First United Methodist Church


First United Methodist Church
October 26, 2014
20th Sunday after Pentecost
Celebration of Worship - 11:00 a.m.
Please Sign Attendance Pad
First United Methodist Church
“Advancing the Kingdom of Christ through our personal growth,
worship and outreach to extend the love of Christ to our
community and throughout the world.”
Welcome and Announcements
Offertory Prayer
Edwina Taylor & Marcy Froemke
Mary Stickley
How Great Thou Art—UMH 77
Mary Stickley
Remember the 7th
Edwina Taylor & Marcy Froemke
Praise God from whom all blessings flow; praise Him all creatures here
below; praise Him above, ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son, and Holy
Ghost. Amen
Pastoral & Lord’s Prayer
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy
will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and
forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us
not into temptation but deliver us from evil, for Thine is the Kingdom, the
Power, and the Glory forever. Amen
Scripture and Sermon
Love Divine, All Loves Excelling—UMH 384
Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery
Exodus 20:14
Benediction and Response of Praise
*Please Stand as you are able
More Love to Thee, O Christ—UMH 453
God be With you Till we meet again-- UMH
Edwina Taylor & Marcy Froemke
Pastor Ken Pierce
Associate Pastor TJ Burdine
993 Market Street - P.O. Box 12
Dayton, Tennessee 37321 Phone: 423-775-0262
October 26, 2014
Prayer List for Week of October 26, 2014
This Week’s Schedule of Events
Sunday, October 26th
9:00 a.m.
Contemporary Service
10:00 a.m.
Sunday School
11:00 a.m.
Traditional Worship Service
Monday, October 27th
7:00 p.m.
Ladies Bible Study led by Lindsey Bamber
7:00 p.m.
Men’s Bible Study with Ryon McKinney
7:00 p.m.
Boy Scouts/ Cub Scouts/ Girl Scouts
Tuesday, October 28th
10:00 a.m.
Bible Study led by Ann Blackburn
5:30 p.m.
TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Library
5:30 p.m.
Wednesday, October 29th
10:00 a.m.
Little Learners Pumpkin Festival
3:30 p.m.
Youth Music Team
5:00 p.m.
Praise Team
5:30 p.m.
Truck or Treat Fall Festival (NO WNL)
Thursday, October 30th
6:00 p.m.
Building Committee Meeting in Fellowship Hall
Weekly Offerings Update—October 19, 2014
Jerry & Bobbie Ward - Health needs - Thursday Morning Bible Study
Trevor & Cindy Wooden - Health and Financial needs - Church Family
Louise Taber - Health concerns - The Prayer Team
J.C. Gholdston - Health needs - Church Family
Ursula Massengill - Eyesight - Jack & Ursula Brown
Margaret Trotter – Health needs – The Prayer Team
Nina Sue Crowell – Health needs – The Prayer Team
Elsie Robinson – Health needs – Church Family
Nancy Dixon – Health needs – The Prayer Team
Bill Slatton - Health Needs - Jack & Ursula Brown
Raymond Walker - Health needs - Sue Ann Walker, Barry & Bonnie Walker
Betty Bailey - Health needs & on the passing of her husband Ban - Toni Hudgins
James Dill - Health & Healing - Phyllis Dill
Gene Murrell - Health needs - Ginny Murrell
Jay Able - Health Needs - Jack & Ursula Brown
Gilbert & Betty Fortner– Health needs– Phyllis Pierce
Christine Miller & Family– Spiritual and Financial Needs-New Friend
Bill Kilgore– Health and Healing– Pastor Ken and TJ
Charles Voigt– Health & Healing– his sisters Sandra Gass & Kay Hicks
Darlene Davisson– Health and Healing– Carolyn Davisson
George & Patti DuVall– Health needs– Pastor Ken
Kaylee Earls & Family- Spiritual needs- Missing little sister who was called to the Lord two years
ago.– This is Heidi Mahlum’s granddaughter .
