CIH South West The Other Housing Event 2014 20-21 November 2014


CIH South West The Other Housing Event 2014 20-21 November 2014
Kindly Sponsored by
CIH South West
The Other Housing Event 2014
20-21 November 2014
The Palace Hotel, Torquay
Speakers Include
Mark Easton,
Home Editor,
Simon Weston
Gavin Smart,
Deputy Chief
Executive, CIH
Maggie Fitzsimons,
Consultant, Benefits
Training & Consultancy
CIH South West: The Other Housing Event 2014
20-21 November 2014 | The Palace Hotel, Torquay
About the conference
• Rethinking repairs & asset management
Returning for the seventh time, this popular
event which complements our annual conference
in April will be showcasing a highly topical
programme combined with value for money for
all our delegates and supporters. This years event
will aim to bring detailed information and keep
you up to date with new developments in sessions
for front line housing professionals working in the
South West region. The event will give delegates
the opportunity to get together with like-minded
people interested in the industry to discuss, debate
and network.
• Housing’s delivery for health and wellbeing
The keynote sessions will cover several issues and
challenges faced in the South West such
as how the housing management role is evolving
and where we’re all heading with our core
business. There will also be key sessions on
tackling ASB effectively alongside the crime and
policing bill and the Deputy Chief Executive of
CIH, Gavin Smart will be sharing his insights on
how good quality, affordable housing is seen as
a key political issue in the lead-up to the General
Election 2015.New for this year there will be
interactive focus groups focusing on CIH activity in
the South West giving delegates the opportunity
to speak to the CIH area board chairs.
This year we have guest speaker Simon Weston
OBE, Falkland’s War Veteran, author, public
speaker & charity supporter speaking in the final
keynote about his struggle to overcome his injuries
(46% burns) and redefine his role in life after
the ship he was serving on - Sir Galahad was
destroyed during the Falkland conflict.
There will be a variety of workshops designed to be
as interactive and full of innovation and topicality.
• W
elfare Reform- How the reforms are
affecting the most vulnerable in our society
• Housing Law Update
• Universal Credit Pilots
• Private sector housing- generation rent
Continuing Professional
The delegate price includes a
comprehensive delegate pack, a series
of keynote sessions, all refreshments and lunch
and a full and concise debrief summary report
after the conference. If you are a CIH member
continue your personal development by gaining
8 hours towards your CIH Continuing
Professional Development.
Accommodation and Facilities
The Palace Hotel, Babbacombe Road,
Torquay, Devon TQ1 3TG
Situated among 25 acres of beautifully landscaped
gardens extending to the sea, The Palace is one of
the largest and most prestigious hotels in Torquay.
With comfortable lounges, beautiful surroundings
and old world charm, this Torquay hotel still
echoes many of the characteristics of its notable
heritage as the home to the Bishop of Exeter.
Exhibition and Sponsorship
With such a wide range of delegates attending,
this is an excellent opportunity for your
organisation to be represented and to promote
your products and services. Refreshments will
be served in the exhibition area to give you high
visibility and maximum exposure during the
two days. The conference offers a variety of
sponsorship opportunities to help create a
lasting impression.
• Managing rent arrears
If you are interested in sponsorship or exhibition
opportunities for this event please contact Lucy
Owen who will find an opportunity that fits your
branding and organisational strategy.
• Voids & allocations
Tel: 024 7685 1722 email:
• Inspiring staff and building a strong culture
of performance
1 20 expert speakers
Hear from
throughout the two
Continue your professional
development by attending
the conference and receiving 4 hours
CPD points per day for CIH members
12 interactive
workshops throughout the
A choice of
two days
An excellent opportunity to
network in a relaxed
atmosphere and be involved
in interactive discussions
12 exhibitors
promoting their products and services
Receive relevant and
up to date information
to take back to your organisation
Address main
challenges over the past
12 months and hear practical examples
of solutions and moving forward
CIH South West: The Other Housing Event 2014
20-21 November 2014 | The Palace Hotel, Torquay
Conference Programme
Keynote Main Sessions
Learn from inspiring speakers from inside and outside the housing sector presenting
knowledgeable sessions with informative debates and challenging discussions.
Hear experts and leaders in the sector offer a programme of good practice
sessions as well as discussing projects and schemes that can offer innovative
solutions to communities and organisations. Programme may be subject to
minor changes.
