Treasurer’s Financial Update for September 2014


Treasurer’s Financial Update for September 2014
Deer Park Announcements for the Week of October 26, 2014
Treasurer’s Financial Update for September 2014
9:00-10:30 Tai Chi (continuing)
10:30-noon Tai Chi (beginner)
6:30-8:00 Parkland Scouts
9:15 -10:30 Food for Thought
9:30-noon Coffee and Chat
1:30-2:30 Autism Choir
4:00-6:00 Afterschool Program
9:30-11:30 Women of Spirit
4:00-6:00 Afterschool Program
4:00 – 6:00 Home Alone Safety
7:00 Choir
7:30 p.m. AA Meeting
7:00 – 9:00 Deer Park Youth
Developing a common vision for our church community
At the request of Council, a small group has been meeting since spring
to discuss a vision as we move forward in our church life. We would
like to meet in small groups with any or all who attend this church, to
receive your input. We want to ask you three questions:
What brings you here?
What are we doing right?
What are we missing? What can be changed or added?
There will be various opportunities to be involved. One will be right
after church on November 2. Others will be announced. If you are
unable to attend a small group, you can send your thoughts to Denise
Penfold at . We will tabulate everyone’s input,
share it with the Joint Needs Assessment Committee and with you.
Thank you for helping shape our church for the future.
Other upcoming events:
Remembrance Benefit Concert Sun. Nov. 9 from 3–5 pm , with
Barry Luft, Richard Harrow and Cara Luft. $25 Proceeds to support
Veterans with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder..
The Annual Turkey Supper will be Saturday, November
22.Two sittings are available at 5:15 and 6:45pm. Tickets
areavailable at the church office during the week or
afterchurch on Sundays:
Seniors: $15
Adults: $20
Child: (6-12): $10
Child under 6: free
Family 2 (adults and 3 children): $50
Volunteers are needed for providing food donations, preparation and
cleanup. Sign up sheets will be in the Narthex for the period leading up
to the event. There will be a silent auction at the same time and
donation information will be up coming.
Local Givings
Total Income
Net Income
2014 vs.
September local contributions of $21,264 were $2,885 below September
in 2013. Other Income was $3,738 above that of last year. Therefore,
total revenue was $853 above that of last year. St Andrews contribution
of $2,083 was the primary difference.
Year-to-date local contributions of $197,248 were $6,978 below the first
nine months of 2013 and $9,652 below the budget. This is a 3.5%
decrease from last year and 5% below budget. Year-to-date Other
Income of $37,188 was $20,839 above last year -- because St. Andrews
contributed $18,750 through September, resulting in the Total Revenue
increase of $13,861 compared to 2013, and $653 above the year-to-date
September spending of $24,566 was $5,312 (18%) below that of last
September, as salaries were down by $2,849 and benefits were lower by
$307 compared to that of last September.
Year-to-date spending is lower than last year-to-date by $640 and lower
than budget by $6,157. Compared to our year-to-date budget, Office &
Admin Expenses were down by $1,222. Building Expenses were over
budget by $9,419, $7,402 of which was due to unplanned but necessary
increased spending for maintenance on, and upgrades to the building
and grounds. Ministry expenses of $5,598 were below the budget with
the majority of the spending ($2,966) allocated to the youth program.
Salary & Benefits were below $8,403 below budget. Other expenses
were $3,195 below budget, because the Council retreat planned for
September was not undertaken.
The month of September saw a small surplus of $446, helped by GST
rebates for the January to June period.
Year-to-date spending was $6,157 lower than budgeted for and Total
Revenue was $653 higher than budgeted for, resulting in a year-to-date
net loss of $12,353 which was $6,810 better than budgeted for.
A more detailed report has been posted in the “Finance” section of the
bulletin board.
Ministry of Worship and the Arts
Ushers and Greeters: If you can volunteer from time to time to be
an usher or greeter, please call Donna Black at 403-256-2435.
We hope you enjoy today's HymnSing. We are keeping track of all
requests, and will do our best to include as many as possible each 4th
Sunday of the month. The signup is on the south bulletin board on the
way to the Fellowship Hall. Next HymnSing will be November 23, so
keep your requests coming!
