink No. 2 Reservoir located at the end of Vista Bella Drive, Lafayette, California. 243 11:00 AM OAKLAND NEW RENOVATION OF 3824 WEST ST., OAKLAND Div 1-3, 5-10, 12, 22-23, 26 & 32. The proposed Work consists, in general, of the renovation of a two story single family home built in 1915 at 3824 West St. in Oakland. Work shall include exterior painting, window replacement, dry rot repairs at porches, interior painting, floor replacement or re-finishing and remodeling of upstairs bathroom. Contact Jeff Krohn at (510) 238-2253, or by email at: jkrohn@oaklandnet.com with any questions. Page 15 of 25 Planroom & Online Bid Date Plan # Bid Time Location 11/12/2014 454 2:00 PM SAUSALITO Plan Name CSI Divisions / Job Description MISCELLANEOUS UPGRADES PROJECT (ONLINE ONLY) This project consists of 6 tasks: # of Addenda Plans Online 1. Exterior painting of several small buildings. 2. Structural improvements to foundation supports. 3. Replacement of 4 air relief valves on the District’s sewer force main. 4. Collector system modifications to two sewer sediment tanks. 5. One sewer pump replacement. 6. Modifications to a pump station wet well. Available for viewing ONLINE ONLY!!! 471 2:30 PM NEW OCEAN AVENUE AND PERSIA AVENUE SAN FRANCISCO PAVEMENT RENOVATION AND SEWER REPLACEMENT (ONLINE ONLY) The Work is located along Ocean Ave from San Jose Ave to Persia Ave and along Persia Ave from Ocean Ave to Dublin St and consists of pavement renovation, TEP bulbout and curb ramp construction, sewer replacement, water support work, traffic signal and streetlight support work, traffic routing and all associated work. Online Contact Ramon Kong, Project Manager, at (415) 554-8280 with any questions. Available for viewing ONLINE ONLY!!! 473 2:30 PM NEW PAVEMENT RENOVATION AND SEWER SAN FRANCISCO REPLACEMENT CRESCENT AND HUDSON AVENUES (ONLINE ONLY) Div 1-2 & 31-33. The Work is located on Crescent Ave from Mission St to Murphy located on Crescent Ave from Mission St to Murphy St and from Porter St to Putnam St , and on Hudson Ave from Phelps St to Ingalls St, and includes pavement renovation, sewer and drainage work, traffic routing and all associated work. Online Contact Ramon Kong, Project Manager, at (415) 554-8280 with any questions. Available for viewing ONLINE ONLY!!! 205 3:00 PM PETALUMA VICTORIA LIFT STATION UPGRADES Div 1, 9, 11, 13 & 15-16. The Work includes modifications to the existing pump station including, but not limited to, forcemain tie-in, dry pit valve replacement, removal and replacement of submersible pumps, wet well top replacements, electrical equipment, controls and instrumentation, bypass pumping during construction, site work, and related work as shown in the Contract Documents. Work also includes electrical improvements at the La Cresta Water Tanks for SCADA upgrades. SITE OF WORK: The site of the WORK is located at City of Petaluma Victoria Lift Station, Intersection of Windsor and West Haven, 1001 Windsor Dr. Petaluma CA and La Cresta Water Tanks at the end of Hayes Lane, Petaluma CA. Page 16 of 25 Planroom & Online Bid Date Plan # Bid Time Location 11/12/2014 247 3:00 PM LOS ALTOS Plan Name CSI Divisions / Job Description SMITHWICK THEATER HARDWARE IMPROVEMENTS AT FOOTHILL COLLEGE Div 1 & 8-9. Trades include wood doors, FRP doors, door hardware and painting. # of Addenda Plans Planroom & Online All questions must be sent to the District’s Purchasing Office, Attention: Annette Perez with a copy to Linda Mahi by email to: perezannette@fhda.edu with a copy to Linda Mahi at: mahilinda@fhda.edu, or by fax to (650) 948-5194. The deadline to submit questions is Noon on October 28, 2014. A question form is included herein, see Bid Document, 00 31 07. If you do not use the question form, you must still include the same details in your question that are requested by the form. The District will issue written response(s) to the bid questions as Amendments to the bid documents. Do not direct questions to any other person associated with this Project. Such action will only slow the District’s ability to respond to your inquiry. 340 3:00 PM SUNNYVALE NEW FIRE STATION ROLL UP DOOR REPLACEMENT Project consists of furnishing all labor, materials, and equipment and performing all work necessary and incidental to the completion of the project known as "Fire Station Roll Up Door Replacement, Project No. PR-14/02-15” consisting of replacing 11 roll up doors at three fire stations in the City of Sunnyvale, according to Plans and Specifications prepared by the City of Sunnyvale and according to the Contract Documents. 