Presbyterian Church Roses


Presbyterian Church Roses
of the Roses
Reaching Out with Nurturing Love to All God’s People
“The sheer diversity in the Bible is one of the secrets of its popularity
through the centuries. There is something for all moods and many
different cultures. Its message is not buried in religious jargon
only accessible to either believers or scholars, but reflects
the issues that people struggle with in daily life.”
(John Drane, Practical Theologian, University of Aberdeen)
10:00 a.m. Worship
October 26, 2014
First time here? We are happy to have you visit with us today and hope
that your worship experience is blessed. Please pick up a free visitor bag in
the narthex. All are invited for coffee and fellowship in Bowen Hall after the service.
Children with you? Activity materials for young worshipers
are in the entry way. Child care and Sunday School are provided during
the service. Assistance needed? Feel free to ask. Large print bulletins and
hearing devices are available from the ushers.
*One asterisk signifies the congregation stands if able.
Throughout the service the bold type is spoken by the congregation.
Meditation Thais
by Jules Massenet
WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS (Please sign our registration book.)
MOMENT FOR MISSION: GriefShare Recovery Support Group
Kay Webb
“Brethren, We Have Met to Worship”
Columbian Harmony, 1825
Leader: We gather here today to remember the greatest and first commandment:
People: You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and mind.
Leader: A second commandment is like it:
People: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
All: Let us worship God!
HYMN #2068 (Sing the Faith) “I Love You Lord” (x2)
*CONGREGATIONAL PRAYER (unison) God of all creation, we confess that we are
not ready for your holy realm. You offer us your law of love, but we disobey the
simplest command. You offer us your gospel of grace, but we disregard this greatest
gift. Forgive us, merciful God for you have made us to be nourished in your care.
Show us how to love our neighbors and ourselves, and teach us to delight in your
law, so that we will know the way of gratitude and thanksgiving. Amen.
*WORDS OF AFFIRMATION (responsively)
God is love and love dwells within us.
In Jesus Christ, and through the grace of the Holy Spirit, we are forgiven. Amen
Gloria Patri
Light Divine
by Jakob Ludwig Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy
May God, through the reading of this scripture, give us a spirit of wisdom and
revelation so that we may know the hope to which we are called. Amen
FIRST SCRIPTURE READING: Psalm 90:1-6, 13-17
This is the Word of the Lord!
Thanks be to God!
“South African Gloria”
by William Bradley Roberts
This is the Word of the Lord!
Thanks be to God!
“Love From Africa”
HYMN# #367
“Jesu, Jesu Fill Us With Your Love”
Dr. Rosemary Mbogo
Ghanaian folk melody
PRAYER OF THE PEOPLE (responsively)
Our shepherd satisfies our needs; in faith, let us pray to the Lord. O Lord, our God, we
pray for the church . . . Entrust to us the message of your gospel, so that we may share
your good news through simple kindness and tender words.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
O Lord, our God, we pray for the earth . . . How long, O Lord, will your creation suffer?
Let the work of our hands be a blessing, to the world you have made.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
O Lord, our God, we pray for all nations . . . Lift up leaders who delight in your law, and
people who rejoice in what is right. Let them prosper, like trees bearing good fruit.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
By your wisdom, show us what it means to live according to your justice and mercy, and
to love our neighbors as ourselves.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
O Lord, our God, we pray for loved ones . . . Bless and keep your faithful servants who
have come at last to their life’s end. We pray for our loved ones and for those we did not
know and they died alone.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Loving shepherd, lead and guide us— in green pastures and by still waters, in right paths
and through dark valleys, until we feast with you in glory and dwell in your house
forever; through Jesus Christ our Savior who taught us to pray saying:
*HYMN “God, We See What You Have Given” (tune of: Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing)
God, we see what you have given;
Signs of grace are everywhere!
All around are gifts from heaven —
Gifts enough for all to share.
We are stewards of your bounty,
Called to give as we've received;
And your blessings have been plenty
From the day we first believed.
We are stewards of your welcome
That you showed through Christ the Son.
In his living and his teaching,
Jesus welcomed everyone.
To the outcast and the stranger,
He showed hospitality!
By your Spirit, may we also
Give the welcome we've received.
We are stewards, sent out sharing,
Offering you our very best.
Through our serving and our caring
May we give as we've been blessed.
God of love, may faithful living
Be much more than Sunday talk.
Send us loving, serving, giving;
Help us daily walk your walk!
by F.W. Asper
Dr. Rosemary Mbogo is a Professor currently teaching at Africa International University
Nairobi and the Director for Quality Assurance. She holds a PhD in Education Studies
specializing in leadership and administration from Biola University, Los Angeles,
California. Dr Mbogo co-founded the Tumaini school in Nairobi in the slum of Mathare.
Rosemary and her husband, Stephen (who is the head of African Enterprise
International), have two biological children and 60+ children at the ByGrace Children's
Home in Ngong. There is a great need for sponsors to enable the orphaned children to
attend school. Dr. Mbogo will be speaking at Forum today.
**Join us for a friendly fellowship time in Bowen Hall after the service.
Prayer Requests: Please include in your prayers
Those mourning the loss of a friend or family member
 Please pray for the family of Jack Page. His memorial service will be here on
Saturday, Nov. 8th
 Please pray for the family of Pat Ward who passed away Oct. 1 st.