Painting Volunteers needed for Saturday, November 8th to help
paint the kitchen with Dave Patterson. Meet at 9:00 a.m. We will
supply the paint, but bring brushes and rollers. Call Dave or Sue at
403-278-7228 if you have questions.
Ministry of Community
Coffee and Chat: Tuesday mornings in the Fireside Lounge from 9:30
–noon….come and go as it suits. All welcome
Progressive Dinner –
January 31
Save the Date
Ministry of Social Justice and Outreach
Deer Ridge Kids FREE City of Calgary Afterschool Program:
Tuesday and Wednesday from Oct 14 to Dec 18th from 4 p.m. to 6
Make a Child Smile: We are collecting new running shoes and white
socks for Mazatlan again this year (infants to young adults). Thank you
so much for your support. Bob & Brenda Horen – 403-271-1392.
Home Alone Safety Program: presented by Aspen Family Services at
Deer Park. A free program for those aged 9-12 on October 30 from 46 pm. Call Kim to register: 403-219-3477 x117.
M&S Enthusiast: If this opportunity is of interest, contact the office.
Fall Craft Fair and Bake Sale
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! We raised $1700.63 for youth
programs here at Deer Park.
Thank you to everyone who came to our sale, ready to shop. Thank you
to all who donated baking and crafts. Thank you to the Copper Guild
craft group for their donations of knitted and quilted craft items and fruit
cakes. Thank you to our anonymous donor of the wooden craft items.
And an extra special thank you to everyone who donated their time for
setting up and running the sale, especially Betty, Shirley and Brenda,
who went above and beyond what anyone could ask.
Kitchen Committee If you have questions about kitchen operations, a
new Kitchen Manual is in place where you will find the answers. Look
for a well marked 3 ring blue binder on the kitchen counter near the
phone. Please let us know if you have suggestions or additions. Thanks
to Barb Savidant for her work on this project.
Following food events, we are required to LABEL and DATE items left
in the refrigerator. Labels and a pen are in a clear container in the fridge.
To avoid us having to throw out undated foods, please share the food
amongst your group to take home or notify an incoming group that the
food is for their consumption. Unnecessary waste of edible foods can be
avoided this way.
Thank you for your help.
Ministry of Health and Healing
Prayer Circle: Prayer group is looking for new members. We meet
every second Monday in the sanctuary to pray for 'The prayers of the
people' and confidential prayer requests. If you feel a deeper connection
through prayer, this is a wonderful time to pray in the quietness of the
sanctuary. Next meeting: November 3rd at 7 p.m. Contact Kathleen
Coombes 403 271 4965
Food For Thought meets Tuesdays from 9:15 - 10:30. We are reading
‘Fastdiet’ by Dr Michael Mosley. It is an interesting idea…. pick 2 days
a week and restrict what you eat and then eat normal the rest of the
week. We read the book as a group so it is not necessary to buy the
book. However it is available at the library. We always welcome
newcomers. For info. contact Barb
Conversation Bench We are getting underway with the Conversation
Bench, which will be located at the front right corner of the sanctuary.
This is to be for making connections with one another, meeting those we
don’t yet know and generally providing another way of allowing people
to get to know one another. If you feel called, please help us keep tabs
on who might like to make a connection there. Phone Marj Hansen,
403-203-3280, for more information.
Ministry of Spiritual Formation
Women’s Candlelight Service: If you would like to help plan and/or
participate in the annual Women’s Service, please come to the meeting
on Tuesday, October 28 at 7 p.m. You can also contact Rhonda
Blakney at 403-278-1712 or email at or call
the church office: 403-278-8263.
The Women’s Candlelight Service will be on Monday, December 1st at
7:30 p.m.
Women of Spirit Are you hungering for conversation, connection and
community? We have prepared a veritable smorgasbord of ideas to
whet the appetite for soulful living. All women welcome.
Wednesday mornings from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.
Sunday, October 26, 2014
The Calgary Presbytery Prayer Cycle focuses this week on Pastoral
Care Ministry of Calgary Presbytery and Pastoral Care in All
The World Council of Churches Ecumenical Prayer Cycle focuses
on India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
In our prayers this week: the family of Bob Bailie, on his death;;
Connie M.; Doug; Ernest; Helen; Jan T.; Joan; Margaret; Pearl;
Shirley; Susan & girls; Victoria.
