ANNOUNCEMENTS THIS WEEK AT CBC Women's Ministry Annual Committee Sign -Up will continue through the end of October. Women of CBC, see how God can use your gifts, time and talents this year. Please consider serving your sisters in Christ at CBC in 2015. There are lots of ways to help that take a very minimal time commitment. Today – 26th 9:40 AM Bible Hour: 2 yrs. – 5th grade meet in classrooms (Welcome Center has a map) Middle School (6th, 7th, 8th grades) – Room 300 – John Strohman, Andrew Boersma, Thad Bauer Senior High (9th – 12th grades) – Room 202 – Kevin Espeland, Dave Becker, & Don McCrea Adults – Room 200 – The Truth Project; Adults – Room 201 – The Book of Galatians Adults – Room 303 – Mark Cahill videos 11:00 AM Financial Peace University – led by Joel Gengler 12:00 PM Soup Luncheon with Newcomers – after 3rd service in FLC gym 2:00 PM Auditions for Kid’s Christmas play 4:15 PM Women’s Bible study – Children of the Day by Beth Moore 5:00 PM Worship Team practice 5:00 PM Worldview – Middle School Ministry 5:00 PM Ignite – Sr. High Ministry Community Bible Theatre!! Let’s get into the act!! Next Sunday, Oct.26th at 2 pm, audition for main roles will be held here at CBC!! All those who audition will be cast. We are also looking for a good group of people who like to sing out. So join us next Sunday, and let’s get into the act!! All school ages. Contact Cory Niles with questions. Mission Impossible Food Sign Up – The following things are needed: 3 large crock pots (roasters) of sloppy joes, hamburger buns, bars, and cookies. There is a sign up on the back table if you’re interested. Please label the items “mission impossible” and bring them to the old kitchen at CBC before 5 pm on Oct 31st. Thank you! Any questions please call Sara Wallace 945-4245. MISSION IMPOSSIBLE will be Friday, Oct. 31st. Middle school students meet at Oahe Marina Picnic Shelter at 6:00 PM for food and fellowship. High school students meet at 8:00 PM. Adults interested in helping, contact Rich Zabel at 222-0653. Dress For The Weather! New Adult Sunday school class to start Nov. 2nd in room 301. You can picture the perfect marriage in your mind, but re-creating it in reality doesn’t come easy. Dr. Gary Chapman reasons that the most sought-after ingredient in any marriage is true oneness. In The Marriage You’ve Always Wanted, he has answers and action steps on topics from expressing your emotions to managing your money, all in a format that will have you and your spouse talking and learning while discovering the sense of knowing and being known that is at the core of every good marriage relationship. Learn what is at the heart of Christian marriage. Monday – 27th 3:30 PM Women’s Bible Study – Jesus the One and Only by Beth Moore Tuesday – 28th 6:00 AM Men’s Bible Study – The book of Romans 9:00 AM MOPS (Mothers Of Pre-Schoolers) 12:10 PM Women’s Bible Study – Stuck by Jennie Allen 12:10 PM Men’s Bible study – Stepping Up; A Call to Courageous Manhood 3:30 PM NO After School Bible Study – Explore the Bible: Hebrews, — Resumes Nov. 11th 7:00 PM Women’s Bible study – Hebrews (Joy of Living Series) Carrel Vallery’s (303 Shimrose Dr.) 29th Wednesday – 6:20 PM AWANA – LIFESAVERS NIGHT! What goes into an Operation Christmas Child shoebox is fun. What comes out can change lives forever. Through the power of Christ, one shoebox gift lovingly packed by a family or an individual and delivered to a child overseas can inspire pastors, multiply congregations, plant new churches and inspire children to share the Gospel with family and friends. Please consider packing your box and praying for the child who will receive it! Pick up your box today and drop it off in the next four weeks. Thursday – 30th 6:00 AM Men’s Bible Study – Multiply by Francis Chan 7:15 AM Sr. High Prayer Breakfast 8:00 AM GMMS/Riggs Moms In Prayer – meet at Gortmakers (1016 Hilltop Dr.) 9:00 AM Women’s Bible Study – Through the Bible Highlights of the Old Testament 7:00 PM Worship Team and Praise Band rehearsal Jason Gray Concert will be in Pierre Sunday Nov. 9th, in Riggs Auditorium at 6:30pm. Get tickets from or Prairie Pages for $12 in advance. Barrie Sargent is seeking volunteers to help set up and tear down, merchandise set up, merchandise sales, security, runners, and ticket sales. There is a volunteer signup list in back. Anyone interested can contact Barrie: 222-9910 (voice or text), Friday – 31st 6:00 AM Men’s Bible Study – Stepping Up–A Call to Courageous Manhood 6:00 PM Halloween Alternative – The Prodigal Son (Superbook New Release) 6:00 PM Mission Impossible – Middles school 8:00 PM Mission Impossible – High School 1st Coffee is available between services in the Family Life Center gym. Join others in fellowship and meet new people. (Please, no coffee in the sanctuary.) CONNECTION CARD PLEASE TEAR OFF AND PLACE IN OFFERING BASKET. Date: October 26, 2014 Name ______________________________ Address ____________________________ City ________________________________ State _______________ Zip ___________ Email ______________________________ Phone _____________________________ Prefer contact by: □ Phone Attend: □ 1st □ Email □ 