October Newsletter Pack 297 Leaders & Committee October Pack Meeting - 10/13


October Newsletter Pack 297 Leaders & Committee October Pack Meeting - 10/13
October Newsletter
Pack 297 Leaders & Committee
October Pack Meeting - 10/13
Woodland Gym - Monday October 13 - 6:30 PM (gathering)
Neal Miller: Committee Chair/Bear Den Leader
- 6:45 PM Flags/Meeting Start
- Popcorn Sale 5 Item Check in
Mike Dunfield:
Cub Master/Wolf Den Leader
- Introduction to Outdoor Skills (IOS1)
- Fall Camp, Halloween Party and Haunted Woods sign ups
Joe Salerno: Assistant Cub Master/ Webelos I Den Leader
Tracy Arra: Treasurer
Deanna Dunfield: Secretary
The majority of pack dues go toward our council and national memberships,
insurance fees, awards and and some pack activities that are not funded by
popcorn sales.
Kelly Downey: Webelos II Den Leader
Pack Dues
Pack dues for the 2013-2014 school year (2014 Scout Year) are $50 and are due at
the October Pack Meeting.
We strive to maintain a quality year round scouting program at a low cost and still
do not charge additional fees for pack activities. Popcorn fund raising covers the
majority of our expenses, and allows our scouts to take an active part in earning
the funds used through out the year. A typical scout year costs the pack about
$150 per boy.
Shawn Davis: Webelos II Asst Den Leader
October Birthdays
Elijah Fontanilla - 10/1 Isaac Fontanilla - 10/1 Tyler Rocha - 10/1
Jason Sherwood: Bear Den Leader
Mike Ryan: Tiger Cub Den Leader
James Kraatz - 10/17 Andrew Calkins - 10/17
Sorry if we missed any new scouts this month, the applications are at the scout shop for entry.
Boys Life
Boys Life subscriptions are available for purchase and the cost is $12 for twelve
issues. We will collect money at the October Pack meeting.
Upcoming Events
Popcorn Pickup - 10/3
The subscriptions are part of our rechartering process and payment is made at
the same time as National Registration dues. The first issue is typically received
in February or March.
No Meeting - 10/6 (PPS Half day)
Popcorn Pickup - 10/10
Pack 297 Halloween Party - 10/25 - Oakland Drive Park
Pack Meeting - 10/13
Who: Pack 297 Families
When: Saturday October 25, 2014 1 PM – 2:30 PM
Where: Oakland Drive Park
7650 Oakland Drive
What to Bring: Costume
Snack Item (Nut Free)
Activities: Costume Contest
Games – Giant Spider Web, Candy Toss, Make a Mummy and more!
Fall Camp -10/18 - 10/19 - Rota Kiwan
Arrow of Light Ceremony/Boy Scout
Crossover - 10/19 - 7:30 PM
Den Meetings - 10/20
Pack 297 Halloween Party - 10/25
Haunted Woods @ Rota Kiwan -10/25
Den Meetings - 11/3
See the attached flyer for more details!
Den Meetings - 11/10
Hike - 11/15
Adventure is Waiting. Build Yours!
October Newsletter
Fall Camp - 10/18 -10/19
Fall Camp will begin on Saturday October 18 at 9 AM in the Cub Pavilion with activities in this area until 1 PM.
After 1 PM we will move to the Indian Village + Long House and Denso Cabin + Long House.
Scouting happens at camp and in 2015 all ranks will have requirements that need to be completed at camp. Pack 297 camp outings
distinguish us from other Cub Scout Packs as well!
Activities: Camping skills, bouldering, moonlight hike, stargazing, enjoy fall colors, outdoor rank advancement, outdoor games,
campfires, snacks, cooking, and more!
One of the highlights of this camp will be the Arrow of Light Ceremony/Boy Scout crossover of our Webelos II scouts at our Saturday
night campfire!
Signup sheets will be available at all meetings until 10/13 - (sheets will be alphabetized for confirmation purposes)
Packing list and schedule are attached.
Popcorn Sales 2014
Sales continue until Monday October 27.
We will have two more nights for product pick up - Friday 10/3 and Friday 10/10
All unsold checked out popcorn must be returned on Monday 10/27 6 PM - 7 PM
We will reallocate to fill orders and place final orders for popcorn and prizes the week of 11/3
Frequent popcorn updates will continue until the sales end.
New Pack 297 T-Shirts - Orders Due 10/13
We will be ordering new BSA licensed T-shirt from ClassB.com, which will make us stand out in a crowd and pay tribute to the history of the Pack (45
years on 6/1/15) in October.
Each shirt is $10 and we need to order at least 80 shirts to receive this pricing.
We would like all order forms and payments turned at the 10/13 Pack Meeting.
We would like all of our scouts to have these shirts and we encourage parents, siblings and grandparents to have one as well.
This design will be ours for years to come and we can reorder in the future if necessary.
Haunted Woods At Rota Kiwan
Who: Pack 297 Popcorn Sellers and their Families –
When: Saturday October 25, 2014 4:45 PM – until scared
Where: Meet at Southridge Reformed Parking lot to get shuttle into camp
At 4:45 PM
What to Bring: Costume, good shoes, flashlight. Dress for late October weather
Cost: The Pack will pay $5 of the $10 admission price for all scouts that sell popcorn.
Parents/Siblings over 5 are $10 each.
Deadline: Sign ups and money are due by the 10/20 Den Meeting
Help Wanted
Have an interesting job or hobby that you would like to share? Would you like to teach a belt loop or activity? Would you like to become part of the
pack leadership? Some positions available for the upcoming year:
- Pack Trainer - Assistant Den Leaders (Wolf, Webelos I) 2014/15 - Tiger Den Leaders 2014/15 - Advancement Coordinator- Assistant
Popcorn Kernels
Pack 297 has many opportunities available, please see Mike Dunfield or your den leader if you are interested.