Document 6578605


Document 6578605
St. Philip Church
1 Father Conlon Place, Norwalk, CT 06851-3821
Office: 203-847-4549
Fax: 203-847-4148
Faith Formation and Youth Ministry Office
Kali J. DiMarco, Director
Michael A. Pappa, Assistant
Music Office
Maria J. O’Kelly, Director
Facilities Manager
Paul G. Einstman
Father Michael A. Boccaccio Pastor
Father Sudhir DSouza Associate Pastor
Deacon Frank J. Chiappetta
Deacon John W. Mahon
Deacon Paul J. Reilly
Sister Mary Ann McPartland, CND
Pastoral Associate
Finance/Property Committee
Kenneth R. Lalime, Chair
All Saints Catholic School
Linda Dunn, Principal
Alan D. Yoder
Administrative Director
Celebration of the Eucharist
Saturday: 5:30 p.m.
Sunday: 8:00, 10:00 and 12 Noon
Monday - Friday: 7:30 a.m.
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday: 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. or by appointment
Baptism and Marriage
Please call to schedule Pre-Baptism and
Baptism dates. Marriage dates are to
be scheduled one year prior.
Mission Statement
St. Philip Parish, a welcoming Catholic community, strives to love, honor, know, and serve God. As a family, we gather
to celebrate liturgy, perform good deeds, share our faith, and bring all to Christ. St. Philip, lead us to Jesus.
The Thirtienth Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 26, 2014
Thank You!
On behalf of the entire Parish, I wish to
thank everyone who help celebrated the 50
Anniversary of St Philip Parish especially the
members of the 50 Anniversary Committee.
Their work preparing for all the events of the
last year, culminating in the spectacular Mass last weekend
was outstanding. These celebrations truly showed that St.
Philip Church is a community of God.
Members of the 50th Anniversary Committee
Lynda Balocca, Ralph Blechner, Josephine Cunningham,
Kali DiMarco, Joan Howard, Ed Hughes, Tom Jankovic,
Angie Lentz, Chris Lyon, Deacon Jack Mahon, Michael
Marino, Ann McGuire, Jerry McGuire, Sr. Mary Ann
McPartland, Mavis Mennino, Dorothy Mobilia, Tony Mobilia,
Fil Musilli, Alexandra Sandor, Fr. Sudhir DSouza, MaryAnne
Tripodi, Matti Tomaselli, and Clarence Xavier.
Mass Schedule Change
The Mass originally scheduled for October 31 at 5:30 p.m.
has been cancelled. However, there will be a Communion
Service that morning at 7:30 a.m.
Mass for All Saints will be celebrated on Saturday, Nov. 1,
at 10:00 a.m.
All Souls Masses
Masses for All Souls will be celebrated on
Saturday, November 1 at 5:30 p.m. and
Sunday, November 2 at 8:00 and 10:00
a.m. with the special All Souls Mass
remembering all those whom we lost in the
last year at the 12:00 p.m. Mass.
First Friday Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will be on
November 7, from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the Day
Chapel. Sign-up sheets will be at the doors next weekend.
The Rosary will be prayed on Saturday, November 1 at 5:00
p.m. in the Day Chapel.
Christmas Festival
Vendors Wanted!
Would you like to join in the fun of the 2014
Christmas Festival as a Vendor or do you
know someone who is the perfect fit? Vendor agreements
are now on the Parish web site and can be printed for return
to the Parish Office. The Festival will be held on December
5 and 6 in the Mansion. For more information, please check
the Parish Website.
Time Change
Daylight Savings Time ends on Sunday, November 2. Turn
your clocks BACK one hour Saturday night, November 1, in
order to be on time for Mass and other church events.
Raffle Tickets
As part of the Christmas Festival, we have planned a raffle
for prizes we think will appeal to everyone, American
Express Gift Cards with FIVE prizes to be awarded.
To RSVP and/or to help, please call the Parish Office at
(203) 847-4549.
