La Carte Purchasing Card Program Southeastern Louisiana University


La Carte Purchasing Card Program Southeastern Louisiana University
La Carte
Purchasing Card Program
Southeastern Louisiana University
 What Is It?
 LaCarte (P-Card) is a university owned
VISA credit card that is used to make small
dollar purchases directly from vendors.
 The individual named on the card is
responsible for making business related
purchases that are in compliance with
university and state policies.
 Carries a corporate liability
La Carte P-Card Program
 Who Issues the Card?
View of La Carte
 LA State sales
tax exempt
 128-4900-001
 Cardholder’s
 Southeastern
La. University
 Prompt payments to vendors
 Less Expensive - Reduces processing
costs and paper flow
 Reduces the number of purchase
requisitions entered into PeopleSoft
 Reduces the number of checks cut by
Accounts Payable
Card Controls
 Monthly Billing Cycle
 Begins on the 6th and ends on the 5th of the
following month.
 Dollar Limits
 If you exceed the dollar limits, your card will be
declined at the POS.
 Merchant Category Codes (MCC)
 Attempts to purchase from restricted & prohibited
MCC’s will cause the transaction to decline at the
La Carte P-Card Program
 How Much Can I Spend?
 LaCarte p-card purchases may not exceed
$1,000 per transaction (including shipping
and handling).
 CAUTION: DO NOT split a transaction.
Purchasing items that exceed the $1,000
limit and separating the payment into two or
more transactions is NOT allowed. Artificially
splitting a purchase is a violation of State
Unauthorized Purchases
Cash Advances, Wire Transfers
Travel Expenses
Alcoholic Beverages
Auto Rentals/Lease
Gifts (Gift Cards, Gift Certificates), Prizes
Cell Phones/Services/Blackberries
Postage Stamps
Authorized Purchases
Office Supplies (Venable Office Supply and Texas Books
Books and Subscriptions
Scientific and Lab Supplies
Institution Memberships
Individual Memberships (require approval form)
Conference Registration
Mail Transportation Services
Office Supply Purchases
All Departments shall obtain their departmental OFFICE
SUPPLY needs through the Campus Bookstore (Texas Book
Company) or Venable Office Supply.
Office Supplies, Non-consumable equipment, and furniture
may be purchased through the Bookstore, using the P-Card
but is limited to a $1,000 maximum expenditure, and must be
competitively bid if total purchase (not per item) is in excess
o f $ 5 ,0 0 0 .
Any exception to purchase office supply items from sources
not outlined above must be approved prior to purchase by
the Director of Purchasing.
Computer Related Purchases
All computer related purchases should be acknowledged
by Donna Methvien in Basic Computing Services.
Examples of computer related items:
- Internal and External Peripherals (any PCI cards,
internal and external hard drives, etc.)
- Software
If you are not sure if an item is computer related, please
contact the Procurement Card Administrator
NOTE- Printers and Computers should be purchased
through Computer Resales, NOT with the P-Card.
Cardholder Responsibilities
 Directly responsible for appropriate card
 Sharing & lending cards is NOT allowed
 Keeps the purchasing card in a safe and
secure location
 Makes allowable and appropriate
 Personal charges are STRICTLY
 Gathers and assembles all supporting
documentation (credit card receipts, cash
register receipts, etc.)
 Receives and inspects orders
Cardholder Responsibilities
 Surrenders the card upon
termination of employment or upon
request by their Next-level
Supervisor, Department Head or PCard Administrator
Procedures: Place the Order
 Purchases in Person
 Purchases by Telephone, Fax
 Purchases via the Web
In all La Carte purchasing
 Verify sufficient funding exists in the specified
budget and expenditure code
 Identify if the purchase is appropriate for a pcard transaction
 Advise vendor that the P Card is state sales tax
exempt BEFORE the transaction begins
 Obtain detailed receipt and retain all documents
 Sign Off on all purchases within two days of
email notification from the WORKS system.
In all La Carte purchasing
 BEFORE you make a p-card purchase,
always ask a vendor if they are a 1099
 1099 reportable vendors are not allowed
on the P- Card
 Guidelines to identify a 1099 reportable:
 Company name is a person’s name
 The word “Service” is in the company
 Company name does not have “INC.”,
“CORP”, or “PC”
Notes About Sales Tax
 Some vendors may require a copy of
the State sales tax exemption
 Request a copy to be faxed to vendor by
e-mailing P-Card Administrator
 If sales tax is charged, it is the
cardholder’s responsibility to request a
credit to the cardholder’s account
Required Documentation
 Cardholders MUST collect itemized
receipts for all P-Card purchases.