Day One – 20 November 2014
09.00 Delegate registration & exhibition viewing
10.00 Chairs welcome & introduction
Mark Easton, Home Editor, BBC
eynote: The modern housing professional
and career development
Steve Stride, CIH president
James Caspell, Business Innovation Manager,
Tower Hamlets Homes and CIH Rising Star Winner 2014
This years opening keynote session looks at the role of the modern
housing officer and asks questions about the kind of skills and specialisms
that housing management staff may need for the future. As we
prepare for a new market cycle, our speakers explore the kind of talent
that housing organisations will need in the future and the importance of
career development. Steve Stride, CIH President will discuss the relevance
of CIH as a professional body to delegates and what the CIH can offer
housing professionals on their career paths. Delegates will also hear from
the CIH rising star winner for 2014 who will share the process he went
through. Now in its 4th year Rising Stars has provided a fantastic platform
to highlight the talent and commitment of people working in housing.
Each year the winning contestant has enjoyed a unique set of experiences
and opportunities from spending a day with a key housing figure to editing
an edition of Inside Housing. James will share his experiences of what the
rising star process means to him on his career path.
11.15 Refreshments & exhibition viewing
A1.Welfare Reform- How the reforms are affecting
the most vulnerable in our society
Maggie Fitzsimons, Consultant, Benefits Training and Consultancy
In this session delegates will learn about how the legislation in the
care bill is affecting more vulnerable residents and Caroline from
Plymouth City Council will share with delegates how welfare reform
has affected their vulnerable tenants and what they have done to
overcome challenges faced.
Housing Law Update
Mike Owen, Partner, Capsticks LLP
Chris Grose, Head of ASB Advisory Service, Capsticks
In this session Michael will host a deeply informative and intense
workshop bringing you up to speed on all the vital law changes
including recent case updates.
A3.Inspiring staff and building a strong
culture of performance
Wendy Murphy, Consultant
B2.Rethinking repairs & asset management
Bryn Shorey, Asset Director, Spectrum Housing Group
Mark Batchelor, Director of Operations, Spectrum Property Care
Wendy is an experienced consultant and facilitator with over twenty
years experience as a senior manager in public sector organisations.
She has driven and led the turn around of many previously failing
services, with a particular focus on engaging and inspiring existing
staff to ensure that change is embedded and long lasting. Come
along to this workshop to find out more.
The government has sent a clear message to service providers – deliver
more for less. Since government funding has tightened, getting the
best possible value out of properties and making the most of your
Kindly Sponsored by
assets has become increasingly important.
Stuart will look at how you can drive
down costs whilst still delivering results to
customers at the highest standards.
Managing rent arrears
Sam Lister, Policy & Practice Officer,
Chartered Institute of Housing
Mike Ash, Head of Housing, Swindon Borough Council
Learn about how strategic approaches and preventative measures
can help with rent arrears, especially around mitigating and
managing them. Mike will talk about how Swindon Borough Council
are managing rent arrears and the challenges they have faced.
13.00 Lunch in the Palace Hotel Restaurant
Keynote: Tackling ASB effectively
alongside the crime and policing act
Chris Grose, Head of ASB Advisory Service, Capsticks
Tony Hogg, Local Police Crime Commissioner,
Police & Crime Commissioner for Devon & Cornwall Police
Social housing providers play a vital role in tackling anti social
behaviour and have been successful in resolving the majority of cases
through early intervention with disruptive residents. Chris provided
oral evidence at the House of Commons Select Committee for the ASB,
Police and Crime Act. He will examine how new tools and powers
will work in practice and share how to manage ASB cases effectively.
Tony Hogg will share examples of how Devon and Cornwall Police are
working with local communities to reduce anti-social behaviour.
Question Time: Where are we all heading?
Gary Orr, Chief Executive, Yarlington Housing Group
Graham Colls, Chief Executive, Magna Housing Group
Melanie Rees, Policy Service Manager, Chartered Institute
of Housing
The housing management role is evolving. Two chief executives from
the SW region will share their thoughts on future planning, focusing
on the housing organisation of the future and their views on moving
from their core business and diversifying into new commercial
15.30 Tea and Coffee in the Exhibition area
Voids & Allocations
Lawrence Blake, Housing Operations Manager,
Exeter City Council
Failed tenancies impact on individuals, landlords and the wider
community. This session explores the balance between turning a void
property around quickly and making sure time is taken getting the
right person in the right property with the understanding and skills to
maintain a tenancy.