Healing Touch
Mon. 7 p.m.
Lakeview UC
Palates (with Danah Cox)
Tues. 5:30 p.m. Great Room, SAC
Tues. 7 p.m.
Board Room SAC
Coffee House – Barry Luft
Sat. 6:30 p.m.
Great Room SAC
Palates is a weekly event on Tuesdays presented by the St. Andrew's
Centre and Campbell Stone United that combines the culinary and
visual arts as well as dynamic table discussion which might best be
described as an Art-full experience of dinner and the Divine. You're
invited to take advantage of the "Beta" period and experience "Palates"
for the amazing price of only $7 a person.
If interested, you must RSVP by the Sunday evening or Monday
morning before the Tuesday Palates event. Offer is for the next two
Tuesdays, Oct. 28, and Nov. 4, 5:30 to 7:30 pm. So please RSVP.
Space is limited Just email/Call the Monday before by 9 am to get your
place at the table. Contact is Danah Cox, Minister of Campbell Stone
United. danahcox@hotmail.cpm, 403-708-7729.
Healing Touch - a wonderful gift! OPEN TO ALL who need something
positive and healing on Mondays @ 7 pm at Lakeview United
Church Lower Hall. Join us October 20th and go home relaxed and
Bonnie and Lynda
Helping the Food Banks – Your donations help to nourish those in our
community who need it most. Three ways our congregations can help:
 Bring donations to Deer Park UC on Sunday mornings. Deer
Park stocks items such as peanut butter, spaghetti sauce, canned
food, Kraft dinner, cereal and soup (not tomato) which are
handed out to families in need in their community.
 Drop off non-perishable food items to St. Andrew’s Centre.
These items are delivered to the Calgary Inter-Faith Food Bank.
 Take a turn volunteering at the Calgary Inter-Faith Food Bank
from 5:45 – 8 p.m. the 4th Thursday of the month. To volunteer,
contact Bryon Delarue at 403-278-2253.
The Mitten Tree is coming! We will be looking for donations fo mitts,
toques, scarves, socks, underwear, toiletries for all ages. All donations
will be sorted and delivered to various organizations on Dec. 5th. Watch
for our trees appearing in November. If you have any questions, contact
Sheila Swan 403-873-0221.
Coffee House - Sat. Nov. 1st, 6:30 p.m. at St. Andrew’s Centre. Come
for a casual, intimate evening with a light dinner and the folk stylings of
Barry Luft. $15/person. Tickets available in the narthex following
the service or phone 403-259-4080. Other events in this series include
Christmas Carol sing-along Dec. 13th and Robbie Burns Training Night
Jan. 17th.
Know Your Neighbour – Thurs. Nov. 13th we will be visiting Fort
Calgary. We will meet at the Haysboro Community Centre and take the
bus together. The cost of the bus and tour is $15. For more info or to
sign up contact Carol Douglas 403-225-2362 or Joan Hartman 403-2814116.
- PHANTOM Silent movie 9:00-10:30 pm., with organ accompaniment
Do you need some help filling out Government forms such as CPP or
Blue Cross? Two Fridays per month a worker from Kerby Centre’s
Information Resources will be available at St. Andrew’s Centre to help
you with any government paper work. For more info phone St.
Andrew’s or phone Kerby Centre 403-705-3246 Please feel free to drop
by or make an appointment and help us spread the word. Everyone
St Thomas UC: Sun., Nov 2, 7:00 The Great Plains -Darrel & Saskia
$12/person 403-241-0366. $15 at the door.
Robert McClure UC: Community Annual Bazaar and Fashion Show
on Saturday, November 1st, 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.. Homemade pies, gifts
from private artisans, perogies, cabbage rolls and more!
Southwood UCW: Old-Fashion Christmas Bazaar Nov 1, 1- 4:00
Other Churches and the Community
See ‘happenings’ bulletin board for more information
Alpha House is a Calgary shelter and recovery centre for men and
women with addictions. Their Clothing Closet is empty and they are in
critical need of new or freshly laundered used clothing for both men and
women. Also needed: shampoo, tooth paste, tooth brushes, soap,combs,
etc. Bagged or boxed donations can be dropped off at 203 15 Ave. S.E.
