Renewal SA Bowden Reference Group Nomination Form for Representatives of Organisations/Groups


Renewal SA Bowden Reference Group Nomination Form for Representatives of Organisations/Groups
Renewal SA
Bowden Reference Group
Nomination Form for
Representatives of Organisations/Groups
Note: Nominations must be received by Wednesday 22 October 2014
To: Renewal SA Bowden Reference Group (BRG)
From: (Organisation Name) _____________________________________________________________________________________
Please take time to answer the questions below carefully, as your successful nomination will be based on the information you
provide with this nomination form.
To assist in the assessment of your nomination, it would be appreciated if you could print clearly.
In accordance with the Renewal SA Bowden Reference Group’s Terms of Reference we wish to nominate our representative
named below to represent our organisation for the 2 year term, 1 November 2014 to 31 October 2016. We have also provided
details of a proxy to attend in the event of the representative’s absence.
Representative’s contact details
(Mr/Mrs/Ms): ________________________________________ Surname: ______________________________________________
First Name: __________________________________________ Preferred Name (if different): _____________________________
Mailing Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Residential Address (if different from above): _____________________________________________________________________
Work Phone: __________________________________________ Home Phone: __________________________________________
Mobile: ______________________________________________ E-mail: ________________________________________________
Proxy’s contact details
(Mr/Mrs/Ms): ________________________________________ Surname: ______________________________________________
First Name: __________________________________________ Preferred Name (if different): _____________________________
Mailing Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Residential Address (if different from above): _____________________________________________________________________
Work Phone: __________________________________________ Home Phone: __________________________________________
Mobile: ______________________________________________ E-mail: ________________________________________________
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Renewal SA Bowden Reference Group
Nomination Form for Representatives
of Organisations/Groups
Nature of organisation
Please briefly describe the nature of the organisation and particular interest areas.
Please attach Certificate of Incorporation (if applicable).
The _________________________________________________ (name of organisation)
meets monthly/quarterly/other (please circle)
on __________________________________________________
(e.g. first Thursday of the month)
As at 1 July 2014 we had _______________________________ paid up members.
Keeping your organisation informed
As a Renewal SA Bowden Reference Group (BRG) member for your organisation, please indicate how you would disseminate
information back to your organisation and its members.
Gathering your organisation’s/members’ input
As a Renewal SA Bowden Reference Group (BRG) member for your organisation, please indicate how you would gather input
from your organisation and obtain feedback from members.
I, ___________________________________________________ , agree to represent _____________________________________
on the Renewal SA Bowden Reference Group (BRG) and have read and understood the purpose and scope and role of members
of the BRG as outlined in the Terms of Reference (TOR). I agree to provide my representation in accordance with the BRG
values – openness and honesty; respect and active listening; working together; focus on outcomes, and humour.
Signed ______________________________________________ Date __________________________________________________
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Renewal SA Bowden Reference Group
Nomination Form for Representatives
of Organisations/Groups
I, ___________________________________________________ , agree to be a proxy representative for the
_____________________________________________________ on the Renewal SA Bowden Reference Group (BRG) and have
read and understood the objectives of the BRG as outlined in the Terms of Reference. I agree to provide my representation in
accordance with the Bowden Development Reference Group values – openness and honesty; respect and active listening;
working together; focus on outcomes; and humour.
Signed ______________________________________________ Date __________________________________________________
To be completed by an officer of the organisation
_____________________________________________________ (organisation’s name) wishes to be represented on the Renewal
SA Bowden Reference Group (BRG) and has read and understood the Terms of Reference.
We agree to participate in accordance with the BRG values – openness and honesty; respect and active listening; working
together, focus on outcomes, and humour.
Name _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Signed ______________________________________________ Date __________________________________________________
Please return this nomination form with any attachments to:
Barbara Dickens,
Community Relations Manager, Projects
Renewal SA
GPO Box 698
Ph: 8207 1316
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Renewal SA Bowden Reference Group
Terms of Reference
Purpose and Scope
The key purpose of the Renewal SA Bowden Reference
Group (BRG) is to facilitate the exchange of information,
views and ideas about this significant project between
Renewal SA and representatives from key stakeholders,
including local communities and Council.
In particular, the BRG aims to:
assist in identifying what represented stakeholders
wish to know about project activities;
identify ways to disseminate information and assist
in the dissemination of information about the project;
Individual members will be selected on the basis of: their
interests, local knowledge, other specialist knowledge
relevant to the project, involvement in community
networks and capacity to disseminate information
throughout the local community (within the Study Area).
facilitate community input or involvement in specific
aspects of the project’s delivery – for example
the public domain, including open space and the
ongoing place making program. Renewal SA is
responsible for the delivery of the public domain
(streets and open space), taking the lead with
particular projects within the development, and
tendering out and managing specific projects.
Representatives of organisations/groups will be selected
on their organisation’s involvement in and representation
of the interests of the local community, local knowledge
and capacity to disseminate information throughout
the local (and wider) community and/or to their
membership base.
The BRG is not empowered to make key decisions
regarding project elements and delivery.
Members are selected by a selection panel comprising
Renewal SA and Council on the basis of: their interests,
local knowledge, other specialist knowledge relevant
to the project, involvement in community networks in
the adjacent Bowden, Brompton and Hindmarsh areas,
and capacity to disseminate information throughout
communities in the Study Area, and/or to their
membership base and the wider Bowden, Brompton,
Hindmarsh areas.