11/13/2014 470 1:00 PM DALY CITY NEW EXTENSION OF WESTLAKE WAREHOUSE (ONLINE ONLY) The Work includes design and construction of a pre-fabricated warehouse as detailed in the Plans and Specifications including, but not limited to, construct warehouse foundation based on soils report recently completed, construct warehouse, coordinate with City's Inspector to design and construct an extension of the fire sprinklers, installation of a ramp, installation of electrical equipment and acquire all necessary permits and any other work required for a complete and fully functional warehouse. Planroom & Online Online Available for viewing ONLINE ONLY!!! 429 2:00 PM LAFAYETTE CALTRANS 04-3G1604 CONSTRUCT MULTITIRED SLOPE STRESSING SYSTEM (ONLINE ONLY) Construct multi-tired slope stressing system in Contra Costa County in Lafayette 0.6 miles west of Happy Valley Road. The Contractor must have either a Class A License or any combination of the following Class C Licenses which constitutes a majority of the work: C-8, C-12, C-27. Online Available for viewing ONLINE ONLY!!! 460 2:00 PM SACRAMENT NEW ACCESS BARRIER REMOVAL ONLY AUTOMATIC Project comprises of labor, material and services necessary for minor demolition, O DOOR OPENER AND PUSH PLATES (ONLINE door operator, push plates, signage, new fire rated door, electrical and related work. ONLY) Available for viewing ONLINE ONLY!!! Page 17 of 25 Online Bid Date Plan # Bid Time Location Plan Name CSI Divisions / Job Description # of Addenda Plans 11/13/2014 467 2:00 PM NEW JOB ORDER CONTRACT, ELECTRICAL (C-10 SAN A Job Order Contract is an indefinite quantity contract pursuant to which the San FRANCISCO LICENSE), SAN FRANCISCO, PENINSULA, AND Francisco Public Utilities Commission may accomplish a series of projects with a EAST BAY CONTRACT NOS. JOC-52 AND JOC-53 single, competitively bid contract awarded before the projects are identified. (ONLINE ONLY) Contractors bid an adjustment factor to pre-set unit prices. Work is accomplished by issuing task orders to the successful contractor during the two year term of the contract. 103 2:30 PM SAN MATEO NEW MEMORIAL PARK WATER TREATMENT COUNTY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT LOMA MAR AREA 11/14/2014 441 2:00 PM RICHMOND The Work consists of, in general, installing 4" water main including trench and backfill, water line connections to any water service that was impacted by the waterline improvement, water valves, air release valves, elbows, thrust blocks, fittings, removing two storage sheds, installing two 4" thick concrete pads, new surface water treatment system with tanks (one source water and two baffled contact tanks), new raw water duplex pump system, and water line connections within the treatment system and pump house, as well as any other items and details not mentioned above, but required by the Project Plans, Standard Specifications and these Special Provisions, and the directions of the Engineer. RICHMOND PARKWAY INTERCONNECT WIRE Project consists of removal and installation of 275 (200 Base Bid + 75 Alternate) AND PULLBOX REPLACEMENT (ONLINE ONLY) new traffic rated boxes and construction of reinforced concrete pads around the boxes in accordance to City Standards, removal of asphalt concrete and concrete sidewalk as required, and the complete re-wire of the traffic signal interconnect system along the Richmond Parkway (Base Bid) from San Pablo Avenue to I-580 and Castro Street (Alternate Bid). (See Plans Attached), and for all other work, items or details not mentioned above that are required by the Drawings, Standard Specifications, or these Special Provisions. Available for viewing ONLINE ONLY!!! Page 18 of 25 Online Planroom & Online Online Bid Date Plan # Bid Time Location 11/18/2014 312 10:00 AM CONCORD Plan Name CSI Divisions / Job Description # of Addenda Plans NEW BOLLMAN WTP SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE TANK Div 1 & 9. The Work includes supply, erection, and removal of scaffolding; the T-46 REPAIR supply, erection, operation, and removal of an environment control (ventilation) system and lighting for activities inside the tank; the