During the next 10 minutes you will…


During the next 10 minutes you will…
During the next 10 minutes you will…
 Learn a brief history of school council
 Be introduced to rules and regulations surrounding
school councils
 Be introduced to protocols and procedures regarding
school councils
The Simcoe Path
Board Improvement Plan For Student
Achievement and Well Being (BIPSA-WB)
A brief history….
∗ School councils play a vital role in the education system in Ontario.
∗ They provide a forum through which parents and other members of school
communities can contribute to improving student achievement and school
∗ The Ministry of Education released Ontario Regulation 612/00,which confirms
the advisory role of school councils and clearly states that their purpose is to
improve student achievement and enhance the accountability of the education
system to parents.
∗ This regulation also clarifies the role of school councils and establishes their
right to express their views on any issues that are important to them.
Improvement Commission (EIC) describes the results
of research on parental involvement this way:
∗ Parental involvement is one of the most significant factors
contributing to a child’s success in school.
∗ When parents are involved in their children’s education, the level
of student achievement increases.
∗ Students attend school more regularly, they complete more
homework in a consistent manner, and demonstrate more
positive attitudes towards school.
∗ They are also more likely to complete high school.
Why be on council?
∗ Membership on a school council also benefits the individuals involved.
∗ The personal advantages of becoming a school council member include:
∗ being an important partner in the education system, whose views are
∗ contributing to the shared goal of improving student achievement;
∗ having a vehicle through which to express opinions;
∗ being able to keep informed about what is happening at the school and
the board, and at the provincial level of education.
Characteristics of Effective
School Councils
∗ Effective school councils are those that:
∗ focus on student learning and the best interests of all students;
∗ are actively involved in setting school priorities for improving
student achievement;
∗ promote meaningful parental and community involvement and
actively seek the views of their school communities;
∗ have a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities;
∗ include members who represent the diverse views of their
school communities;
Characteristics of Effective School
Councils (Continued)
∗ keep well informed about school and board policies and
∗ have clear and consistent processes for decision making;
∗ communicate with the community about their activities;
∗ maintain high ethical standards;
∗ have members who have developed mutual trust and respect for
one another.
Roles and Responsibilities
of School Council Members
The Chair/Co-Chairs
Are elected by the council members
Must be a parent or parents who are not employed by the school board.
Communicate with the principal
Are voting members who perform the same duties as other council members,
Work with the principal to prepare school council meeting agendas;
Chair school council meetings;
Ensure that minutes of school council meetings and records of all financial
transactions are recorded and maintained;
Participate in information and training programs;
Ensure that there is regular communication with the school community;
Consult with senior board staff and trustees, when requested;
Participate in establishing by-laws;
Act in accordance with the school and board Code of Conduct and Standards of
Abide by board policies and procedures.
∗ Parent Representatives
∗ Parent Representatives are voting members who:
∗ Participate in school council meetings;
∗ Participate in information and training programs;
∗ Act as a link between the school council and school
∗ Participate in establishing by-laws;
∗ Act in accordance with the school and board Code of
Conduct and Standards of behaviour;
∗ Abide by Board Policies and Procedures.
The community representative(s) is a voting member
contributes to the discussions of the school council;
represents the community’s perspective;
may participate on any committees established
by the school council;
helps build partnerships and links between the
school and the community;
observes the council’s bylaws;
Acts in accordance with the school and board Code of
Conduct and Standards of Behaviour;
∗ Abides by Board Policies and Procedures.

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