UNITING CHURCH IN AUSTRALIA HIGH STREET UNITING CHURCH October 26, 2014 ~ Pentecost 20 All You Need is Love MINISTER: Rev Dr Robert Johnson YOUTH MINISTER: Rev Jay Robinson CHILDREN & FAMILY MINISTRY WORKER: Barb Conner SERVICES: 9.00am Traditional Worship 10.40am Contemporary Worship Communion: 1st Sunday of month CHURCH OFFICE: 16-18 High Street, Frankston Tuesday-Friday 9am—1pm Phone: 9783 3400 Email: frankstonuc@gmail.com Web: www.frankstonuniting.org.au/ www.facebook.com/frankstonuc/ FOR OUR PRAYERS October 26th, 2014 We give thanks for the Saints of God who have gone before us, and who even now are cheering us on as share in the mission of God here in Frankston. We praise God for the successful start to the School of Hard Knocks Choir on Wednesday and pray for the resources to continue its ministry. We remember all who are struggling with illness, especially Jock Bowley, Ann Forbes, Audrey and Trevor LaBrooy, Abbie MillsFranklin, and Vicky Leitch. BIRTHDAY greetings to Lauren Sherry and Catherine Annable who both celebrated their 21st birthdays this week!! HELP needed We are looking to improve our ability to assist members who struggle to read the songs on the data projector. We are planning to provide the words in digital format (to enable them to adjust the text font size to their preference) but we need your help. If anyone has an (older) iPad 1 or 2 (or similar) lying around unused, please consider donating it to the church to enable us to proceed with this digital ministry. Please talk to Jay. Twilight Food Fair Nov 21st 2014 @ 5.30pm THE Fete committee has started planning for the November Food Fair. - it is a good time now to start baking Christmas goodies for the food fair: Christmas cakes, Christmas puddings, and of course, making jams & pickles. Remember to include the ingredients list and your initials on the label. - We need helpers to set up and clean up. We also need helpers and relievers on the stalls. There will be volunteer lists in the foyer today. Please add your name to help out for an hour or two and be part of this joyful day. ! TODAY!! Show and tell Presbytery on Show is being held TODAY, October 26, 2.30-5pm at Cornish College. This event is an exciting showcase for Port Phillip East Presbytery church activities along with the Presbytery agencies and other interesting Synod departments. Speak to Jay or Robert if you wish to carpool or need transport. 9.00 am Traditional Service WELCOME WE SING THE INTROIT Seek ye first the Kingdom of God TiS 745 v.1 as the Bible is brought in and the Candle is lit SHARING THE PEACE CALL TO WORSHIP WE SING Our God, our help in ages past TiS 47 SHARING OUR BLESSINGS PRAYER OF PRAISE & CONFESSION ASSURANCE OF FORGIVENESS READING Deuteronomy 34:1-12 WE SING The God of Abraham Praise GOSPEL Matthew 22:34-46 ANTHEM Let there be love SERMON TiS 125 vv1, 2, 3 & 6 All you need is love WE MAKE OUR OFFERING as WE SING Love divine all loves excelling TiS 217 ANNOUNCEMENTS WE REMEMBER THE SAINTS GONE BEFORE US PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE WE SING For All the Saints who’ve shown Your Love WE ARE SENT OUT IN GOD’S NAME SUNG BLESSING A new commandment TiS 699 10.40am Contemporary Service PRE SERVICE SINGING All Glory Totally committed CALL TO WORSHIP WELCOME & LIGHTING THE CANDLE SHARING THE PEACE ANNOUNCEMENTS WE SING I give you my heart READING Matthew 22 34-46 CHILDREN’S ADDRESS WE SING Love the Lord your God (in a round) BIBLE READING Deuteronomy 34:1–12 PRAYER OF CONFESSION WORDS OF AFFIRMATION WE SING SERMON WE SING Just let me say All you need is love Live this Life PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE WE MAKE OUR OFFERING as WE SING BLESSING/SENDING OUT WE SING The Path Jesus lover of my soul ‘With Love to the World’ Bible study guides Please note the latest edition is ready for collection in the foyer. Find the one with your name on it. Spares @ $4.50. Please join us for morning tea in the hall after this morning’s services Regular Weekly Meetings Mondays 9.00am LARDER 4.00pm SHOWBIZ rehearsal Tuesdays 10.30am PWK (Parents with Kids) Thursdays Sunday 26 28 7.45pm COG meeting Thursday 30 10.00am Sammy Stamp 26 October ELDERS: STEWARDS: MORNING TEA: STEWARD: 10.30am NO BIBLE STUDY this week 10.00am Secret Men’s Business 7.30pm CHOIR practice 9.00am Remembrance Day service 10.40am Contemporary Worship 2.30pm Presbytery on Show @ Cornish College ** HST deadline Tuesday Sunday 02 NOVEMBER Wednesdays led by Jay Robinson led by the Youth Community Sunday. Focus: School of Hard Knocks Choir 9.00am Traditional Worship & Communion guest preacher 10.40am Contemporary Worship & Communion Arthur Poole 9.00am Traditional Worship Stanley Zhungu,, Anna Whitehouse, Betty Bowley Jim Devine, Neville Parker, Betty Bowley, Eileen McCarty Enid Churcher, Jess Williams, Ron & Eileen Carolus 10.40am Contemporary service Marg WELCOMER: Beryl MORNING TEA: Marilyn, Valmai 02 November 9.00am Traditional Worship ELDERS: Mac Cleland,, Naomi Briggs, Marg Shilton STEWARDS: Betty Bowley, Eileen McCarty, Barbara Trewartha, Mattie Robertson MORNING TEA: Daryl & Shirley Groves, Vilma & Audrey LaBrooy 10.40am Contemporary service STEWARD: Kate WELCOMER: Mandy W. MORNING TEA: Gill & Santhira All you need is love… Now I don’t know about you, but the song ‘All you need is love’ is what immediately comes to mind when I think about this. Along with that is the scene from the movie Love Actually when at the end of the wedding an orchestra suddenly appears from amongst the congregation and plays this song as the bride and groom walk out. All arranged, in love, by the best man. Our readings this week also speak of love. In the Old Testament we have the story of Moses finally getting to look at the Promised Land, although he was never going to get there himself. The care, patience, anger, frustration, leadership and most importantly love that he gave to the people of Israel was about to come to an end, he had completed his task and it was time to hand over to another. The next chapter of the story of God’s people was about to begin. We are told that God buried Moses, an act of love and respect from the God of love. Our gospel reading is one that is very well known. The Message translation says it just a little bit differently and that’s why I’ve chosen to use that translation today. Jesus moves us from remembering the 10 commandments to just remembering 2. Mind you these 2 sum up all the others, but 2 is easier to remember than 10! So the commandment is to love. To love the Lord your God and to love your neighbour. We are challenged to live these commandments daily, and some days are easier than others. As people gathered for the come and try for the Frankston Choir on Wednesday I glimpsed some of that love. The acceptance and respect shown to all regardless of their ability put that love into action. Imagine what the world could be like if every day everyone lived and showed that love? Probably very different from what we hear and see in the news, or encounter in the street. As followers of Christ this love for God and for our neighbour should make up the core of our thoughts and actions. Jay Robinson 26 October 2014