The Renewal SA Bowden Reference Group (BRG) aims to
represent the broadest possible range of local community
interests and views. It comprises a maximum of 20
representatives from Council (the City of Charles Sturt),
local community, business and special interest groups.
The two elected members from the City of Charles Sturt
Hindmarsh Ward will be invited onto the BRG.
Up to 10 of the community members will be individual
local residents within the area bounded by Park Terrace/
Adam Street, South Road and Torrens Road, five of those
being from the Bowden development itself. The balance
of BRG members comprises representatives from a broad
variety of organisations (business, special interest,
community groups) in the development and the Bowden,
Brompton and Hindmarsh areas.
As the development takes shape it is envisaged that
subsequent membership will increasingly reflect
new residents and businesses which move into the
development. This may result in either an expansion of
the BRG or the reduction in previous BRG members as
the development evolves. Renewal SA reserves the right
to change the operation of the BRG.
The call for nominations will be advertised in the Weekly
Times Messenger and City Messenger, providing contact
details on where to receive further information and the
printed nomination form. A minimum of 10 working days
will be given for written nominations to be submitted.
The term of appointment for the Bowden Reference Group
is 12 months, after which members may be invited by
Renewal SA to remain in the BRG for a further 12 months.
Renewal SA calls for members every two years, and
may also fill vacated places at any time, in the event of
members resigning or declining to remain members after
the first 12 months.
Membership will be voluntary; no ‘sitting fees’ will be
considered, and members cease to be members if they
resign in writing to Renewal SA.
If a member does not attend three consecutive
meetings, the Facilitator and Renewal SA may then
declare the position vacant. Members may nominate a
Proxy to attend in their place. It will be the member’s
responsibility to brief the proxy and provide them with
the agenda and Notes of Discussion of the previous
meeting in advance of the meeting.
Developers involved in the various stages of the project
will be invited to participate in the BDRG meetings,
when deemed necessary, during the period in which they
are involved.
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Renewal SA Bowden Reference Group
Terms of Reference
The Renewal SA Bowden Reference Group (BRG) will
meet on a minimum of four occasions per annum and a
maximum of 10 (formal/informal). Meetings will be open
only to members of the BRG. The nominated proxies may
attend meetings on behalf of members. The first meeting
of the new membership term will be held in November
The agenda is prepared by Renewal SA and distributed
to members at least 5 working days prior to the meeting.
Agenda items will be added or modified in future as
required. The facilitation of BRG meetings is managed by
Renewal SA. Notes of Discussion of BRG formal meetings
(summarising discussions and key outcomes) will be
maintained by Renewal SA. A copy will be distributed to
all members within 10 working days of the meeting.
take the leading role in keeping the local community
and key interest groups informed about the project;
manage and administer the BRG – with the lead
being taken by the Community Relations Manager,
NOTE – at times Renewal SA and Council may not be in
a position to disclose information to the BRG members on
specific project activities and initiatives.
4.3 Role of Council (The City of Charles Sturt)
The role of Council is:
Role of Members
to be an active participant in meetings;
a key stakeholder, providing input to the delivery
phase and ongoing planning of the project;
taking a direct role in relation to issues related to the
project which are outside the project boundaries and
outside the responsibility of Renewal SA;
to ensure that, within its sphere of influence, the
development proceeds in an orderly and wellplanned manner and that the interests of the broader
community are accommodated wherever feasible;
to present, from time-to-time, on key Council
initiatives/studies/projects/budget/issues in the
areas adjacent to the Bowden site, as they relate to
the project; and
responding to community issues/concerns raised
as they relate to Council’s role and position for
the project.
4.1 Role of Members
The role of each group/community member at the
Renewal SA Bowden Reference Group (BRG) is to:
provide his/her individual/organisational
perspectives on the project, its activities
and initiatives;
share information about current and emerging
community issues relevant to the project’s activities;
not disclose to any external party information that
Council representatives and members of the Renewal
SA project team say in the course of a BRG meeting
is confidential; and
where practicable, assist Renewal SA to keep the
local community and key interest groups informed
about the Bowden project, its progress and initiatives
by disseminating information.
4.2 Role of Renewal SA
The role of Renewal SA is to:
where possible, share information with members
about the Bowden project activities and initiatives;
where necessary, disclose confidential information,
on the understanding that BRG representatives
respect the confidentiality of that information;
consider and provide timely responses – through
Renewal SA – to BRG members about matters raised
and relevant to the Bowden project;
Speaking to the Media
While members of Renewal SA Bowden Reference Group
(BRG) are not prevented from speaking to the media, any
statement must be made clearly in terms of a PERSONAL
VIEW rather than that of the BRG - unless prior approval
to do so has been given by Renewal SA. As a matter of
courtesy, Renewal SA should be advised of any member’s
intention to speak to the media on matters discussed at
the BRG meetings.
The Bowden urban renewal development involves the
planning and delivery of a sustainable, mixed use
development on a 16-hectare site (formerly the Clipsal
industries and Origin Energy gasworks sites) adjacent to
parklands two kilometres north-west of the Adelaide CBD.
The inner-city community will have approx. 2,400 dwellings,
together with cafés, speciality shops, offices and open space
– all within walking distance from the Adelaide Park Lands
and tram, train and bus services.
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