2nd □ 3rd service □ We/I am a visitor to the Pierre area. □ We/I am new and now attending CBC. □ We/I would like to register or signup for: (List class/event and any important information) ____________________________________ ____________________________________ PLEASE FILL OUT TOP PORTION IF REGISTERING. PRAYER REQUEST □ I would like my request kept confidential. □ I would like the Pastor to contact me. Saturday – 9:20 AM PILC CrossTrainers – Led by Ron Duvall, meet at the old PILC gym 7:00 PM Saturday Night Prayer Meeting in sanctuary Prayer/Praise___________________________ LOOKING AHEAD Nov. 2 DST ends – Fall back, remember to turn your clock back! _____________________________________ _____________________________________ PLEASE TEAR OFF AND PLACE IN OFFERING BASKET A PLACE TO SERVE There are many areas you can serve in the church; here are some ideas where you may be able to exercise your God-given talents. Prayerfully consider where God can use you. Music/Worship: ___ Praise Team or Praise Chorus ___ Musician - I play the___________(instrument) ___ Offertory ___ Prelude ___ Special Music (Vocal or Instrumental) ___ Children’s Music (During Sunday School or other special events) Areas in highest need of your service: ___ Nursery worker (Service? 1st, 2nd, 3rd)) ___ Nursery Cleaning ___ Kitchen Cleaning ___ Sound or Video operator (Circle one) Other areas: ___ Provide a meal for a family in need ___ Provide food for a funeral dinner ___ Sunday School Teacher ___ Sunday School Substitute ___ Awana Listener ___ Other ___________________________ WELCOME WE’RE GLAD YOU’RE HERE and we want to help you get connected and grow in your Christian walk. Please visit our Welcome Center and ask for a brochure detailing various CBC ministries for all ages. A complete listing of our staff, ministries, and Sunday messages can be found at NURSERY: Nursery is provided during all three services: 1st service 8:15 - end of service 1 year - 3 years 2nd service 9:35 - end of service 1 year - 2 years 3rd service 10:55 - end of service 1 year - 3 years Children’s Church for 4 years – 2nd grade is offered 3rd service after offertory. Nursing mothers are invited to use the room at the rear of the sanctuary on the right side. The entrance is found in the Fellowship Hall. WHAT WE BELIEVE ~ That Jesus is the Son of God who became a man to die for the sins of the whole world; He was raised from the dead and ascended back to heaven; He is coming again. (1 Corinthians 15: 1-8) ~ That the Bible is the inspired word of God, and is the only authority for our faith (what we believe) and practice (how we are to live). (2 Timothy 3:16) ~ That every person has worth as a creation of God, but that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23) ~ That forgiveness of sins, the promise of eternal life and an abundant life are available to those who believe that Jesus Christ is Savior and Lord. (John 3:16) ~ That those accepting Christ shall repent of sin, confess faith, and be baptized into Him. (Romans 10:9; Acts 2:38) ~ That the Church exists to provide for the spiritual growth of the people and to see that the Gospel is preached to everyone. (Ephesians 4:1-16) ~ That Jesus Christ will one day return to earth and reign forever as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.(1 Thessalonians 4:13-18) CBC is providing WiFi Internet access to CBC family in order to enrich the teaching of Biblical material during Sunday morning services, Sunday school hour and weekly Bible studies. A CBC Wireless Internet Service Agreement can be found at the Welcome Center in the foyer which provides the Terms of Service and Connection Information for CBC family. CBC provides Assistive Listening Devices. Check out a receiver at the Welcome Center. PLEASE FILL OUT TOP OF OTHER SIDE, THEN TEAR OFF AND PLACE IN OFFERING BASKET Next Week’s Volunteers QUICK REFERENCE CONTACT INFORMATION Office – 224-6730 Dr. Harvey L. Friez Pastor Tim Bresnahan Associate Pastor Jessica Bauer Virginia Brown Children’s Education Director Office Coordinator Kerry Freidel Adult Ed. & Events Director – M, L & E Hopper 2nd – M & D Mayer 3rd Walker – B & R Beck A Schumacher 3rd Toddler – D & T Sargent S Rilling Kevin Hofer Worship Today* Worship Songs Welcome/Announcements Pastor Harvey Friez Scripture Intercessory Prayer Offertory GREETERS Romans 1:14-17 Bob Hofer Priscilla Hofer Children excused for Children's Church 4 yrs. thru 2nd Grade ~ Room 200 (3rd service only) 1st 1st – S Valland, J McCord 2nd – J McCord, J Bush 3rd – J Bush, J Becker October 26, 2014 (Nov. 2nd) USHERS SCRIPTURE & PRAYER Music Director Jenn Oedekoven NURSERY 1st Worship Times 8:20, 9:40, 11:00 AM – R & R Hofeldt, D Johns 2nd – T & L Schuetzle 3rd – R & J Olfert, L Friez VIDEO – SOUND 1st – R Duvall – K Espeland 2nd – M Duvall – C Hanson 3rd – B Wallace – R Hettinger We thank God for your servant heart! WELCOME CENTER Message “Not Ashamed” Pastor Harvey Friez 2nd – A Moran 3rd – C Reiners *Please remain quiet prior to the worship service to allow others to pray & meditate. *Please remain in the sanctuary for the duration of the service to minimize distraction.