Document 6580070


Document 6580070
Cheadle Parish Church
Those who are blessed,
are called to be a blessing!
In Touch
26th October 2014
Last Sunday after Trinity
The Veil
of Tears
Monday 27th October 7.30pm Upper R00m (Moseley Hall)
Veil of Tears is a gripping documentary
about the millions of women who are
persecuted simply for their gender. They
are one of the most disadvantaged,
abused & unreached groups in the world.
Helen White, from our church, who
works for Gospel for Asia, works to help
these women. We will be watching the
film together and then she will share
about her work & her recent trip to India.
If you would like to see a trailer for the
For more information, please see Helen
White or Ellen Wells
light not
Despite the original
link to the Christian
festival of All Hallows
(or All Saints), the
modern version of
Hallowe’en has become
more about scaring people & scrounging
sweets—so come and join in a much
more positive and fun alternative.
It will be for children of primary age,
with games and fun activities, in the
Upper Room on Friday 31st October
from 4.15pm-6.15pm.
To book a place contact the parish office
on: 428 8050
Is this your first time?
Welcome! Make yourself at home.
Need anything? Ask one of our welcome
team who’d love to help.
Stay for a chat! There are refreshments
after the main services, served at the back
Giving? There’s no collection during
services. Please place any gifts in the box
near the main door. Standing order and giftaid forms are available.
Young children? Use our sound-proofed
Tower Room if they get restless, or join in
Sunday clubs at Upper Room
Deaf? An induction loop is available.
Mobiles? Please turn OFF, unless on call
Prayer? There is prayer support after 9.30
& 6.30 services, and during communion, at
the front of the church by the Cheadle Cross.
Pray for Cheadle
Café One
The café will be closed during Stockport schools’
half-term, Tuesday 28th October— Saturday 1st
November inclusive.
This is due to many of our wonderful volunteers
needing to look after their children (or
grandchildren) during this period.
We reopen after the break on Tuesday 4th November.
All the churches of Cheadle
and Gatley have committed
to pray for God’s blessing on
us and our community in Cheadle.
Take a prayer card, join in every day
until 1st Dec. More details: http://
Check it out!
this issue)
⇒ Events happening this
week p.2
⇒ Introducing our next
Curate p.2
⇒ Events and activities
coming soon p.3
⇒ Events and Calendar p.4
How connected are you…?
Rob Munro
Despite the secular hijacking of Halloween
the original festival of All Hallows or All
Saints is celebrating a wonderful but often
forgotten truth. We live in an age that
assumes each individual person is an
independent and isolated unit; but All
Saints Day is the celebration of a Christian
truth that Christians are profoundly and
really interconnected with each other.
him, we are also united with every other
Christian, both those who are alive and
those with the Lord. It isn’t a psychic
thing, as though we know what each other
is thinking; but it is a family thing, we all
belong together and are in communication
with the family head, the Lord Jesus. And
his promise is to work to unite us more
deeply as we grow closer to him.
with and share
with. Homegroups
are a vital part of
fulfilling that Godgiven vision, as are
those other times
when one-to-one
we share with and
support each other.
Our understanding of the work of Jesus
Christ, is that by the Holy Spirit we are
spiritually united with him by faith—that
is to say, he has so identified with us that
he can justly bear our sins, bring us
forgiveness and give us his new life—we
are dependent on him. In Scripture the
simple phrase that sums it up is being “in
Christ”. Yet because we are in union with
There are signs of that realisation of our
connectedness growing—not least the 50
days of prayer—which of course shows
that our unity is not institutional but
personal and prayerful. But it also raises
the question of how connected we are in
practice, even within our church.
Belonging to Christ means belonging
together, having friends who we can pray
So this All Saints,
give some time to
those others Jesus
connects you with,
pray for them,
share with them
and show others
our faith in action!
Yours in Christ, Rob
Page 2
In Touch
Calling all Cheadle Residents
Safeguarding Training
4 November at 7.30pm
If you work with children (anyone under 18)
in our church you need to attend
Safeguarding Training. This will take place
on Tuesday 4 November at 7.30 pm in
the Upper Room. This training is essential
for anyone who did not complete training last year, even if you
have received training through work or summer camps. As a
church we are committed to keeping all our children safe from
harm, promoting their well-being and showing them God’s
love. Contact Fiona Goode 0161 434 0426
Invitation Quiz Night
18 November at 7.30pm
Imperial Restaurant, Cheadle
In a world of uncertainty – ebola, IS, Pistorius – does God really
care? Eddie Scrase-Field will give a short talk to begin to address
this question at our quiz night. Teams should ideally have 6 – 8
members and, if demand exceeds supply, priority will be given to
those inviting their friends to the event. Booking as soon as possible recommended!
