2015 Summer School & T Semester 2015 Faculty of Education


2015 Summer School & T Semester 2015 Faculty of Education
Faculty of Education
Te Kura Toi Tangata
Summer School & T Semester 2015
Summer School
Applications for Summer School close on
Sunday 8 December 2014
For further information contact:
Bernice Ziarno
Phone: (07) 838 4466 ext. 7819
Email: b.ziarno@waikato.ac.nz
Semester and Teaching Periods for 2015
Summer School: During period from 5 January – 20 February 2015
C, D or T Outside or within normal semester periods – as advertised
Paper is taught in Hamilton
Paper is taught in Tauranga
Paper is taught online
Paper has some block face-to-face teaching periods
The information in this booklet was correct at the time of printing October 2014. Some
papers may be subject to change or cancellation. For room details and up to date
timetable information check online at: http://www.waikato.ac.nz/study/enrol/summer/
undergraduate.shtml alternatively click on the relevant paper code.
summer school guide
200 Level Optional Papers (20 points)
ALED200-15S (HAM) Exploring Visual Arts Media for Educational Contexts:
Students will be working individually and collaboratively in exploring printmaking that can
be adapted to classroom settings. Themes, products and processes used and created will
be documented and commented on as a reflective journal.
Prerequisite: 15 points at 100 level in an Arts paper.
Teaching time:
12-16 January (9am - 5pm) 19-23 January (9am - 5pm)
Convenor: Cheri Waititi
Email: panda@waikato.ac.nz
ALED202-15T (HAM) Contemporary Māori Art for Educational Contexts
A study of contemporary Māori artists and their work, through a series of practical
experiences in which a selected range of art making processes are examined.
Prerequisite: 15 points at 100 level in an Arts paper.
Teaching time:
16-30 November (9am - 5pm)
Convenor: Donn Ratana
Email: ratana@waikato.ac.nz
ALED205-15S (TGA) Painting in Educational Contexts
This paper focuses on a practical exploration of approaches to painting, using personal
imagery initially derived from observation and media manipulation. Procedures for
developing ideas will reflect an understanding of diverse painting styles and traditions.
Prerequisite: Workshops: Convenor:
Email: 15 points at 100 level
12 - 16 January (9am - 4pm) 19 - 23 January (9am - 4pm)
Graham Price
ALED220-15S (HAM) Contemporary Music Making in Educational Contexts
This practical music paper enables participating students to further develop their musical
skills and knowledge with engaging contemporary music examples. Learning opportunities
include playing, vocalizing, creating and performing music from the field of Popular and
World Music. Music leadership skills will be part of the content of this paper and
participants will be able to create, develop and record their own music. There will be
openings for musical playing with African style percussion, guitar, keyboard and local
musical instruments.
Restriction: Students must be able to attend in person Wednesday 7 to Tuesday 13 January
2015 daily between 8.30 am and 4pm. Students must have access to the internet.
Prerequisite: TEAL123 (HAM) or (TGA), OR: ALED 120 (HAM) or (TGA), or equivalent.
Teaching time: 7-9 January (8.30am - 4pm) 12 - 13 January (8.30am - 4pm)
Note: This paper is supported online. Enrolment in this paper is limited to 20 students.
Christoph Maubach
Email: cmaubach@waikato.ac.nz
faculty of education
ALED225-15S (TGA) Dance and Education
This paper focuses on dance within educational contexts through increasing dance skills
(both creative and performative), dance knowledge and exposure to teaching strategies,
which embrace current dance practices. Learning will include both practical work and
guided enquiry.
15 points at 100 level in a dance related subject
12 - 16 January (9am - 4pm)
19 - 23 January (9am - 4pm)
Sue Cheesman
HDCO322-15S (HAM) Motivation and Behaviour Difficulties: Methods and
Strategies for Educators
This paper provides practical skills for responding to challenging behaviour in the primary
and secondary classroom, and it also considers broader developmental and environmental
factors that can influence what transpires in school settings. In addition to the risk and
resilience framework and applied behaviour analysis, students are introduced to a
relational view of behaviour, including restorative and culturally responsive practices.
Opportunities are provided to practice ways of speaking and a class meeting process that
can be used for addressing conflict, building learning communities and developing key
Prerequisite: 40 points at 200 level in Education Studies, Human Development, Professional
Education or Psychology.
Teaching time:
5-9 January (9am - 3pm)
12 - 16 January (9am - 3pm)
Enrolment in this paper is limited to 90 students.
Dr Maria Kecskemeti
PROF390-15S (HAM) Directed Study
This paper is available only to students enrolled in the BTchg who have the approval of the
Chairperson of Department.
A Directed Study is an independent study on a topic of interest to the student over the
summer period. Students wanting to enrol in this paper are asked to identify a topic to
explore in consultation with an appropriate supervisor.
It is crucial that students wanting to complete this paper contact a potential supervisor
prior to the completion of Semester B 2014 for more detailed information.
Prerequisites: Completion of all core BTchg papers.40 points at 300 level in BTchg. Entry is at
the discretion of Chairperson of Department.
