CHEMISTRY 101 Fall 2010 Syllabus


CHEMISTRY 101 Fall 2010 Syllabus
Fall 2010
Lectures Meetings
M and W 12:20 pm - 1:10pm
Laboratory Meetings
Section 001
Thursday 1:25 pm – 4:25 pm
Section 002
Thursday 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm
Section 003
Wednesday 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm
119 Osmond
1st floor Whitmore
1st floor Whitmore
1st floor Whitmore
Course Instructor:
Office Hours:
Mary Shoemaker
201 Whitmore Lab
Thurs. 2-4 pm, Fri. 2-4 pm in 110C Whitmore
And by appointment
Course Webpage:
General Remarks
Chemistry 101 is a general introduction to chemistry course that incorporates both
Lectures and Laboratory Experiments in developing an understanding of chemical
concepts and practices. For some students, Chem 101 provides the chemistry
required by their major area of study. For other students, Chem 101 provides
review and preparation for subsequent General Chemistry classes such as Chemistry
110, Chem 111, and Chem 202.
Chem 101 is mainly concerned with the basic skills and conventions for chemistry
and is suitable for students who have not taken any previous chemistry. The
experience of teachers of Chem 101 indicates your mathematical aptitude as the
most important factor for success. The greatest stumbling block is the inability to
go from a word problem through an algebraic expression to a solution. You should
not take Chem 101 unless you have already taken, or are currently taking, a course
in algebra through the concept of logarithms.
The goals of the laboratory are to train you in safe, accurate, and standard
laboratory procedures while giving you direct experience with the chemical
phenomena and principles being taught in the lectures. You will learn how to use
balances, the burner, and volumetric devices, and build the confidence you will need
in future courses. The laboratory and lecture segments of Chemistry 101 are
intimately related, and concepts learned in lecture will be put to the use in the
Because mathematics skills are essential, a brief math quiz will be given in one of
your laboratory sessions. Some sample questions are included in the laboratory
manual. If you have difficulty in solving the sample problems, ask your questions to
your instructor or laboratory TA, or any TA in the Resource room (211 Whitmore.)
Your grade will be determined by a number of lab quizzes, lecture material, three
examinations, laboratory grade, graded homework problems, in-lecture worksheets,
and your final exam grade. The grades will be weighted as follows:
Three examinations
Lecture and lab quizzes
Graded homework
Final exam
12 % each
10 %, will be given at the beginning of lab period
and possibly unannounced in lecture
17 % (best 17 out of approximately 25), these
will be announced in lecture and posted on the
web and turned in at the beginning of each lab
25 %
Final Grade Distribution:
The exact point requirements for each letter grade will be decided at the end of
the course. Based on past years, the grade distribution for this course will be close
There is no assurance that the grade distribution will be the same this semester.
However, you may assume that it will not be greatly different. There is no
predetermined grade distribution for this course; if, at the end of the course
everyone has a final point grade in the A range, then everyone gets an A.
Example: How the Grading System Works:
If a student has the following scores:
Exam 1= 55.0%
Exam 2= 75.0%
Exam 3= 80.0%
Quiz average= 83.5%
Homework average= 75.0%
Final Exam= 75%
Laboratory Grade= 90.0%
Calculation of final course grade is as follows:
(0.550)(12) + (0.750)(12) + (0.800)(12) + (0.835)(10) + (0.750)(17) + (0.750)(12) +
(0.900)(25) = 77.80%
6.60 + 9.00 + 9.60 + 8.35 + 12.75 + 9.00 + 22.50 =77.80%
According to the final grade distribution below, this would be a C or C+.
Each student should keep track of her/his earned grades and use the above
example to calculate the grade at different points throughout the semester. If
you are having trouble with this calculation or want to double check your answer,
see your instructor.
There will be three examinations during the semester and a final examination
during the final exam period. These examinations will follow a multiple-choice
format and will be graded by University Testing Services. The dates for the
examinations are fixed and given in the attached class schedule. The examinations
will be held during your normal lab period. The University will set the final
examination time and place in its final exam schedule.
Make-up examinations will be considered only in special cases if there is just cause.
If you miss an examination for a non-trivial reason (documented illness or death of
a close relative), notify your instructor as soon as possible. After review of the
circumstances, you may be allowed to take one comprehensive make-up exam, during
the thirteenth week of class.
You should bring a nonprogrammable calculator, some #2 pencils, an eraser, and
your student I.D. card to each examination. You may not use the calculator on your
cell phone for exams. Borrowing calculators is not allowed during quizzes and
examinations. A periodic table will be provided with exams as needed. Copies of
exams from earlier years are placed on the class web site and practice on these
exams is highly recommended.
For missing grades, or wrong form results (A/B mix up), see Ms. Lacey Rigg in the
chemistry undergraduate office (210 Whitmore Lab).