For an up to date programme and list of speakers please log tel: 024 7685 1722 or e-mail:
Housing goes digital
Paul Smith, Head of Enterprise & Intelligence, Aster Group
Paul will talk to delegates about the short, medium and long term
opportunities from digital technology and how it could transform
your businesses, bringing benefits to tenants, staff and organisations.
Housing’s delivery for health and wellbeing
Sarah Davis, Senior Policy and Practice Officer, CIH
Housing’s contribution to wider strategic agendas for local areas
is increasingly recognised. The recent Care Act, and a number of
policy/ financial levers provides some new opportunities to embed
housing as a significant partner for health and care to deliver better
outcomes for individuals and communities. This session will explore
the opportunities arising from the developing policy framework, and
some of the tools available to support housing providers to work
more closely with local health and care partners.
17.15 Conference day one closes
19.00 Drinks Reception
19.30 Main conference dinner and entertainment
Day Two – 21 November 2014
Registration, refreshments & exhibition viewing
10.00 Chairs welcome & introduction
Mark Easton, Home Editor, BBC
Question Time: Moving housing up the
political agenda
Gavin Smart, Deputy Chief Executive, CIH
Simon Nunn, Assistant Director External Affairs and
Member Relations, National Housing Federation
Caroline Green, Senior Advisor, Local Government Association
John Slaughter, Director of External Affairs,
Home Builders Federation
With so many competing priorities, how can we ensure that good
quality, affordable housing is seen as a key political issue in the
lead-up to the general election 2015? Hear the thoughts from CIH
Deputy Chief Executive on the CIH ‘ticking the box for housing’
campaign and how you can influence politicians within your region.
Also hear from three other influencing organisations on their views.
11.15 Refreshments & exhibition viewing
Keynote: Focus Groups –
What’s happening in your region?
Stephen Lodge, Member of CIH SW Board and
Chair for Somerset and West of England
Stuart Francis-Dubois, Area Chair for Devon CIH
Debbie Carter, Area Housing Manager for DCH and
Area Chair for Cornwall
CIH Area Chair for Gloucester and Wiltshire
In this session each SW area regional chair will talk about what
is happening in their region of the South West and delegates will
discuss what they would like to see happening. This is your chance
to influence CIH involvement within the South West region through
an interactive focus group session.
12.45 Lunch in Palace Hotel Restaurant
Housing Law Update
Mike Owen, Partner, Capsticks LLP
Chris Grose, Head of ASB Advisory Service, Capsticks
In this session Michael will host a deeply informative and intense
workshop bringing you up to speed on all the vital law changes
including recent case updates.
C2.From the frontline to the Board Room –
your role in managing corporate risk
Jon Slade, Campbell Tickell, Senior Consultant
David Barlow, Director of Business Finance, Devon and
Cornwall Group
An exploration of strategic assurance – Are we doing the right
things? Have we identified the right risks? One housing provider
will share a case study of their work of placing corporate risk
management at the heart of assurance and service improvement risk.
Universal Credit Pilots
Stuart Davies, Neighbourhood Services Director,
Spectrum Housing Group
Lisa Cotton, Customer and Commissioned Services
Manager, North Dorset District Council
North Dorset Council have worked with housing provider Spectrum Housing
Group, Citizens Advice and a credit union on budgeting and employment
skills for people in remote areas in the roll out of universal credit. Come along
to this workshop to find out more on the outcomes from the pilot.
C4.Private sector housing- generation rent
Dan Haines, Regional Head of Development,
Sovereign Housing Group
This session will cover the factors that are driving more organisations
to consider becoming involved in market rented housing and the
opportunities that social landlords might be able to achieve by
diversifying from their traditional focus on affordable housing.
Keynote: Turning adversity into opportunity
Simon Weston OBE; Falkland’s War Veteran,
author, public speaker & charity supporter
In 1982 the Sir Galahad was destroyed in Bluff Cove on the Falkland
Islands. On board was Simon Weston, Welsh Guardsman, a name
and face that was going to become well known for his struggle to
overcome his injuries (46% burns) and redefine his role in life.
