BREAKFAST H R Age of change. The impact of
BREAKFAST H R Age of change. The impact of
HR BREAKFAST Age of change. The impact of Australia’s ageing workforce. The Rising Median Age of Australia’s Workforce and its Long Term Implications The current median age of today’s worker is 40, however as Australia’s population ages, it is facing a major workforce shift as an increasing number of mature age workers elect to stay in the workforce longer. With the number of individuals aged 60-64 expected to double by 2016, Australia is experiencing a paradigm shift in its workplace culture. Recent legislative changes to the pension age will create a different set of legal obligations for employers, notwithstanding the opportunities and benefits created through an increase in the diversity of our workforce. This impact will drive far reaching changes for employees and our social infrastructure. For employers, the need to manage this transition is increasingly critical. The myriad issues facing employers transcend the usual HR complexities, with implications on how best to harness knowledge and experience and integrate across the generational divide. An aging workforce has much to offer. Experience, intellectual property and the emotional intelligence that comes with age, offers a depth of skill that can only be gained over time. When combined with the youthful dynamism of younger employees, this combination creates a rich pool of knowledge, skills and talent that offers far reaching rewards for both employees and employers. The key is in ensuring that organisations employ the right strategies to engage with, and harness the expertise of their ageing workforce. To ignore this trend raises concerns for the medium and long term human and economic costs that will result from not having the right strategies in place to appropriately manage this powerhouse of knowledge and skill. Join Kate Jenkins, Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commissioner, at VECCI’s HR Breakfast on 22 October to find out how your business can handle an impacts these changes may have now or in the future. Major Sponsor Media Partner WHERE & WHEN Wednesday 22 October 2014 7.00am registrations 7.30am SHARP start 9.00am finish Palladium at Crown Level 1, Crown Towers 8 Whiteman Street Southbank, Melbourne ticketing options VECCI members: Individual $85 Table of ten $770 Non-members: Individual $110 Table of ten $990 register now Phone 03 8662 5333 Online Fax the registration form to 03 8662 5120 HR BREAKFAST VECCI events REGISTRATION FORM ABN 37 650 959 904 Name of person making the registration: Date of registration: Position: Telephone: Email: Fax: Confirmation to Attendee Other - Provide email address: Company Name / Individual Details: Address: Postcode: VECCI Member/Subscriber YES NO Member/Subscriber Number: Where did you hear about our event? Direct advertising Other advertising (email, mail, SMS, phone call) (online, press, radio, TV) Member price $85 Table of ten: $770 Non Member price $110 Table of ten: $990 Word of mouth/referral VECCI Course Directory VECCI website (including management directive) ATTENDEE DETAILS 1. Attendee Name: Position: Telephone: Email: Event title: Event code: 2. Attendee Name: Position: Date: Total $ Date: Total $ All Events prices are inclusive of 10% GST. Total $ Telephone: Email: Event title: Event code: Complete this form then: FAX 03 8662 5120 with credit card details TELEPHONE 03 8662 5333 with Credit Card details or to arrange EFT Payment 8.45am – 5.15pm Mon – Fri. cheque Mail to: VECCI GPO Box 4352 Melbourne VIC 3001 email with credit card details PAYMENT DETAILS VISA CREDIT CARD MASTERCARD DINERS Amex CARD NUMBER EXPIRY DATE / CARD HOLDER NAME SIGNATURE DECLARATION OF PRIVACY VECCI acknowledges and respects privacy of individuals. 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