READINGS will be posted on the course website for each lecture.
HOMEWORK will be turned in on a regular basis. All of the homework assignments
are included at the back of your lab packet. Typically, at the beginning of each lab,
two homework assignments will be due. The due dates will be announced in lecture
and posted on the website. These assignments are designed to help you keep up
with the lectures and will aid in your understanding of the material. By looking at
the weeks homework assignments before coming to lecture you should be able to
get more out of the lecture. Homework cannot be turned in at a later time.
However, homework may be turned in early. There are approximately 25 home work
assignments but only the best 17 will be counted toward your grade. Therefore, if
you miss turning one in, it will not be detrimental to your grade.
Homework must be turned in BEFORE THE LAB CLASS PERIOD STARTS. There
will be no exceptions. Homework should include your name, name of your TA, the
assignment number and the date. If you have to use more than one page, staple the
pages and label each page.
Please do not use sheets from spiral notebooks unless you remove the ragged edges.
In your answers you must show enough work to clearly demonstrate how you solved
each problem. Many of the home work problems will be used as models for exam
Lecture: Attendance to the lectures will not be monitored. However, there will be
occasional problem sets worked out in small groups during lecture. Thus, you should
attend every lecture. You are also responsible for all course material and
administrative announcements made in class, including problem assignments, syllabus
changes, and exam locations.
Lab: In the event that you must miss a laboratory session with a valid excuse, you
must submit a copy of the Excused Absence and Make-up Lab Request form to your
instructor within one week of missing the lab. The Excused Absence and Make-up
Lab Request form exists in the laboratory manual. Submission of a request does
not guarantee approval. You will receive notification from the instructor as soon as
possible regarding the status of your request. If your request is granted, you will
be able to attend a make-up lab session and complete an alternate homework
assignment. Failure to file a request, or unacceptable requests, will result in a
grade of zero for the missed laboratory session.
If you are able to attend an earlier or later lab during the same week of your
absence, fill out the makeup request form and bring it to the cubicle at the
beginning of the lab period you would like to attend. If there is space in one of the
lab rooms, you will be allowed to do a same week makeup lab.
The laboratory is an essential component of the course. Two or more unexcused
laboratory absences may result in an "incomplete" grade for the course. If you miss
2 or more labs, see your instructor as soon as possible
a) Resource room: The Department operates a Resource Room, 211 Whitmore Lab,
to provide free help to Chemistry students. The operation hours of the resource
room will be announced in class. You are strongly encouraged to use this service as
soon as you discover any need for help.
b) e-mail:. When sending an email to your instructor and/or to your TA you should
do the following to get a response: Identify yourself and include “Chem 101” in the
subject line. Write concise messages and use proper language. If you have a
concern about your grade, talk directly to the instructor.
c) Lecture periods: The lectures are meant to explain the material to you and to
your classmates. It is a time when you should concentrate, listen, and actively
participate in class activities. Turn off your cell phones and sit near the front of
the lecture hall. Lectures will be posted on the course website and on ANGEL.
d) Office Hours: Please see your instructor or your TA during the scheduled
office hours. To arrange an appointment with your instructor and/or TA outside of
normal office hours, send them an email and clearly state your request. Office
hours are intended to help you understand the material, guide you with problem
solving and assist with take home quiz and exam problems.
To succeed in this course, work regularly and approach the course and material with
a positive attitude. If you have difficulties in the course, see you instructor or TA
as soon as possible about these difficulties. Do not fall behind.
ACADEMIC INTEGRITY is an essential component of your education. The following
is quoted from the “PSU Faculty Senate Policies for Students”. “It is the pursuit
of scholarly activity free from fraud and deception and is an educational objective
of this institution. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating,
plagiarizing, fabricating of information or citations, facilitating acts of academic
dishonesty by others, having unauthorized possession of examinations, submitting
work of another person or work previously used without informing the instructor, or
tampering with the academic work of other students.” All University and Eberly
College of Science policies regarding academic integrity/academic dishonesty apply
to this course and the students enrolled in this course. Refer to the following URL
for further details on the academic integrity policies of the Eberly College of
Matters of academic dishonesty will be turned over to the University disciplinary
system and may result in the failing of the course.
Chemistry 101 Laboratory Experiments, Revised Fall 2010, PSU
A suitable scientific calculator (with scientific notation and
log/antilog functions) is essential. Calculators with text-storage
capabilities (such as the TI-81 used in Math 140) will not be
permitted for use on exams and quizzes.
A combination lock or lock with 2 keys for your lab drawer
Safety goggles or glasses
Steven Zumdahl, “Introductory Chemistry: A Foundation” 6th Ed.
