Monday, October 27, 2014 NEW ANNOUNCEMENTS


Monday, October 27, 2014 NEW ANNOUNCEMENTS
Monday, October 27, 2014
Attention Spanish Club: We will be having a “Día de los Muertos Fiesta” after school on Thur., Oct. 30th
in room AA209. We will be making traditional Day of the Dead decorations and masks, creating a shrine for
Selena, and eating quesadillas! Please bring a friend, a pumpkin (if you’d like to paint a calavera), and
$3.00. Spanish Club will continue its Day of the Dead celebrations on Saturday afternoon at Phoenix
Theaters in Bridgeville. We will meet at the theater to see “The Book of Life” featuring the voices of Diego
Luna and Channing Tatum. We will update you with the show time as it becomes available.
Attention Students Who Signed Up to Take the Practice SAT Test: The test will be held this Sat., Nov.
1st. Please report to the HS Commons by 8:15 AM with a calculator and two #2 pencils. Breakfast will be
provided. The ACT practice test will be held Sat., Nov. 15th. Please see Mr. Yerace for a registration form
or with any questions.
Attention All Students: Student Government will be having its next meeting this year on Wed., Oct. 29th,
after school in the high school conference center. We are looking for new members from all grades, so if
you are interested in joining Student Government, please attend the meeting. Student Government holds
meetings every Wednesday after school in the conference center, so even if you cannot attend this
meeting, please try to attend another upcoming meeting. Please see Mr. Yerace, Mrs. Clonan, Mr.
Flannery, or Mr. McArdle for more information.
Attention All Students: The Library will be closed after school today for a meeting.
Attention FBLA Members: There will be a study session for FBLA after school today in Mrs. Perry’s room.
Attention Concern Band Students: All concert band students please report to the Commons for Period
10 today. Starting tomorrow, all concert band students should report to the Band Room.
Attention All Musical Acts Performing in the SF Showcase: There will be a rehearsal after school
tomorrow, Tues., Oct. 28th in the HS Theatre from 2:15 to 4:00 PM. Please see Mr. Fraser or Mr. Mikan
with any questions.
Attention All Students: The National Honors Society has its first meeting this coming Mon., Oct. 27th at
1:58pm in the high school conference center. This meeting is mandatory for all current members; we will be
discussing service project ideas and changes and expectations for the year. Also, you can pay your $25.00
dues at this meeting if you have not already done so. Please see Mrs. Roth, Mrs. Quirk or one of the NHS
officers if you have a prior commitment that prevents you from attending this meeting.
Attention Circle of Friends Members: Circle of Friends will be having a Halloween party Tues., Oct. 28th
from 2:00 to 3:30 PM. Information is posted classroom AB224’s window. Be there or be scared!
Attention All Students: Report cards will be issued on Fri., Oct. 31st at the end of the day in your
homerooms. In order to receive your report card, all student obligations must be paid. Please see the Main
Office Administrative Assistants if you are unsure of your obligations. You must present a receipt to the
Main Office in order to get your report card.
Attention All Students: The Lion Pride t-shirts are in! If you ordered a Lion Pride shirt, go to Mr. McArdle’s
room AB221 to pick up.
Attention All Students: Keystone Literature tutoring with Mrs. Giegerich is rescheduled for this Thurs, Oct.
Attention German Club: It’s pumpkin time! On Thurs., Oct. 30th, there will be a German Club meeting in
AA210 and we will be painting pumpkins. Please sign up in Frau Wiernik’s room, AA210 by this Thursday,
Oct. 23rd if you are planning to attend.
Attention all Students and Faculty: Student Government is sponsoring its annual Halloween Dress Up
day this upcoming Friday, Oct. 31st. Come to school dressed for Trick-or-Treating! Everyone is advised of
the following rules for the day: All policies of the school dress-code must be followed. No one is permitted to
wear any mask or head covering which would completely cover the face or head. Fake blood, guts or other
gore is prohibited. Clothes cannot be too cumbersome or unmanageable during the course of the regular
school day. Clothes cannot be revealing, contain obscenities, or be otherwise inappropriate. Student
Government will award prizes to the best dressed students. We hope you all participate!
If you are dressing up for Halloween on Friday and would like to participate in the Student Government
contest for the best dressed student, please stop by the table outside the commons during your lunch to
sign up and have your picture taken by the Media Team.
Attention Seniors: If you did not get a chance to turn in your cap and gown information at the assembly
yesterday, please be sure to turn in that information and your orders to the Main Office. Thank you!
Attention to Students Interested in Playing on a Winter SF Athletic Team: Official signups will begin
on Oct. 13 and end on Nov. 12. Please sign up at the Athletic Office and see Mrs. Demnyan for the proper
forms for Winter Sports. The Winter Sports are as follows:
Girls Varsity and JV Basketball
Boys Varsity and JV Basketball
Boys and Girls Varsity Swimming and Diving
Varsity Wrestling (Grades 9-12)
Junior High Wrestling (Gr. 9)
Boys and Girls Indoor Winter Track
*Winter Sport Season begins Mon., Nov. 17th
Attention Seniors: An updated list of scholarship opportunities are available in the Guidance Office.
Please stop by if you are interested in scholarships.
Attention All Students: Any student who is interested in pursuing a career in the trades should attend the
Rosedale Technical Open House on Saturday, Nov. 8th, from 9:30 AM-1:00 PM. Register by calling Sean
Barrett at 412-855-9956. The Registration Deadline is November 1st!
Attention all Students: If you are interested in signing up for the Mini-THON in April, please go to Mr.
Flannery’s room to get your signup forms. All money raised from the event will go to support the Four
Diamonds Fund to fight childhood cancer. Last year we had thirty teams and over 250 students participate
and raised over $21,000, and we hope to see you at this year’s event!
Attention All Students: Are you interested in volunteering for the township? See Mrs. Martin in the
Guidance Office for more information. The following opportunities are available: Engineering Aid, Clerical
Assistance, Community Outreach, Information Technology, Accounting Aid, Library Aid, and Public Works.
Volunteer and make a difference in the community!
Attention Seniors: Redford Photography will have your “selected” image online for purchase. The
senior image in the yearbook is free, but if you would like to purchase additional photos, please visit to place your order or call 724-743-5700. If you have any questions regarding the
yearbook/photos, please contact the Yearbook Advisor, Mrs. Nicole Marchinsky at 412-221-4542, x 511 or
via email at
Prom Announcement: Attention all students, the following are some details regarding Prom:
• Prom will be held on Friday, May 22, 2015
Please be aware that times have CHANGED – Promenade will now begin at 4:00 p.m. AND the Prom
will be held from 6:00-11:00 p.m. (we will not have overnight prom anymore)
Prom will be held at the Omni William Penn Hotel downtown in the William Penn Ballroom
Tickets will cost $100 per person and $200 per couple
Students can begin selling Sarris candy immediately to begin earning money off of their tickets!
Students interested in selling candy should see Mrs. Shrewsbury ASAP. The person who sells the
most candy this year wins TWO FREE PROM TICKETS!
South Fayette