Dr Bill Ussher
summer school guide
SPLS309-15S (HAM) Adventure and the Outdoors
This paper critically examines theory and practice related to adventure and sustainability
in the outdoors. This is achieved through a combination of practical experience, theoretical
learning and critical reflection.
Prerequisite: Teaching time:
SPLS209 or SPLS214
5-9 January (9am - 4pm)
19 - 22 January (9am - 4pm)
Marg Cosgriff
SPLS390-15S (HAM) Directed Study
This paper is available only to students enrolled in the BSpLS who have the approval of the
Chairperson of Department.
A Directed Study is an independent study on a topic of interest to the student over the
summer period. Students wanting to enrol in this paper are asked to identify a topic to
explore in consultation with an appropriate supervisor.
The SPLS directed study can also involve a placement in an organisation over the summer
school period. For a placement, students are asked to identify an organisation and a topic
to explore within the organisation in consultation with an appropriate supervisor.
It is crucial that students wanting to complete this paper contact Lisa Hayes prior to the
completion of Semester B 2014 for more detailed information. Assessment is often by way
of a Reflective Journal and/or written report for the organisation, a literature review and
Prerequisite: At least a B+ average across 200 level papers. 40 points at 200 level in Sport
and Leisure Studies. Entry is at the discretion of Chairperson of Department and the student
requires an approval form signed off by Lisa Hayes.
Lisa Hayes
TEPS320-15S (HAM) Curriculum and Assessment: Issues and Strategies
A critical analysis of curriculum and assessment practice in school and classroom settings
and in the wider context of education, and their relationship to learning and teaching.
Teaching time:
TEDE221 and TEPS222, or TEDE271
5 - 9 January (Online)
12 - 16 January (9am - 3pm)
19 - 23 January (9am - 3pm)
This paper is taught partially online.
Kerry Earl
faculty of education
500 Level Papers (30 points)
The following papers are for students enrolled in postgraduate study.
ALED515-15C (HAM) Drama as Pedagogy: Mantle of the Expert
This paper gives students, including practising teachers with a specialism in drama
education, the opportunity to research, critique and plan programmes for learners using
the drama-based inquiry learning system ‘Mantle of the Expert’.
Convenor: Email: Weeks taught: Viv Aitken
DSOE557-15S (HAM) Research Methods
This paper introduces students to the major educational research paradigms,
methodologies appropriate to collecting data in schools (including interviews,
observations, surveys, case studies), action research, literature reviews, critiquing research,
and report writing. It includes consideration of ethical issues in research.
Required book(s): Menter, I., Elliot, D., Hulme, M., Lewin, J., Lowden, K. A Guide to
Practitioner Research in Education (London:Sage)
HDCO549 -15S (BLK) Counselling and Contexts
This paper provides an overview of counselling practice and its contexts, including
optional modules focusing on primary and secondary schools. It teaches the skills of a
generic approach alongside an introduction to narrative practice.
Internal assessment/examination ratio: 1:0
Note: This paper is taught partially online and includes a compulsory five-day block period
on campus in Hamilton. It is open to other graduates who demonstrate relevant background
and experience. Students selected into the MCouns may be advised or required to complete
this paper before enrolling in HDCO541.
Directed Study (30 points)
The Directed Study provides the postgraduate student with the opportunity to do a small
piece of independent research under supervision, contributing to the student’s
development as an independent scholar.
ALED590-15S (HAM); 15S(NET) Directed Study
DSOE590 -15S (HAM); 15S(NET) Directed Study
HDCO590-15S (NET) Directed Study
MSTE590-15S (NET) Directed Study
STER590-15D (NET) Directed Study
summer school guide
Full-list of Papers
Click on link for full offerings (ensure you are connected to the internet)
ALED200 Exploring Visual Arts Media for Educational Contexts: Printmaking
ALED202 Contemporary Māori Art for Educational Contexts
ALED205 Painting in Educational Contexts
ALED220 Contemporary Music Making in Educational Context
ALED225 Dance and Education
HDCO322 Motivation and Behaviour Difficulties: Methods and Strategies for Educators
PROF390 Directed Study
SPLS309 Adventure, Sustainability and the Outdoors
SPLS390 Directed Study
TEPS320 Curriculum and Assessment: Issues and Strategies
ALED515 Drama as Pedagogy: The Mantle of the Expert
DSOE557 Research Methods
HDCO549 Counselling and Contexts
ALED590 Directed Study
DSOE590 Directed Study
HDCO590 Directed Study
MSTE590 Directed Study
STER590 Directed Study
faculty of education
T U K U A Ō U W H A K A A R O K I A R E R E , K I A P U TA ,
The University of Waikato
Private Bag 3105
Hamilton 3240
New Zealand
Toll Free: 0800 WAIKATO
Website: www.waikato.ac.nz
The Faculty of Education
Telephone: +64 7 838 4500
Facsimile: +64 7 838 4555
Toll Free: 0800 83 22 42
Website: www.waikato.ac.nz/education
©The University of Waikato, October 2014.