R India Quarterly DEBATES IN INDIA


R India Quarterly DEBATES IN INDIA
India Quarterly
V O L UM E 3 7 , I S S UE 4
N O VE M B E R 2 0 1 4
eligious debates are not unheard of here in the United States, but they are rarer
than they were in the 50s and 60s. In contrast, religious debates appear to be
on the increase in India.
We heard from our Brother Edward Rouse that his popular TV program
which promotes restoring the New Testament scriptures and Christ’s church is being met
with some resistance. Brother Edward stated the Rakshana TV station manager
approached him recently about a request from several of the denomination preachers
who want to debate Edward publicly. Beginning on Sunday, August 24th and with plans
to occur every two weeks for the next 3 to 4 months, Rakshana TV is providing free air
time between 2 pm and 4 pm on Sundays for these live debates. Brother Rouse said he
was eager for the opportunity to defend the simplicity and purity of the New Testament
scriptures. He has asked for our prayers that he might conduct himself humbly and that
his replies to those who question the biblical mandate to restore Christ’s New Testament
Church can be answered simply by using only the scriptures.
When asked what questions he expects will arise during the debates Brother
A picture of Edward Rouse
speaking live on Rakshana TV.
Rouse stated that many of the denominational preachers have been particularly bothered
by his preaching related to the doctrine baptism and the mode of immersion. Further, he
expects many of the major areas of differences that exist in the religious world at large will eventually become part of this
live, on-air debate. He stated that he looks forward to the opportunity to give “an answer to everyone who asks” for the
reason of his hope in Christ (1 Peter 3:15). It is our prayer that the on-air debates will see a sincere desire for the truths of
the New Testament bringing all involved closer to the Heavenly Father and His will for Christ’s Church.
— Bill Adcox
Evangelist Quarters: Konnur
hen we visited the Konnur Church of
Christ in January 2014, the brethren
requested that we construct an evangelist quarters in the church compound for
Brother Solomon Raju who is currently preaching
there. Brother Solomon is living in the home of another member of the congregation right now. We told
Brother C. Sudhaker to send us the estimates and we
would see what we could do.
The estimates were made back in April of this year
and came to a total then of Rs. 6,73,000.00 (figured at
Rs. 61 per dollar that is approximated $11,000.00). As
we know, from the time an estimate is made until the time construction begins prices often have
changed some. It could rise as
much as 10 percent but we won’t
know the exact amount until we
actually begin to purchase cement,
The Ghatlakanapur congregation
came over to Konnur and met with
us on the Sunday that we were
there, so we had more on hand that
day than just the Konnur congregation. But Brother Sudhaker wrote
this to me recently regarding Konnur:
“Brother the Konnur congregation
is growing spiritually, I am planning to visit every quarterly to encourage them. Brother I need approximately Rs.1000 travel for
each trip. Bro.Solomon Raju serving the Lord faithfully. Please pray for the evangelist quarters at Konnur”
We are praying that some congregation will come forward to undertake the construction of the evangelist quarters at Konnur. If you have questions contact us for more information. This could be a great opportunity for a mission project for a
congregation…or a couple of congregations.
— Scott Gage
Contact any of our Board
members directly for
more information or
Ray White
Robert Teague
David Kelley
Scott Gage
K. John Philips of Nakrekal, India, is supported by the Elk
Avenue congregation in Duncan, Oklahoma. John Philips sent
these pictures reporting three recent baptisms.
Dennis Gage
Donations can be sent to
either address below:
PO Box 3425
Fayetteville, AR 72702
Voice & Fax:
Bryan Christmas LSGage129@cs.com
Larry Cash
Bill Adcox
PO Box 726
Bethany, OK
Voice & Fax: