
2781 SW 92nd Ave
Presort Standard
Non Profit
Owatonna, MN 55060
October 2014
Look Inside!
For lots of information
Letter from Pastor Patti!!
To Pastor Patti! Her first service will be Sunday, Oct. 5th.
On Sunday, October 19th a representative from our
SEMN synod will be here to install her as our Pastor
which will be followed by a potluck. Bring a dish to pass,
your own plates, beverage will be furnished.
To everyone who has helped at the parsonage in any way
working on repairs, painting, yard work, window washing,
etc. to get it ready for our new pastor. The work of many
has made the task go fast. Thanks for your help!!!
We are collecting warm sweaters, sweatshirts and
blankets during the month of October. There are
boxes in the narthex for your donations. Please be sure
they are in wearable condition. Thank you!
Sunday, October 12th, 2 – 5 PM at church. We will
have the materials and patterns for you to follow. Easy
items to make!! If you have craft ideas to add, contact
Jodie Pollock, 835-7862 or Deb Zeman, 455-1952.
Anyone who would like to help is welcome to join in,
if you have any ideas please let Jodie Pollock know.
There are sign-up sheets in the narthex for helpers at
the Bazaar on November 1st at the Community Center
on the fairgrounds in Owatonna.
Will begin October 1, with a parent/student
meeting at 7:00 PM at St. Paul’s.
Oct. 8th will be class meeting at St. Paul’s,
6:30 PM
SP: Special mission offering for October will
be taken Sunday, October 5 designated for
Missionary Karen Anderson in Chili.
Following is the schedule and amount of the missions
in 2014:
January: Red Cross - $1,200, goal met
February: Medical Missionary Team,
Marsha Bartz - $1,000 – goal met
March: Food Shelves - $1,200 – goal exceeded!
April: Mankato State University - $ 1,200 – goal met!
May: Habitat for Humanity - $ 947.17, short $ 252.83
Goal was $1,200
June: Lutheran Social Services - $ 918 short $ 282
Goal was $1,200
July: Lutheran Volunteer Corp, - $ 807; short $ 393
Goal was $1,200
August: Transitional Housing – $ 936; short $ 264
Goal was $1,200
September: Women’s Resource Center - $1200
Goal met!
October: Missionary – $2,250
November: Synod support, approx. $11,000
December: Hospitality House, Owatonna- $ 700;
& Mosquito nets for an African village - $ 500.
January, 2015: Salvation Army- $1,200
Missions that are short of goal are paid in full
from money received during the year toward General
Missions (not designated or taken on Mission Sunday).
Thank you to all who contribute to the monthly mission
offerings St. Paul’s:
St. Paul’s Church council will meet after worship
Sunday, October 12th.
Attendance: September
Sept. 7 - 150; Sept. 14 - 54; Sept. 21 - 62;
Our Income is behind last year by $ 10,000.
Expenses remain the same as well as additional funds
that have been needed for Parsonage repairs and move
of our new pastor.
We were able to keep parsonage repair costs to a
minimum due to the generous donations of time and
talent from parishioners. We are looking to raise
$2,500 for repairs and new fixtures. $1,000 has
already been given by Owatonna Ford to help with
A HUGE THANK you to all who have helped
and/or donated.
Congregational Meeting – On Sunday, Sept. 7th a
Congregational meeting was called to vote on Pastoral
Candidate, Pastor Patti Meyer. After reviewing Pastor
Pattie’s profile and open discussion, a vote of 101
confirmed members was taken and along with Zion’s
vote our two-church parish has extended a call to
seminarian DeAnn “Patti” Meyer. Pastor Patti was
ordained at her home congregation in Arizona on
September 23rd. We look forward to Pastor Patti’s
ministry for our two-church Parishes.
Pastor Patti’s Top 5 Areas of Expertise
Preaching/Worship Leadership
Pastoral Care and Visitation
Ministry with Seniors
Pastor Patti’s Top 5 Areas of Strength
Recruit and Equip Leaders
Ministry in Daily Life
Christian Education
Building a Sense of Community
Special emphases of the pastor and special
encouragement by the congregation:
During this time period, the pastor will give special
attention in ministry to the following:
A. Be an effective communicator and teacher while
attending meetings of the committees and
B. Be able to work with the children and youth of
our congregational through Luther League,
Sunday School and offering children’s Sermons.
