S o u t h s i d e Today’s Worship


S o u t h s i d e Today’s Worship
Pastor: Robert Parrish
Minister of Music/Education: Ray Blanton
Youth Minister: Joe Cotton
Secretary: Renee Stough
Today’s Worship
Message… Bro. Robert
Invitation… “O The Blood”
Benediction… Mark Brown
Deacon of the Week: 10/26/14 Mark Brown 11/2/14 Gary Davis October 26, 2014
USHERS/GREETERS FOR THE WEEK: 10/26/14 Jay Ragsdale Julian Parker Jimmy Trice Jeff Taylor 11/2/14 Roger Guy Nathan Gartman Breck Long Stephen Fulmer Nursery Schedule
October 26th– AM Babies: Chris & Jenny Armstrong AM Toddlers: Donna Nichols & Mary Ann Dillard PM Babies & Toddlers: No Church Ser‐
vice/Final Decision Drama November SSBC “Where JESUS IS LORD, People are Loved and Life is Experienced!” Pastor’s Blog/Church Website ssbcfayette.org (205) 932‐6804 Office Hours: Monday‐Thursday 8:00‐5:00 2nd– AM Babies: AM Toddlers: PM Babies & Toddlers: No Nursery/ Fall Festival If you are unable to be here for your scheduled time, please swap with someone. Children’s Church
26th– Chris & Kandy Rhodes
2nd-Donald & Wendy Norris
If you are unable to work please
swap with someone or call Kasey
Kennedy at 535-9515.
Children’s Church for 1st-4th
grades meet in Youth Room.
Security Schedule 10/26/14 & 10/29/14 Scott Rushing 11/2/14 & 11/5/14 Chris Jones WELCOME GUESTS
We would like to welcome our first‐time guests to Southside Baptist Church. If you have any questions about our church, we invite you to meet in the Kathleen Colburn Fellowship Hall immediately following the Worship Service. We also have a small gift for you. UPCOMING EVENTS “The Final Decision” Drama…October 26‐29, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. No Wednesday night classes October 29, 2014. Daylight Savings Time ends Saturday, Nov. 1st. Turn clocks back 1 hour. Fall Festival & Trunk or Treat… Sunday, Nov. 2 at 5 p.m. in the SSBC parking lot. Theme: Noah’s Ark. All children are encour‐
aged to dress up as an animal. Everyone is invited. We encourage ALL SS Classes to participate in Trunk or Treat & Chili cook‐off. Sign up sheets are posted on the bulletin board for items needed. Candy Donations are also needed for Fall Festival. Music Ministry
Our Adult Worship Choir, along with our Children & Student Choirs, will be presenting A Southside Family Christmas on Sunday, Dec. 14 at 5:30. If you have not been in choir & need to be (you know who you are), now is the time to get back in choir. Our Student Choir begins today at 4:30. You don’t want to miss it—Free CD’s & Food! We will look at some Christmas music, Worship opportunities with the Adult Choir & plans for Choir Tour 2015! Voices of Mobile… will be at SSBC Tuesday, Dec. 16 at 6:30 p.m. Education
HARVEST MIRACLE DAY at SSBC…Sunday, Nov. 9. Each mem‐
ber bring as many lost, unchurched people as possible. Target either or both services. Bring your best offering (tithe) over & above our regular tithes. Miracle Goal = $25,000. Guest Speaker for AM Service is Chris Wells. For PM Service we will show the movie Heaven. No A.A.W. meeting for November 2014. We will take a road trip for December. Date & Time to be announced later. Operation Christmas Child …start bringing items for shoebox donations now & place them in the designated box. Haiti Mission Trip 2015… June 13‐19, 2015. Approximate cost is $1500. A $300 deposit is due by Dec. 7, 2014. This is for Stu‐
dents & Adults who are interested. Van Fund.. mark contributions on your offering envelope. Youth Ministry
Youth Sunday School Party/ Hayride…Fri., Oct. 31 at 7 p.m. at the home of Marc & Renee Stough 2818 Co. Rd 23, Fayette. For directions call Renee at 442‐1266. Winter Xtreme 2014… December 27‐29, 2014. Total cost is $125 each. All payments due December 1, 2014. Welcome We would like to welcome our newest members to the SSBC Family by Profession of Faith: Matthew Bryan, Shae Slane, Callie Williams & Caylen Williams. Final Decision starts tonight. All those who signed up to help with counseling please be here to help. We will need all Sunday School classes to help with follow up starting next week. Sunday School Teachers...I need a list of your Out‐
reach & Inreach leaders if you have not given them to me. Don’t forget our Fall Festival on Sunday, Nov. 2 at 5:00 p.m. Sunday School Classes please sign up for Trunk or Treat & Chili cook‐off.