Tickets cost £13.00 per person to be purchased in advance by
Sunday 9th November from Trish Wells or Sarah Holmes . A
three course banquet and the quiz by our very own Shell and
Debbie Edmonds is included in the price. Invitations are
available on the way out of church. For more information speak
to Trish on 0161 485 6798 or email her on:
From 9.30am –
This above event is part of the “Our Places” pilot initiative of the
Council to give greater say to local people and organisations,
including churches, to decide local issues. It is open to all. Come
and have your say!
Remembering Anne Chadwick
Bookstall News
There are a selection of Christmas Cards and Diaries now available to buy - these will be available for a limited period only so
early purchase is recommended.
We also have a few copies of the Study Guide covering the current Home group studies in Mark - if you have not yet bought
one get your copy at a reduced price of £1.50 - please add your
name to the separate sales sheet if you buy. Could those who
have IOU's outstanding from previous purchases fulfil them
Many of our congregation will know Anne and Phil Chadwick
who have been part of the church family here for many years.
Anne has suffered ill health over recent years and we received
the sad news last week that she had died.
Rob took her funeral in church on Friday.
Please pray for Phil and the rest of the family.
Next meets on Monday 17th November (please note this is one
week later than the usual pattern of meetings due to Yolanda’s
trip to Israel)
Pray for Yolanda Conniff
Primary Focus
“Shalom from Israel. I am here for three
weeks with a Christian group of 250 people
from 12 countries helping in the vineyards.
Our camp is in Har Braha - The Mount of
Blessing - in the Samaria region, adjacent
to an Orthodox community.
Please pray that The Lord will grant me
health and strength, adjusting to lack of
space and privacy but above all that I may be a good witness to
every one I meet.”
Mark Tomlinson’s latest prayer letter is now available. If you
would like a copy please speak to him or email:
Prayer for Israel
In Touch
Page 3
Chester Cathedral
This Christmas, Chester Cathedral will take visitors on
an exciting journey to the
magical land of Narnia,
transforming spaces within
the magnificent building to bring C.S. Lewis’s classic tale ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’ to
life. 29 November - 6 January 2015
Free admission.
For all those who are seeking to see a biblical voice shaping the CofE’s future
Men’s Group Event
Tatton Brewery Tour
Thursday 13th November at 7pm
A private tour of one of our local breweries. You will learn about
the brewing process, local history and of course get to taste some
of the product. It also includes beer themed, buffet style food to
accompany the beer.
Price is £15 per person and must be paid in full in advance.
Deadline for booking is Sunday November 9th.
Anyone prepared to help by giving people a lift would be greatly
appreciated. If you can help, please let us know at the time of
Please see James Grummitt 07901867213 or Simon Wheatley for
more information.
Befriend an International Student
“Host” is looking for kind, friendly, hospitable people of all ages
whose imaginations are caught by the idea of welcoming an international student at university here, far from his or her own
family, to their home, for a day, a weekend or at Christmas.
You don’t need to live near a university, as students will travel
for the privilege of meeting you, learning about real life in this
country, and sharing their own culture. HOST is a voluntary
activity which makes ambassadors for international goodwill of
us all.
Please see or call Martin Gill 07758 950043.
Ecumenical Advent Service
Sunday 7th December at 4pm
Gatley URC
Everyone is warmly invited to join in this service ecumenical service before heading off to
their own churches for evening worship.
Cheadle Victorian Christmas Market Outreach Six weeks to go!
Book the Date: Saturday 6th December
Please consider what role you can play in this major church outreach to the community. It would be great if
everyone was able to do something. There are lots of roles to be filled, if you haven't already done so please
complete the form at the back of church and return to Neale Hayward Shott.
This week we're highlighting the following:
Strolling Victorians: Role is to sedately promenade the streets of the village, doffing hats, smiling, greeting
the public. Please contact Neale on 07999 814 112
Street Entertainers: If you, or someone you know, has a talent for juggling, diablo, unicycle or other circus
skills, join our team on the High Street. Contact Andy McCormick
DIY: Are you able to clean up and re-paint a set of stepladders ready for display? Contact Julie Fraser 428
Also see the form at the back of church for lots more possibilities.