C. Actively visit and give communion to shut-ins
and visit inactive and non-members while
attracting new members and increase our active
D. Be creative in helping us with our spiritual life
and worship through our worship and Parish Ed
E. Deal with conflict and bring joy and good humor
to relationships.
The congregation will encourage this pastor’s
ministry in the following ways:
A. We will pray for our pastor regularly.
B. We will communicate directly and precisely
with our pastor.
C. We will exhibit patience in dealing with
transition / style changes.
D. We commit ourselves to being effective
leaders and workers.
E. We want our new pastor to approach us, ask
our advice, and use our talents / skills.
2014-2015 Winter snow removal plan
Cold and snowy months will be quickly upon us!
You can’t trust the weather in Minnesota after Labor
Day…Therefore the St. Paul’s Church Council would
like to take the opportunity to ask for your help in
preparing for potential inclement weather. If you live
in the area, and have the capability to plow the parking
lot; please consider this volunteer opportunity. The
winter will be split into the following five time
periods: October & November, 2014; December 2014;
January, 2015; February, 2015; March & April, 2015.
If you are interested in this chance to help out, pick out
a period you would be most able to be responsible for
covering snow days. You will be responsible for all
snow removal of the parking lot, church sidewalks,
and parsonage driveway for that period of time. (The
pastor will take care of parsonage sidewalk). In
recognition of your effort, time, and fuel you will
receive a $50 gas card at the beginning of your period.
You may be eligible for more in the event of excessive
snow fall during your time. If no snow fall occurs, the
gas card is still yours just for being vigilant. If
interested please contact a member of the council or
Diane. The Congregation thanks you for your
consideration, and looks forward to a mild winter.
St. Paul’s Church Council
Bits & Pieces
Remember, visitors are guests sent by the Lord.
Please make them feel welcome by introducing
yourself and greeting them warmly. Invite them to
come back again and to please sign our Guest Book.
Please check the Bulletin Board for events in
surrounding churches and communities.
For newsletter and Sunday bulletin items,
please contact Diane Kath-Schoenfeld: 590 Holly St.,
Owatonna, MN; phone: 444-9978;
November Newsletter items due October 21st.
For reservation of the church and/or Fellowship
hall at St. Paul’s outside of regular meetings in the
church yearbook for your organization or for personal
use please contact Diane at 4444-9978. There is a $50
charge for personal use of Fellowship Hall.
Keep them in Your Prayers
All who are in nursing or assisted living home;
hospitalized or suffering in any way.
SP: Flower committee for Oct.: Hope
If you have flowers you would like to display
during October you are welcome to do so.
SP: Kitchen cleaning for October: Betty Weber
SP: Hope Women of Mission October Meeting:
Tues., Oct. 7, 6:30 PM
Bible Study: Marge Schwartz; Serving: Sandy Dinse
SP: Fall Bazaar will be held Sat., Nov. 1
at the Community Center in Owatonna.
We are looking for donations of craft or baked goods to
be sold at the bazaar. Sun., Oct. 12th
there will be a “crafting day”, 2 – 5 pm
at church fellowship hall. Come and
help make craft items for the Charity
Bazaar in November. We will have the
material and patterns for you to follow. EASY ITEMS
TO MAKE!! If you have craft ideas to add, contact
Jodie Pollock, 835-7862 or Deb Zeman, 455-1952.
There are sign-up sheets posted for workers at the
bazaar. Money raised will be used toward Thanksgiving
Dinners Project in November to furnish dinners for
those in need and for Transitional Housing.
Thank-you to all the teachers and opening readers
who volunteer their time. We are looking for a teacher
for the 7th, 8th and 9th graders, please contact a member
of Parish Ed if you can help out.
Parish Education Board Members:
Annette Frank, 363-1118; Liz Keck, 456-8802;
Christy Engels, 456-5103; Kristin Wilker, 455-1984
SP: Quilting sessions for October:
Wed., Oct. 1: 8:30 am – 12:30 pm
Tues. Oct. 14: 8:30 am – 12:30 pm
Wed., Oct. 15: 8:30 am – 12:30 pm
Tues. Oct. 28: 8:30 am – 12:30 pm
Wed., Oct. 29: 8:30 am – 12:30 pm
Tues. Nov. 11: 8:30 am – 12:30 pm
Wed., Nov. 12: 8:30 am – 12:30 pm
Saturday mornings to be announced.
Evenings: NEW to So Happy quilters is evening
quilting! All parents of the confirmation students are
invited while their teens are in class. Anyone else
interested is welcome as well. Wednesdays, 6:30 PM
Beginning on October 8th and continues with the
subsequent confirmation class dates.