 Please pray for the family of Frank Metzger who passed away Sept. 21st.
 Please pray for the family of Paul Bowles who passed away on Sept. 13 th.
Those facing health issues
 Please keep Ted Crouch in your prayers as he recovers from surgery.
 Please keep Delores Dewhurst in your prayers.
 Please pray for Judy Bello, friend of Carole Michel and Margie Donaldson, who is
undergoing surgery.
 Please pray for Albert Reil who has severe diabetes and Alan Reil who has
pancreatic cancer. Former stepfather and stepbrother of Don McElroy.
 Requesting prayers for healing and a new kidney for Eric Vornheder, the husband
of Shirley Weber’s granddaughter who lives in Ohio.
 Requesting prayers for David Downard, friend of the Steele family.
 Please pray for Pamela Sage as she deals with health issues
 Please pray for John Baker, Gene Michel’s nephew.
Those serving in our military
Sgt. David A. Dickens, USAF Jason Morse, US Navy Jason Imbimbo,
Coast Guard Lt. Ian Alloway Culver, Lt. Col. David Trowbridge, U.S. Army, Fort Lewis,
WA. David continues to serve in the Army as Chief of Cardiology at Madigan Hospital.
Liturgists: Kay Webb, Emily Reeves
Flowers are given to the glory of God
by MaryAnn Iodence.
Presbyterian Church of the Roses
2500 Patio Court, Santa Rosa, CA 95405
Office hours: 9:00 to 3:00, Tues–Thursday
10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Fridays
Office phone: 707-542-4272
Office fax: 707-542-5109
The Rev. Dr. Cynthia Alloway, Pastor
Barbara McElroy, Director of Music
Althea Wright, Accompanist
Cindy Larson, Business Administrator
Ruth Canniff, Administrative Assistant
Susan Jenkins, Rosebud Preschool Director
Emily Reeves, Director of Youth Activities
For more information visit
Music & Video License numbers:
CCLI#1153510 & CVLI#503696701
TODAY! Dr. Rosemary Mbogo at
Forum, 11 AM. Pastor
Cindy's friend, Rosemary
Mbogo, will be visiting
from Kenya. Dr. Mbogo is
a Professor currently
teaching at Africa International
University Nairobi and the Director for
Quality Assurance. She holds a PhD in
Education Studies specializing in
leadership and administration from
Biola University, California, U.S.A. Dr
Mbogo co-founded the Tumaini school
in Nairobi in the slum of Mathare.
Rosemary and her husband, Stephen,
also started the ByGrace Childrens
Home and School in Ngong. Check out
LkqVzIdPtJM to see a film about
ByGrace Childrens Home.
7:00–8:15 PM “How to
Say What You Mean and
Mean What You Say” by
Ron Bauer, LMFT (in the
Rose Room). (FREE child care)
TIME ENDS - Fall back for 1 more hour
of sleep! New Member Recognition,
Baptism, Elder Installation
NOV. 2, Sunday, 11:15 AM FORUM
Julia and Steve Fenner will tell us about
their exciting trip to South America and
show their photos.
NOV. 4, Tuesday, PCOR is a Polling
Place. Parking lot may be impacted.
NOV. 8, Saturday, 5:30 p.m. The
will be
meeting in
Bowen Hall
for a fun
evening. Meet for appetizers at 5:30
p.m. followed by a Pot Luck Dinner and
then Martha Washington Bridge, also
called Crazy ridge. As usual, the callers
will be calling. For questions see Diane
Osten or Una Skelly.
NOV. 14-15 Friday-Saturday, The
Presbytery of the Redwoods
Presbytery Retreat
1:00 p.m. Friday to 12:00 Noon Saturday
at Westminster Woods, 6510
Bohemian Highway Occidental, CA
95465 (707) 874-2426
fax: (707) 874-9129
NOV. 16th Sunday at 12 p.m. &
Wednesday the 19th at 6:30 p.m.
GriefShare “Surviving the Holidays”
Ushers Needed:
We have vacancies on our ushering roster for the 2nd, 3rd, and 5th Sunday’s.
We also have a great need for substitute ushers, due to illness and out of town
excursions. If you can help usher, please tell Una Skelly after worship or send a message
to and/or to the church office including your
preferred phone and email.
Reminder from the Finance Office: Please fill out your offering envelope if you are
designating funds to go to other areas funds such as Deacons, MHS Breakfast,etc. If
you do not designate how the funds are to be applied, we will post it to the Operating
Fund. Thank you!
Our “Giving Tree” season is approaching us. PLEASE REMEMBER THE
DEACON FUND EACH SUNDAY. If you have forgotten to bring your Deacons
envelope, you can fine one in the pew. Thank you! ~ The Deacons
MHS BREAKFAST PROGRAM could use more help! Contact Chris Rhodes at
484-4189 or email
T-SHIRTS! Get yours today! A donation of $10 is appreciated.
The Boys and Girls Club continue to need assistance with their afternoon snack
time. Please bring to the office healthy snacks such as string cheese, cream
cheese, bagels, peanut butter, jam, jelly, snack bars and fruit.
Noon Hour of Prayer & Encouragement Fridays from noon to 1 pm.
Come with your prayer requests, listen to meditative music, hear reassuring
scriptures and pray silently in the stillness of our beautiful candlelit sanctuary.
We NO longer need paper grocery bags. Thank you 