
Sunday 26 October 2014
Welcome to Tewkesbury Abbey
The Last Sunday after Trinity
Monday 27
8.30 am
Morning Prayer (St John the Baptist & St Catherine)
11.00 am Opening of the Garden of Remembrance (Cartland Memorial)
12.30 pm Holy Communion (St Margaret)
5.30 pm
Evening Prayer (St Margaret)
Tuesday 28 - Simon and Jude, Apostles
8.30 am
Morning Prayer (St John the Baptist & St Catherine)
5.30 pm
Evening Prayer (St Margaret)
7.00 pm
Holy Communion (St John the Baptist & St Catherine)
7.30 pm
Play Meeting (Fitzhamon Room)
Wednesday 29 - James Hannington, bishop, martyr, 1885
7.30 am
Morning Prayer (St John the Baptist & St Catherine)
8.00 am
Holy Communion (Lady Chapel)
5.30 pm
Evening Prayer (St Margaret)
Thursday 30
8.30 am
Morning Prayer (St John the Baptist & St Catherine)
10.30 am Holy Communion Book of Common Prayer (Lady Chapel)
1.15 pm
Funeral - Terry Bassett
5.30 pm
Evening Prayer (St Margaret)
7.30 pm
Bell Ringing Practice (Tower)
Friday 31 - Martin Luther, reformer, 1546
7.30 am
Morning Prayer (St John the Baptist & St Catherine)
8.00 am
Holy Communion (St Margaret)
5.30 pm
Evening Prayer (Abbey House)
6.00 pm
Angels and Super Heroes Party (Abbey)
7.30 pm Choir Practice (Camera Cantorum)
Saturday 1 - All Saints’ Day
8.30 am
Morning Prayer (St John the Baptist & St Catherine)
9.00 am
Holy Communion (St John the Baptist & St Catherine)
9.30 am
Peal Attempt
9.30 am
Music Group (Camera Cantorum)
10.00 am Meet the Servers (Abbey)
10.30 am Tea Room opened by Celebrate
11.00 am Abbey Visitor Chaplains Meeting (Abbey House)
5.00 pm
Evening Prayer (St Margaret)
Sunday 2 - All Saints Sunday
7.30 am
Morning Prayer (St John the Baptist & St Catherine)
8.00 am
Holy Communion - Book of Common Prayer (Lady Chapel)
9.15 am
Family Eucharist
11.00 am Festal Eucharist
5.00 pm
All Souls’ Requiem Eucharist
8.00 am
9.15 am
Holy Communion
Collect and Epistle for
The Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity
from the Book of Common Prayer
Parish Eucharist and the laying on of hands
and anointing for healing
After this service Parish Breakfast will be served in the Visitor Centre.
We invite our visitors to join us.
There is a quiet play area set up in the North Aisle for pre-school children
and their parents at both the 9.15 and 11.00 am services.
11.00 am
5.00 pm
Sung Eucharist - Congregational and the laying on
of hands and anointing for healing
Evening Prayer - Common Worship
For Your Prayers
The Sick
David Agnew, Philip Comens, John Elliott,
Freddie Constable Fernandez ,
David Deboys, Marion Jones, Rex Lofts, Peter Wilkinson
The Departed
Terry Bassett, Sian Briggs, Harold Pooley,
Dorothy Smith, Alex Theile,
Year’s Mind
Basil Packwood, Harold Goodwin
If you know of someone who is sick and ought to be on this list
please forward their name to the Abbey Office
having first obtained their permission to do so.
Abbey Family News
I am sorry to inform you of the death of
Dorothy Smith and Harold Pooley.
Funeral details will be put in the bulletin
as soon as they are known.
Fr Paul
Thank you to everyone who expressed
an interest in getting confirmed.
The ‘Just Looking’ leaflet is available in
the bulletin or at the back of the Abbey.
Fr Paul
Tewkesbury Abbey
Theological Forum
Have you ever wondered about the
theology behind the Sarum Rite?
The next meeting of the Forum will
explain all as
The Reverend Canon Paul Williams
will lead a discussion on the
Image of God and the Theology in the
Sarum Rite
On Wednesday 19 November
at 7.30pm in Abbey House.
All are welcome and admission is free.