1 $1,000
2 $300
3 $200
4 $100
5 $100
The tickets will be in the rear of the Church by the main
entrance NEXT weekend for each family to pick-up. This
raffle has the potential to raise significant funds for the
Parish but only if all members of the Parish help sell the
tickets. The tickets are $3.00 each. If you are willing to work
at a “booth sale” at a local store, please contact Fr. Sudhir in
the Parish Office at 203-847-4549.
Senior Luncheon
A special mass recognizing and honoring our seniors will be
celebrated on Sunday, November 16, at 12 Noon. After
Mass all seniors are invited for a luncheon in the school hall.
The Menu will be: Baked ziti with meat sauce, salad, garlic
bread, pumpkin pound cake with wipped cream.
Name ____________________________
___ # of Adults Attending
___ I/we will not be able to attend
Religious Education Classes
Classes have begun and are off to a great start. We are
excited to begin another school year and there are many
exciting things happening.
Religious Education Classes
Grades 1-5 classes are either on Tuesday or Wednesday.
For questions or if you have not yet registered for classes,
please contact us at
or 203-847-4286.
(St. Philip Youth Catholic Education)
The next SPYCE class for middle school, grades 6-7-8, will
be Sunday, November 16, 4:00-6:30 p.m. in the school
hall. Please come into the school hall to check in, with
your child. Pick-up will be in the church - please arrive at
6:00 p.m. for prayer and sharing. If you have any
at or (203) 847-4286.
Confirmation 2015
Session #4 will be on Sunday, October 26 at 6 p.m. We
look forward to seeing everyone! - please contact the Faith
Formation Office with any questions.
Rite Of Christian Initiation Of Adults
RCIA—the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, a process
of conversion and entry into the fullness of faith in the
Catholic Church, is underway. Are you a Catholic who has
yet to complete the Sacraments of Initiation, Eucharist
and/or Confirmation? Are you seeking Baptism in the
Catholic Church? RCIA WANTS YOU! Are you a
parishioner willing to help participants in the RCIA
process? RCIA WANTS YOU! Please contact Deacon Jack
Mahon at 203-912-0092.
We Pray That Christ’s Healing Be Given To:
Joseph Arcario
Lorraine Dennen
Vincent DiMarco
Salvatore D’Iorio
Kathleen Genzardi
Pat Guckian
Fr. Denis Hanly
Nina Rexrode
Vincent Van Oss
Sympathy and Prayerful Remembrances to
The Families of:
Frank Allsup
Bishop Patrick D’Souza
Mary Ann Fessler
Madelene Horgan
Gail Marie Wall
Saint Augustine Medal Of Service
This award is given by the Diocese to an individual in good
standing who has served his/her parish in some
extraordinary way. The awards ceremony was Saturday,
October 25 at St. Augustine Cathedral.
Our 2014 St. Philip Honoree is MaryAnne Tripodi who
exemplifies living Liturgy in a full, active and conscious style,
totally and willingly; by far for her, Liturgy is “I want” not “I
should.” Her devotion to Liturgy is manifest in her many
liturgical ministries: Liturgy Committee member, Special
Liturgy Sub-committee, Leader of Communion Services,
Visitation of the Sick/Homebound/Disabled, Art and
Environment, Eucharistic Adoration, Choir Member, etc.
Outstanding too is her sensitive side, despite the demands
made on her as a result of her professional work life. She is
glad to be available to help the other in whatever manner
needed, giving time, providing items, soothing the other's
pain, etc. This last point is remarkable: Such positivity is
indeed a GRACE and BLESSING, thereby enriching our
Mass Intentions & Liturgical Schedule Week
October 27, 2014
7:30 am Rosa Solano
7:30 am Stefano Pirolozzi
Wednesday 7:30 am Donald Hunter
7:30 am Giovanni Floccia
7:30 am Richard and Thomas Walsh
Communion Service
Saturday 10:00 am Gabriel Denaro
5:30 pm For the Parishioners
Baptism of Ella Kathleen Montoya
8:00 am All Souls
10:00 am All Souls
12:00 pm Special All Souls
Schedule of Meetings and Parish Events
Sun., Oct., 26  Confirmation 2015
School Hall
6:00 p.m.