16.00 Close of conference
CIH South West: The Other Housing Event 2014
20-21 November 2014 | The Palace Hotel, Torquay
Registered Charity No: 244067-R
Delegate Details
Employing Organisation __________________________________________________________
Department/Section ______________________________________________________________
First Name _______________________________ Last Name _______________________________
Address __________________________________________________________________________
E-mail __________________________ Job Title ___________________________Option _________
Contact Person_________________________ Authorising Officer _______________________
First Name _______________________________ Last Name _______________________________
Telephone Number_____________________ Fax Number_______________________________
E-mail __________________________ Job Title ___________________________Option _________
E-mail ___________________________________________________________________________
Invoice Address (If different) ______________________________________________________
First Name _______________________________ Last Name _______________________________
______________________________________________________Postcode ___________________
E-mail __________________________ Job Title ___________________________Option _________
Purchase Order No. _______________________________________________________________
First Name _______________________________ Last Name _______________________________
Where did you hear about this event? Please choose one
Bulk E-mail
Employer Recommendation
E-mail __________________________ Job Title ___________________________Option _________
Other, please specify __________________________________________________________
Type of Delegate (please tick relevant boxes)
Option A: Full package – attendance on both days of the conference
with accommodation on 20 November with dinner First Name _______________________________ Last Name _______________________________
CIH Member Rate
£299 + VAT
Delegate Rate
E-mail __________________________ Job Title ___________________________Option _________
£399 + VAT
Please give details of any specific access, diet or other needs for each delegate.
Option B: Attendance on both days (no accommodation or dinner)
£199 + VAT
£299 + VAT
Option C: Day delegate on Thursday (no accommodation or dinner)
£155 + VAT
£255 + VAT
Option D: Day delegate on Friday (no accommodation or dinner)
£155 + VAT
£255 + VAT
£70 + VAT
£70 + VAT
Option E: Conference dinner on the evening of 20 November
Please post, fax or email this form or book on-line:
Chartered Institute of Housing, Events Team, Octavia House, Westwood Business Park, Coventry, CV4 8JP.
Tel: 024 7685 1722 Fax: 024 7642 1973 e-mail: web:
Some feedback from
last year’s delegates:
“Very well presented,
very professional
and very enjoyable”
“I learned a lot
from the speakers
and workshops and took
back lots of ideas to our
“There was a great variety
of topics covered and
the conference is a good
opportunity to network”
Terms & Conditions
•Please do not send any payment with this booking as you
will be invoiced before the event, once we have administered
your booking
• A
ll cancellations must be made in writing. If you
cancel a booking more than 30 working days before
the event, you will be charged a £70 administration
fee per booking. If you cancel within 30 working
days you will be charged the full fee
•If you make a delegate name change against your original
booking, there will be an admin charge of £30 + VAT
per delegate
•If you downgrade your booking from Residential to Day
Delegate within 20 working days of the event you will be
charged your original booking fee
•Please note that the CIH cannot guarantee that delegates’ names
will be printed on the delegate list and a badge will be produced,
if bookings are received within 10 working days of an event.
•Please keep a photocopy of this form for your records,
if possible.
•CIH Events will not be liable for reimbursing delegate
fees if delegates are not able to attend an event due to
circumstances out of the CIH’s reasonable control including,
but not limited to weather conditions, fire, flood, transport
strikes, closures or delays or any other Force Majeure or Act
of God.
• This booking is subject to the usual CIH Terms & Conditions.
Limitation of Liability.
•The Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) accepts responsibility
for accident, injury or loss suffered whilst attending this event
if it is directly due to negligence on our part.
•Delegates are responsible for taking care of their own property.
•CIH accepts no responsibility for any loss incurred whilst using
material or information gained at this event.
Cancellation of Events
•CIH may have to cancel an event. In this case, we will return
any payments received in advance. We will not refund any
other costs you may incur as a result of this cancellation.
•The copyright of all training material rests with the CIH or
the trainer.
All CIH members are entitled to receive the discounted rate as
indicated above. If you are not currently a CIH member and
would like to benefit from this discount, along with a range of
other offers, please contact Customer Services on 024 7685 1700
or by email on or visit our website at
By submitting this booking I agree to the CIH terms
and conditions.
Data Protection Act 1998
In making this booking your contact details will be stored on our
database. We will use this data for the purposes of processing
your booking and to contact you in the future with information
about other CIH events and products that may be of interest
to you. If you would prefer not to be informed of CIH products
please tick this box.
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