 Document/Receipt examples:
Cash Register Tape
Detailed Packing Slip
Copy of Order Form (e.g. subscription)
Registration form
Web receipt or e-mail acknowledgement
from vendor
Receipt Details
 Receipts vary in appearance and type of
information provided but generally
included the following:
 Date of purchase
 Vendor name
 Description of item(s)
 Quantity, unit price, total
 If relevant information is not included on
the receipt, record the missing
information on another sheet
 Handwritten receipts are unacceptable
Procedures: Lost/Missing
 Contact vendor to get a receipt- fastest and
simplest method
 Copies of receipts are acceptable only when
originals are not available
 In the event a receipt cannot be located and a
duplicate receipt cannot be obtained, the
cardholder can fill out a Missing Receipt Form
(Attachment E)
This form should be completed for any LaCarte Purchasing Card transaction that does NOT have documentation
from the merchant. This should be provided to the Purchasing Card Administrator as part of your monthly
reconciliation paperwork.
Cardholder Name/Telephone Number:______________________________________
Department Name:______________________________________________________
Merchant Name:________________________________________________________
Transaction Date (mm/dd/yyyy):___________________________________________
Transaction Amount (Total Cost) $_________________________________________
Description/Quantity/Cost Per Item/Total Cost per Line
(Add an additional sheet if necessary)
I attest the information provided is true and an accurate description of the details of the purchase. I confirm that
every attempt to obtain a duplicate receipt by contacting the vendor has been made, but have been unable to do so and
also hereby certify the following:
* All items purchased on this P-Card transaction were for Southeastern Louisiana University use. No personal
purchases were made.
* The cardholder will not seek reimbursement from Southeastern Louisiana University in any other manner for this
* Original documentation is not in the Cardholder’s possession for the reasons stated above.
* Cardholder acknowledges that repeated lack of documentation could result in revocation of their LaCarte
Purchasing Card.
Cardholder Name: __________________________________________ Date:_______________________________
Signature: _________________________________________________
I have accepted the cardholder’s explanation of the loss and inability to obtain a duplicate receipt; therefore, I am
authorizing payment of the receipt or invoice in light of the circumstances involved.
Next-Level Supervisor Print & Sign: ____________________________________________Date: _______________
Procedures: Lost/Missing
 This form should be included in the monthly
reconciliation paperwork.
 The use of this form should be the exception
and not the rule.
 After the second instance within a fiscal year
(July 1 - June 30), any additional instances will
be considered card misuse and will be subject
to the card misuse procedures set forth in the P
- Card policy.
Additional Documentation:
Additional documentation will be
required for the following purchases:
 Conference registration fees:
 Submit conference registration form and a copy of
the approved authorization (Page 1 and 5 of the
Approved T/A in PeopleSoft). If paid with P-Card,
the conference registration should NOT be listed on
the travel expense account form. Please note that
the registration fee including the amount paid was
with your P-Card if applicable.
Delivery Address
Southeastern Louisiana University
Receiving Station for (your name, street
address, department, building and room
2400 N Oak Street / BLDG M4
Hammond, LA 70402
Procedures: Shipping
 Shipments to a cardholder’s home are
NOT allowed
Procedures: Returns & Credits
 The cardholder is responsible
for contacting a vendor &
arranging a return for credit:
 DO NOT accept cash in lieu of a credit
 Request Return Authorization Number
 Request credit slip/memo
 Credits will appear on future
Procedures: Disputed Items
 Contact the P- Card Administrator if there
are any charges on your statement that
you do not recognize.
 If the disputed amount is credited, you
will see it on a future statement.
Lost or Stolen Cards
 Notify Bank of America immediately by calling:
1-888-449-2273 – anytime
 Zero personal liability
 Replacement Cards are bulk shipped
 Upon termination the card must be returned to
P-Card Administrator.
Other Important Information
 P-Card is to be used for official business
 WILL NOT affect your personal credit
 Violators of policies and procedures will
be disciplined on an individual basis
Other Important Information
 Failure to comply with all P-Card
policies and procedures may result
in the following:
Payroll deduction
Account suspension/deactivation
Permanent loss of the card
Notification to administration, internal audit,
and University police
 Possible employment suspension or
Your Purchasing Card IS
NOT Tied to Your Budget!
It is the responsibility of the budget unit
cardholder to verify sufficient funding
exists in the specified budget and
account code PRIOR to initiating the
Purchasing Card transaction.
Important Dates
 Billing Cycle 6th through the 5th
 All transactions should be signed off in
WORKS within two business days after email
 All documentation is due within 5 business
days of the 6th of the month.
Failure to submit documents in a timely manner
will result in card suspension.
Key Contacts
Scott Morrow
Procurement Card Manager
Fax- 985-549-3810
Bank of America
•Report card lost or
Activating Your Card
 Your card should already be
 If you have any problems using your
card contact P-Card Administrator