Mon., Oct. 27
 Music Committee Meeting
Music Room
11:00 a.m.
 Social Concerns
School Board Room
7:30 p.m.
Tues., Oct. 28  Religious Education
School Board Room
4:00 p.m.
Wed., Oct. 29
 MOM’s Group
School – Room 214
10:00 a.m.
 Religious Education
School Board Room
4:00 p.m.
 Youth Group
7:00 p.m.
 Choir
Music Room
7:30 p.m.
Thurs., Oct. 30  Bible Study
10:30 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
 Prayer Group
8:00 p.m.
Fri., Oct. 31
 Prayer Shawl Ministry
Mansion Chapel
10:00 a.m.
Sat., Nov. 1
 Men’s Ministry
School Board Room
8:00 a.m.
 All Saints Mass
10:00 a.m.
 Junior Choir Rehearsal
Music Room
4:00 p.m.
 Baptism
5:30 p.m.
Sun., Nov. 2
 Story Telling
10:00 a.m.
The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed
(All Souls)
November 2, 2014
Wisdom 3:1-9
Romans 5:5-11
John 6:37-40
Keeping Warm
As the cold weather approaches we all think about how we
are going to keep warm. For most of us, it just means
getting the heavy coats out of summer storage but for others
it just means getting colder.
Coats are being collected for those who come to the St.
Philip Food Pantry without one. Please check to see if you
have a coat you can donate. Adult and children’s coats of all
sizes can be dropped off under the carport of the school.
THANKS. P.S. Food is also always welcome!
The Schedules for Readers, Eucharist and Altar servers
have been sent out. If you did not get yours please contact
the Parish Office at 203-847-4549
In the Gospel, Jesus tells us “The person who is trustworthy
in very small matters is also trustworthy in great ones; and
the person who is dishonest in very small matters is also
dishonest in great ones.” Maintaining the vibrancy of our
faith community depends on each one of us; it is our shared
responsibility. Your participation in the ST. PHILIP
STEWARDSHIP CHALLENGE is very important. Giving
back to God in gratitude for all our blessings reflects our
experiencing God’s generosity. So, PLEASE, prayerfully
consider how you might advance the mission of our Parish.
If you have not yet responded to the Stewardship challenge
please reflect on what your Parish means to you and
respond as soon as you are able. Your immediate response
will defray the cost of a second mailing to parishioners’
A very generous thank you to the following who have
already responded to our 2014 Stewardship Challenge.
Names will be published as space allows.
M/M Michael Barbarula
M/M Louis J. Bonsangue
Gifts for the needs of the Parish have been received
from the following:
Dcn. & Mrs. Frank Chiappetta M/M Roger T. Favano
Mrs. Fabiola Goldbaum
M/M Anthony R. Grasso
M/M Anthony D. Pagano
M/M Barry F. Belardinelli Jr.
Scott Hess and Cheryl Zakhar
In Memory of
Jack Farrow
Sharon Marie Morsa and
William J. Zakhar
A gift for Religious Education scholarships has been
In Memory of
Ms. Mary Bauer
Jeffrey T. Chamberlaid
Gifts for Midnight Run carriers have been received from
the following:
In Memory of
Mr. Edward Logan
Daniel and Donald Logan
Ms. Pamela A Perrone
Dominick Perrone Jr. & Sr.