supply, erection, operation, and removal of an abrasive and dust containment enclosure; pressure washing of interior surfaces and removal and disposal of all wash water rinsate; removal of existing resin lining; removal and proper disposal of debris materials; welding steel plates as patches over pits and corroded areas on the tank interior as directed; repair of the hole in the tank wall by welding steel plates on the tank interior and exterior; preparation of surfaces for new coatings; application and curing of multiple layers of new vinyl ester resin lining system; replacement of flanges, hardware, and gaskets on the four nozzles on the bottom of the tank; furnishing emergency rescue services while personnel are working inside the tank; reconnection of all inlet, outlet, and drain piping; hydrostatic test of tank for leakage; and supplying tools, materials, and appurtenant equipment as required for a complete rehabilitation of Sodium Hypochlorite Tank T-46. The Work also includes supply, erection and removal of scaffolding, the supply, erection, operation, and removal of an environment control (ventilation) system and lighting for inspection activities inside each tank, and furnishing emergency rescue services while personnel are inside each tank to facilitate the inspection of the two other sodium hypochlorite tanks T-44 and T-45. Page 19 of 25 Planroom & Online Bid Date Plan # Bid Time Location 11/18/2014 196 2:00 PM OAKLAND Plan Name CSI Divisions / Job Description # of Addenda Plans BART EARTHQUAKE SAFETY PROGRAM 1-7, 9, 20 & 32. The Work in this Contract is part of the BART Earthquake Safety SEISMIC RETROFIT AND REPAIRS AT VARIOUS Program (the Program). The Program includes construction of structural LOCATIONS modifications to the existing system to provide adequate resistance to forces of a major seismic event. The result will reduce the risk to, and improve the safety of, patrons and personnel during an earthquake. The Work included in this Contract includes construction of structural modifications to improve seismic safety of Districtowned structures as described in the Contract Documents. Work includes, but is not limited to the following: Planroom & Online EMBARCADERO STATION: Removal of existing granite curb and fabrication and installation of new concrete curb at radial crossover at six (6) station entrance locations. DALY CITY STATION and NORTH OAKLAND AERIALS including ROCKRIDGE STATION PARKING LOT: Removal of existing fire protective coating and installation of new fire protective coating and painting over existing fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) wrapped casings at various locations. SAN FRANCISCO TRANSITION STRUCTURE (SFTS): Fabricate and install stainless steel fence panels, install tamper proof screws, install walkway markings, replace light fixture, install pushbutton signage, and repair leak(s) at planter. 209 2:00 PM FREMONT WARM SPRINGS EXTENSION WETLAND MITIGATION SITE - BART Div 1-3, 5-7, 10 & 31-33. The Work includes furnishing all labor, equipment, materials, except for District-Furnished plants and cuttings, and services to construct a wetland mitigation site adjacent to the Warm Springs Extension trackway in the City of Fremont, CA as described in Contract Specification Section 01 11 00 Summary of Work. Prospective Bidders are requested to make every effort to attend the one and only scheduled pre-Bid meeting and site tour as the majority of the Jobsite is a BART construction site. Cameras will be allowed at the job site tour. Interested prospective Bidders are requested to confirm their intention to attend by notifying Contract Administrator, Sunni Gunawardena, telephone (510) 464-6550 prior to the date of the scheduled pre-bid meeting and site tour. Page 20 of 25 Planroom & Online Bid Date Plan # Bid Time Location 11/18/2014 416 2:00 PM DALY CITY Plan Name CSI Divisions / Job Description REPLACE GLASS PANELS AT DALY CITY STATION PLATFORM - BART (ONLINE ONLY) Contractor shall provide all labor, equipment, materials and services required for replacing non-tempered glass panels with tempered glass at the platform level at the BART Daly City Station. # of Addenda Plans Online Contact Anita Maynar at (510) 464-6543 with any questions. Available for viewing ONLINE ONLY!!! 462 2:00 PM SAN FRANCISCO AND ALAMEDA COUNTIES CALTRANS 04-013524 REMOVE BRIDGE Remove