Children’s Church workers needed… to help with the Preschool‐Kindergarten class. See Kasey Kennedy or call the church office if you can help. A Note from the Pastor:
This Week I Will…
*Pray for 5 to 10 people I will invite to SSBC Harvest
Miracle Day on November 9th.
*Pray for The Final Decision Oct. 26-29.
*Invite friends to SSBC Fall Festival Nov. 2 at 5 p.m.
Outreach Opportunity.
Bro. Robert
Sunday, October 19
Sunday School: 234 Discipleship Training: 129
This Week at Southside Wednesday WOLA Classes:
Sunday, Oct. 26 Gary Davis 9:45a.m………………...…...…….......….…..Sunday School 11:00a.m.………….……………Morning Worship Service 7:00p.m……………………...….The Final Decision Drama (Classroom 106) Bro. Robert Monday, Oct. 27 (KCFH) 7:00p.m………………….……...The Final Decision Drama Birthdays!
Tuesday, Oct. 28 8:30‐3:00p.m.…………………….………….....CFC reserved 7:00p.m……………….……..….The Final Decision Drama College & Career (Adult 2 Classroom upstairs) Mission Friends (3 yr old classroom) October
25-Sara Owens
26-Donna Cannon, John Smith
27-Bro. Robert Parrish, Mark
Brown, Sylvia Campbell
28-Hallie Richardson, Bella Hubbert, Will Byars
29-Ronnie Howell, Cassie K.
30-Hack Barnes, Evan Savage
1-Camryn Hayes
2-Billy Kizzire
3-Dean Gilliam
6-Michael Rainey, Meagan McIntyre
8-Ben Stough, Brent Rickman,
Will Bliven
9-Mary Sagely
10-Vicky Cotton
11-Tessa Patton, Jane Bagwell
12-Jay Ragsdale, Alex Watkins
13-Nathan Gartman, Callie Williams, Caylen Williams
16-Charles Ross Weatherford,
Sophie Corbett
18-Bonnie Dudley, Justin Cook
19-Sofi Gant, Tyler Allison
20-Dasha Porter
21-Casen Parrish
23-Karson Henegar
24-Russell Bagwell, Danielle
25-Roena Fulmer
27-Kathy Mabury
28-Robert Ragsdale
30-Chris Champion, Caidee Porter
What is the Tithe? 1. Mathematically it is a tenth: (Leviticus 27:30) “The tenth shall be holy unto the Lord.” 2. Scripturally it is the Law: “Thou shalt truly tithe all the increase” (Deuteronomy 14:22; Numbers 31:41) Wednesday, Oct. 29 RA’s meet in the CFC 7:00p.m…………………………The Final Decision Drama Thursday, Oct. 30 8:30‐3:00p.m…………………...……………….CFC reserved GA’s meet in 4th‐5th Grade SS Classroom Youth meet in Youth Room Friday, Oct. 31 7:00p.m…………………………....Youth SS Party/Hayride VAN DRIVER: Tammy Bailey 270‐6622 Saturday, Nov. 1 Daylight Savings Time Ends………...Turn Clocks back 1 Hour Bro. Robert’s Contact Info: Phone: 205‐270‐9741 (Home & Cell Number) Email: parrish724@gmail.com Congratulations!
Jake and Brigette Corbett announce the birth of their son, Jackson Cleon Corbett. J.C. was born Monday, October 20, 2014
weighing 7 lbs 12 oz and 19 in. long.
He was welcomed home by his big sister, Sophie.
Proud Grandparents are Rodney & Sherry Corbett and Michael
& Meshell Tingle
3. Morally it is a debt: (Malachi 3:8) “Yet ye have robbed me, saith the Lord.” 4. Economically it is an investment: (Matthew 6:20) “Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven” (Luke 6:38) “Give and it shall be given unto you…” 5. Spiritually it is a blessing: (Malachi 3:10) “I will open the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it.”
Our Sympathy
Southside Baptist Church would like to express our deepest
sympathy to Mr. Alan Lang & Family during the loss of his
father, Mr. Edward Lang.