Bethany Votaw— Health and Healing– Janice Forsten
Brenton & Alicia Floyd– Spiritual Guidance & Family Needs– Alicia Floyd
Tosha Cubbage & sons- Pray for all their needs upon the loss of husband /father- Jackie Lawson
Pam French– Major Health & Healing needs– The Prayer Team
Emily Whitlock & Family– Father passed away after a long battle with cancer– Grace Graves
John Bell- Health and Healing– abdominal pain relief– Mary Bell
Bill Linn– Health needs– The Prayer Team
Gilbert Fortner– Health needs– Phyllis Pierce’s Father
Melvin Brown– Leg amputation– please pray for his family also– Mary Stickley
Donald Orcutt– Recovering from Heart Attack– Linda Gentry, sister
Tanner Cheek– Knee Surgery– Vicki Cheek, mom
Danny Chattin– Health Needs– Howard Taylor
Jane Tayloe– Prayers for Health and Healing– Church Family
Life Care Resident – Dayton
Becky Holcomb – Health needs – Church Family
Jimmy McClure – Health needs – Marty & Bunny Derlak
Attendance for October 19, 2014
9:00 Service
11:00 Service
Total Worship
Sunday School
Courtyard Residents:
Betty Jo Morgan – Health needs - The Prayer Team
Mayme Bedford – Health needs – Church family
Martin Boyd Christian Home
Winnie Thomas - Health needs - The Prayer Team
MISSION TRIP TO PERU: The Peru trip to Chachapoyas will be Jan. 2nd -11th.
there will be construction, VBS, medical, ministry and worship service opportunities. We are going to go to Wilma's school, but may not get the chance to
go to the churches in Lima. There are already 9 team members from KY and
other places. Anyone interested see Andy Tucker, TJ or Tosha. Deadline for
interest/registration is Nov. 1. Price is $1,545 to GO, plus approximately
$1,000 for airfare from US to Peru.
Pray for all the military and especially these:
Bradley Morgan – Safely back in TX after deployment to Afghanistan - Cheek Family.
Teddy Wilson II - Suffered multiple injuries in Afghanistan, recovering now in Maryland.
Jon Lewis – Praise! Training complete, stationed in Hawaii – Vicki Cheek & family.
Sgt. Katie Thomas– serious accident in Hawaii– she remains in a coma – mother, Kathy Powers.
Josh Hudgins– Deployed to Kuwait– Ed & Toni Hudgins
Pray for these Holston Conference Missionaries:
Rukang Chicomb in the Congo; Neal Hicks in Japan; Marie Humbane in
Zimbabwe; Rev. Bill Lovelace in Lithuania; and Herbert Zigloo in Liberia.
It is time to “Fall Back”, Daylight savings
time ends November 2nd at 2am .
Before bed on Saturday, make sure to turn
your clocks back an hour and replace the
batteries in your smoke detectors.
The United Methodist Women awarded
Mrs. Linda Blevins
Woman of the Year !
We will have trunk-or-treat
instead of our regular WNL on
Oct. 29, 5:30-7:30. This provides a
safe & Christian way for the kids to
trick-or-treat. If you would like to
open up your trunk, please join us in
the parking lot & bring candy to hand out (costumes & décor are
optional but encouraged). We give out thousands of pieces of
candy--if you are not participating, will you help with candy?
Please leave candy in the workroom or you may donate money
& we will get the candy (note on check "trunk-or-treat"). Thank
you for helping us make this another great success!
Once again, our church is participating in an exciting
ministry called, "Operation Christmas Child".
November 2nd Potato Bar Fundraiser after Sunday School and
the 11am Service. Come out and support our youth ministry!
The Cleveland District Annual Meeting
and Officer Training
will take place on November 1, 2014, at Keith Memorial UMC in
Athens, TN. In order to be there in time for registration, we will
plan to carpool from FUMC parking lot at 8:30 a.m.
Beth Green will be our speaker.
Officers and others are encouraged to
We are asked to bring some canned
goods for a food pantry in Etowah, TN.
Please contact Janice Forsten at 7759434 or if you are
planning to attend
It is a ministry of Samaritan's Purse (Billy/Franklin Graham). We will
be collecting items for shoeboxes to be sent all over the world to
needy children for Christmas. We have the shoe box, we just need
great stuff to go in there to make a child's Christmas! Every child given
a box will hear the gospel of Jesus Christ! Our goal is to send out 110
boxes this year--last year we did 100. We were able to track our boxes
and they went to the Ukraine and Botswana. You may place items in
the sleigh in the sanctuary or workroom. Our WNL kids will be bringing
items for the boxes, but we would love your help.
There are many ways to help:
-we need $7 per box to ship it around the world (please note on check
"Operation Christmas Child")
-you can buy items to go into the boxes, such as: small toys, stuffed
animals, toy trucks, harmonicas, yoyos, balls, jump ropes, crayons,
school supplies, hygiene items, toy jewelry, etc. NO war-related items,
toy guns, etc…some boxes go to war-torn areas (please only new
items and things that will fit into a shoe box).
-You can make a donation and we will get items for you
-you can do an entire box on your own, we have 100 boxes at the
church--You can choose either a boy or girl and their age.
 We are collecting now through Nov. 19th.
 Watch for videos explaining more in the future!
 Questions? Please see Heather Sneed or TJ Burdine