bridge (portion) and salvage bridge elements in the City and County of San (PORTION) AND SALVAGE BRIDGE ELEMENTS - Francisco and Alameda County from 0.8 mile east of the Yerba Buena Tunnel to 0.8 ONLINE ONLY mile west of the Toll Plaza. The Contractor must have either a Class A License or a combination of Class C Licenses which constitutes a majority of the work. Online This Project is available for viewing ONLINE ONLY!!! 465 2:00 PM SAN PABLO NEW PLAZA SAN PABLO ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS The Project consists of, but is not limited to, demolition of existing concrete PROJECT PHASES 1 & 2 (ONLINE ONLY) sidewalk, curb and gutter, AC pavement, and select utilities; installation of new underground utilities, storm drain piping and inlets, sanitary sewer main pipe and sanitary sewer manhole, fine grading and placement of baserock, concrete sidewalk, curb and gutter, AC pavement, ADA ramps, signage and striping, bioswales, landscaping and planting, and irrigation system; construction of a water fountain; and installation of street lighting and traffic signals. Online Available ONLINE ONLY!!! 478 2:00 PM CUPERTINO MOT RESTROOM REMODEL AT OPERATION CENTER (ONLINE ONLY) The Project consists of all materials, labor, equipment, and apparatus, whether specifically mentioned or not, necessary to remodel MOT Department’s women’s and men’s restrooms per McKim Architect’s Plans and Specifications. The restrooms are located in CUSD’s facilities building at Operations Center. This Project is available for viewing ONLINE ONLY!!! Page 21 of 25 1 Online Bid Date Plan # Bid Time Location Plan Name CSI Divisions / Job Description # of Addenda Plans 11/18/2014 915 2:00 PM ALAMEDA COUNTY NEW DRAINAGE INLET STRUCTURE REPLACEMENT The Project consists of preparing construction schedules; preparing traffic and AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS ON FOOTHILL ROAD detour plans; installing temporary traffic control systems; providing construction AND MINES ROAD area signs; furnishing and implementing water pollution control plan; furnishing and applying water; installing and removing temporary high visibility and silt/wildlife exclusion fence and posts at each project site; relocating roadside signs/mile markers and posts; installing roadside signs and posts; removing existing concrete headwalls and drop inlets; removing part of existing CMP/RCP culverts; removing and disposing of unsuitable subgrade material, if encountered, as directed by the Engineer; removing and disposing of excess and waste material; extending existing CMPIIlCP/box culverts; installing reinforced concrete pipe collars; constructing new reinforced concrete headwalls and drop inlets; clearing/removing all debris from existing CMP/RCP/box culverts; coordinating with various utility companies; coordinating with property owners; the cleaning of the site at the end of the job. Planroom & Online 11/19/2014 129 2:00 PM APTOS NEW BUILDING 1550 AND 1600 HVAC AND LIGHTING Div 2, 6, 9 & 15-17. Trades include selective demolition, rough carpentry, gypsum RENOVATIONS AT CABRILLO COLLEGE board assemblies, paints and coatings, HVAC, testing and balancing, lighting and electrical. Planroom & Online 456 2:00 PM SONOMA COUNTY NEW CALTRANS 04-3G1204 CONSTRUCT SOLDIER Construct soldier pile wall and place culvert in Sonoma County near Cloverdale PILE WALL AND PLACE CULVERT (ONLINE ONLY)about 3.1 miles west of north Cloverdale Boulevard. The Contractor must have either a Class A License or a combination of Class C Licenses which constitutes a majority of the work. Online Available for viewing ONLINE ONLY!!! 11/20/2014 10 2:00 PM LOS ALTOS NEW REHABILITATION OF LOYOLA OVERCROSSING Project consists of bridge removal (portions); adding additional traffic lanes and AT FOOTHILL EXPRESSWAY bicycle lanes in each direction; reconstruct bridge railing; placing CIDH piles behind existing abutment walls, columns to the pier; protecting in place a retaining wall as well as associated roadway work for the structure briefly described as: Loyola Overcrossing at Foothill Expressway. Planroom & Online Contact Amir Douraghy, Project Engineer, at (408) 573-2496 with any questions. 