Page 4
In Touch
For our
partners in
For Church
Cyril Faulkner
For the
Nellie Vaughan died
last week and her
funeral is in church
at home post surgery
Ray & Linda Collier on Thursday. Please
ongoing treatment
pray for her
Lilian Lund
husband, Robert,
Interim Care
and daughter,
Kathleen Pearson
cancer treatment
Daphne Graham
home after hospital
Mary Robertson
in interim care
Andrew Smith
For prayer
ongoing care
Christine Thompson 555 Prayer—every
Sunday 5.55pm in
ongoing care
Church Tower room
Muriel Webb
post surgery
Saturday Prayer—
weekly 9am in Church
For the
housebound Main Church
Prayer—1st Wed 8pm
Stephen Davies
ongoing care
Israel Prayer— 2nd
Sean McCausland
Monday’s 2pm
in nursing care
Prison Prayer— 1st
Hazel Muckells
in long-term care
Monday’s 8pm
Edna Needham
at home
church—Sunday 5th
Jim Seddon
in long-term care
Oct 4pm
Aileen Tompkins
Missionary — 2nd
at home
Tuesday 8pm
Frank Wagstaffe
at home
CHHS Prayer — as
Today is Bible
Sunday - Thank
God for The Bible
that we can learn
more about God's
plan for our lives on
a daily basis. Thank
God for work of
Bible Societies
around the world as
they print and
distribute God's
Dean and Paula
Finnie who have
severed links with
the Tree of Life
church in South
Africa due to
internal problems.
Pray for their future
ministry and thank
God for the
provision of a good
team of local
supporters who will
encourage them as
they await God's
plan for their future.
What’s Happening!
Holy Communion (Eddie Scrase-Field)
All Age Service (Eddie Scrase-Field)
Morning Prayer (Phil Wells)
Prayer Meeting in Tower Room
Evening Service (Mel MacLeod)
27th Oct
Staff prayers/meeting in UR
No Primary Saints due to half-term
No Juice Puppets due to half-term
“The Veil of Tears” in Moseley Hall
28th Oct
Café One closed until Tues 4th Nov
2.00pm Tuesday at Two meet in UR
3.45pm No Dynamos due to half-term
7.45pm Bell Ringing practice in church
26th Oct
Bible Sunday
29th Oct
30th Oct
31st Oct
Homegroups meet in UR
10.00am No Mustard Seed due to half-term
9.30am Bible Study & Bright Start crèche in UR
2.00pm Funeral of Nellie Vaughan in church
10.30am Third Age Keep Fit in UR
4.15pm Light Party in Upper Room
1st Nov
9.00am Prayer Meeting in Tower Room
9.30am “Our Places” Cheadle event in UR
2nd Nov
Fourth Sunday
before Advent
Holy Communion (Eddie Scrase-Field)
Nine-thirty Service (Eddie Scrase-Field)
Morning Prayer (Eddie Scrase-Field)
Prayer Meeting in Tower Room
Communion with Healing (Mike Lowe)
Our continued use of
the 50 Days of
Prayer for our
church and
community - that we
will see God answer “Veil of Tears”
the prayers of his
Light Party
Remembrance Day
Student of the
Tatton Brewery Tour - men’s group
week:Jake Lucas
Send urgent requests to
Quiz Night
or ring the Church Office on 428 8050 to be studying Chemistry
Evangelical Conversations at Platt
forwarded in confidence.
at Imperial College
in London
Victorian Christmas Market
What’s Coming Up!
Collect for Bible Sunday
Blessed Lord, who caused all holy scriptures to be written for our
learning: help us so to hear them, to read, mark, learn and
inwardly digest them that, through patience, and the comfort of
your holy word, we may embrace and for ever hold fast the hope
of everlasting life, which you have given us in our Saviour Jesus
Christ, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy
Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
Monday 27th October
Friday 31st October
Sunday 9th November
Thursday 13th November
Tuesday 18th November
Wednesday 19th Nov
Saturday 6th December
Rob Munro
Associate Minister Eddie Scrase-Field 915 9849
Assistant Minister(3rd age) Mike Lowe 01625 525718
Associate Minister (St.Cuths) Mike
Newman 428-5212
Curate: (Due to start July 2015) Simon Donohoe
Church Office (Penny or Sheila) ,
The Upper Room, 11 Wilmslow Road, Cheadle, SK8 1DW
Today’s Bible Readings
Deut 34:1-12
Phil 4:10-20
Matt 22:34-end
9.30am Service
John 6:25-70
(p214) Ex 16:2-4,9-18
(p1181) John 6:25-70
(p1070) Proverbs 11:15-31
Phone: 0161 428 8050 Fax: 0203 479 5591 or /