

Congresbury Parish Council
Locum Clerk/
Orchard House
The Old School Rooms
Station Road
BS49 5DX
Tel: 01934 838802
Councillor Diana Hassan
Tony Sawyer
All Council meetings are open to the
public and press
TO: All Members of the Planning Committee
22nd October 2014
Dear Councillor,
You are summoned to the meeting of the Planning Committee of Congresbury Parish
Council at St Andrew’s Room, The Old School Rooms, Station Road, Congresbury, on
Monday 27th October 2014 at 7.30pm. The meeting will consider the items set out below.
At the start of the meeting there will be a public participation session to enable the people
of Congresbury to address the Council on any issue, subject to time available. Each
speaker will be limited to a period of up to five minutes with a maximum total time of 15
Tony Sawyer
Acting Clerk
Emergency evacuation procedure
Planning Agenda
27th Oct 2014
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Public Participation
At the Chairman’s discretion it may last up to 15 minutes
Apologies for absence
To note any apologies for absence
Election of Chairperson
Members to elect a chairperson to serve for the remainder of the municipal year
following the resignation of Cllr Ashton-Hilton.
Declarations of Interest
Members to declare any interests, including Disclosable Pecuniary Interests (DPI)
they may have in agenda items that accord with the requirements of the Parish
Council’s Code of Conduct and to consider any requests from members for
To consider the following planning applications:
a. 14/P/1991/F Mendip Spring Golf Club, Honeyhall Lane, Congresbury, BS49 5JT
– Change of use to convert professional shop and offices into accommodation and
office, store & workshop. Addition of doors leading to balcony with balustrading at
first floor on west elevation
b. 14/P/2069/F 18 Silver Street, Congresbury, BS49 5EY - Erection of a
conservatory to the north east elevation
c. 14/P/2089/F 12 Wrington Road, Congresbury, BS49 5AN – Installation of 2 in
no roof lights on rear elevation
d. 14/P/2137/F 53 Park Road, Congresbury, BS49 5HE – Erection of a single
storey front extension
e. 14/P/2163/SWE Land to north of Stock Lane & west of Iwood Lane,
Congresbury – Notice of proposed repositioning of an existing pole and installation
of additional wood pole to existing overhead line.
f. 14/P/2165/SWE Land to south west of Honeyhall Lane and south of Carditch
Lane, Congresbury - Notice of proposed repositioning of an existing pole and
installation of additional wood pole
To consider the following planning applications in respect of Tree Works:
a. 14/P/2107/WT St Andrews Church, Congresbury, BS49 5HE – 1 Gleditsia - Fell
To consider the following Consultation Documents:
To consider the Council response to the following Consultation Documents
a. Development Contributions – Principles and Operational Guidance Supplementary
Planning Document (link already circulated). Closing date 29 Oct 2014
b. North Somerset Core Strategy – Proposed Main Modifications to CS13 (link
already circulated). Closing Date 5 Nov 2014.
Planning Agenda
27th Oct 2014
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Strategic Planning Working Group:
a. To agree members of the Council to form a Working Group to review the Parish
Council Planning Policy Document and make recommendations.
b. To consider the draft Terms of Reference of the Working Group
c. To agree the process to recruit members of the public to join the Working
Proposed Housing Development – Cobthorn Way:
Members to note the communication received from Sunley Estates concerning the
proposed development including the planned public consultation event in the Old
School Rooms on 18th November 2014.
To note the input made on the following planning applications:
Members to note the input made to NSC based on members feedback
a. 14/P/1820/CUPA Land adj 31 Wrington Road, Congresbury, BS49 5AN – Prior
approval for change of use from agricultural building with use class sui generis to a
single dwelling within use class 3 with no operational development – No objection
b. 14/P/1862/F Old Inn, Pauls Causeway, Congresbury, BS49 5DH – Erection of an
external fire escape on the north east elevation of the Old Inn – Recommend
To note the following appeal against refusal of planning permission:
a. APP/D0121/A 14/2224527 – 39 Kent Road – Construction of 4 bedroom
dwelling to rear of existing house, including demolition of existing garage and
construction of a new garage & vehicular access to serve retained house (CPC
recommended refusal)
To note the following decision notices with regard to planning
applications :
a. 14/P/1417/F & 14/P/1418/LB The Birches, Mill Lane, Congresbury, BS49 5JD
– Erection of a detached garage – Refused (CPC recommended approval)
b. 14/P1435/LB Park Farmhouse, 49 Park road, Congresbury, BS49 5JH – Erection
of extension following demolition of existing lea-to store - Approved (CPC
recommended approval)
c. 14/P/1659/CUPA Land at the Coppice, Rhodyate Hill, Congresbury, BS49 5AQ
– Prior approval for the change of use only (MBa) from an agricultural building and
land to a single dwelling within use class C3 - Approved (CPC recommended
d. 14/P/1800/EIA1 Land off Brinsea Road, Congresbury – Screening opinion as to
whether an Environmental Impact assessment is required to be submitted with a
planning application for the proposed development of 80 new dwellings – Not
Required (CPC recommended EIA Required)
e. 14/P/1293/F 23 Stonewell Drive, Congresbury, BS49 5DW – Erection of a two
storey side/front extension – Approved (CPC recommended refusal)
f. 14/P/1712/CUPA Long Barn, Land Farm Lane, Smallway, Congresbury, BS49
5AB – Prior approval for change of use from an agricultural building and land to a
single dwelling within use class C3, plus associated operational development
comprising new windows and doors, recover roof structure, stone face blockwork
walls and insert rooflights – Approved (CPC made no recommendation)
Planning Agenda
27th Oct 2014
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g. 14/P/1806/F The Old Store, Broad Street, Congresbury, BS49 5DG – Erection
of a bungalow following the demolition of a garage and shed – Refused (CPC
recommended approval)
h. 14/P/1856/F 11 Moorland Park, Bristol Road, Hewish, BS24 6SQ – Erection of a
detached building to be used as an additional day room – Approved (CPC raised no
i. 14/P/1626/F Middle Elm, Weston Road, Congresbury, BS24 6SN – Change of
use from vehicle dismantling & recovery of scrap metal to motor vehicle sales with
associated landscaping – Approved (CPC recommended approval)
j. 14/P/1976/NMA 11 Stonewell Grove, Congresbury, BS49 5DR – Non-material
amendment to 14/P/0922/F (Single storey porch and side extension) to change roof
form on single storey extension with addition of rooflights – Approved
k. 14/P/1887/NMA Land north of electricity substation, off Stock Lane & Iwood
Lane, Congresbury – Non Material Amendment to planning approval 13/P/2382/F
(Solar Array) – Approved (CPC raised no objection)
l. 14/P/0526/F Land between 36 & 38 Venus Street, Congresbury, BS49 5EZ –
Amendment to proposal – No change to previous comments recommending refusal.
m. 14/P/1821/F 4 Glen Yeo Terrace, Congresbury, BS49 5EA – Single storey rear
extension – Approved
To note the following decision notices with regard to planning applications
for tree works :
a. 14/P/1589/WT St Andrews Church, Station Road, Congresbury BS49 5DX – 1
sycamore – remove major deadwood – Approved (CPC recommended approval).
b. 14/P/1594/TPO 47 Park Road, Congresbury, BS49 5HJ – 1 Ash & 1 Sycamore ,
fell –Refused (CPC made no recommendation).
Committee Members
Councillors Dickson, Hassan, Hill, Raj and Sewell.
Planning Agenda
27th Oct 2014
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