2007, PSU bookstore
Course Schedule on Next Page
Fall 2010
Week 1
Mon, Aug 23
Week 2
Mon, Aug 30
Week 3
Mon, Sept 6
Check In, Safety,
Introduction to Bunsen
Burner and Balance
Lecture 4
Density and Properties
Measurements and
Calculations Lab
Safety Quiz
No Class
Wed, Sept 8
Wed, Sept 8
Thurs, Sept 9
Lecture 2
Matter: Organization,
Properties, and Changes
Intro Lab
Bring Lock, Safety Glasses,
Pencil, and Calculator.
Wear Closed-toe Shoes.
Lecture 3
Wed, Sept 1
Wed, Sept 1
Thurs, Sept 2
Lab Topic
Assignment Due
Lecture 1
Welcome/ Introduction
Wed, Aug 25
Wed, Aug 25
Thurs, Aug 26
Lecture #
Topic of Discussion
Homework 1 Due
Lecture 5
Chem. Foundations: Electrons,
Atoms, Ions
Lab 1
Homework 2 & 3 Due
Week 4
Mon, Sept 13
Wed, Sept 15
Wed, Sept 15
Thurs, Sept 16
ID of White Solid
Homework 4 Due
Week 5
Mon, Sept 20
Lecture 8
Modern Atomic Theory
Wed, Sept 22
Wed, Sept 22
Thurs, Sept 23
Lecture 6
Chem. Foundations: Periodic
Lecture 7
Chem. Foundations: Ions
Lab 2 + Math Quiz
Lecture 9
Electron Configurations
Lab 5 + Elements Quiz
Flame Tests/Periodic
Homework 5, 6, 7 & 8 Due
Week 6
Mon, Sept 27
Wed, Sept 29
Wed, Sept 29
Thurs, Sept 30
Lecture 10
Chemical Bonding: Ionic and
Lecture 11
Chemical Bonding and
Exam 1
Week 7
Mon, Oct 4
Lecture 12
Wed, Oct 6
Wed, Oct 6
Thurs, Oct 7
Lecture 13
Chemical Composition: Molar
Lab 6 + Ion Quiz
Investigating the
Properties of
Ionic/Covalent Comps.
Homework 9 & 10 Due
Week 8
Mon, Oct 11
Lecture 14
Chemical Composition: Formulas
Wed, Oct 13
Wed, Oct 13
Thurs, Oct 14
Lecture 15
Chemical Equations
Lab 8
Mole Ratio of Al + CuSO4
Homework 11, 12, & 13
Week 9
Mon, Oct 18
Lecture 16
Reactions in Aqueous Solutions:
Acids and Bases (Part 1)
Wed, Oct 20
Lecture 17
Reactions in Aqueous Solutions:
Acids and Bases (Part 2)
Wed, Oct 20
Thurs, Oct 21
Exam 2
Week 10
Mon, Oct 25
Lecture 18
Classifying Reactions (Part 1)
Wed, Oct 27
Lecture 19
Classifying Reactions (Part 2)
Wed, Oct 27
Thurs, Oct 28
Lab 12
Classifying Chemical
Homework 14, 15 & 16
Week 11
Mon, Nov 1
Lecture 20
Stoichiometry (Part 1)
Wed, Nov 3
Wed, Nov 3
Thurs, Nov 4
Lecture 21
Stoichiometry (Part 2)
Lab 9
Relative Reactivities of
Metals and Net Ionic
Equation Practice
Homework 17 & 18 Due
Week 12
Mon, Nov 8
Wed, Nov 10
Wed, Nov 10
Thurs, Nov 11
Lecture 22
Limiting reactants
Lecture 23
Review for Exam 3
Exam 3
Homework 19 due at end
of Lecture
Late Drop Deadline:
Friday, November 12
Week 13
Mon, Nov 15
Lecture 24
Liquids and Solids
Wed, Nov 17
Wed, Nov 17
Thurs, Nov 18
Lecture 25
Solutions and Molarity – Part 1
Week 15
Mon, Nov 29
Lecture 26
Solutions and Molarity – Part 2
Wed, Dec 1
Lecture 27
Properties of Gases: Pressures,
Temperature, Volume
Week 16
Mon, Dec 6
Solutions Quiz 1st Hour
All Students
MAKE-UP Lab (4) Rest of Period
Only students who missed a lab.
Homework 21 & 22 Due
Thickness of Aluminum
Foil (on website)
Lecture 28
Finish Properties of Gases
Course Review and Final Exam Review
Wed, Dec 8
Wed, Dec 8
Thurs, Dec 9
Week 17
Candy Chromatography
Homework 20 Due
Week 14
Mon, Nov 22 –
Fri, Nov 26
Wed, Dec 1
Thurs, Dec 2
Lab 11
Lab Check Out
Check Out Quiz
Homework 23 & 24 Due
Cumulative and