Call to Action: Mobilizing Relationship to Support the common
Good, with Paul Born, co-founder and president of the Tamarack
Institute. This is a community event for people passionate about
Calgary. Wed., October 29 from 7 – 9:30 p.m. at the Danish Canadian
Club. $10 prepaid or $15 at the door.
Seniors Secret Service: We are urgently looking for people willing to
brighten up a grey Christmas. This season, our volunteers will deliver
Christmas gifts to thousands of seniors across Calgary who are living in
loneliness or isolation, but hundreds more are still waiting to be
matched with his or her own Secret Santa.
Seniors Secret Service is a Calgary-based registered charity that has
been delivering Christmas gifts to solitary seniors almost three decades.
We match Secret Santas with seniors who live in over 80 area care
facilities and seniors’ residences as well as isolated seniors living in
their own homes. These seniors are identified by a partner senior service
agency, and our seniors have no close family or friends, so the gift from
their Secret Santa is all they receive for Christmas.
Knox UC: 2 Events on Hallowe’en Night:
- G.H.O.S.T a show for all ages; 7:30-8:30 pm Free
Hillhurst UC and Urban Curvz Theatre: Take Back Halloween!
October 31st at 7:30 p.m.
-special live performances by awesome feminists
-film screening of “Wonder women! The Untold Story of
-feminist costume contest More info:
Journey to Faith & Freedom – An evening with Rev. Brent Hawkes,
LGBT and human rights pioneer. Sat. Nov. 1, 7:30 p.m. at Hillhurst
UC. Admission by donation. Featuring a special opening performance
by Calgary’s own Barberellas! For more info contact Hillhurst UC
Definitely Faith on Tap: Conversations, guest speakers, good eats and
friends at 4th Spot Kitchen & Bar for those aged 18 – 35ish. LGBT
friendly. Nov 2 & Dec 7. See BB for more info.
McDougall UC: Healing Pathway, Phase 1 – Introduction to the
Healing Pathway. Learn to develop the gift and skill of healing hands
within the Christian tradition. November 14-16.
St. Thomas UC: “Bullying Ends Here” – a presentation by Tad
Milmine. Using his own story, Tad has made it his mission to help
others. Please note that the presentation is not suitable for children
under 11 years of age. Donation accepted. St. Thomas UC
Tues., Nov. 18, 7 – 8:30 p.m.
Community Hubs Workshop: Come & Discover the ART of strong
Communities, finding ways to eliminate poverty. Nov 22 from 1-5 at
Knox Presbyterian Church. Register: Free.
The Swanson Lectures in Christian Spirituality with Rev. Raymond
C. Aldred, Asst. Prof. of Theology, Ambrose University.
 Stories From the Edge: Aboriginal Insights in an Uncertain
World – Mon. Nov. 3, 7:30 p.m. Airhart Lecture Theatre
(A1085) Ambrose University, Calgary
 A Communal Theology of Holistic Engagement with Creation –
Tues. Nov. 4, 12 p.m. Evans Room, Rozsa Centre, University of
Fall Speaker Series – presented by the Southwood UC Caring
Ministries. November 21, 1-2:30pm: Brain Gym, presented by Patricia
Elford, licensed Brain Gym Instructor. Join us for lunch and/or speaker
by registering through the Southwood UC church office (403.253.2979).
Free will offerings are gladly received.
Epiphany Explorations 2015 – an annual conference that invites you
to live out our faith, love our God and celebrate each other while
singing our hearts out. Since 2003, First Metropolitan United Church
has invited clergy and laity from across North America for an eclectic
mix of presentations, music and visual arts. Presenters for Epiphany
Explorations 2015 (Jan. 22-25) include (but are not limited to)
 Gary Paterson – Moderator of the United Church of Canada on
the changing church, “How can church model a different kind of
community so that people want to be part of that.”
 Lois Wilson – former Moderator and former Senator on the
“spiritual but not religious” among us
 David Felton – one of the founders of the pro-LGBT clergy
group, No Longer Silent/Clergy for Justice and director of the
Arizona Foundation for Contemporary Theology
For more info and to register