Gifts for candles have been received from the following:
M/M Robert Carpenter
Mrs Doris Faucher
Mrs. Laraine W. Pascarella
M/M Keith Werwin
In Memory of
Norman and Alan Faucher
Angeline Walker
Pio G. Urso
Gifts for building maintenance have been received from
the following:
M/M Richard G Taggart, Jr
Ms. Linda M. Colwell
In Memory of
The Colwell Family
A gift for a projection screen has been received:
In Memory of
Mr. Anthony Corbi
Helen Corbi
A gift for cleaning and repairing vestments has been
received from:
M/M James P. DiMeglio
Gifts for Youth Ministry have been received from the
Richard & Grace Maglanque
Mrs. Muriel O'Connor
A gift for Liturgical books has been received:
In Memory of
M/M Robert F. Fornabia
Jessica Ann Fornabia
A gift for Music Ministry has been received from:
M/M Joseph G. Galvin
Church Boiler
A very generous thank you to the following who have
responded to “Plumber Boccaccio” with donations to replace
the Church boilers. To date we have collected over $12,000
towards the goal of $50,000.
Names will be published as space allows.
M/M Mario Imbrogno
M/M David Kosvitch
Mrs. Marianne Lawther
M/M William Abresky
M/M David L. Legere
Mr. Terrence Aloise
M/M Frank Localzo
M/M David Alvarez
Michael Lodato
Joseph M. Arcario
Mr. Rodger Lord
M/M William Baker
M/M Marc Michel Louis
M/M Michael Barbarula
Kathryn Lukach
M/M Barry Belardinelli Jr.
Ms. Jean McDonough
Mr. Vincent P Bologna
M/M Eric Mendez
M/M Joseph M Boyle
Mrs. Josephine Mercurio
Ms. Elizabeth T Brink
M/M Nicholas Mongiardo
M/M Raudz Bros
M/M Romulo Montoya
Buturla Family
Mr. Daniel F. O'Connor
M/M John Campbell
M/M Brendan P. O'Malley
M/M Curtis G. Casey
M/M William P. Pappa
Ms. Joan Casolo
Ms. Jeannette Pascarelli
M/M John Cimmino
Mr. James Patchen
Dcn. & Mrs. Frank Chiappetta
M/M Arthur Petrone Jr.
M/M Giuseppe Conte
Joyce Pierz
M/M Juan Criado
Antony Poopaul
M/M Pat J. Cutrone
Eric J. Riznyk
M/M Frank Dahm
M/M Bruce B. Riznyk
Mrs. AJ D'Andrea
Brian & Krystal Rupar
Lawrence D. Davide
M/M Pasquale Sgarlata
M/M Ralph Dias
M/M Sean Sheridan
M/M Daniel DiBlasio
M/M John Skrensky
M/M Daniel DiBlasio Jr
M/M Charles J. Smith Jr.
M/M Joseph L. Drap
M/M Anthony Solano
Ms Nicolina Enriques
Mrs. Isabella Solano
M/M Jeffrey Fanning
Ms. Kathi Sonntag
Msgr. William A. Genuario
Mr. Edward Spires
Jesse Glianna
M/M James J. Stapleton
M/M Thomas A. Godeski
M/M Thomas Swallow
M/M Daniel J. Godleski
M/M Michael Szarpa
M/M John Granata
Joseph D. Tavella
M/M William Hanssler
M/M Michael Tiani
M/M Paul J. Hughes
Nathalia Velez
Mrs. Betty Hunter
M/M Keith Werwin
The new boilers have been installed and the oil fired unit is
already running as needed. The natural gas line should be
installed from the street to the building later this week or next
to allow the gas boiler to be fired.
Can and Bottle Drive
All Saints is holding their second can and bottle recycling
drive on Saturday, November 1 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
All proceeds from the recycling drive go toward the
maintenance of the Science and Energy Park at ASCS. The
best part of the recycling drive is - the students are involved
and learning about helping the environment!
Get your check-up from the neck up!
Feeling stressed or sad? On Wednesday, October 29, free
mental health screenings will be offered at Family &
Children’s Agency’s 140 Water St. location in South Norwalk
from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The event is part of a Mental
Wellness Month series organized by the Southwest
Regional Mental Health Board during October. Everyone is
encouraged to check on their mental health and pick up
information about managing stress and improving their
wellness. Screenings are offered free of charge in
conjunction with the Norwalk Community Health Center.