BZERC Online Tour A Journey Beyond Paper
BZERC Online Tour A Journey Beyond Paper
BZERC Online Tour A Journey Beyond Paper Public and Private (Portal) Pages • Most subscription links available from public page Portal = login required (use your email credentials) Contains: Login information for services (incl. passwords and instruction documents) Links to services only for internal use (not public) i.e. Criterion-on-Demand BZERC Online Catalogue Available from work or home Sign in only required for booking materials and avoiding timeouts for extended use Login = firstname.lastname / Password = employee# Simple and Enhanced searches Contains: Details for physical materials and equipment housed in BZERC Library Links to curriculum related websites Links to eBooks & audiobooks accessible from the divisional FollettShelf Links to Criterion-on-Demand movies Booking materials vs. Bookbag Criterion-on-Demand Only accessible from within 7oaks SD Contains feature films and documentaries in French and English 4 ways to find titles 1. Preselected lists 2. Keyword search 3. Browse full list of titles 4. BZERC catalogue search* • * soon to be enhanced with subject headings • Login = 7oaksMB / Password = books Intended predominantly for K-8 and special needs students English, French, Spanish, Chinese, Russian Fiction, Nonfiction, Graphic novels (fiction & nonfiction) Not downloadable...but you can project for sharing! Tumble Book Library Contents Animated picture books Read alone & Read along novels Graphic novels (fiction and nonfiction) National Geographic videos Puzzles and games (related to books) Follett Shelf • 24/7 access by all Seven Oaks SD employees and students Range of interests from K-Professional but content is predominantly for grades 6-12 Login = firstname.lastname • Password = employee# or student# View = Cover or List Keyword or Filtered search (Narrow by) Read alone or project for sharing (Smartboard compatible) Ability to add reviews (approved by system administrator prior to posting) Follett Shelf Resources • eBooks (currently 350 titles) Read aloud (text-to-speech) and Read alone Picture books to Professional resources Read/Listen online, Check out to computer, and/or Transfer to a device (iPad, iPod, Tablet, Smart Phone*) Predominantly nonfiction grades 6-12 * Some features lost upon transfer Currently 181 fiction titles Single user vs. Unlimited (currently 65 unlimited titles) English and French (currently 109 titles) Multi-language such as Tagalog, Hebrew, Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, Japanese, Indonesian coming soon. We are purchasing all that are available; unfortunately availability is limited to less than 50 titles at this time. Early return available (If the item is transferred to a device, it must be removed from the device (returned to the cloud) prior to early return.) • Audio books (currently 24 titles) • Terms of loan for eBooks and audiobooks is • 14 days / 4 items at a time Follett Shelf Research Tools Highlight or Create Notes Print or Copy & Paste • Print and copy features set by publisher. Usually within copyright guidelines of 10% Highlights and Notes stay in your personalized Notebook tab. • No need to actually open the book again to access your notes! Convenient if the book is later inaccessible (checked out by someone else) World Book Online Timelines [video tour] • • Login (Optimized for iPad) = 7oaks / Password = worldbook • Spanish and French encyclopedias [video tour] • Rich media and excellent editorial content in Spanish or French. • Kids encyclopedia • [video tour] Hundreds of customizable, interactive timelines of important events throughout history. • • Simple navigation, • Easy-to-read articles, • Thousands of illustrations, videos, and comparison tools, • Engaging games and activities. Student encyclopedia • • Thousands of articles, • Extensive multimedia. • (Optimized for iPad) World Book Student Encyclopedia • Key features include: More than 40,000 encyclopedia and reference articles World Book Biography Center, with more than 10,000 biographies Thousands of links selected by World Book editors and expert contributors Rich multimedia Historical features Extensive dictionary and atlas Educator tools and correlations to provincial curriculum from within articles Audios, videos, and animations Student activities video tour (12 min) World Book Advanced Tailored for the needs and skills of students in grades 8 and up Includes a customizable interface, a streamlined design, and personalized homepage content features. Research tools, including dictionary, atlas, and local and country research guides (including Manitoba!), help users compile the data and information Individual accounts within the site offer users the ability to create and save their own content features, including research results from World Book and external sources, timelines, and citations. Yes, students can add their own website links and citations with the My Research feature video tour (10 min) • Video streaming service (K-12) Instant on-demand (24/7) access to over 4,500 full length and 20,000 clip level educational video programs Search, stream and download content that has been correlated to Manitoba curriculum outcomes Individualized accounts allow for playlist customization Account setup instructions on the BZERC portal page Winnipeg Free Press • Up to 25 concurrent users Username = Password = freepress Part of Newspapers in Education service The End