430 2:00 PM SAN FRANCISCO SCHWERIN STREET SEWER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT (ONLINE ONLY) Div 1-3, 5 & 9. The objective of the Project Installation of new auxiliary wet weather sewer by means of microtunneling and replacement of existing local sewers. The Work is to be performed in San Francisco, California. Available for viewing ONLINE ONLY!!! Page 22 of 25 Online Bid Date Plan # Bid Time Location 11/20/2014 457 2:00 PM GILROY Plan Name CSI Divisions / Job Description # of Addenda Plans NEW EIGLEBERRY STREET RESURFACING PROJECT Project consists of the construction of asphalt concrete pavement, cold mill of (ONLINE ONLY) asphalt concrete and portland concrete, removal and replacement of concrete, adjustment of utilities to grade, concrete construction, and striping including incidental and appurtenant work necessary for the completion of construction of the resurfacing Eigleberry Street from 1st to 10th street in the City of Gilroy, CA. Online Available for viewing ONLINE ONLY!!! 71-73 2:00 PM NEW BOOKER T. WASHINGTON COMMUNITY SAN FRANCISCO SERVICE CENTER 38 2:30 PM LIVERMORE NEW LIVERMORE-PLEASANTON FIRE STATION NO. 9 Div 1-12, 21-23, 26-28 & 31-34. Project consists of the demolition and disposal of the existing 3,350 sq. ft. Fire Station No. 9 and construction of a new 6,920 sq. ft. Fire Station on the same site in the City of Livermore. Div 1-12, 14, 21-23, 26, 28 & 31-33. Trade scopes include, but are not limited to, demolition, concrete and rebar, shotcrete, gypsum underlayment, stone countertops, structural steel and metal fabrications, rough carpentry, casework, waterproofing, insulation, roofing, cement siding, sheet metal flashing, expansion joints, doors/frames/hardware, sectional doors, storefronts and windows, plaster, gypsum board assemblies, tile, acoustical ceilings, wood athletic flooring, carpet and resilient, painting, signage, toilet partitions and accessories, wire mesh partitions, operable partitions, lockers, appliances, projection screens, athletic equipment, play structures, window shades, entry grilles, bleachers, site furnishings, bike racks, elevators, trash chutes, fire suppression, plumbing, HVAC, electrical, fire alarm, earthwork, A/C paving, site concrete, playground surfacing, metal and wood fences and gates, planting and irrigation and underground utilities. Trades include building demolition, hazmant abatement, concrete, masonry mortar, unit masonry, adhered masonry veneer, structural steel framing, metal fabrications, metal ladders, rough carpentry, shop-fabricated wood trusses, glue-laminated construction, finish carpentry, wood-veneer-faced architectural cabinets, water repellents, blanket insulation, nailable insulated sheathing, TPR, sheet metal roofing, sheet metal flashing and trim, manufactured guttes and downspouts, roof hatches, firestopping, joint sealants, hollow metal doors and frames, wood doors, access doors and frames, overhead coiling doors, aluminum windows, tubular skylights, door hardware, glazing, gypsum board assemblies, cement plastering, acoustical panel ceiling, resilient flooring, tile carpeting, fiber reinforced plastic panel, painting, utility protective systems, graffiti resistant coating, markerboards and tackboards, signage, toilet accessories, fire protection specialties, flagpoles, grilles and screens, vehicle exhaust removal system, miscellaneous equipment, vertical louver blinds, fire suppression sprinkler system, plumbing, HVAC, testing, adjusting and balancing for HVAC generator, electrical, TV signal distribution system, sound system, fire alarm system, rough grading, finish grading, excavation, backfilling, trenching, asphalt paving, concrete paving, chain link fences and gates, automatic gates, landscaping, irrigation system and utilities. Page 23 of 25 Planroom & Online Planroom & Online Bid Date 12/1/2014 Plan # Bid Time Location 21-24 3:00 PM Plan Name CSI Divisions / Job Description NEW ISLAIS CREEK FACILITY PHASE II SAN FRANCISCO MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS BUILDING # of Addenda Plans Div 1-3 & 5-16. The Work to be done under this Contract is located within the City of San Francisco as shown on the Plans. The Project generally consists of the construction of a new maintenance and operations building which will supplement the existing fuel/wash and annex buildings previously constructed. Work to be performed under this Project includes, but not limited to, Selective demolition for the installation of work to be performed; Utility