Trish Feanley - Secretary 274587
Rotary Bonfire & Fireworks
on The Vineyards
6.15pm Saturday 1 November
You are welcome to use the
Vicarage Garden for viewing, but
please note that refreshments will not be
available this year.
Wednesday 5 November
12 noon to 1.15pm
in the Methodist Church Hall.
Tasty homemade soup and roll,
Tea and Coffee will be served.
There will be a Traidcraft & Bring & Buy
Stall. Do please come and support us.
Abbey Visitor Chaplains
During the summer months and over
the Christmas holidays we provide a
Chaplaincy team who pray set prayers
publically and talk to our visitors about
spiritual matters.
If you would like to know more about
this ministry there is a meeting for
current Chaplains
on Saturday 1 November
in the Abbots Parlour at 11.00am
and you would be welcome to attend.
Fr Paul
Tewkesbury Abbey
Schola Cantorum
Handel’s Messiah
Soloists – Helen Massey,
Simon Ponsford, Gwilym Bowen and
David Soar and will be accompanied by
The Bristol Ensemble
Directed by Simon Bell
FRIDAY 12 December, 7pm, in the
Tickets available from The Abbey Shop
buy 2 x £20 tickets for £30
offer valid until 31 October
Plays on Abbey House
I am holding a meeting on
Tuesday 28 October
at 7.30pm in the Fitzhamon Room
to gather participants for two short
one-act plays to be performed on
Abbey House lawn in June 2015.
The plays are neither long nor difficult
and rehearsals will be enjoyable.
If you are interested but cannot make
28 October please contact me,
preferably before that date,
on 292827. Geoff Guy
Dates for Your Diary
2 November
5pm All Souls’ Requiem
sung to the music of Fauré
by the Abbey Choir
9 November
8.00am, 10am and 5pm
Remembrance Sunday
Saturday 22 November
Listening to God - 2021 Vision
A day for the Abbey Family
10am Tea and Coffee in the Parish Hall
Congregation Tour of the Abbey,
Bring and Share Lunch,
Church Meeting
More details to follow.
29 November
10am - 4pm
Christmas Fayre
Once again we are inviting you to fill
a Shoebox for people in Eastern
Europe less fortunate than we are.
The boxes are available in the Abbey at the back,
and in Abbey Office during normal hours. You
invited to make a donation of £1 towards costs.
Completed boxes must be returned by the
30 November, either at a Service, to the
Verger’s or to the Abbey Office. Tony Barrett
Lest we forget
A programme of music by Dvorak, Gurney,
Elgar and Chris Williams
To commemorate World War 1 and the Tsunami
Given by the soloists, choir and orchestra of
The Philomusica of Gloucestershire and
Worcestershire, and Cheltenham Youth Choir
Conducted by Linda Parsons
In Tewkesbury Abbey at 7.30 on 8 November.
Tickets available from the Abbey shop, on the
door or from John Quinn on 01452 506417,
price £12 Accompanied children under 16 free.
Are you interested in seeing
The Vatican Museums
and The Sistine Chapel in 3D?
The Roses Theatre is showing a 3D film
showing these beautiful master pieces
All Souls’ Requiem
on Sunday 30 November at 4pm.
If you would like your loved one
remembered at the All Souls’ Requiem It will last 1 hour 20 minutes and tickets will
cost £8.50 and £7.50 for concessions,
on Sunday 2 November please sign the
the price will include the loan of 3D glasses.
list is at the back of the Abbey
Booking Office 295074. Booking is advisable.
“Come and meet the Serving Team”
'Find out why do we do that’ !
You will have access to the
Sacristy, High Altar etc.
Be inspired to be involved.
Saturday 1 November
from 10am - 12 noon
Mike Bristow 07789434765
Christmas from
CD by Schola Cantorum
is available from the Abbey Shop.
Christmas Presents SORTED!
Harvest Festivals have brought in a good
stock of food for the time being.
What we need most now is financial
support, with Standing Orders, this is particularly
helpful, especially with Gift Aid added. I realise
this may not possible for everyone,
of course. Tony Cullingford
89 York Road
9 November
7 December
@The Abbey
For those in Year 9 and above.
For more information contact Katie
Etherington On 07966 165017 or