Any questions, please call Ileen Rieck at 835-3339.
Please come and help for all or part of a session.
Anyone 7th grade and up is welcome to be a part
of Luther League from Zion and St. Paul’s. First
Sunday of the month, we hope to have Soup Sunday
served after worship at St. Paul’s Leaguers and family
are asked to help serve as well as helping prepare the
soup. We have Easter Breakfast after Sunrise service,
Sweetheart Supper and Ice Cream Social through the
year. At this time we are looking for a leader(s). Call
Kent or Kristen Wilker 455-1984 if you have questions
or would like to volunteer to be a leader.
Thank you’s –
Dear Members of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church,
Thank you for awarding me the scholarship to use
towards my education at UWRF! I have grown so
much in my years at church and am looking forward
to what God has planned for me! Take Care!
Blessings, Mitch Dinse
I would like to express my appreciation and thanks
to everyone for the scholarship award that I have
received. The scholarship will be very helpful as I
return to the University of Wisconsin – River Falls this
fall. I am majoring in Ag business with a minor in
International Studies, with plans of graduating in the
spring. Again, thank you for your continued support
and prayers over the years.
God Bless, Michelle Hoffmaster
Dear Members of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church:
thank you for awarding me with a Schroeder Scholarship.
I will be beginning my sophomore year in Steven’s Point
this fall. I am majoring in Fisheries. This past summer I
completed an internship with the Minnesota DNR
working as a watercraft inspector. So I’m on the right
tract to accomplishing my goal.
Thanks Again, Justin Peeters
Important Upcoming dates:
- Confirmation meeting, parents and
students, 7 PM at St. Paul’s
October 5th – 10:30 AM Pastor Patti’s first service
October 7th –
October 8th
6:30 PM – Hope Women of mission
- Confirmation, 6:30 PM at St. Paul’s
October 12th – Pastor Appreciation Sunday
October 12th –
Council Meeting, after worship
October 12th - Bazaar Crafting Day, 2 – 5 PM
October 19th - Installation of Pastor Patti
October 19th -
Potluck after worship 11:30 am
October 22nd - Confirmation, 6:30 PM at St. Paul’s
October 29th - Confirmation, 6:30 PM at St. Paul’s
The day started out damp and I think that discouraged a few
people from coming. But as the time moved on the weather
improved and we had 90 participants. People who did the
bike ride liked it and it will continue next year. Pat Motl
provided music at the finish line. Roger Krause was on his
game for keeping everyone aware of the things they needed
to do before the walk/run. A thank you to all volunteers, if
not for them this event would not be possible. We will have
number available soon for our donation. Thanks again to all
those who participated and especially our volunteers.
Thank you, Ron
MINISTERIAL MUSINGS - October 2014 by Pastor D. Patti Meyer
Here I am, Lord
Is it I, Lord?
“Here I am, Lord……. If you lead me….I will hold your people in my heart……”
A song that is dear to my heart, because I love the tune, but also because I love the words. This song
led us in procession into my Ordination service last month.
And here I am. So now what?
First……let me tell you how honored I am and how blessed I feel to be called to be your Pastor.
And then let’s get to know each other.
I want to get to know you, and once I am settled, I will have some “cottage meetings” so we can get to
know each other, but let’s start with this:
My name is DeAnn Patricia Meyer but I have used my middle name for many years now, so please
call me Pastor Patti.
I grew up in north central/eastern Iowa, but I moved to Arizona 15 years ago when a fitness career took
me to a corporate level, which required a lot of travel. Some would say that I was running from God’s
call for me to go into ministry way back then. (Ask me sometime how effective it was to run from God).
But then, seriously “listening” to God’s voice about going into seminary would mean for me to move back
to Iowa where I grew up, where most of my family still lives. I became intrigued, and maybe that’s why,
this time, I listened more intently to God’s call for me.
I have three sons and 10 grandchildren and now I look forward to including the children of God who
attend St Paul’s and Zion Lutheran Churches into my extended family.
I am so excited to be your Shepherd, I am so excited to be with you in this journey.
And I am extremely excited and honored to lead you into the future of your journey in faith…….to open
the Word of God and explore what that means for us in the world we live in today, to gather in worship,
to pray together, and to live out God’s mission in the world.
It’s an exciting journey we have embarked on and I can’t wait to share more of me with you as you
share more of you with me and we get to know each other better as we walk with Christ.