work in both the public and private right of way including fire water, domestic water, fire hydrants, storm and sanitary sewer, electrical and communication work, manholes, utility boxes, gas service, etc.; Excavate, handle, reuse, transport, and dispose of site soils, groundwater and storm water controls, environmental mitigation controls, and environmental management of excavated materials; Dewatering work, including dewatering of excavations, equipment, foundations, and utility trenches; Shoring for excavations and open cuts as required by the governing jurisdiction(s) requirements, and as determined by the contractor to perform the work to be constructed; Site work including street and sidewalk, concrete paving, fencing work, site lighting, signage and striping, site furnishings; Building construction including piles, pile caps, framing, exterior siding, roofing, elevators, windows, interior partitions, insulation, fireproofing, interior finishes, doors, cabinetry, painting, interior furnishings, etc.; Mechanical, electrical, plumbing, telecom, communication, fire alarm, fire protection systems, system integration, solar panel system, access control, security systems, etc.; Fluid systems including underground and aboveground tanks, piping and dispensing systems; Vehicle maintenance equipment including vehicle lifts, exhaust system, shop equipment, hoists and cranes;Replacement of existing manhole lids; Provide pre-construction and post construction survey, vibration and ground movement monitoring; Construction of shoreline improvements including the installation of benches, and the removal and replacement/re-grading of existing surfaces to align with the grade with the building entrances; Coordinating and scheduling of work with the various utility agencies for their service; Coordinating and scheduling of the special inspections and testing agencies, and inspections by the governing jurisdictions; Coordinating and scheduling of work with Muni Operations and Maintenance, and other projects working on the site or in the immediate area; Testing, Training, and Start-Up. A comprehensive program for testing, training, and start-up of systems and components installed in the work of this Contract, including preparing operations and maintenance manuals, providing training for City’s operating and maintenance personnel, and completing start-up procedures and requirements as detailed in the Specifications. Contact Joon Park, Project Manager, at (415) 701-4742, or by email at: Joon.Park@sfmta.com with any questions. Page 24 of 25 Planroom & Online Bid Date 12/4/2014 Plan # Bid Time Location 86 10:30 AM SAN FRANCISCO 105 2:00 PM OAKLAND # of Addenda Plans Plan Name CSI Divisions / Job Description BELTLINE BUILDING PROJECT - PHASE I The Project Scope of Work includes installation of public Men's and Women's restrooms in the historic Beltline Building's 1944 addition. Work includes selective demolition and hazardous material removal; installation of walls, doors, tile, flooring and toilet partitions; installation and repairs of plumbing, mechanical, electrical, fixtures and systems. NEW ELIHU HARRIS STATE BUILDING 602 - ACCESS Div 1-2, 5-10, 12, 26-28 & 31-32. The Access Barrier Removal Project at the Elihu BARRIER REMOVAL PROJECT Harris State Building is limited to and includes only the removal of architectural barriers related to the path of travel in common areas within the building and the site. The following items have been identified as non-compliant with the 2013 CBC or the 2010 Americans with Disabilities Standards. The Scope of Work includes constructing new accessible parking stalls (including restriping and wheel stops), correcting slopes of driveways, passenger loading, walkways, on-site sidewalks, and ramps, installation of truncated domes, lowering control panels and correcting threshold gaps in 17 passenger elevators, replacement of two building entrance doors, replacement of battery powered door openers with door openers hard wired to power generators, replacement of signage (approximately 500 total); demolition of existing concrete pavement, parking lot striping, and exterior doors. Scope of Work will bring these areas into compliance. Contact Pamela Mendoza, Associate Construction Analyst, at (916) 376-1731 with any questions. Page 25 of 25 4 Planroom & Online Planroom & Online